Apparently sexual assault just isn't that big a deal in Kentucky

Seems there's a whole new crop of assholes who blame the victims.

NYPD Warns Women Not to Wear Short Skirts Because They Could Get Raped
Donā€™t wear short skirts ā€” you could get raped.
Thatā€™s essentially the advice the New York Police Department is giving young women in one Brooklyn neighborhood following a slew of unsolved sexual attacks in the past few months.

The warnings are being met with outrage, with residents saying police should be focusing on catching the suspects, not criticizing women for what they choose to wear.

Victim blaming - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Victim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially[citation needed] responsible for the harm that befell them.

The study of victimology seeks to mitigate the perception of victims as responsible.[1] There is a greater tendency to blame victims of rape than victims of robbery in cases where victims and perpetrators know one another.[2]

Wrong. Blaming the victim would involve mitigating this assholes sentence and punishment when he is eventually caught.

This perp has a type, and his type is women in short skirts. Women are not "inviting" him to attack them, whatever is in his sick mind sees this as an invitation. So what the NYPD is trying to explain is that wearing short skirts/shorts increases your risk of this asshole gunning for you until he is caught.

people are confusing with informing people of increasing risk vs. blaming them.
Bullshit. Their excuse was that they were just letting women know a rapist was targeting women in skirts and the cop was telling a woman her shorts were too short. A skirt is not shorts.

wtf is wrong with people that they don't put the blame where it belongs: on the rapist.

Hey, maybe we should all wear burkas.

So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

ā€œsimply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.ā€


ā€œHe pointed at my outfit and said, ā€˜Donā€™t you think your shorts are a little short?ā€™ā€
Seems there's a whole new crop of assholes who blame the victims.

NYPD Warns Women Not to Wear Short Skirts Because They Could Get Raped
Donā€™t wear short skirts ā€” you could get raped.
Thatā€™s essentially the advice the New York Police Department is giving young women in one Brooklyn neighborhood following a slew of unsolved sexual attacks in the past few months.

The warnings are being met with outrage, with residents saying police should be focusing on catching the suspects, not criticizing women for what they choose to wear.

Victim blaming - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Victim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially[citation needed] responsible for the harm that befell them.

The study of victimology seeks to mitigate the perception of victims as responsible.[1] There is a greater tendency to blame victims of rape than victims of robbery in cases where victims and perpetrators know one another.[2]

Wrong. Blaming the victim would involve mitigating this assholes sentence and punishment when he is eventually caught.

This perp has a type, and his type is women in short skirts. Women are not "inviting" him to attack them, whatever is in his sick mind sees this as an invitation. So what the NYPD is trying to explain is that wearing short skirts/shorts increases your risk of this asshole gunning for you until he is caught.

people are confusing with informing people of increasing risk vs. blaming them.
Bullshit. Their excuse was that they were just letting women know a rapist was targeting women in skirts and the cop was telling a woman her shorts were too short. A skirt is not shorts.

wtf is wrong with people that they don't put the blame where it belongs: on the rapist.

Hey, maybe we should all wear burkas.

So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

ā€œsimply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.ā€


ā€œHe pointed at my outfit and said, ā€˜Donā€™t you think your shorts are a little short?ā€™ā€

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.

Wrong. Blaming the victim would involve mitigating this assholes sentence and punishment when he is eventually caught.

This perp has a type, and his type is women in short skirts. Women are not "inviting" him to attack them, whatever is in his sick mind sees this as an invitation. So what the NYPD is trying to explain is that wearing short skirts/shorts increases your risk of this asshole gunning for you until he is caught.

people are confusing with informing people of increasing risk vs. blaming them.
Bullshit. Their excuse was that they were just letting women know a rapist was targeting women in skirts and the cop was telling a woman her shorts were too short. A skirt is not shorts.

wtf is wrong with people that they don't put the blame where it belongs: on the rapist.

Hey, maybe we should all wear burkas.

So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

ā€œsimply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.ā€


ā€œHe pointed at my outfit and said, ā€˜Donā€™t you think your shorts are a little short?ā€™ā€

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.
"You are fucking dolt."

I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole.
Officer Sergeant James B. Johnson, 54, was arrested and charged with 25 counts of sexual assault back in July of 2011.
Johnson, who is a former correctional officer at the Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women in Peewee Valley, was also slapped with 50 counts of official misconduct, one count of second-degree trafficking in a controlled substance and one count of first-degree promoting contraband after Kentucky State Police investigators concluded that Johnson supplied drugs to the female inmates and then sexually assaulted them while he was on duty as a prison guard.

At a Shelby County courtroom on Monday, Johnson was offered, and accepted, a plea deal on charges of sexual abuse, trafficking in a controlled substance and official misconduct and was sentenced to seven years of probation and ordered to attend a diversion program (whatever that means).​

Yes, you read that correctly. Fuck all of the rest of it. 25 mother-fucking counts of sexual assault, and either because the court decided it just wasn't worth the time, and money worrying about convicted women being victimized, or they didn't want to put a Prison Guard in jail, or whatever the reason, this guy gets to walk around free!

What. The. Fuck?!?!?

no charges where filed and your fellow leftist defended him.

Really? That's your reaction to this? So, this is only outrageous, and disgusting to "Leftists"? You're an idiot, you do know this, right?
"Violence against sexuality and the use of sexuality for violence, particularly against women, has very deep roots in Biblical tradition, and is spelled out very early. The nineteenth chapter of Genesis (19:1-11), the first book of the Old Testament, holds that the rape of woman is acceptable but the rape of man is "a wicked thing." This chapter about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah describes Lot's hospitality to two male travelers (actually two angels) who were housed with him."
Article Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence

US is a defacto Christian nation. Thus much of the Bible's anti-woman, pro-rape rhetoric is perhaps ingrained in US citizens' heads. Yet we continue to claim Christianity is good. Maybe if you ripped out great chunks of it it'd become good, but as is that's the stupidest thing imaginable to claim.

I agree with this post, but add that Kentucky is as bible-belt state where quality education is supplanted by the bible and the police are always right [good christian GOP thinking]. It re-elects troglodytes like Mitch McConnell. The mindset is much like it was in the glory days of Daniel Boone. So no big surprise.
Yeaaaahhh...sorry dude. I can't get behind you on this one. This isn't about Kentucky, or Mitch McConnell. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hate Mitch as much as the next Progressive, but this? This is systemic across the country. Guys in uniforms get passes that no one else gets, and it pisses me the fuck off.
What a terrible injustice. This predator should be behind bars.

Agreed, and the idiots in this thread who are blaming it on political beliefs are idiots
Yeah, it's probably because he's white. We all know that black people are more likely to get prison time.
I don't think so. My gut still tells me this was, "He wears a uniform". They just seem to get passes that no one else would get.

Wrong. Blaming the victim would involve mitigating this assholes sentence and punishment when he is eventually caught.

This perp has a type, and his type is women in short skirts. Women are not "inviting" him to attack them, whatever is in his sick mind sees this as an invitation. So what the NYPD is trying to explain is that wearing short skirts/shorts increases your risk of this asshole gunning for you until he is caught.

people are confusing with informing people of increasing risk vs. blaming them.
Bullshit. Their excuse was that they were just letting women know a rapist was targeting women in skirts and the cop was telling a woman her shorts were too short. A skirt is not shorts.

wtf is wrong with people that they don't put the blame where it belongs: on the rapist.

Hey, maybe we should all wear burkas.

So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

ā€œsimply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.ā€


ā€œHe pointed at my outfit and said, ā€˜Donā€™t you think your shorts are a little short?ā€™ā€

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.
Except it is the way the cop said it that turns what he said from "warning women about this guy" to blaming the girl because of her clothing options. That's what you don't get. It doesn't matter what you intended. what matters is what you did.

"Well, if you weren't acting like such a drunken whore..."

Your intention may have been to warn about making dangerous behavioral decisions. But what you did was blame the girl. It is all about what is actually said, and how. Perception is everything.
Now you see why I could never be a cop....:boobies:
Sorry, this has nothing to do with "being a cop". If anything, this cat got special treatment for being a cop - or at least a corrections officer. You think if you raped 25 fucking women, you would get 9 years probation?!?! Or do you think that, more likely, you would probably see the inside of a jail cell for a while?

You people want to keeping giving government more and more power, and then you are shocked when they use said power to protect their own.

It would be comical if it wasn't sad.

I don't think it is unreasonable for the government to protect it's incarcerated citizens from sexual predators. In this instance they failed miserably and his sentence was a joke.
Simply because the government alleges rape doesn't mean that rape took place. Feminists have been playing fast and loose with the definition of rape and now even the FBI is in on the game.

Here's the issue - would the government have been able to prove its case? Did it overcharge in order to strengthen its bargaining hand? I don't know, do you?If this was the regular tactic of overcharging in order to get a plea deal, then it worked, didn't it? So what was the REAL OFFENSE and is the punishment commensurate with that ALLEGED offense?
What do you expect? Its Kentucky.

ā€œYes, you read that correctly. Fuck all of the rest of it. 25 mother-fucking counts of sexual assault, and either because the court decided it just wasn't worth the time, and money worrying about convicted women being victimized, or they didn't want to put a Prison Guard in jail, or whatever the reason, this guy gets to walk around free!

What. The. Fuck?!?!?ā€

Did you research the law and facts of the case to determine why the court considered probation appropriate? Perhaps prosecutors lacked sufficient evidence, perhaps there were problems with witnesses and testimony, or perhaps your outrage is justified.

But often times the outrage isn't justified.
Uniforms do make an impression on juries. If an opposing litigant or witness was likely to wear his uniform in court, I tried to keep anyone associated with the military or police, or certain ethnic right-wingers, off the jury. Clean cut was out; scruffy was in.
Officer Sergeant James B. Johnson, 54, was arrested and charged with 25 counts of sexual assault back in July of 2011.
Johnson, who is a former correctional officer at the Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women in Peewee Valley, was also slapped with 50 counts of official misconduct, one count of second-degree trafficking in a controlled substance and one count of first-degree promoting contraband after Kentucky State Police investigators concluded that Johnson supplied drugs to the female inmates and then sexually assaulted them while he was on duty as a prison guard.

At a Shelby County courtroom on Monday, Johnson was offered, and accepted, a plea deal on charges of sexual abuse, trafficking in a controlled substance and official misconduct and was sentenced to seven years of probation and ordered to attend a diversion program (whatever that means).​

Yes, you read that correctly. Fuck all of the rest of it. 25 mother-fucking counts of sexual assault, and either because the court decided it just wasn't worth the time, and money worrying about convicted women being victimized, or they didn't want to put a Prison Guard in jail, or whatever the reason, this guy gets to walk around free!

What. The. Fuck?!?!?

no charges where filed and your fellow leftist defended him.

Really? That's your reaction to this? So, this is only outrageous, and disgusting to "Leftists"? You're an idiot, you do know this, right?

No, fucktard, this story broke Jul 22, 2011 5:23 PM.

Your dumb fucking ass is years behind, you're just a leftist troll pretending to give a fuck, which you don't.

"Violence against sexuality and the use of sexuality for violence, particularly against women, has very deep roots in Biblical tradition, and is spelled out very early. The nineteenth chapter of Genesis (19:1-11), the first book of the Old Testament, holds that the rape of woman is acceptable but the rape of man is "a wicked thing." This chapter about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah describes Lot's hospitality to two male travelers (actually two angels) who were housed with him."
Article Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence

US is a defacto Christian nation. Thus much of the Bible's anti-woman, pro-rape rhetoric is perhaps ingrained in US citizens' heads. Yet we continue to claim Christianity is good. Maybe if you ripped out great chunks of it it'd become good, but as is that's the stupidest thing imaginable to claim.

I agree with this post, but add that Kentucky is as bible-belt state where quality education is supplanted by the bible and the police are always right [good christian GOP thinking]. It re-elects troglodytes like Mitch McConnell. The mindset is much like it was in the glory days of Daniel Boone. So no big surprise.

Police are always right (looks confused.) :)
Officer Sergeant James B. Johnson, 54, was arrested and charged with 25 counts of sexual assault back in July of 2011.
Johnson, who is a former correctional officer at the Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women in Peewee Valley, was also slapped with 50 counts of official misconduct, one count of second-degree trafficking in a controlled substance and one count of first-degree promoting contraband after Kentucky State Police investigators concluded that Johnson supplied drugs to the female inmates and then sexually assaulted them while he was on duty as a prison guard.

At a Shelby County courtroom on Monday, Johnson was offered, and accepted, a plea deal on charges of sexual abuse, trafficking in a controlled substance and official misconduct and was sentenced to seven years of probation and ordered to attend a diversion program (whatever that means).​

Yes, you read that correctly. Fuck all of the rest of it. 25 mother-fucking counts of sexual assault, and either because the court decided it just wasn't worth the time, and money worrying about convicted women being victimized, or they didn't want to put a Prison Guard in jail, or whatever the reason, this guy gets to walk around free!

What. The. Fuck?!?!?

What were all the terms of the "plea deal"?

It could be there wasn't enough evidence to convict on the alleged sexual assault charges so they took what they could get.

It pains me to see how utterly stupid people can be. They read a story that doesn't tell the entire story and then make stupid ass comments about it.
Wrong. Blaming the victim would involve mitigating this assholes sentence and punishment when he is eventually caught.

This perp has a type, and his type is women in short skirts. Women are not "inviting" him to attack them, whatever is in his sick mind sees this as an invitation. So what the NYPD is trying to explain is that wearing short skirts/shorts increases your risk of this asshole gunning for you until he is caught.

people are confusing with informing people of increasing risk vs. blaming them.
Bullshit. Their excuse was that they were just letting women know a rapist was targeting women in skirts and the cop was telling a woman her shorts were too short. A skirt is not shorts.

wtf is wrong with people that they don't put the blame where it belongs: on the rapist.

Hey, maybe we should all wear burkas.

So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

ā€œsimply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.ā€


ā€œHe pointed at my outfit and said, ā€˜Donā€™t you think your shorts are a little short?ā€™ā€

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.
Except it is the way the cop said it that turns what he said from "warning women about this guy" to blaming the girl because of her clothing options. That's what you don't get. It doesn't matter what you intended. what matters is what you did.

"Well, if you weren't acting like such a drunken whore..."

Your intention may have been to warn about making dangerous behavioral decisions. But what you did was blame the girl. It is all about what is actually said, and how. Perception is everything.

True "blame" does not occur until the prosecutor or the judge decide to let the guy off or reduce his sentence because the woman was "asking for it". I have yet to see a modern case that uses that logic, with exceptions for local yokel courts protecting their kin or friends.
Wrong. Blaming the victim would involve mitigating this assholes sentence and punishment when he is eventually caught.

This perp has a type, and his type is women in short skirts. Women are not "inviting" him to attack them, whatever is in his sick mind sees this as an invitation. So what the NYPD is trying to explain is that wearing short skirts/shorts increases your risk of this asshole gunning for you until he is caught.

people are confusing with informing people of increasing risk vs. blaming them.
Bullshit. Their excuse was that they were just letting women know a rapist was targeting women in skirts and the cop was telling a woman her shorts were too short. A skirt is not shorts.

wtf is wrong with people that they don't put the blame where it belongs: on the rapist.

Hey, maybe we should all wear burkas.

So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

ā€œsimply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.ā€


ā€œHe pointed at my outfit and said, ā€˜Donā€™t you think your shorts are a little short?ā€™ā€

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.
"You are fucking dolt."

I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole.

Thank you for losing the argument.
Bullshit. Their excuse was that they were just letting women know a rapist was targeting women in skirts and the cop was telling a woman her shorts were too short. A skirt is not shorts.

wtf is wrong with people that they don't put the blame where it belongs: on the rapist.

Hey, maybe we should all wear burkas.

So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

ā€œsimply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.ā€


ā€œHe pointed at my outfit and said, ā€˜Donā€™t you think your shorts are a little short?ā€™ā€

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.
Except it is the way the cop said it that turns what he said from "warning women about this guy" to blaming the girl because of her clothing options. That's what you don't get. It doesn't matter what you intended. what matters is what you did.

"Well, if you weren't acting like such a drunken whore..."

Your intention may have been to warn about making dangerous behavioral decisions. But what you did was blame the girl. It is all about what is actually said, and how. Perception is everything.

True "blame" does not occur until the prosecutor or the judge decide to let the guy off or reduce his sentence because the woman was "asking for it". I have yet to see a modern case that uses that logic, with exceptions for local yokel courts protecting their kin or friends.
LMAO! On one thread you are whining about judges judging and on this one you claim only a judge can decide if this cop was blaming women...........................................have you hit your head recently?
So. fucking. stupid.

Again, informing a person of an increased risk IS NOT BLAME.

If they lower his sentence because of this, THATS BLAME.

This guy is targeting girls who's legs he can see. That's part of whatever delusion he is suffering from that makes him think its some sort of invitation. The police owe it to the targeted population to inform them of this until the guy can be caught.
I agree you are so fucking stupid.

From the article:

ā€œsimply pointing out that as part of a pattern involving one or men that the assailant(s) have targeted women wearing skirts.ā€


ā€œHe pointed at my outfit and said, ā€˜Donā€™t you think your shorts are a little short?ā€™ā€

The cop was wrong in the WAY he said it, the police are not wrong in warning women about this guy. AND AGAIN, they are not blaming anyone.

You are fucking dolt.
Except it is the way the cop said it that turns what he said from "warning women about this guy" to blaming the girl because of her clothing options. That's what you don't get. It doesn't matter what you intended. what matters is what you did.

"Well, if you weren't acting like such a drunken whore..."

Your intention may have been to warn about making dangerous behavioral decisions. But what you did was blame the girl. It is all about what is actually said, and how. Perception is everything.

True "blame" does not occur until the prosecutor or the judge decide to let the guy off or reduce his sentence because the woman was "asking for it". I have yet to see a modern case that uses that logic, with exceptions for local yokel courts protecting their kin or friends.
LMAO! On one thread you are whining about judges judging and on this one you claim only a judge can decide if this cop was blaming women...........................................have you hit your head recently?

Again you miss the point, it wouldn't be blaming the cop, it would be blaming the victim if the courts allowed mitigation due to the above mentioned issue of short dresses.

You are so wrapped up in your progressive bullshit that you can't grasp a simple concept like this.

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