AOC says the quiet part out loud, The cure to illegal immigration is to make them all legal.

How many times can I say it? This is all designed to form a larger nation combining Canada, the United States and Mexico. The North American Union is the name that was promoted some years ago. Supposedly there will be at least several super states on the planet answerable to the globalist leadership. For this to happen the United States must go down. And we slowly are.
Since when does AOC speak for the majority of Dems? Spoiler alert, she does not.
She doesn't have to. She's in the House and has a vote. If the rest of the democrats disagree with her, they should step in and shut her up.
She is wrong.

The cure for Illegal immigration is to seal the border like Trump did as President.

Of course the second day in office that shit-for-brains Potatohead clown undid everything that Trump did and now look at the mess we have.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is an idiot.
All these millions and millions of illegals come over here and what do they think? That suddenly they will all magically become model American citizens if they are made citizens?
Again today a report of an unvetted Biden illegal who got drunk as fuck, ignored our laws, drove drunk and killed an American mother and child. This Biden illegal had been deported 4 times. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, ADD MACHINE GUN TOWERS.
Again today a report of an unvetted Biden illegal who got drunk as fuck, ignored our laws, drove drunk and killed an American mother and child. This Biden illegal had been deported 4 times. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL, ADD MACHINE GUN TOWERS.

TDS cult fucks are so far gone that if it was their family, they would blame Trump.
You guys might wanna tell her to shut the fuck up, then.

Who is your spokesperson? Biden? KJP? GAVIN? KAMALA? SCHUMER?

Should we not discuss what is said by Democrats?

Are you saying you want a secure border?

Help me understand your point.
Should I assume that Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Greene speak for the GOP? Is Trump your spokesman or is it Chris Christie?

Dems are no more unified than the GOP, no one speaks for everyone.
Should I assume that Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Greene speak for the GOP? Is Trump your spokesman or is it Chris Christie?

Dems are no more unified than the GOP, no one speaks for everyone.

She doesn’t speak for all Dems is a lame argument and is essentially punting on the issue.

So you do want want illegals to get documented. You want them deported? Awesome.
I said a long time ago the USA should just annex Mexico. Now you dont need to cross the border, you are all Americans.

We attack the Cartels with the military, stamp down the entire drug trade, and tax the fuck out of them.

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho!


America became multiracialist more than 60 years ago... so everybody in Mexico who wanted to live in the US is already there.

The country is now just a corridor for foreigners who can't enter the US as tourists and overstay their visas.
She doesn't have to. She's in the House and has a vote. If the rest of the democrats disagree with her, they should step in and shut her up.
She doesn't have the right to represent her district as she sees fit? If the rest of the democrats disagree with her, they should vote against her. And they do.

Ironic that a GOP Representative was censured for a violent video depicting AOC being murdered. Oddly, only 2 GOP Congressmen stepped in to shut him up.
Walls don't keep people out. Just ask the Israelis.
Time to Take the Law Back Into Our Own Hands

Guns keep out invaders. The Israeli victims had been disarmed, just like us.

Gunowners are huffy-puffy blowhards. Just as they expect their rights to be protected by a deceptive and easily twisted government document, they expect the country to be defended by the same kind of government, an elitist sheltered oligarchic clique empowered by the ruling class's Constitution.

Where are the Wolverines? The manly ones, not those sissyboy college jocks.
We did that during the Reagan administration and Democrats reneged on their promises and what they passed in Congress.
Nyever again.

Between a Stone Age and a Hard Place

The amnestees and their millions of descendants are why the Democrats most always win the Popular Vote. Reagan was too fixated on Communism to do anything about either the Twentieth Century jihad or our Third World eternal enemies.
She doesn’t speak for all Dems is a lame argument and is essentially punting on the issue.
She doesn't speak for me. Is that better?

So you do want want illegals to get documented. You want them deported? Awesome.
Do I want some path to citizenship for the undocumented? Certainly for dreamers and people who have been here for decades and have no criminal record, pay taxes, and support themselves and their families. The situation is currently in chaos and that helps no one. Of course I don't speak for Dems either, only me.

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