Appreciating the Thuggish Joe McCarthy and Donald Trump


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Appreciating Joe McCarthy and Donald Trump

5th Amendment communist liberals used intense personal attacks against Joe McCarthy to distract attention away from their comrades who were busy giving Joseph Stalin (most evil man in human history) the A-bomb while he was slowly starving 60 million to death. Whoops! Nobody is perfect.

And today liberals again use intense personal attacks against Trump to distract attention away from his programs which are utterly sensible in comparison to their programs, e.g., pretty boy, ivy league, metro-sexual Obama hiding under his desk, shopping for arugula, and playing basketball while his unions, taxes, regulations, and trade deals were shipping millions of American jobs to China wiping out the foundational, hated middle class as they clung to their guns, religion and antipathy toward people not like them. Whoops! Nobody is perfect!

All very very true, but it's very very important to note that McCarthy and Trump were/are thugs or hit-men, our thugs or hit men, needed to do the very essential work that cowardly, genteel, and political Republicans did/do not have the courage to do. So let's have 3 cheers for Uncle Joe and The Donald!!!
Orwell said it:

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
Trump is no McCarthy, where do you get that comparison? McCarthy was starting witch hunts, Trump is the victim of one. Trump believes in live and let live. Yes, he loves capitalism and is facing a dangerous alt-left, progressive, socialist agenda, but he is not sending the covert apparatus on his enemies.

In fact, one could argue that Obama was more like McCarthy in that respect. Now, there is some truth that there was definitely more of a concerted effort by communist Russia to influence America and Hollywood, just as today China picks up that mantel. However, it's the vast difference in reaction to this. Trump calls it out for what it is, but he doesn't generate a mass to burn people at the stake, he just confronts the enemies of America with American Values and capitalism.
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Trump is no McCarthy, where do you get that comparison? McCarthy was starting witch hunts, Trump is the victim of one. Trump believes in live and let live. Yes, he loves capitalism and is facing a dangerous alt-left, progressive, socialist agenda, but he is not sending the covert apparatus on his enemies.

In fact, one could argue that Obama was more like McCarthy in that respect. Now, there is some truth that there was definitely more of a concerted effort by communist Russia to influence America and Hollywood, just as today China picks up that mantel. However, it's the vast difference in reaction to this. Trump calls it out for what it is, but he doesn't generate a mass to burn people at the stake, he just confronts the enemies of America with American Values nd capitalism.

Wow. This country is in deep s*it if it requires a Canadian to explain something like that to the American left.

Well-said! :beer:

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