AOC: We Only Have 10 Years for the Green New Deal Before Worldwide Cataclysmic Climate Disaster


Ocasio-Cortez on Millennials: ‘We’re Like the World Is Going to End in 12 Years if We Don’t Address Climate Change’

President Obama ‘has four years to save Earth.’

—The London Guardian, January 17, 2009.

Warming expert: Only decade left to act in time.

—NBC News, September 14, 2006.

U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked:

A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.

Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of “eco- refugees,” threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.

He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

—AP, June 29, 1989.

Actually, it's too late.

Too late for what? Lol. The grand solar minimum, increased movement in magnetic poles and magnetospheres, perturbation of all planets, atmospheric changes in our planets, increased volcanism and earthquakes NEVER had anything to do with man. To think we did cause this is the height of arrogance. This is much greater than climate change.
Oh come on. Do you really think it’s a coincidence the magnetic pole is heading towards RUSSIA?

Oh you're right. Putin is screwing with our poles.
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I see 12 years.....12 years before Prophet Al Gore's Vision comes true...... floods, famine, devastation...


Freshman New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) in an interview late Monday said she gives "zero" f---s about criticism she’s received from members of her own party.

“Now, congresswoman, for you and other freshmen members of Congress, you're getting a fair amount of pushback from even members of your own party saying ‘wait your turn, go slow, don't ask for so much so fast right now, you're new, wait your turn for everything and don't make waves,'" late-night host Stephen Colbert said to the rising progressive star on CBS's "The Late Show."

“I want to ask this question in a respectful manner, knowing also that you're from Queens, so you will understand this question,” he continued.

“And the BX,” Ocasio-Cortez, who is also from the Bronx, laughingly injected.

“On a scale from zero to some, how many f---s do you give?”

After taking a moment to deliberate, Ocasio-Cortez reached into her side and pulled out her hand to make a circle, saying: “I think it’s zero.”

“That’s my thought!” Colbert exclaimed.

When pressed further about her response to lawmakers who say her actions show a “divided front” for the Democratic Party, Ocasio-Cortez responded: “It’s how we choose to interpret items and how we choose to interpret events and things like activism and advocacy.”

“If you think activism is inherently divisive — I mean, today is Martin Luther King Day,” she continued. “People called Martin Luther King divisive in his time. We forget he was wildly unpopular when advocating for the Civil Rights Act. I think that what we really need to realize is that social movements are the moral compass and should be the moral compass for our politics.”

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Jeeze, most of the predictions of cataclysmic proportions are not for several decades into the future. The climate tipping point is much like peak oil. A moving target. But remember politicians are not scientist and scientist are not looking for your vote.
How many times have we had 10 years left?

In 1988, Ted Danson gave us 10 years. In 2006, Al Gore gave us 10 years. I guess we got a reprieve but now it's back to "10 years left". How long will the idiots out there keep buying this shit?
Jeeze, most of the predictions of cataclysmic proportions are not for several decades into the future. The climate tipping point is much like peak oil. A moving target. But remember politicians are not scientist and scientist are not looking for your vote.
Nice of you to move the goal posts again, like Obummer did all the time. Come on man, when you side says something, you should all be united behind the twit who said it. Isnt that supposed to be the new Democrat party?
Jeeze, most of the predictions of cataclysmic proportions are not for several decades into the future. The climate tipping point is much like peak oil. A moving target. But remember politicians are not scientist and scientist are not looking for your vote.
Gore declared the Polar Ice caps would be melted by now, the world's coastline cities under water by now. AOC now says we all have 12 years.

Moving the 'Fear-Mongering Goal Posts' is critical for Democrats continuously tryig to scare the hell out of ignorant rubes 'educated' in their Public School systems......
How many times have we had 10 years left?

In 1988, Ted Danson gave us 10 years. In 2006, Al Gore gave us 10 years. I guess we got a reprieve but now it's back to "10 years left". How long will the idiots out there keep buying this shit?
Just look what is coming out of public education. Until the United States stops the indoctrination stations, we will continue to see stupid people being mass produced...
How many times have we had 10 years left?

In 1988, Ted Danson gave us 10 years. In 2006, Al Gore gave us 10 years. I guess we got a reprieve but now it's back to "10 years left". How long will the idiots out there keep buying this shit?
It's going to keep recycling as long as there are indoctrinated gullible kids. That's all the left needs.
Jeeze, most of the predictions of cataclysmic proportions are not for several decades into the future. The climate tipping point is much like peak oil. A moving target. But remember politicians are not scientist and scientist are not looking for your vote.
Gore declared the Polar Ice caps would be melted by now, the world's coastline cities under water by now. AOC now says we all have 12 years.

Moving the 'Fear-Mongering Goal Posts' is critical for Democrats continuously tryig to scare the hell out of ignorant rubes 'educated' in their Public School systems......

No he didn't. You still can't prove those lies with quotes can you? Yes Gore is a fear mongering politician who knows how to manipulate his words by citing the worst case scenarios of various studies, and qualifying his statements about them. Like all politicians learn to do. Doesn't change the scientists predictions, but it does sway votes.
Jeeze, most of the predictions of cataclysmic proportions are not for several decades into the future. The climate tipping point is much like peak oil. A moving target. But remember politicians are not scientist and scientist are not looking for your vote.
Nice of you to move the goal posts again, like Obummer did all the time. Come on man, when you side says something, you should all be united behind the twit who said it. Isnt that supposed to be the new Democrat party?

Does that mean you're coming for my old liberal card?
No he didn't. You still can't prove those lies with quotes can you?

Al Gore's movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' says sea levels could rise up to 20 feet. Is this true? | Scienceline

"Some of the most memorable images from Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, are the graphics that show how rising ocean levels will dramatically alter our planet’s coastlines. As Greenland’s ice sheets collapse, Gore predicts that our shores will be flooded and sea-bordering cities will sink beneath the water leaving millions of people homeless. His narration tells the audience that, due to global warming, melting ice could release enough water to cause at 20-foot rise in sea level “in the near future.”

"In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse."

Al Gore's Doomsday Clock Expires & Climate Change Fanatics Are Wrong Again | National Review

For snowflakes who have trouble with math, 10 years + 2006 = 2016.

The only 'apocalypse' the world faced in 2016 was Hillary Clinton being protected from indictment / prison, rigging primaries, cheating in debates, & stealing Sanders' nomination...and even then 'apocalypse' was avoided when Hillary failed to win a rigged election!

No he didn't. You still can't prove those lies with quotes can you?

Al Gore's movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' says sea levels could rise up to 20 feet. Is this true? | Scienceline

"Some of the most memorable images from Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, are the graphics that show how rising ocean levels will dramatically alter our planet’s coastlines. As Greenland’s ice sheets collapse, Gore predicts that our shores will be flooded and sea-bordering cities will sink beneath the water leaving millions of people homeless. His narration tells the audience that, due to global warming, melting ice could release enough water to cause at 20-foot rise in sea level “in the near future.”

"In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse."

Al Gore's Doomsday Clock Expires & Climate Change Fanatics Are Wrong Again | National Review

For snowflakes who have trouble with math, 10 years + 2006 = 2016.

The only 'apocalypse' the world faced in 2016 was Hillary Clinton being protected from indictment / prison, rigging primaries, cheating in debates, & stealing Sanders' nomination...and even then 'apocalypse' was avoided when Hillary failed to win a rigged election!


Do you understand the difference between would and could?
How many times have we had 10 years left?

In 1988, Ted Danson gave us 10 years. In 2006, Al Gore gave us 10 years. I guess we got a reprieve but now it's back to "10 years left". How long will the idiots out there keep buying this shit?
It's going to keep recycling as long as there are indoctrinated gullible kids. That's all the left needs.
Keep 'em ignorant and uneducated. Sound familiar? It worked on another demographic.
Jeeze, most of the predictions of cataclysmic proportions are not for several decades into the future. The climate tipping point is much like peak oil. A moving target. But remember politicians are not scientist and scientist are not looking for your vote.
Gore declared the Polar Ice caps would be melted by now, the world's coastline cities under water by now. AOC now says we all have 12 years.

Moving the 'Fear-Mongering Goal Posts' is critical for Democrats continuously tryig to scare the hell out of ignorant rubes 'educated' in their Public School systems......

No he didn't. You still can't prove those lies with quotes can you? Yes Gore is a fear mongering politician who knows how to manipulate his words by citing the worst case scenarios of various studies, and qualifying his statements about them. Like all politicians learn to do. Doesn't change the scientists predictions, but it does sway votes.
He made a fucking movie about it. Didnt you get the memo?

8 Highly Inconvenient Facts for Al Gore 10 Years After His Infamous Movie
Jeeze, most of the predictions of cataclysmic proportions are not for several decades into the future. The climate tipping point is much like peak oil. A moving target. But remember politicians are not scientist and scientist are not looking for your vote.
Gore declared the Polar Ice caps would be melted by now, the world's coastline cities under water by now. AOC now says we all have 12 years.

Moving the 'Fear-Mongering Goal Posts' is critical for Democrats continuously tryig to scare the hell out of ignorant rubes 'educated' in their Public School systems......

No he didn't. You still can't prove those lies with quotes can you? Yes Gore is a fear mongering politician who knows how to manipulate his words by citing the worst case scenarios of various studies, and qualifying his statements about them. Like all politicians learn to do. Doesn't change the scientists predictions, but it does sway votes.
He made a fucking movie about it. Didnt you get the memo?

8 Highly Inconvenient Facts for Al Gore 10 Years After His Infamous Movie

The Blaze is dumber than dirt. Just look at #1. Sea levels would rise over 20 feet if the Greenland Ice sheet melts. So when he said it could he was not wrong. That it could happen tomorrow? Not so much. Next century? Um, maybe!

If Antarctica were to melt the oceans would rise about 200 feet. If is the key. But your look at centuries before that could happen.
The Blaze is dumber than dirt. Just look at #1. Sea levels would rise over 20 feet if the Greenland Ice sheet melts. So when he said it could he was not wrong. That it could happen tomorrow? Not so much. Next century? Um, maybe! If Antarctica were to melt the oceans would rise about 200 feet. If is the key. But your look at centuries before that could happen.
The BLAZE is? Gore and his 'scientists' said (in 2006) this would all happen by 2016. AOC is now saying we have only 12 more years to survive. :p

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