AP Obama job approval new numbers

America is waking up much MUCH too late I'm afraid.

:muahaha:Ain't gonna happen, but dreamers can dream!

Read and WEEP! :muahaha:

A new poll from Washington Post/ABC News found that disapproval of Republicans is up to 70 percent among American adults from 63 percent approval at the end of September. Disapproval of Democrats is up to 61 percent from 56 percent at the end of last month.
Republicans getting more blame for government shutdown, polls show - CBS News

The reason why Democrat voters don't disapprove and Republican voters do is because Republicans voters think for themselves whereas Democratic voters are told what to think and they stay lock-step in line with what they're told.

True story!
America is waking up much MUCH too late I'm afraid.

:muahaha:Ain't gonna happen, but dreamers can dream!

Read and WEEP! :muahaha:

A new poll from Washington Post/ABC News found that disapproval of Republicans is up to 70 percent among American adults from 63 percent approval at the end of September. Disapproval of Democrats is up to 61 percent from 56 percent at the end of last month.
Republicans getting more blame for government shutdown, polls show - CBS News

The reason why Democrat voters don't disapprove and Republican voters do is because Republicans voters think for themselves whereas Democratic voters are told what to think and they stay lock-step in line with what they're told.
Bwahaha - so you admit that even Republicans are disproving of their leader's antics?
Democrats don't disapprove because it's the doofus Republicans in Congress that have caused the shutdown, and everyone knows it, and very soon the GOP will pay for it dearly.....:eusa_boohoo:

True story!
Sad but true....until you open your eyes you'll be believing the lies they feed you.
:muahaha:Ain't gonna happen, but dreamers can dream!

Read and WEEP! :muahaha:

A new poll from Washington Post/ABC News found that disapproval of Republicans is up to 70 percent among American adults from 63 percent approval at the end of September. Disapproval of Democrats is up to 61 percent from 56 percent at the end of last month.
Republicans getting more blame for government shutdown, polls show - CBS News

The reason why Democrat voters don't disapprove and Republican voters do is because Republicans voters think for themselves whereas Democratic voters are told what to think and they stay lock-step in line with what they're told.
Bwahaha - so you admit that even Republicans are disproving of their leader's antics?
Democrats don't disapprove because it's the doofus Republicans in Congress that have caused the shutdown, and everyone knows it, and very soon the GOP will pay for it dearly.....:eusa_boohoo:

True story!
Sad but true....until you open your eyes you'll be believing the lies they feed you.

I admit that I don't agree with everything they do.

You need to be more specific in what you're classifying as "antics".

Do I like the stand they're making against Obamacare? Yes I do and I hope they stick to their guns and not give an inch.

Trust me, you liberals are the only people being fed lies. And you eat it up!!!
37% in favor 52% unfavorable...America is waking up...next week he will continue to see declining approval numbers when he caves to the house REPUBLICANS AND THE TEA PARTY...MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!:lol:

America is waking up much MUCH too late I'm afraid.

:muahaha:Ain't gonna happen, but dreamers can dream!

Read and WEEP! :muahaha:

A new poll from Washington Post/ABC News found that disapproval of Republicans is up to 70 percent among American adults from 63 percent approval at the end of September. Disapproval of Democrats is up to 61 percent from 56 percent at the end of last month.Republicans getting more blame for government shutdown, polls show - CBS News

Just for shits and grins.
The reason why Democrat voters don't disapprove and Republican voters do is because Republicans voters think for themselves whereas Democratic voters are told what to think and they stay lock-step in line with what they're told.
Bwahaha - so you admit that even Republicans are disproving of their leader's antics?
Democrats don't disapprove because it's the doofus Republicans in Congress that have caused the shutdown, and everyone knows it, and very soon the GOP will pay for it dearly.....:eusa_boohoo:

True story!
Sad but true....until you open your eyes you'll be believing the lies they feed you.

I admit that I don't agree with everything they do.

You need to be more specific in what you're classifying as "antics".
How about "shutting down the government" - that's one of the most absurd antics any party has ever tried.

Do I like the stand they're making against Obamacare? Yes I do and I hope they stick to their guns and not give an inch.
Obamacare is now "law" - what part of that do you not understand? It's not Democracy when a band of terrorists decide to go against the rules of our Government and hold everything up just to get their way.
They're not going to stop Obamacare, that is already law, they're just going to f*ck the country, which apparently you and other Tea Partiers don't really give a damn about.

Trust me, you liberals are the only people being fed lies. And you eat it up!!!
What's a lie? Obamacare was passed by House/Senate, signed by the President, upheld by the Supreme Court, and Republicans now don't want it to go into effect so they hold up funding for everything else? How many times have they tried to repeal it? 44?

Apparently you don't even know the definition of a "lie" - you just follow along like the rest of the sheeple, who are marching right over the cliff and will soon find out that America (homey) don't put up with that!
America is waking up much MUCH too late I'm afraid.

:muahaha:Ain't gonna happen, but dreamers can dream!

Read and WEEP! :muahaha:

A new poll from Washington Post/ABC News found that disapproval of Republicans is up to 70 percent among American adults from 63 percent approval at the end of September. Disapproval of Democrats is up to 61 percent from 56 percent at the end of last month.Republicans getting more blame for government shutdown, polls show - CBS News

Just for shits and grins.
Apparently you missed the point. No surprise!
:muahaha:Ain't gonna happen, but dreamers can dream!

Read and WEEP! :muahaha:

A new poll from Washington Post/ABC News found that disapproval of Republicans is up to 70 percent among American adults from 63 percent approval at the end of September. Disapproval of Democrats is up to 61 percent from 56 percent at the end of last month.
Republicans getting more blame for government shutdown, polls show - CBS News

The reason why Democrat voters don't disapprove and Republican voters do is because Republicans voters think for themselves whereas Democratic voters are told what to think and they stay lock-step in line with what they're told.
Bwahaha - so you admit that even Republicans are disproving of their leader's antics?
Democrats don't disapprove because it's the doofus Republicans in Congress that have caused the shutdown, and everyone knows it, and very soon the GOP will pay for it dearly.....:eusa_boohoo:

True story!
Sad but true....until you open your eyes you'll be believing the lies they feed you.

like I have said in another thread, you are pure talking points
obama: the republicans are not negotiating
I will not negotiate
it is both sides, as they are both greedy bastards. get your head out of your ass
Bwahaha - so you admit that even Republicans are disproving of their leader's antics?
Democrats don't disapprove because it's the doofus Republicans in Congress that have caused the shutdown, and everyone knows it, and very soon the GOP will pay for it dearly.....:eusa_boohoo:

Sad but true....until you open your eyes you'll be believing the lies they feed you.

I admit that I don't agree with everything they do.

You need to be more specific in what you're classifying as "antics".
How about "shutting down the government" - that's one of the most absurd antics any party has ever tried.

Do I like the stand they're making against Obamacare? Yes I do and I hope they stick to their guns and not give an inch.
Obamacare is now "law" - what part of that do you not understand? It's not Democracy when a band of terrorists decide to go against the rules of our Government and hold everything up just to get their way.
They're not going to stop Obamacare, that is already law, they're just going to f*ck the country, which apparently you and other Tea Partiers don't really give a damn about.

Trust me, you liberals are the only people being fed lies. And you eat it up!!!
What's a lie? Obamacare was passed by House/Senate, signed by the President, upheld by the Supreme Court, and Republicans now don't want it to go into effect so they hold up funding for everything else? How many times have they tried to repeal it? 44?

Apparently you don't even know the definition of a "lie" - you just follow along like the rest of the sheeple, who are marching right over the cliff and will soon find out that America (homey) don't put up with that!

Shutting down the government is the fault of the Democrats.

Obamacare is illegal. Nowhere in Obamacare does it say anything about it being a tax, as a matter of fact Obama himself said it was NOT a tax. Scotus ruled that as a tax it would be constitutional, but as I stated it's not a tax. Another thing is the bill originated in the Senate, the Senate cannot institute a tax. Not to mention that since the bill was passed it has been illegally altered.

How long did it take you to sign up for Obamacare?
:muahaha:Ain't gonna happen, but dreamers can dream!

Read and WEEP! :muahaha:

A new poll from Washington Post/ABC News found that disapproval of Republicans is up to 70 percent among American adults from 63 percent approval at the end of September. Disapproval of Democrats is up to 61 percent from 56 percent at the end of last month.Republicans getting more blame for government shutdown, polls show - CBS News

Just for shits and grins.
Apparently you missed the point. No surprise!

No the POINT is that the difference is a paltry 9 points. And yet you think it is significant. Further the President is plummeting in the same polls. Now down to what 36 percent? Read the other way only 6 points above the republicans.
Nice attempt at defending your idiot President.

And is this your attempt at defending your idiot Congressmen? :lol::lol:

I'm not defending anyone, nor have I attempted to.

Congress' approval rating hasn't been nothing to cheer about since Obama took office.

The relationships are obvious in interpretation.

Obama is not doing well. Congress and the Republican Party, in contrast, are doing far worse.

If such is the case, Obama still has the whip hand.
And is this your attempt at defending your idiot Congressmen? :lol::lol:

I'm not defending anyone, nor have I attempted to.

Congress' approval rating hasn't been nothing to cheer about since Obama took office.

The relationships are obvious in interpretation.

Obama is not doing well. Congress and the Republican Party, in contrast, are doing far worse.

If such is the case, Obama still has the whip hand.

Obama has you idiots fooled.
Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With the Republican-controlled House of Representatives engaged in a tense, government-shuttering budgetary standoff against a Democratic president and Senate, the Republican Party is now viewed favorably by 28% of Americans, down from 38% in September. This is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.

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