Arab News: Hamas Shariah Imposition Turning Gaza Into Kandahar

Women are treated as equal in my "native country" ya dopey twat
Yes, Mr. Gooz, previously the women in your country dressed like French chic and now they have those black rags thrown on them. Maybe you are looking forward to a modified version of Sharia in Spain where you claim you now live. By the way, in the Shah's days were the Gays swinging in the breeze at the end of a noose like they are now?

Sharia's Relentless March on Spain | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam
For a little preview of what the "chosen ones" have in mind for Lebanon:

"The Kandahar massacre, also known as the Panjwai Massacre,[1] occurred in the early hours of 11 March 2012, when sixteen civilians were killed and six others wounded in the Panjwayi District of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.

"Nine of the victims were children, and eleven of the dead were from the same family. Some of the corpses were partially burned.

"United States Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales was taken into custody and charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and six counts of assault and attempted murder. The charge was later reduced to 16 counts, due to the double counting of one victim."

Kandahar massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That wasn't Uncle Sam, it was one incident by an individual who was incensed over the death of comrades. Unexcusable, but understandable.
There's nothing excusable or understandable about someone throwing a hissy fit while inflicting an illegal occupation upon civilians who pose no threat to his homeland. Only those who've condoned worse would think otherwise.
Why not tell us how inexcusable your friends acted in the Watts Riots? By the way, why don't you admit that you hate and probably have hated for a long time those you call "the chosen ones." I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that millions of innocent people were murdered by Muslims in the Sudan, Nigeria and Bangladesh, and innocent are still being killed by them. I think it is obvious that Georgie Boy could care less about the tens of thousands who already have died in Syria. Since Georgie Boy can't blame these killings on Israel or the U.S., he will never ever mention them. Georgie Boy, I would think that you at least would have some compassion for the Black Muslim women from Darfur now living in refugee camps in Chad since 300,000 of their brethren had perished as a result of the lighter-skinned Arab Muslims.

Now, Georgie Boy, how about your thoughts on Sharia Law instead of finding ways to blame America and Israel, two countries that it is obvious you hate
In recent years, ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel have demanded increased standards of modesty for women in the public sphere. This has resulted in sex segregation in public transportation, exclusion of women from public ceremonies and events, discrimination against girls wishing to celebrate a bat mitzvah at the Western Wall, and the silencing of women singers on the radio and at army ceremonies.
Women in Israel: From the Back of the Bus To the Top of the Agenda | Jewish Boston Events

sounds like jewish sharia law to me, see Beth din - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In recent years, ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel have demanded increased standards of modesty for women in the public sphere. This has resulted in sex segregation in public transportation, exclusion of women from public ceremonies and events, discrimination against girls wishing to celebrate a bat mitzvah at the Western Wall, and the silencing of women singers on the radio and at army ceremonies.
Women in Israel: From the Back of the Bus To the Top of the Agenda | Jewish Boston Events

sounds like jewish sharia law to me, see Beth din - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh wow, the horror of the these Ultra - Orthodox !!

When it comes to mistreatment of women an inequality of rights with women, Islam takes the cake...
Now, Georgie Boy, how about your thoughts on Sharia Law instead of finding ways to blame America and Israel, two countries that it is obvious you hate

Speaking of "turning into" and "shariah law"-----there is news germane to
the topic. Today---bombs exploded in Turkey killing dozens Turkey is blaming
Syria -----syria has blamed turkey for supporting the "rebels" Turkey has expressed
a pay-back against Syria notion.------That would be against the syrian government---
the one that Iran supports Erdogan is in office on an "islamicist" platform
and in my mind seemed to have been cozying up to Iran -----an alliance which
seemed very unlikely to me-----something like Adolf and Mussolini. In any
case ----turning into shariah-----seems ---at this time ---to be very Iranian
and very 'arab spring'------and in a macabre way----even hit Turkey.

I have a sense that the SHARIAH WARS are about to begin----
shades of cromwell
Why, Georgie Boy, such a nice person like you want us to think you are, surely you have visited that young Afghan woman staying in a hospital in the San Fernando Valley awaiting plastic surgery to fix her nose and ear which were cut off by her husband. You can sit by her bedside with an interpreter and tell her how you commiserate with all those Muslim women who are mistreated by their men just because they are women. She will be so happy to hear from you and see that American men have sympathy for her plight. You can also mention to her that you have seen those videos of Muslim clerics telling the men how to beat up their wives, and you greatly disagree with that.
Why, Georgie Boy, such a nice person like you want us to think you are, surely you have visited that young Afghan woman staying in a hospital in the San Fernando Valley awaiting plastic surgery to fix her nose and ear which were cut off by her husband. You can sit by her bedside with an interpreter and tell her how you commiserate with all those Muslim women who are mistreated by their men just because they are women. She will be so happy to hear from you and see that American men have sympathy for her plight. You can also mention to her that you have seen those videos of Muslim clerics telling the men how to beat up their wives, and you greatly disagree with that.

Her nose is almost done !

Aesha's progress: A nose nearly complete -


What an amazing story !!
Why, Georgie Boy, such a nice person like you want us to think you are, surely you have visited that young Afghan woman staying in a hospital in the San Fernando Valley awaiting plastic surgery to fix her nose and ear which were cut off by her husband. You can sit by her bedside with an interpreter and tell her how you commiserate with all those Muslim women who are mistreated by their men just because they are women. She will be so happy to hear from you and see that American men have sympathy for her plight. You can also mention to her that you have seen those videos of Muslim clerics telling the men how to beat up their wives, and you greatly disagree with that.

Have you "visited that young Afghan woman staying in a hospital in the San Fernando Valley awaiting plastic surgery to fix her nose and ear which were cut off by her husband".
I suggest you care not for any Muslim, male or female further than you can use their plight to score cheap points in your promotion of zionism (and ̶d̶i̶c̶k̶-̶h̶e̶a̶d̶s̶ ditto-heads)
Why, Georgie Boy, such a nice person like you want us to think you are, surely you have visited that young Afghan woman staying in a hospital in the San Fernando Valley awaiting plastic surgery to fix her nose and ear which were cut off by her husband. You can sit by her bedside with an interpreter and tell her how you commiserate with all those Muslim women who are mistreated by their men just because they are women. She will be so happy to hear from you and see that American men have sympathy for her plight. You can also mention to her that you have seen those videos of Muslim clerics telling the men how to beat up their wives, and you greatly disagree with that.

Have you "visited that young Afghan woman staying in a hospital in the San Fernando Valley awaiting plastic surgery to fix her nose and ear which were cut off by her husband".
I suggest you care not for any Muslim, male or female further than you can use their plight to score cheap points in your promotion of zionism (and ̶d̶i̶c̶k̶-̶h̶e̶a̶d̶s̶ ditto-heads)

But Jos, you constantly post anti - Israel pro Palestinian Propaganda to try and score points for the bullshit fake 'Palestinian Cause'
I post the truth as I see it as a non- muslim, non-jewish, you are a jew, toastman, you follow an agenda
I post the truth as I see it as a non- muslim, non-jewish, you are a jew, toastman, you follow an agenda

And you are a terrorist supporting Jihadist, who follows the agenda of Jihad.

What else you got Ahmed ?
That wasn't Uncle Sam, it was one incident by an individual who was incensed over the death of comrades. Unexcusable, but understandable.
There's nothing excusable or understandable about someone throwing a hissy fit while inflicting an illegal occupation upon civilians who pose no threat to his homeland. Only those who've condoned worse would think otherwise.
Help me understand. Who threw the hissy fit? The individual we're talking about or the "greatest purveyor of war and death on the planet"? You do tend to ramble.
"Some of the corpses were partially burned. United States Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales was taken into custody and charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.."

Think the families of Bales's victims hate him for his freedom, or his malignancy?
There's nothing excusable or understandable about someone throwing a hissy fit while inflicting an illegal occupation upon civilians who pose no threat to his homeland. Only those who've condoned worse would think otherwise.
Help me understand. Who threw the hissy fit? The individual we're talking about or the "greatest purveyor of war and death on the planet"? You do tend to ramble.
"Some of the corpses were partially burned. United States Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales was taken into custody and charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.."

Think the families of Bales's victims hate him for his freedom, or his malignancy?

think the families of Bale's victims are the only families who have relatives
of victims of murder? Think the families of the victims of the whore
wafa idris do not hate the scum who worship her? The USA did the right
thing by arresting and charging Bales------unlike your friends who spit in the
faces of the grieving families and reward the murderers in the NAME OF ISA .

You have cited a crime-----in fact it turns out to be not the first crime
comitted by Bales----he is a criminal ----just like the scum and filth you
and yours laud as SAINTS
That wasn't Uncle Sam, it was one incident by an individual who was incensed over the death of comrades. Unexcusable, but understandable.
There's nothing excusable or understandable about someone throwing a hissy fit while inflicting an illegal occupation upon civilians who pose no threat to his homeland. Only those who've condoned worse would think otherwise.
Why not tell us how inexcusable your friends acted in the Watts Riots? By the way, why don't you admit that you hate and probably have hated for a long time those you call "the chosen ones." I think the viewers are smart enough to realize that millions of innocent people were murdered by Muslims in the Sudan, Nigeria and Bangladesh, and innocent are still being killed by them. I think it is obvious that Georgie Boy could care less about the tens of thousands who already have died in Syria. Since Georgie Boy can't blame these killings on Israel or the U.S., he will never ever mention them. Georgie Boy, I would think that you at least would have some compassion for the Black Muslim women from Darfur now living in refugee camps in Chad since 300,000 of their brethren had perished as a result of the lighter-skinned Arab Muslims.

Now, Georgie Boy, how about your thoughts on Sharia Law instead of finding ways to blame America and Israel, two countries that it is obvious you hate
Watts Uprising...not riots.

You need to pink-out, Hossie:

"The Prophet Mohammed, in addition to saying women should be educated, taught that men and women are equal and that men should not harm their wives because if they do, they may be harming something Allah has blessed.

"Why then, we ask, are women subjugated across the Islamic world?

A teacher who’s lived and worked in the Middle East would tell me later that the Koran, like the Bible, can be interpreted to support almost any position. If people can’t read -- and 70% of Afghan men are illiterate -- they don’t know what’s in the Koran.

"They only know what the mullahs, their parents and grandparents have taught them. And the common teaching, except in urban areas, is that women should not leave home. In rural Afghanistan, where most of the population lives, women will leave home only twice: when they get married and when they die."

Who brought the Taliban to power in Afghanistan?
Nobody in Darfur, Bangladesh, Sudan, or Nigeria.
How about home grown terrorists like Graham Fuller?
It is just inexcusable the way you cover up for the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet.

Confessions of a Dove in Afghanistan - archives
Why, Georgie Boy, such a nice person like you want us to think you are, surely you have visited that young Afghan woman staying in a hospital in the San Fernando Valley awaiting plastic surgery to fix her nose and ear which were cut off by her husband. You can sit by her bedside with an interpreter and tell her how you commiserate with all those Muslim women who are mistreated by their men just because they are women. She will be so happy to hear from you and see that American men have sympathy for her plight. You can also mention to her that you have seen those videos of Muslim clerics telling the men how to beat up their wives, and you greatly disagree with that.
I've never maimed, murdered, or raped a woman, and I have never covered up for those who did.
But then again...I've never served the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet.
You have, and it's politicians like Dick and Dubya who you support that have put that woman in the hospital.
Now shed more crocodile tears over Darfur.
In recent years, ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel have demanded increased standards of modesty for women in the public sphere. This has resulted in sex segregation in public transportation, exclusion of women from public ceremonies and events, discrimination against girls wishing to celebrate a bat mitzvah at the Western Wall, and the silencing of women singers on the radio and at army ceremonies.
Women in Israel: From the Back of the Bus To the Top of the Agenda | Jewish Boston Events

sounds like jewish sharia law to me, see Beth din - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel haters making up shit. Israeli women walk around in Bikinis In Israel you ass wipe. There is no "segregation" other than what Orthodox do, which they do here in the US too. Its their business but not state policy. And what does that have anything to do with imposing Shariah SHIT law all over Gaza? Nothing, other than a lame diversion.
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I post the truth as I see it as a non- muslim, non-jewish, you are a jew, toastman, you follow an agenda
Ya sure, you're an Islamist Hezbollah moron. You haven't posted a single truthful post yet. Ha ha ha.
Help me understand. Who threw the hissy fit? The individual we're talking about or the "greatest purveyor of war and death on the planet"? You do tend to ramble.
"Some of the corpses were partially burned. United States Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales was taken into custody and charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.."

Think the families of Bales's victims hate him for his freedom, or his malignancy?

think the families of Bale's victims are the only families who have relatives
of victims of murder? Think the families of the victims of the whore
wafa idris do not hate the scum who worship her? The USA did the right
thing by arresting and charging Bales------unlike your friends who spit in the
faces of the grieving families and reward the murderers in the NAME OF ISA .

You have cited a crime-----in fact it turns out to be not the first crime
comitted by Bales----he is a criminal ----just like the scum and filth you
and yours laud as SAINTS
Now explain why any Jew, Muslim, or Christian should profit from Bales's crime?
Something to do with state-sponsored terror maybe?
Military/Industrial/Congressional complex of some kind...
"Some of the corpses were partially burned. United States Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales was taken into custody and charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.."

Think the families of Bales's victims hate him for his freedom, or his malignancy?

think the families of Bale's victims are the only families who have relatives
of victims of murder? Think the families of the victims of the whore
wafa idris do not hate the scum who worship her? The USA did the right
thing by arresting and charging Bales------unlike your friends who spit in the
faces of the grieving families and reward the murderers in the NAME OF ISA .

You have cited a crime-----in fact it turns out to be not the first crime
comitted by Bales----he is a criminal ----just like the scum and filth you
and yours laud as SAINTS
Now explain why any Jew, Muslim, or Christian should profit from Bales's crime?
Something to do with state-sponsored terror maybe?
Military/Industrial/Congressional complex of some kind...
Off topic garbage. Now explain to us what it has to do with the of this thread:
Arab News: Hamas Shariah Imposition Turning Gaza Into Kandahar!

Other than this is extremely embarrassing, so you have no explanation other than making a lame attempt to change the discussion.

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