Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

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For someone whose prominence is based solely on rejecting political correctness, he sure does seem to lie political correctness. "There's nothing ore offensive than that!!!!"(in his kermit the frog voice). Lol Typical duplicitous cracker.
Rejecting racism isn’t “political correctness” it’s just being morally correct. “Political correctness” is an conformity to authoritarian dogma.

“The phrase politically correct first appeared in the 1930s, when it was used to describe dogmatic adherence to ideology in totalitarian regimes), such as Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Early usage of the term politically correct by leftists in the 1970s and 1980s was as self-critical satire usage was ironic, rather than a name for a serious political movement. It was considered an in-joke among leftists used to satirise those who were too rigid in their adherence to political orthodoxy. The modern pejorative usage of the term emerged from conservative criticism of the New Left in the late 20th century, with many describing it as a form of censorship “
Political correctness - Wikipedia
Rejecting racism isn’t “political correctness” it’s just being morally correct. “Political correctness” is an conformity to authoritarian dogma.

“The phrase politically correct first appeared in the 1930s, when it was used to describe dogmatic adherence to ideology in totalitarian regimes), such as Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Early usage of the term politically correct by leftists in the 1970s and 1980s was as self-critical satire usage was ironic, rather than a name for a serious political movement. It was considered an in-joke among leftists used to satirise those who were too rigid in their adherence to political orthodoxy. The modern pejorative usage of the term emerged from conservative criticism of the New Left in the late 20th century, with many describing it as a form of censorship “
Political correctness - Wikipedia
Facts can't be racist.
You're conflating two different issues. Them making more=/=no racism. If you were to tie one arm behind Mike Tyson and engage in a boxing match against an amateur, even when he still wins, It didn't mean that he wasn't put at a disadvantage and discriminated against. Asians make more in spite of racism, not because of its nonexistence. Asians are Cherry picked immigrants, filling STEM slots that would otherwise not be able to be filled by relying solely o the American labor market. Same with how corporations let spics-your people-into this country illegally, to work the melon fields. It isn't out of the pits of their hearts, or because they love Mexicans. IT JUST BUSINESS.
No it’s you conflating equity and equality. When you see an inequity that’s your “racism”. But when there is no equity, that’s “despite racism”. It’s always “racism” despite you not showing how either of those outcomes had anything tondo with racism.
What facts? You haven’t shown how racism is responsible for anything that you claiming is.

You have opinion and that’s all you are going to be able to provide.
Don't need any. White privilege is a basic observation of reality, and the past 500 years. It's as if you told I have to prove that the sky is blue. lol No, you prove that it somehow stopped being blue. I'm allowed to reject this white racist, "Critical Post Racialism Theory" garbage, and acknowledge that the emperor is, in fact, wearing no clothes. The burden of proof is on you and white identity politics grievance peddling douche bags like Peterson.

P.S He literally said in a speech that "there are all sorts of privileges". lol I guess he's a racist/bigot. Just at face value, what is the mathematical probability that white privilege isn't a thing, if, by his own admission, there are countless other privileges, and race has been and is a consequential element of society for literally since human existence? I was born at night but not last night.
Don't need any. White privilege is a basic observation of reality, and the past 500 years. It's as if you told I have to prove that the sky is blue. lol No, you prove that it somehow stopped being blue.
That is literally one of the worst arguments I’ve ever read here. The color of the sky is an objective reality. Social constructs like “white privilege” are subjective realities. There is no such thing as “basic observations” of subjective realities. That fact that you made that claim just demonstrates how out of your depth you are.

If you don’t understand what ”objective“ and “subjective“ mean, go educate yourself.

“A social construct is a concept that exists not in objective reality, but as a result of human interaction. It exists because humans agree that it exists.”

Why People Make Social Constructs and How They Can Change.

P.S He literally said in a speech that "there are all sorts of privileges". lol I guess he's a racist/bigot. Just at face value, what is the mathematical probability that white privilege isn't a thing, if, by his own admission, there are countless other privileges, and race has been and is a consequential element of society for literally since human existence? I was born at night but not last night.
No one is disputing that “privilege“ isn’t a real construct. But the construct of “white privilege” is no different than judging someone by the color of their skin. Every racist ever has believed some social philosophy that rationalized the privilege of one race over another. Sadly, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
That is literally one of the worst arguments I’ve ever read here. The color of the sky is an objective reality. Social constructs like “white privilege” are subjective realities. There is no such thing as “basic observations” of subjective realities. That fact that you made that claim just demonstrates how out of your depth you are.

If you don’t understand what ”objective“ and “subjective“ mean, go educate yourself.

“A social construct is a concept that exists not in objective reality, but as a result of human interaction. It exists because humans agree that it exists.”

Why People Make Social Constructs and How They Can Change.

No one is disputing that “privilege“ isn’t a real construct. But the construct of “white privilege” is no different than judging someone by the color of their skin. Every racist ever has believed some social philosophy that rationalized the privilege of one race over another. Sadly, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Exactly lol. White racism, white privilege are objective reality. That it is not, is merely a thought only found and conjured up in white minds, with the purpose of subversion.

lol talk about worse argument, now you're trying to equate me to the nazis. It's ok to just point out basic reality. Full stop. That's like saying MLK was a nazi. Yea, no.
White prvilege is when you can say that whites are smarter, that whites have invented everything, and created modern civilization, then claim there is no such thing as white privilege.
Interesting, IM2. Are you admitting to all that?
Exactly lol. White racism, white privilege are objective reality. That it is not, is merely a thought only found and conjured up in white minds, with the purpose of subversion.

You are wrong. Racism is a social construct. Privilege is a social construct. Gender is a social construct. Those are all subjective realities. They do not exist independently of any consciousness aware of it.

Like gender, if racism were an objective reality, it would exist even If there were no people alive to experience it. The color of the sky, the solar system and the ocean are objective realities. But racism isn’t because it only exists as a subjective social construct in our minds.
lol talk about worse argument, now you're trying to equate me to the nazis. It's ok to just point out basic reality. Full stop. That's like saying MLK was a nazi. Yea, no.
You don’t understand the words I’m am using. You are not using those words properly. They do not mean what you are saying.

Subjectivity and objectivity (philosophy) - Wikipedia
I’ll take “racists who don’t know their racist shit stinks” for $400, Alex.

You are wrong. Racism is a social construct. Privilege is a social construct. Gender is a social construct. Those are all subjective realities. They do not exist independently of any consciousness aware of it.

Like gender, if racism were an objective reality, it would exist even If there were no people alive to experience it. The color of the sky, the solar system and the ocean are objective realities. But racism isn’t because it only exists as a subjective social construct in our minds.

You don’t understand the words I’m am using. You are not using those words properly. They do not mean what you are saying.

Subjectivity and objectivity (philosophy) - Wikipedia
Being white is so eeeeeez(Floyd Mayweather voice)
·White privilege is actually a home advantage that exists in every nation state. In team sports, the home team is considered to have a significant advantage over the visiting team. ·Similarly, the dominant ethnic group in a country has a built-in advantage over migrants who have no historical or ancestral ties to the country. This Korean woman can enjoy Korean privilege once she goes back to Korea.

·White privilege is actually a home advantage that exists in every nation state. In team sports, the home team is considered to have a significant advantage over the visiting team. ·Similarly, the dominant ethnic group in a country has a built-in advantage over migrants who have no historical or ancestral ties to the country. This Korean woman can enjoy Korean privilege once she goes back to Korea.

America is not the white home. And whites did not become dominamt because they were the initial majority. So if you want white privilege, go back to Europe.

White privilege is when you invade and illegally declare a land yours, that really isn't then think you get to determine who can live there.
Racism has been kept alive by things like this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

USMB member Flash. The term was created by a white person

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Many of us believe that we’re living in a meritocracy, deserving of what we have and compassionate toward those with less. But that’s not true: white people have been given a headstart and ongoing advantages due to the colour of their skin, while people of colour suffer from equally arbitrary disadvantages, says scholar and activist Peggy McIntosh. She explains what led her to recognize her privilege — and how it can be used by those with power to ensure a fairer life for others.

You have clearly dedicated your life to keeping Racism alive and perpetuating YOUR HATE to the next generation of Black people. What a wonderful legacy.
Unpacking the invisible knapsack was written in 1989, a full 25 years after civil rights. In her mind black people were still being turned away from lunch counters 1989 -

“#23- I can choose public accommodation without fearing that people of my race cannot get in or will be mistreated in the places I have chosen.”
In her mind she was Black and trying to rent a Trump property.
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