Apparently it's OK to be racist (and sexist) when hiring hospital/Dr. receptionists


Jul 26, 2011
My impression anyway. In the past few years I have been to numerous hospitals and Dr offices from Houston to NYC, and the overwhelming majority of receptionists/secretaries/whatever the PC name is now have been black females. Very few non-blacks and almost no males.

Gotta love double standards eh?
Not sure how it works in your country, but here in America, yes, racism and sexism (regarding hiring practices at least) are indeed illegal.

Oh except for "affirmative action" :rolleyes:

Well I guess you're right to an extent: if it favors "minorities," racism and sexism aren't illegal. Not in practice anyway.
Not sure how it works in your country, but here in America, yes, racism and sexism (regarding hiring practices at least) are indeed illegal.

Oh except for "affirmative action" :rolleyes:

Well I guess you're right to an extent: if it favors "minorities," racism and sexism aren't illegal. Not in practice anyway.

My country is your country. You are obviously a simpleton who thinks their anecdotal experience somehow equates to the reality on the ground in America.

Even more funny, your example is with "healthcare receptionists". Yeah, that's really is a high-skill and high paying gig right there. I am sure there must be some sort of conspiracy in place to ensure it only goes to minorities.

Or maybe, just maybe, it might have crossed your brain (but probably not) that races and genders that tend to be at the lower end of the wage earning scale would *shockingly* fill low paying jobs.

But if you go out to Provo, Utah and find all the hospital staff to be African American Females, give us another shout out.

Dear lord. What are you going to tell us next, that Hispanic Males occupy a large percentage of the agricultural labor force in this country?

Do you work at being dimwitted or does it come naturally?
My country is your country. You are obviously a simpleton who thinks their anecdotal experience somehow equates to the reality on the ground in America.
Wow the pot/kettle thing, what a surprise.

You want a simpleton, look in the mirror. I'm hardly surprised you were unable to grasp my post. Please get someone to re-read the OP and explain it to you, since you're clearly far too stupid and busy tying your panties in knots to grasp it.

Even more funny, your example is with "healthcare receptionists". Yeah, that's really is a high-skill and high paying gig right there. I am sure there must be some sort of conspiracy in place to ensure it only goes to minorities.
Another shocker, more trying to twist my words and hissy fits - along with, of course, a total lack of comprehension.

I'll try to go a little slower, but again, I suspect it won't matter much unless you enlist the help of a parent or a teacher or some such, so please do:

First off, healthcare receptionists aren't my "example," it's the actual topic of this post. I would have thought that being in the title of the thread might have been a clue, but getting clues clearly isn't exactly your strong suit.

Second, being a high-skill or high-paying job isn't relevant.

Third, I never said or implied there was a "conspiracy." Only that black females represent a far higher % of the healthcare receptionists than can be explained by demographics or other reasonable and fair factors, which IMO indicates a clear bias/discrimination in the healthcare field, generally speaking. Excuse me for having an opinion that doesn't jibe with your little PC fantasy world where reverse discimination doesn't exist, there is no such thing as quotas, and sugar plum faeries dance among lollipop trees.

Or maybe, just maybe, it might have crossed your brain (but probably not) that races and genders that tend to be at the lower end of the wage earning scale would *shockingly* fill low paying jobs.
In other words, blacks and females tend to be at the lower end of the wage earning scale. Well, no racism or sexism on your part there. I forgot how the vast majority of black females aren't qualified for anything more than minimum wage and white males all have graduate degrees. lol - well at least you provide a little entertainment value.

Do you work at being dimwitted or does it come naturally?
Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing. Perhaps it's a fine family tradition that you're doing such a bang-up job of keeping alive?

Regardless, congrats on finding your village!
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My country is your country. You are obviously a simpleton who thinks their anecdotal experience somehow equates to the reality on the ground in America.
Wow the pot/kettle thing, what a surprise.

You want a simpleton, look in the mirror. I'm hardly surprised you were unable to grasp my post. Please get someone to re-read the OP and explain it to you, since you're clearly far too stupid and busy tying your panties in knots to grasp it.

Even more funny, your example is with "healthcare receptionists". Yeah, that's really is a high-skill and high paying gig right there. I am sure there must be some sort of conspiracy in place to ensure it only goes to minorities.
Another shocker, more trying to twist my words and hissy fits - along with, of course, a total lack of comprehension.

I'll try to go a little slower, but again, I suspect it won't matter much unless you enlist the help of a parent or a teacher or some such, so please do:

First off, healthcare receptionists aren't my "example," it's the actual topic of this post. I would have thought that being in the title of the thread might have been a clue, but getting clues clearly isn't exactly your strong suit.

Second, being a high-skill or high-paying job isn't relevant.

Third, I never said or implied there was a "conspiracy." Only that black females represent a far higher % of the healthcare receptionists than can be explained by demographics or other reasonable and fair factors, which IMO indicates a clear bias/discrimination in the healthcare field, generally speaking. Excuse me for having an opinion that doesn't jibe with your little PC fantasy world where reverse discimination doesn't exist, there is no such thing as quotas, and sugar plum faeries dance among lollipop trees.

Or maybe, just maybe, it might have crossed your brain (but probably not) that races and genders that tend to be at the lower end of the wage earning scale would *shockingly* fill low paying jobs.
In other words, blacks and females tend to be at the lower end of the wage earning scale. Well, no racism or sexism on your part there. I forgot how the vast majority of black females aren't qualified for anything more than minimum wage and white males all have graduate degrees. lol - well at least you provide a little entertainment value.

Do you work at being dimwitted or does it come naturally?
Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing. Perhaps it's a fine family tradition that you're doing such a bang-up job of keeping alive?

Regardless, congrats on finding your village!


It's not "racist" to make a statemen of quantitative fact.

Go to page 6. If you need help reading the graphs, I'll be happy to assist.

Regardless, if you want to spend your time griping that, in your perception, African American Women make up a disproportionate number of healthcare receptionists and clerical workers so you can bitch about reverse racism, then go for it.

If you were a little more astute, and wanted to bitch about a discrepancy in healthcare, you could have harped on the concept of "underrepresented in medicine". However, it is obvious that you are an individual that only becomes enraged at things the pass in front of your eyeballs.

So by all means, rail against these women who are working in thankless jobs for which they are underpaid.

It's not "racist" to make a statemen of quantitative fact.
Which I did in the OP, you pathetic dumbfuck. You didn't get a teacher to help, did you? It's OK to ask for help; don't feel embarrassed (though I can see why you would be).

Go to page 6. If you need help reading the graphs, I'll be happy to assist.
I doubt you can, since if you were capable of grasping it, the logical, intelligent thing to do would have been to tell me how this backs some kind of counter-argument to my initial point. But since you obviously are unable to grasp the OP in the first place, I'm hardly surprised you just went "here's a link! So there!"

Regardless, if you want to spend your time griping that, in your perception, African American Women make up a disproportionate number of healthcare receptionists and clerical workers so you can bitch about reverse racism, then go for it.
I already did, but thanks for your permission. If you want to spend your time twisting people's words, having silly hissy fits and demonstrating your inability to grasp a topic and discuss it rationally - as you are already doing a bang-up job of, by the way - enjoy.

If you were a little more astute, and wanted to bitch about a discrepancy in healthcare, you could have harped on the concept of "underrepresented in medicine".
Whatever the hell that means. Sounds like you're trying to simply re-word (in perhaps a more PC way) what I've already said. Wow that's useful.

However, it is obvious that you are an individual that only becomes enraged at things the pass in front of your eyeballs.
Gee more pot/kettle stuff; you're awfully good at that. FYI you're the one having a hissy, not me.

I'm an individual who made a reasonable conclusion based on the available evidence who asked if anyone else had noticed similar AND had the stones to mention the elephant in the room. But this is 21st century America, where daring to even suggest that any reverse discrimination goes on is taboo and met with exactly the kind of stupidity and hissies you are demonstrating so well. God forbid you even try to think about it objectively and decide whether I may have a point or not; it just doesn't fit your PC agenda.

So by all means, rail against these women who are working in thankless jobs for which they are underpaid.
Even if we assume that's true (interesting that you think you know this; did you interview these women? Do you have some unparalleled access to their salary data?), it is also not relevant.

It's so sad to see people like you, grossly incapable of a coherent discussion, but no worries; you have plenty of company (esp online, and even moreso when it comes to the topic of discrimination). In fact, given that, I should've known better than to expect intelligent, objective responses here, even something as simple as "I've been in a lot of hospitals myself and haven't really noticed that." My bad; done w/this thread.
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It's not "racist" to make a statemen of quantitative fact.
Which I did in the OP, you pathetic dumbfuck. You didn't get a teacher to help, did you? It's OK to ask for help; don't feel embarrassed (though I can see why you would be).

Go to page 6. If you need help reading the graphs, I'll be happy to assist.
I doubt you can, since if you were capable of grasping it, the logical, intelligent thing to do would have been to tell me how this backs some kind of counter-argument to my initial point. But since you obviously are unable to grasp the OP in the first place, I'm hardly surprised you just went "here's a link! So there!"

I already did, but thanks for your permission. If you want to spend your time twisting people's words, having silly hissy fits and demonstrating your inability to grasp a topic and discuss it rationally - as you are already doing a bang-up job of, by the way - enjoy.

Whatever the hell that means. Sounds like you're trying to simply re-word (in perhaps a more PC way) what I've already said. Wow that's useful.

However, it is obvious that you are an individual that only becomes enraged at things the pass in front of your eyeballs.
Gee more pot/kettle stuff; you're awfully good at that. FYI you're the one having a hissy, not me.

I'm an individual who made a reasonable conclusion based on the available evidence who asked if anyone else had noticed similar AND had the stones to mention the elephant in the room. But this is 21st century America, where daring to even suggest that any reverse discrimination goes on is taboo and met with exactly the kind of stupidity and hissies you are demonstrating so well. God forbid you even try to think about it objectively and decide whether I may have a point or not; it just doesn't fit your PC agenda.

So by all means, rail against these women who are working in thankless jobs for which they are underpaid.
Even if we assume that's true (interesting that you think you know this; did you interview these women? Do you have some unparalleled access to their salary data?), it is also not relevant.

It's so sad to see people like you, grossly incapable of a coherent discussion, but no worries; you have plenty of company (esp online, and even moreso when it comes to the topic of discrimination). In fact, given that, I should've known better than to expect intelligent, objective responses here, even something as simple as "I've been in a lot of hospitals myself and haven't really noticed that." My bad; done w/this thread.


Did you interview them? No. You made an anecdotal observation.

I responded to your cries of racism with the common-sensical rebuttal: It's not racist to make a statement of quantitative fact. The fact is, behind Hispanic women, African American women had the second lowest median income in this nation. So, you shouldn't be terribly surprised to find them in low income jobs.

You really should have taken the time to google "underrepresented in medicine". It has nothing to to with what you are bitching about, but would have been a much better example of what you want to bitch about.

Now run along. You are obviously a dim bulb.

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