I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of the “working man”

My dad says the Democrat party of today doesn't resemble the Democrats of his generation.
The fact that you think the Russian Trump Dossier was “real” and the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell is “fake” is fall-down hilarious.

It’s truly peak liberalism. The low-IQ left is so easily manipulated by their masters 😂
The point of the Steele Dossier was that russia was looking to influence the election. They clearly did.

What has Hunter's laptop showed other than his penis.
BOTH are “real” and both have elements of Russian disinformation in them
Wrong. As usual.

The “Trump Dossier” was 100% fake. The Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell was 100% real. All of it. And Hunter himself as admitted as much.
The point of the Steele Dossier was that russia was looking to influence the election. They clearly did.
No, snowflake. Hitlery Clinton was looking to “influence the election”. That’s why she went to Perkins Coie to commission Fusion GPS to work with the Russians. See, if it all got out (as it did), Hitlery was insulated. The 5th Amendment protects people from having to incriminate themselves. And Perkins Coie couldn’t testify due to “attorney client confidentiality”.

She saw Trump’s popularity. She knew she was hated even among Dumnocrats, and she knew she could easily manipulate the low-IQ left.
What has Hunter's laptop showed other than his penis.
Crack cocaine. Prostitution (leftists always view women as objects to be used & abused). And the huge bombshell: the fact that Joe Biden violated the Emoluments Clause.

Biden sided with with the railroads over the workers unions during contract negotiations. That should tell you all you need to know.

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