AOC is more effective at destroying democrats than Trump…

Just out of curiosity this morning, I switched the channel over to MSNBC for the Joe and MIka Shithshow. They were extremely unhappy with AOC.

You know I love President Donald J. Trump……

But I have to give it up to that little libtarded hot tamale AOC,

She is better than Trump at making libtards look Stupid……

But then again, it’s not like it’s a hard thing to do………….

Kimberley Strassel: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- The secret Republican weapon for 2020

Oh hell yeah, but you KNOW nanny P is already working on that problem.

That's Right....

Nancy bolw-som-me is looking to cut her throat...

Yet we still have libtards defending "aoc"

They don't know whether to shit or bake a cake...

They are funny with their ignorance,

yet dangerous with their stupidity...…...
You know I love President Donald J. Trump……

But I have to give it up to that little libtarded hot tamale AOC,

She is better than Trump at making libtards look Stupid……

But then again, it’s not like it’s a hard thing to do………….

Kimberley Strassel: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- The secret Republican weapon for 2020
And the right’s ridiculous obsession with AOC continues.

And Beto is on deck! Especially after his desire to tear down all walls on the southern border.
True story.
You know I love President Donald J. Trump……

But I have to give it up to that little libtarded hot tamale AOC,

She is better than Trump at making libtards look Stupid……

But then again, it’s not like it’s a hard thing to do………….

Kimberley Strassel: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- The secret Republican weapon for 2020
And the right’s ridiculous obsession with AOC continues.

Have the scars from your lobotomy healed?

You should probably go back to bed and get some rest.
You know I love President Donald J. Trump……

But I have to give it up to that little libtarded hot tamale AOC,

She is better than Trump at making libtards look Stupid……

But then again, it’s not like it’s a hard thing to do………….

Kimberley Strassel: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- The secret Republican weapon for 2020
And the right’s ridiculous obsession with AOC continues.

Have the scars from your lobotomy healed?

You should probably go back to bed and get some rest.

He thinks the Dems are WINNING!
Think we are looking at the last hurrah of the Democrat party for many years, perhaps ever. These next two years are going to be funnier then any Cartoon Network special.
Funnier than voting the unvetted trump and his harem of criminals into presidency? You cant beat that.
absolutely. Since there is only your imagination that any of them are criminals. Unless you can produce verified evidence that no one else seems to have. In that case you need to contact Mueller immediately.

In law it is innocent until proven guilty. But law and order never enters into the crazy left thinking. Kind of like everything else that noramal people think.
I dont need to do jack. His criminal crew is already being rounded up by the authorities. He himself and his businesses and foundation have been embroiled in illegal activity for decades. Theres rarely a conviction though because he dissolves, settles, or ties it up in court. The biggest crime though is not one of law but one of constant lies and obfustication to the american people.

"No Russian connection what so ever"

Yet they did a ton of business with Russia and were even trying to secure a trump tower Moscow while he was lieing about it. His family is financially tied to Russia, period. You love that dont you?
So basically you are saying you have you have nothing but are mentally upset enough that you have already found him guilty without even a trial. Let me be the first to congratulate you on not caring about our legal system. I would suggest you seek help from a mental professional.
In AOC's ignorant socialist mind that "tax incentive" is the same as tax revenue.

You can't fix that kind of stupid.
You know I love President Donald J. Trump……

But I have to give it up to that little libtarded hot tamale AOC,

She is better than Trump at making libtards look Stupid……

But then again, it’s not like it’s a hard thing to do………….

Kimberley Strassel: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- The secret Republican weapon for 2020
And the right’s ridiculous obsession with AOC continues.

She's fun to mock....sorta like we do you
Your hysterical hatred towards AOC and Pelosi helped create the Democratic sweep in 2018.

Thus, we thank you losers for screaming at her even louder, as that will bring the Democrats even more votes.

Seriously, you need to get out of your retard bubble. People outside of your cult like her ideas, and they also dislike hysterical bedwetters.
2016 all over again, Trump really "has no path to the White House" this time
I have a friend that ran a senators office on Capitol Hill and has been in DC politics for a long time. He told me when the Democrats won the house that Pelosi and Schumer will have a hard time reeling in this ultra left that have been voted into the party. He said Pelosi isnt dumb nor that lefty crazy, shes going to have her hands full
I have a friend that ran a senators office on Capitol Hill and has been in DC politics for a long time. He told me when the Democrats won the house that Pelosi and Schumer will have a hard time reeling in this ultra left that have been voted into the party. He said Pelosi isnt dumb nor that lefty crazy, shes going to have her hands full
While Pelosi isn’t as crazy as AOC, she’s still just as stupid.
You know I love President Donald J. Trump……

But I have to give it up to that little libtarded hot tamale AOC,

She is better than Trump at making libtards look Stupid……

But then again, it’s not like it’s a hard thing to do………….

Kimberley Strassel: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- The secret Republican weapon for 2020
And the right’s ridiculous obsession with AOC continues.

She's fun to mock....sorta like we do you

You can't reason with a Tard...…

I find it very therapeutic to just fluck with them….

I should feel guilty…

It’s like Albert Einstein against Forrest Gump….
AOC took out Cuomo its hilarious. She's a wrecking ball running amok in the Dem party, good times :auiqs.jpg:

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