I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of the “working man”

its just an expression numbnuts. Using you logic the democrat party should be demolished as they wanted slavery and fought the country to keep it. The party is based on racism from the beginning
Boom! Ordinary Guy just dropped JoeB131 like 3rd period French :laugh:

And you know what? The entire nation would be infinitely better off if it were!
Yes, those statues need to come down because they are offensive.
Funny how they weren’t “offensive” in the 1920’s, or 1930’s, or 1940’s, or 1950’s, or 1960’s, or 1970’s, or 1980’s, or 1990’s, or 2000’s.

It wasn’t until anti-American marxist extremist Barack Obama got elected and convinced all of you beta-males that you’re “victims” who should be “offended” by everything :)rolleyes:) so long as being offended advances your fucked-up anti-American agenda.

Frankly, I couldn’t care any less whether any of them stay up or come down. It’s the way you extremists go about it all, that is disturbing.
its just an expression numbnuts. Using you logic the democrat party should be demolished as they wanted slavery and fought the country to keep it. The party is based on racism from the beginning
That's not logic at all, since slavery predates either political party, and neither party has a good record on race. Before the Civil War, the Democrats in the South wanted to keep slavery and the Republicans in the North wanted to put them all on boats and ship them back to Africa.

Sorry snowflake, almost every statue that came down, was the result of you fascists acting like lawless thugs in a mob.

I’m sorry your disinformation propaganda just doesn’t hold up like you wish it would, but unfortunately for you, you live in the wrong era for that shit

Some statues were torn down, most were removed after public outcry against them. Some were removed to prevent them from being torn down, and haven't gone back up.

Oh snowflake…your disinformation propaganda is so weak. First of all, fascism is left-wing (fascism is totalitarianism and you can’t have small, limited government totalitarianism :laugh: )

Second, nobody on the right showed up to “stopanything. They held a legal & proper protest - as is their God-given constitutional right. Which of course, infuriates you fascists, but we don’t care.
A legal protest that involved running a woman over with a car?
Funny how they weren’t “offensive” in the 1920’s, or 1930’s, or 1940’s, or 1950’s, or 1960’s, or 1970’s, or 1980’s, or 1990’s, or 2000’s.

Actually, they were ALWAYS offensive, as they were put up to remind blacks of what their place was.

It wasn’t until anti-American marxist extremist Barack Obama got elected and convinced all of you beta-males that you’re “victims” who should be “offended” by everything :)rolleyes:) so long as being offended advances your fucked-up anti-American agenda.
Actually, people have been complaining about these statues for years. But much like police brutality, white people only pay attention when you start breaking stuff.

These are guys who fought a bloody and pointless war to break up the Union. They are about as "anti-American" as you get.

Frankly, I couldn’t care any less whether any of them stay up or come down. It’s the way you extremists go about it all, that is disturbing.
Oh, wait, are you "offended"? Are you feeling like a "victim"?
That's not logic at all, since slavery predates either political party, and neither party has a good record on race. Before the Civil War, the Democrats in the South wanted to keep slavery and the Republicans in the North wanted to put them all on boats and ship them back to Africa.

Some statues were torn down, most were removed after public outcry against them. Some were removed to prevent them from being torn down, and haven't gone back up.

A legal protest that involved running a woman over with a car?
so we should dismantle the democratic party, thanks for your admission

p@triot said:
I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of the “working man”

You're delusional. The Democratic party has never been the party of the working man.
Fascism, for those keeping track, is exclusively right-wing.

Right- and left- wing is not about authoritarianism vs. democracy. It is about hierarchy vs. equality, and there can be authoritarians on the left (such as Communists) and the right (such as fascists).

This is not a secret. You all should have learned it in whatever Poli Sci or Civics class your high school had, in about the tenth grade.
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and ...

Democrats use forcible suppression of opposition
They also believe in the elite and poor class
And the last one overwhelmingly except they ruined healthcare for 85% of Americans to help 15%. Me thinks Fascism is way more left wing than right
Fascism, for those keeping track, is exclusively right-wing.
Fascism, for those who are educated, is exclusively left-wing.

Fascism is totalitarianism. And it is literally impossible to have small, limited government totalitarianism.

Not only is this indisputable fact, but it’s also just plain common sense. The further right you go on the political spectrum, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy). Ergo, it is literally impossible for fascism to be to the right of libertarianism or sovereign citizens :laugh:
I’m old enough to remember when the Democrat party was the party of the “working man”. Now? They literally hate America, their fellow Americans, and all hard-working men and women. And they work 24x7 to hurt the U.S. and everyone in it.
The "working man" claim was a scam. Democrats were part of the 20th century socialist movement that replaced plantation overseers with crooked union bosses with connections to organized crime.
I’m old enough to remember when the Democrat party was the party of the “working man”. Now? They literally hate America, their fellow Americans, and all hard-working men and women. And they work 24x7 to hurt the U.S. and everyone in it.
It started with all the foreign kick back money shipping jobs overseas in 2002.
The "working man" claim was a scam. Democrats were part of the 20th century socialist movement that replaced plantation overseers with crooked union bosses with connections to organized crime.
Always about equal pay no matter your effort
I’m old enough to remember when the Democrat party was the party of the “working man”. Now? They literally hate America, their fellow Americans, and all hard-working men and women. And they work 24x7 to hurt the U.S. and everyone in it.
Ah, another opinion from a fuckup.

I remember a time when the republic party had thoughts and ideas. Now its just ignorance and yelling.

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