AOC’s vision for a ‘Just Society’ is a socialist, read it for yourself, my friends!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
A Just Society

Its goal is to “build a just society to protect our communities and uplift our neighbors” and do so by “combating the greatest threats to our country, our democracy, and our planet: economic inequality and climate change.”

The very basis of her anti-poverty plan is absurd. The first bill in Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal, the Recognizing Real Poverty Act, would instruct the federal government to reevaluate the official poverty line to include geographical variations and “needs," such as internet access. she has said she thinks the poverty line should be as high as $38K in annual salary. This would triple poverty overnight, classifying many working-class, self-sufficient Americans as if they were in dire need of government intervention.

Besides, the poverty line doesn’t even indicate whether or not someone is actually living in poverty because it doesn’t count government benefits. So Ocasio-Cortez is saying that someone earning nearly $40,000 before any government benefits should be classified as “poor,” and, likely in her mind, thus entitled to even more handouts.

The Mercy in Re-entry Act would entitle felons and others with criminal convictions to full eligibility for welfare programs and government benefits. Basically, felons could get public housing, food stamps, and so on. Similarly, The Embrace Act would extend full eligibility for welfare to illegal immigrants. According to Fox Business, this would include Medicaid, unemployment benefits, welfare, and food stamps.

Next, she moves to punish businesses who don’t comply with her socialist vision for society. Her final bill would instruct the Department of Labor to prioritize the awarding of federal contracts to companies that have paid maternity leave, a $15 minimum wage, and so on. Apparently, asserting government control over private business practices is more important than, say, being a responsible steward of taxpayer money and awarding contracts to the most efficient, least expensive bidder.

the most radical part of the Just Society package is the resolution it includes. Ocasio-Cortez’s plan would have the United States sign on to an international accord that states all people “have the right to work, fair and just conditions of work, social security, an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, clothing, housing, and healthcare.”

While that might sound nice in the abstract, it’s a vision of positive rights — the right to something rather than freedom from — that inevitably involves massive amounts of socialism.
She's another dingbat who just loves spending other people money.

Her bullshit works great till she runs out of other peoples money.

What a dingbat.

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