Arbitrator sends Kaeperprick's case to trial


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I figured this would happen.
You watch, he'll win this case NOT based on facts before the court, but because of the PC madness that infests every fucking corner of this country.

Arbitrator sends Kaepernick's grievance against NFL to trial

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Colin Kaepernick and his legal team are driving inside NFL territory, forcing the league and its 32 teams to brace for a defensive stand.
Wasn't he offered a position somewhere, and turned it down? I forget what team.

If true, his case is weak.
Wasn't he offered a position somewhere, and turned it down? I forget what team.

If true, his case is weak.

Denver supposedly offered him a deal in 2016, I think.

However, I don't think one team offering a contract invalidates his claims in any way. If 31 team owners got together and said, "Don't hire Kaepernick because of his kneeling" I would think that would still fit the lawsuit.

It seems unlikely to me that the owners would have made records of any such discussions, though, so even if they happened, I'm not sure how Kaepernick's lawyers could prove it. :dunno:
The owners have every right to fire and not hire someone who chooses to protest during games while wearing their uniforms.

He should had done his protesting during his own time. But like many deranged left wing lunatics, they expect everyone else to support and even pay them to protest their radical ideology.
My understanding is, only two team owners would have had to have a conversation about agreeing to not hiring Kaeperprick in order to proving collusion.

That might be possible, but I doubt there was an organized effort by most of the owners to agree to not hiring him since I don't believe it would have been necessary.

I think the more likely scenario is each owner independently knew hiring him would bring a wave of angry fans that would come down hard on their team.

If Kaeperprick were a great QB, they might be willing to risk it, but let's face it the guy is not much more than a back-up, so if you were an owner, why would you bring that kind of polarizing person into your organization when the payoff is pretty mediocre ?
you never know what a jury will do
...but remember when the NFL 'colluded' to keep Rush Limbaugh--a white man-from being a team owner?? !!!!! come there wasn't looting/burning?? the NFL colluded to keep someone from buying a team--only it was a WHITE man
they did it for the ''good of the NFL''--same as with jackass Kap
Why the NFL Can’t Let Rush Limbaugh Be a Team Owner | blog maverick

I would guess that Kaepernick's suit is based on the collective bargaining agreement. I doubt preventing someone from becoming an owner is covered by the CBA.
I’ll laugh if Kapaernick wins. It’s hilarious, Trump ordered his sheep to boycott the NFL, and they did. Then the NFL’s weak ass succumbed to Trump, ready to fine players for kneeling, and Trump STILL ordered his sheep to boycott! And now liberals aren’t watching either because the NFL completely pussed out and bent over for the dotard. Too funny.
I’ll laugh if Kapaernick wins. It’s hilarious, Trump ordered his sheep to boycott the NFL, and they did. Then the NFL’s weak ass succumbed to Trump, ready to fine players for kneeling, and Trump STILL ordered his sheep to boycott! And now liberals aren’t watching either because the NFL completely pussed out and bent over for the dotard. Too funny.

No one needed Trump to tell them what Kaphisdick was doing was offensive to millions of Americans.

I'm not boycotting, but I do indeed pay less attention to the NFL than I did before due to the kneelers.
If Kaphisdick comes back into the league, I will pay even less attention.
you never know what a jury will do
...but remember when the NFL 'colluded' to keep Rush Limbaugh--a white man-from being a team owner?? !!!!! come there wasn't looting/burning?? the NFL colluded to keep someone from buying a team--only it was a WHITE man
they did it for the ''good of the NFL''--same as with jackass Kap
Why the NFL Can’t Let Rush Limbaugh Be a Team Owner | blog maverick

I would guess that Kaepernick's suit is based on the collective bargaining agreement. I doubt preventing someone from becoming an owner is covered by the CBA.
no matter what, they said we don't want that white man as an owner

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