I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of the “working man”

The Democrats have claimed a lot through the years. Most of it BS, though I still remember when Democrats were somewhat normal and had at least some integrity.

Compare and contrast to this group today, and their media. These Democrats have perfected trickery, propaganda and tribalism. If they say it's here then it means it's over there, and vise versa.
The Democrats have claimed a lot through the years. Most of it BS, though I still remember when Democrats were somewhat normal and had at least some integrity.

Compare and contrast to this group today, and their media. These Democrats have perfected trickery, propaganda and tribalism. If they say it's here then it means it's over there, and vise versa.
Dude, stop projecting republic ignorance on the Democratic Party.
Is it even worth explaining any more how the parties in the 1860s are different than the parties now? Aww heck, I'm going to, again, anyway.

It is natural that, over time, what issues are important to people change over time. In our two-party system, that means that who belongs to which party naturally changes as the issues do. Our first two-party system was Federalists and Anti-Federalists (Democratic-Republicans), with the split of state vs. federal government.

By the end of Monroe's second term in 1825, the one remaining party split into Jackson's Democrats and Whigs, over taxes, tariffs, and the National Bank; that system lasted about thirty years, but again, the parties changed as the issues did. The Whigs collapsed, and there were briefly some third, fourth, and fifth parties out there as the second system ended.

The Republican party was founded in 1854 specifically to change the society to fix the massive social problem of the day, slavery. All of those opposed to that coalesced into the Democratic party, the core of which already opposed federal power from the Whig years. That meant the Democratic party was largely a combination of two groups: Pro-slavery Southern conservatives, and business and financial interests in the North. Those guys, vs. the anti-slavery Republicans, was the third system.

After the war, of course, the Southern half of the Democratic party lost virtually all of its representation in DC until at least the end of Reconstruction in 1877. In the next 30 years, there was only one Democrat elected President (Cleveland), and he was from the big-business side of it. By the 1890s, an entire generation had passed since the Civil War, and the big issues had become industrialization, big business, labor, and financial troubles caused in part by a huge financial crash, under Cleveland. William Jennings Bryan railed against the business-friendly gold standard and for the people-friendly silver standard, spearheading the Populist movement, which completely took over the Democratic party. Those big business Democrats felt as if their party didn't represent them any more, probably because it didn't.

Enter a guy you've probably never heard of, Ohio Senator Mark Hanna. He was William McKinley's Campaign Manager, who realized that the Republican's message of making changes to improve the country wouldn't appeal to the populists, so he appealed to the alienated big business interests instead. Hanna and McKinley expressly pointed out that the gold standard would help them make money, and their high tax, high spending position would increase the nation's prosperity. It worked, and most of the big business switched over to support McKinley, not the then-populist Democrats.

This was the fourth system, including the Progressive Era, with important issues that still included industrialization and capitalism, but also a rising importance on social issues. Both parties had progressive agendas, but the Republicans balanced that with pro-business, laissez-faire policies, while the Democrats did so with regulation and labor rights. The fourth system ended when the important issues changed drastically because of the Great Depression, which hit during the administration of the third of three very pro-business Presidents.

The fifth system therefore realigned around FDR's New Deal. Roosevelt argued (successfully) that it was the government's job to protect individual freedoms not only from the government, but from others as well, focusing on consumer protection, corporate regulation, and conservationism. Those who supported the New Deal switched to the Democratic party, leaving the Republican party a coalition of social conservatives and liberal moderates. During this time, issues changed again as civil rights became the main splitting point.

Gradually, mostly between the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Reagan Revolution of the 1980s, the parties changed for the fifth time, into the sixth system that we all grew up with: liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. Of course, it had to: You can't expect voters in 1990 to be split based on who does or does not support the New Deal from 1940, or if we should adopt the gold or silver standard, or whether the Constitution allows a national bank.

Our two parties have shuffled completely at least five times now, and there's a very good chance that we're in the midst of a sixth. They are a popular construct, and always have been, changing based on how the people change around them, not the other way around. Asserting that either party now has anything in common with either party in 1861 only shows that you don't understand the subject.
Now they are infinitely more concerned with totalitarian power and control than they are about rail workers who don’t even receive a single paid sick day.
BTW, the railroader's number issue is sick pay!!!! can't make it up. the very thing left out of that bill. hey railroaders, demmofks hate your ass.
Is it even worth explaining any more how the parties in the 1860s are different than the parties now? Aww heck, I'm going to, again, anyway.
sure it is, cause it didn't happen. You were given misinformation. demofks remain kkkers. so let's stop gaslighting.

I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of the “working man”​

I was about to argue that although they’ve always pretended to be the Party of the working man, the never were because they are the Party of what amounts to socialism. And that has damn little to do with being for the working man in actuality.

However, I then contemplated the Kennedy brothers (Jack and Bobby). They were pretty stern anti communists. Therefore, I have to reconsider my original reaction.

Instead, I conclude that, at some point, the old Democratic Party changed and became what we now see as the Democrat Parody. They do pretend (even today) to be the Party of the working man. But they aren’t.

The present day Democrat Parody is, above all else, the Party of self-aggrandizing power.
Now they are infinitely more concerned with totalitarian power and control than they are about rail workers who don’t even receive a single paid sick day.
Ans I'm old enough to remember a Republican party that were not extremists not racists whose leaders didn't sit down with the scum of the earth who didn't bow at the feet of a flawed moronic idiot like Trump

I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of the “working man”​

I was about to argue that although they’ve always pretended to be the Party of the working man, the never were because they are the Party of what amounts to socialism. And that has damn little to do with being for the working man in actuality.

However, I then contemplated the Kennedy brothers (Jack and Bobby). They were pretty stern anti communists. Therefore, I have to reconsider my original reaction.

Instead, I conclude that, at some point, the old Democratic Party changed and became what we now see as the Democrat Parody. They do pretend (even today) to be the Party of the working man. But they aren’t.

The present day Democrat Parody is, above all else, the Party of self-aggrandizing power.
that's the timeframe exactly, Jack and Bobby.
Ans I'm old enough to remember a Republican party that were not extremists not racists whose leaders didn't sit down with the scum of the earth who didn't bow at the feet of a flawed moronic idiot like Trump
so why did the demofks screw the rail workers then? Their number one issue is sick pay. They are the only industry that doesn't get sick pay. Bet you didn't even know that. why do you hate rail workers so? Did they make fun of you when you were young?
so why did the demofks screw the rail workers then? Their number one issue is sick pay. They are the only industry that doesn't get sick pay. Bet you didn't even know that. why do you hate rail workers so? Did they make fun of you when you were young?
lots of companies do not have sick day pay, we don't have days but if you are sick you take off, too many or those with patterns is when it is an issue. sick days have to be accrued
you failed history we see, Republicans Freed the slaves, Democrats fought to keep them
Yet it's Republicans here who wrap themselves in the Confederate Flag, defend statues of dead slave owners, and use John Wilkes Booth as their avatars.
Ans I'm old enough to remember a Republican party that were not extremists
The low-IQ left: "Republicans are knuckle-dragging neanderthals who never change/evolve"

Also the low-IQ left: "Republicans have changed into extremists!!"

Hey dumb-ass, how can we become "extremists" when conservatism at its very core is conserving what was? We don't change. We have the exact same views as we did under President Lincoln.

You are the clowns who brag about "progress", "forward", etc. Guess what happens when you perpetually march towards the left? Eventually, you hit the extremist end of the spectrum. And that's exactly what you bat-shit crazies have done.

You marched all the way to the extremist end of the spectrum, and now you want to claim we are the one's who are the "extremists".
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Ans I'm old enough to remember a Republican party that were not extremists not racists
I'm old enough to remember when Democrats would severely beat a cross-dressing man for trying to go into a women's bathroom - not declare they should be rewarded, celebrated, and worshipped.

More indisputable evidence that you whack-jobs have move to the very extremist end of the political spectrum.
Now they are infinitely more concerned with totalitarian power and control than they are about rail workers who don’t even receive a single paid sick day.
Now they work for these Nazi men!


so why did the demofks screw the rail workers then? Their number one issue is sick pay. They are the only industry that doesn't get sick pay. Bet you didn't even know that. why do you hate rail workers so? Did they make fun of you when you were young?
LOL I didn't get a 5000 raise
I'm old enough to remember when Democrats would severely beat a cross-dressing man for trying to go into a women's bathroom - not declare they should be rewarded, celebrated, and worshipped.

More indisputable evidence that you whack-jobs have move to the very extremist end of the political spectrum.
And I'm hold enough to remember as a soldier going to a bar in El Paso with a pal getting kicked out because he was black ,, and remember mens and ladies rest rooms an ONE for blacks
so why did the demofks screw the rail workers then? Their number one issue is sick pay. They are the only industry that doesn't get sick pay. Bet you didn't even know that. why do you hate rail workers so? Did they make fun of you when you were young?
DEMS wanted sick pay but COULDN'T get repub votes with them

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