Arab "palestinians": wer'e "indigenous" INVADERS / IMMIGRANTS in Jews' land (radicals: wish to ethnic cleanse non-Arabs expel or exterminate infidels)


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023

Hamas leader Fathi Hamad, then serving as Gaza Minister of Interior and National Security, stated in a 2012 interview with Al-Hekma TV that all Palestinians have Arab origins. According to Hamad, half of Gaza's population has Egyptian roots, while the other half originates from Saudi Arabia and Yemen.


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Lissak, R. S. (2021). When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two. United Kingdom: Xlibris US.

The Palestinian National Movement and its Palestine Authority aim to rewrite the history of the Land of Israel. They have developed several agendas about the history of the country. One agenda claims that they are the ancient population of the country they call Falstin (Palestine). The other claims said they settled in the country in 640; they have a history of 1,381 years. The Jews, they say, have no historical claim on that country; but another agenda claims that Jews did populate the country, but the Romans conquers never exiled the Jews two thousand years ago. The Jews converted to Islam during the Arab-Muslim occupation of the country (640–1099) and that the Palestinians are the descendants of these Jews and, therefore, the rightful heirs of the country. But the historical facts tell a different story. This book is the second volume of When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel. The first volume deals with 640–1914 and brings evidence that most Palestinians are descendants of immigrants who came to the country from Arab and Muslim countries in small numbers during a slow process over hundreds of years; and between the end of the nineteenth century and First World War, their number grew by immigrant workers. This volume brings evidence that under the British Mandate rule (1918–1948), waves of Arab/Muslim immigrant workers entered the country illegally because of the British policy to ignore illegal immigration. The British mandate government actually ordered the Transjordan army responsible for controlling the borders to ignore illegal immigration. Also, the British Army brought Arab workers from Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon to build and work in their camps. The economic and employment opportunities created by the Zionist Movement, Jewish investors and immigrants, Christian organizations, and the British Mandate in the Land of Israel drew an increasing number of Arab immigrant workers. These opportunities were much better than those they had in their home countries.


Edwardsson, P. L. (2020). There's No Such Thing as a Palestinian. (n.p.): Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US.

Our whole world is perennially obsessed with the Arab-Israeli conflict. The issue will not just go away. Even more astonishing is that an issue on which the whole planet seems to be focused is so poorly understood in modern society, and no matter where you live (even if you live in Israel!), your government, media and educational institutions have been no help to you at all in allowing you to understand the history and current dynamic of this bloody conflict.The current wisdom widely holds that Israel is currently occupying an ancient land called Palestine, and that the Israelis forcibly moved the indigenous people from their ancient homeland - but is there any truth to that claim? What if Palestine were indeed the ancient homeland of the Jews? What if Palestinians were relative late-comers to the land? What if there really were no such thing as a Palestinian at all?In this book, author P.L. Edwardsson reveals the history behind this seemingly endless Middle East conflict. Far from revealing a deeply hidden historical secret, There's No Such Thing as a Palestinian will present the mind-blowingly straightforward facts that could be confirmed in a single afternoon spent at a public library - but which mainstream society persistently ignores.If you consider yourself to be a news-junkie, you will be surprised to learn that the media narrative about the Palestinians and their conflict with the Jews is as far removed from reality as night is from day.There's No Such Thing as a Palestinian will be a breakthrough in your understanding of this seemingly endless news item. At last, you will find that this issue is not complicated at all. Once you find out the one small secret that this book reveals, the Arab-Israeli conflict is as straightforward as it is destructive.
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The correct solution to the Palestinian problem is the carve out a little spot in Egypt instead of Israel for the Palestinians to call home.
That's where Arafat came from. Another fake "native" of palestine...

BTW , most Jordanians are Arab "palestinians" already.

Meantime, Egypt doesn't even want to open Rafah...
So ethnic cleansing. The core of zionism.
Hey, you forgot the pallyWeid (apartheidgenocide-blah-blah)

Congrats. You're a zionist

Allah is a Zionist

Congrats. You're a zionist

Allah is a Zionist

Lol what a dumb fucking rebuttal, you murderous POS
Lol what a dumb fucking rebuttal, you..
Typical "reply."

Allah akbar.

And no. You didn't state anything substantial that requires a rebuttal. You just played another pallywood [pallyweid] buzzword.
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Israel was artificially carved out of Palestine by the former colonial powers. Palestine had previously been under Ottoman rule for some 400 years and was, unsurprisingly dominated by Islam (much as Europe was dominated by Christianity).

To carve out a region and hand it over to a Jew supremacist regime who then ethnically cleanse 750,000 non-Jews and NOT expect hostility strikes me as the height of stupidity.

Prior to this the vast majority of Jews in Palestine lived peacefully with their Arab neighbors, that is until militant Zionism, Jewish nationalism began to grow in the 1920s.
You are denying history. And support Arab supremacy racist movement against non Arabs.

Well that's a rather vacuous statement. Do you actually disagree with anything I said? dispute any of the claims I made? if so which claims and why?
Well that's a rather vacuous statement. Do you actually disagree with anything I said? dispute any of the claims I made? if so which claims and why?
You should start with pre Arab invasion and what racist Arabization has done to Middle East minorities

The Arabization wiped out many of cultures and ethnicities in the Middle East.

In his book, "A History of Palestine, 634-1099" Moshe Gil (Cambridge University Press, 1997) details what happened to people, who lived in their ancestral land since the time of "Joshua ben Nun." That is to say, these Jewish residents claimed this land going back to the conquest of Joshua, and in effect they said it was theirs "in perpetuity." Gil decided to examine the fate of his people who lived in what they called the land of "al-Sham" concisely between the rise of Islam and the coming of the Crusades.

Along came the Arabic conquerors who, according to another source — citing the Muslim chronicler Baladhuri (d. 892 C.E.) — said, "40,000 Jews lived in Caesarea alone at the Arab conquest, after which all trace of them is lost."

Gil's book is 1000 pages of humiliation, taxation, degradation of the original inhabitants of this land, not to mention the Christians who were either converted Jews, Muslims, or people who had moved there. He recounts one story from events in the present day West Bank and Gaza:

"One source tells of a Muslim who converted to Christianity and became a monk, and was renamed Christophorous. He was beheaded on 14 April 789. At around the same time, evidently, there was an Arab attack on the monastery of St. Theodosius, near Bethlehem. The monastery was pillaged, many of the monks were slaughtered and some escaped. The attackers also destroyed two churches near that monastery. A Church source tells about the suffering endured by the monasteries in the Judean mountains during the inter-tribal warfare which broke out in 796b ... While Bet Guvrin was being abandoned by its inhabitants, who were falling captive to the Arabs, assaults were being made in Ascalon, Gaza, and other localities. Everywhere there was pillage and destruction. (p. 126).

Thus, we have a picture of Muslim-Arabic subjugation of a people who inhabited the land of "al-Sham." It was these invaders who now claimed that the land of "al-Sham" was theirs forever, according to the laws of Islamic jurisprudence.


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Hamas leader Fathi Hamad, then serving as Gaza Minister of Interior and National Security, stated in a 2012 interview with Al-Hekma TV that all Palestinians have Arab origins. According to Hamad, half of Gaza's population has Egyptian roots, while the other half originates from Saudi Arabia and Yemen.


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Lissak, R. S. (2021). When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two. United Kingdom: Xlibris US.

The Palestinian National Movement and its Palestine Authority aim to rewrite the history of the Land of Israel. They have developed several agendas about the history of the country. One agenda claims that they are the ancient population of the country they call Falstin (Palestine). The other claims said they settled in the country in 640; they have a history of 1,381 years. The Jews, they say, have no historical claim on that country; but another agenda claims that Jews did populate the country, but the Romans conquers never exiled the Jews two thousand years ago. The Jews converted to Islam during the Arab-Muslim occupation of the country (640–1099) and that the Palestinians are the descendants of these Jews and, therefore, the rightful heirs of the country. But the historical facts tell a different story. This book is the second volume of When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel. The first volume deals with 640–1914 and brings evidence that most Palestinians are descendants of immigrants who came to the country from Arab and Muslim countries in small numbers during a slow process over hundreds of years; and between the end of the nineteenth century and First World War, their number grew by immigrant workers. This volume brings evidence that under the British Mandate rule (1918–1948), waves of Arab/Muslim immigrant workers entered the country illegally because of the British policy to ignore illegal immigration. The British mandate government actually ordered the Transjordan army responsible for controlling the borders to ignore illegal immigration. Also, the British Army brought Arab workers from Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon to build and work in their camps. The economic and employment opportunities created by the Zionist Movement, Jewish investors and immigrants, Christian organizations, and the British Mandate in the Land of Israel drew an increasing number of Arab immigrant workers. These opportunities were much better than those they had in their home countries.


Edwardsson, P. L. (2020). There's No Such Thing as a Palestinian. (n.p.): Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US.

Our whole world is perennially obsessed with the Arab-Israeli conflict. The issue will not just go away. Even more astonishing is that an issue on which the whole planet seems to be focused is so poorly understood in modern society, and no matter where you live (even if you live in Israel!), your government, media and educational institutions have been no help to you at all in allowing you to understand the history and current dynamic of this bloody conflict.The current wisdom widely holds that Israel is currently occupying an ancient land called Palestine, and that the Israelis forcibly moved the indigenous people from their ancient homeland - but is there any truth to that claim? What if Palestine were indeed the ancient homeland of the Jews? What if Palestinians were relative late-comers to the land? What if there really were no such thing as a Palestinian at all?In this book, author P.L. Edwardsson reveals the history behind this seemingly endless Middle East conflict. Far from revealing a deeply hidden historical secret,

There's No Such Thing as a Palestinian will present the mind-blowingly straightforward facts that could be confirmed in a single afternoon spent at a public library - but which mainstream society persistently ignores.If you consider yourself to be a news-junkie, you will be surprised to learn that the media narrative about the Palestinians and their conflict with the Jews is as far removed from reality as night is from day.

There's No Such Thing as a Palestinian will be a breakthrough in your understanding of this seemingly endless news item. At last, you will find that this issue is not complicated at all. Once you find out the one small secret that this book reveals, the Arab-Israeli conflict is as straightforward as it is destructive.

Palestine has been southern Syria since 500 BC.. it's also considered a province of Syria since the Greek historian Herodotus.
You ignored the question:

Since when do arabists see 'terrorists' as a bad term?

I mean,
decapitating, burning victims alive, screaming Allah akbar rape-Jihad while laughing and stabbing in genitalia is "freedom fighting," no?

And Gaza regime just wants another Arab state, "not" an Islamic Fascist Caliphate State. Right?

No one wants another caliphate. The last one was a real dud. The whole region stagnated during the Ottoman empire.

Are you still trying to erase the Palestinians? You do know they were a majority of Christians and Muslims before the European Zionists arrived.
You describe what the IDF does every single day. You and the IDF are just Israeli Hamas.
Are you trying to convince me that you believe in what you just said?

Actually twisted tadical Haaeertz said that IDF never rapes because they are racist
You should start with pre Arab invasion and what racist Arabization has done to Middle East minorities
No, I already started how I started you objected to something I wrote and I'm asking what did I say that you disagree with and why do you disagree with it?

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