Appeals court struggles with Jan. 6 obstruction of Congress charges

Yes, the Capitol Police waved in the "insurrectionists".
Thanks for further proving it.
"GO GO GO!!!!!"
In reality, it shows the police were out flanked by the MAGAMOB. The tiny segment clip the alt media used in their false narrative was him waving to other officers urging them to fall back.

So you either are trying to sell it, or you bought it.
In reality, it shows the police were out flanked by the MAGAMOB. The tiny segment clip the alt media used in their false narrative was him waving to other officers urging them to fall back.

So you either are trying to sell it, or you bought it.
"GO GO GO!!!!!!"
Appeals court judges wrestled on Monday with a challenge to a key felony charge that prosecutors have wielded against hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants, weighing an issue that could upend hundreds of prosecutions connected to the attack on the Capitol.

A defense attorney for some of the Jan. 6 rioters argued that the way prosecutors have charged hundreds of defendants with felony obstruction — carrying a 20-year maximum sentence — could be deployed against run-of-the-mill peaceful protesters. But the judges disputed that contention, emphasizing that they viewed the Capitol attack as a unique event that lent itself to unique charging decisions.

Not surprisingly, the reason this matter is pending before an appeals court is because a Trump appointed judge looks favorably on violent insurrectionists.

Most of the federal District Court judges in Washington have sided with prosecutors’ interpretation of the obstruction law. But one, Judge Carl Nichols, ruled that defendants in the Jan. 6 cases can be charged with obstruction only if prosecutors can show the defendants’ actions targeted documents like the records of cast electoral votes that were hustled from the Senate chamber that day as the demonstrators swarmed the building.
It's a shame Lefties didn't view the BLM rioters in the same light, that actually caused destruction and deaths
Appeals court judges wrestled on Monday with a challenge to a key felony charge that prosecutors have wielded against hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants, weighing an issue that could upend hundreds of prosecutions connected to the attack on the Capitol.

A defense attorney for some of the Jan. 6 rioters argued that the way prosecutors have charged hundreds of defendants with felony obstruction — carrying a 20-year maximum sentence — could be deployed against run-of-the-mill peaceful protesters. But the judges disputed that contention, emphasizing that they viewed the Capitol attack as a unique event that lent itself to unique charging decisions.

Not surprisingly, the reason this matter is pending before an appeals court is because a Trump appointed judge looks favorably on violent insurrectionists.

Most of the federal District Court judges in Washington have sided with prosecutors’ interpretation of the obstruction law. But one, Judge Carl Nichols, ruled that defendants in the Jan. 6 cases can be charged with obstruction only if prosecutors can show the defendants’ actions targeted documents like the records of cast electoral votes that were hustled from the Senate chamber that day as the demonstrators swarmed the building.
The country has become so uber partisan right now that the term "Congress" has no meaning anymore. Congress is just another word for Democrats. You'll understand more when Republicans take over the House and the shoe will be on the other foot. Then "Congress" will mean Republicans and Democrats will be facing obstruction of "Congress" charges. I think it was Adam Schiff who said something like if the Republican House subpoenas him for something he will look at the situation to see if he will comply or not, meaning he will be obstructing "Congress". Democrats have been claiming since 2018 that they are responsible for "oversight" and now, come January, Republicans will be responsible for "oversight".
You'll understand more when Republicans take over the House and the shoe will be on the other foot.
What's to understand? Will they launch a tenth investigation into Benghazi or the Clinton's private email server? Will they sic Durham on them? You just pretend that we haven't seen this show before. They investigated every leaf that fell from the Obama tree and didn't find squat. But they did get some nice sound bites for the Campaigns , which is what really matters to them. So really, what difference does it make........
What's to understand? Will they launch a tenth investigation into Benghazi or the Clinton's private email server? Will they sic Durham on them? You just pretend that we haven't seen this show before. They investigated every leaf that fell from the Obama tree and didn't find squat. But they did get some nice sound bites for the Campaigns , which is what really matters to them. So really, what difference does it make........
Funny shit coming from a RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Clown. :auiqs.jpg:
What's to understand? Will they launch a tenth investigation into Benghazi or the Clinton's private email server? Will they sic Durham on them? You just pretend that we haven't seen this show before. They investigated every leaf that fell from the Obama tree and didn't find squat. But they did get some nice sound bites for the Campaigns , which is what really matters to them. So really, what difference does it make........
We've seen this show for the last four years.
Funny shit coming from a RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Clown. :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats didn't control the House until 2019, and never impeached the Trumpybear over his 2016 campaign's gleeful acceptance and use of the tainted aid Russia provided.
Democrats didn't control the House until 2019, and never impeached the Trumpybear over his 2016 campaign's gleeful acceptance and use of the tainted aid Russia provided.


What a clown. :auiqs.jpg:

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