I’m old enough to remember when the Democrats were the party of the “working man”

Funny, cops shoot unarmed black people all the time, and you don't have a problem with it.
Funny, "cops shoot unarmed black people all the time" (your quote pal), but the liberals who riot only do so when a Republican is in office.

Almost like it has nothing to do with skin color, uh clown?
Now they are infinitely more concerned with totalitarian power and control than they are about rail workers who don’t even receive a single paid sick day.

Republicans opposed paid sick days. I am waiting for your criticism of them. They apparently are not for the working man.

Republicans are the totalitarians.
Funny, "cops shoot unarmed black people all the time" (your quote pal), but the liberals who riot only do so when a Republican is in office.

Almost like it has nothing to do with skin color, uh clown?

When Republicans are in office, they cheer on the cops who do it. That's why you had a riot. (Although half of us getting laid off and being locked in our houses for months because Trump mishandled the plague didn't help.)

Oh, there were demonstrations when Obama was in office. Just not big ones because Obama took the complaints seriously and tried to fix the problem.

Ashli Babbit was a rabid dog who had to be put down like Old Yeller.
How come there haven't been any nation-wide riots if cops shoot unarmed Black men all the time? No riots since Trump left office. Blacks are shooting unarmed Blacks every day and you don't give a damn. Let's go down fairy tale lane....

Oh, I agree, what happened in 2020 was a perfect storm of....

A particularly egregious incident of police misconduct (George Floyd being strangled to death for nine minutes)
A population already on edge because they had been locked in their houses for two months.
A racist president who had openly praised brutal cops to the point where even police chiefs had to distance themselves from it.
Mass unemployment adding to the aforementioned issues.

You've had 25 years of unaddressed police misconduct since Rodney King. And usually, demonstrations were local and peaceful.
Republicans opposed paid sick days. I am waiting for your criticism of them. They apparently are not for the working man.
They aren’t. Never have been. That’s the beauty of Republicans. They aren’t for any man. They are for small, limited government and free markets.

They are for getting out of the way of man. Government shouldn’t be for any one group of people.
Republicans are the totalitarians.
Yeah…nothing says “totalitarian” like small, limited government ideology :lmao:

I never cease to marvel at the ignorance of the left. They don’t even understand basic words in the English language.
When Republicans are in office, they cheer on the cops who do it.
Literally has never happened in the history of the Republican Party (the people who ended slavery against you racist Dems) but lying is what we've come to expect from you.
(Although half of us getting laid off and being locked in our houses for months because Trump mishandled the plague didn't help.)
Trump immediately shut down travel from China to prevent the spread. You anti-American, fascist assholes cried "xenophobe" and actually sued him in court to open travel up.

You knew Trump had created the greatest economy in US history, making him unbeatable. And you'd rather see the US collapse and people die, then not have power. Sick, but that's how you animals are.
Trump immediately shut down travel from China to prevent the spread. You anti-American, fascist assholes cried "xenophobe" and actually sued him in court to open travel up.

Which just made matters worse. Trump shut down travel for Chinese Nationals, and all these infected Americans panicked and rushed back.

You knew Trump had created the greatest economy in US history, making him unbeatable. And you'd rather see the US collapse and people die, then not have power. Sick, but that's how you animals are.

Actually, his economy was mediocre and already heading into recession. And people only died because Trump was incompetent.

Fascists believe in execution for anyone who doesn't bow to their ideology 🤷‍♂️

Again- black people are shot in this country playing with toys.

This (word I can't use here) stormed the Capitol and threatened members of congress.
Funny, "cops shoot unarmed black people all the time" (your quote pal), but the liberals who riot only do so when a Republican is in office.

Almost like it has nothing to do with skin color, uh clown?
When Republicans are in office, they cheer on the cops who do it. That's why you had a riot.
Folks...let that comment sink in for a moment. I mean, really sink in.

Low-IQ leftist Joe painted himself in the corner (that's what the low-IQ left does). When I pointed out the undeniable facts, he panicked. He couldn't explain away the racism and fascism of he and his party.

The best this high school dropout could come up with, is the lie that Republicans "cheer" when people are shot & killed and that is why the left only riot when Republicans are in office. But there are two glaring flaws, that anyone with an IQ above 20 would realize...
  1. If the Republicans "cheer" officers shooting African-Americans, why the fuck wouldn't they do it when Dumbocrats are in power? If you like the New York Yankees, you don't just cheer when a Republican sits in the White House. You always cheer for them 🤦‍♂️ :laugh:
  2. Much more importantly - low-IQ Joe would have you believe that the loss of human life doesn't matter to the left. Only cheering the loss of human life is worth fighting/rioting over
Dead. Literally dead. I cannot stop laughing at the stupidity, the desperation, the idiocy, etc. 💀💀💀
Oh, I agree, what happened in 2020 was a perfect storm of....

A particularly egregious incident of police misconduct (George Floyd being strangled to death for nine minutes)
A population already on edge because they had been locked in their houses for two months.
A racist president who had openly praised brutal cops to the point where even police chiefs had to distance themselves from it.
Mass unemployment adding to the aforementioned issues.

You've had 25 years of unaddressed police misconduct since Rodney King. And usually, demonstrations were local and peaceful.
The standard leftist propaganda.
Which just made matters worse. Trump shut down travel for Chinese Nationals, and all these infected Americans panicked and rushed back.
So you admit he was right to shut down the nation, and you fascist assholes would rather see people die and the economy collapse, than not sit in power? Just like I said! At least you finally admitted it.
Actually, his economy was mediocre and already heading into recession.
Actually, the economy had hit record market highs and record low unemployment. Unprecedented prosperity.
Again- black people are shot in this country playing with toys.

This (word I can't use here) stormed the Capitol and threatened members of congress.
Again, that is nothing compared to 5 years of violence, burning entire cities to the ground, and insurrectionist overthrowing actual US governments across the nation, replacing them with "Autonomous Zones"
A particularly egregious incident of police misconduct (George Floyd being strangled to death for nine minutes)
George Floyd was "a rabid dog who needed to be put down" (your own words, clown).

Remember, Ashli Babbitt had no criminal record. George Floyd had an extensive criminal record, was committing yet another crime, and had illegal narcotics in his system.

But, we know fascists low-IQ leftists like yourself love criminals. It's why all of you cheered for the violence, the arson, and the insurrection.
The best this high school dropout could come up with, is the lie that Republicans "cheer" when people are shot & killed and that is why the left only riot when Republicans are in office. But there are two glaring flaws, that anyone with an IQ above 20 would realize...

Your long list of hysterics, buddy... you guys did EXACTLY that when Trayvon was killed, when Mike Brown was killed, etc.

See, you are about to do it again...

George Floyd was "a rabid dog who needed to be put down" (your own words, clown).

Remember, Ashli Babbitt had no criminal record. George Floyd had an extensive criminal record, was committing yet another crime, and had illegal narcotics in his system.

But, we know fascists low-IQ leftists like yourself love criminals. It's why all of you cheered for the violence, the arson, and the insurrection.

None of which was relevant to the officer's need to use force. At the time Floyd was killed, he was handcuffed restrained, and there was no reason to kneel on his neck for nine minutes.

Ashli Babbit, on the other hand was part of an angry mob that had just forced its way into the Capitol.

Again, that is nothing compared to 5 years of violence, burning entire cities to the ground, and insurrectionist overthrowing actual US governments across the nation, replacing them with "Autonomous Zones"

Five years of violence? Really, Poodle, when did this happen?

Also, which cities were burned to the ground, because I checked my map and they are all still there.

Actually, the economy had hit record market highs and record low unemployment. Unprecedented prosperity.

Except GDP growth never got over 3% under Trump, and was already sliding into a recession.

The GDP contraction for Q1 2020 was -5%. This was well before Covid hit in any real numbers.
Now they are infinitely more concerned with totalitarian power and control than they are about rail workers who don’t even receive a single paid sick day.
I might be with you on this one. It seems as if it were a golden opportunity for the Democrats to prove themselves as the champion of the blue collar, but, nope, they let the headlines read that they are a click away from Political Springsteen and one more click toward seeming like Tammany Hall machine politics.

Democratic leadership sometimes does that. They make unforced errors, and sometimes aren't very dialed in on how one of their actions will appear. *Shrug*

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