Would You Like To See Colin Kaepernick Back In The NFL Again?

Would you like to see Colin Kaepernick back in the NFL again?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • No

    Votes: 18 54.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • WTF???!!!???!!!

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 8 24.2%

  • Total voters
I dont either. I dont get entertained watching felons, abusers, Marxists and morons fight each other on a football field.

The National Felons League can drop off the end of the earth for all I care any more.

So what does it say about you that you equate a person protesting violence against minorities by the police with thugs who fight dogs, use drugs and beat their wives?
Kaepernick is the liberal athlete who tweaked his nose at the NFL, protested black people being shot by police during the playing of the national anthem and made millions by winning a lawsuit against the NFL and by endorsing Nike and other products due to his notoriety.

I don't think they'll allow him to kneel during the anthem or else suspension but I'm not sure. I would like to see him get crunched very hard tho.

"A month after resolving his collusion grievance against the NFL, Colin Kaepernick may have found his best chance at returning to the league yet -- at least in theory.

According to CBS Sports NFL insider Jason La Canfora, the former San Francisco 49ers star is interested in filling the Miami Dolphins' vacant quarterback job following the team's trade of Ryan Tannehill on Friday.

"He's training hard and ready to play," a source close to Kaepernick told La Canfora.

The former Niners starter, who led San Francisco to Super Bowl XLVII, has not taken a snap in the NFL since the 2016 season, when he first began kneeling during pre-game national anthems in protest of police brutality and racial injustice. Kaepernick's collusion case also alleged that league owners worked together to blackball him from the NFL."

Full article here
Colin Kaepernick interested in Dolphins QB opening, ready to play as he continues to train
Kaepernick is a shitty football player, and even a shittier person
No coach wants the media attention hassle that would engulf his locker room. Plenty of other mediocre QBs out there who come with no such strings attached.
Kaepernick is locker room cancer... absolutely
If he can earn a spot on a team and the team is willing to put up with his nonsense, sure. He is out of the league because he was sucking before he was kneeling.

Actually, he wasn't playing that badly in his last season. 16 TDs to only 4 INTs. He wasn't lighting the league on fire, but he played pretty solidly for a bad 49ers team.

Considering how the RPO QB has become so popular, Kaepernick has the skill set to at least get a look from teams if he didn't have the kneeling and collusion accusation controversy hanging over his head.
He's been out of the league for going on 4 yrs. he wasn't picked up because he's not good enough to pay for, and carry his baggage. He had his day! Maybe he can get a gig with CNN or MSNBC they seem to like him.

Considering some of the garbage QBs that have not only gotten jobs, but started, over the past 2 years (it's been 2 years Kaepernick has been out of the league), Kaepernick is, or was, definitely good enough to pay for. Maybe not good enough to get franchise QB money, but certainly good enough to get a backup contract at the least. It's possible that he was asking for too much, overvaluing his own worth. Maybe Kap expected to be paid top tier money. If that's the case, it's his own fault, him and his agent. If, however, he simply wanted a chance to get on a team, he's certainly got the talent for it.

After 2 seasons out of the league, it's that much harder for him to get a job. Then again, Vick was able to go to prison for running a dog fighting ring, then come back and become a starter.

His price tag is 20 million a year according to what I have read. He is a back up, no way does anyone pay a back up 20 million.
No coach wants the media attention hassle that would engulf his locker room. Plenty of other mediocre QBs out there who come with no such strings attached.
Kaepernick is locker room cancer... absolutely

Kaepernick is a shitty football player, and even a shittier person

why? Because he said the epidemic of police shootings with no consequences was a bad thing?

No, because he was using his employer's property and brand for personal reasons.
I voted "other". I don't care one way or other. My explanation is that I don't give thought to many of the people the media has their focus on. While Kaepernick is included on that list, these days the list is topped by that young congress lady from Brooklyn or someplace around there.
He had a job as a back up with Baltimore two seasons ago, and then his girlfriend sent out a racist tweet with picture of the Raven's owner, and Ray Lewis as his slave. He is very dumb, but Nike bailed him out to Virtue Signal to their criminal, lib base. He has been washed up as a player for several years, and he wasn't that good when he was playing.
I dont either. I dont get entertained watching felons, abusers, Marxists and morons fight each other on a football field.

The National Felons League can drop off the end of the earth for all I care any more.

So what does it say about you that you equate a person protesting violence against minorities by the police with thugs who fight dogs, use drugs and beat their wives?
Because minorities are so innocent of anything bad. They are angelic. Heavenly and ready for bliss. They do nothing wrong. Unlike those mean whitees.
Because minorities are so innocent of anything bad. They are angelic. Heavenly and ready for bliss. They do nothing wrong. Unlike those mean whitees.

Oh, I'm sure they and the white kids do lots of bad stuff. The white kids just don't get shot in the back for it.
Kaepernick is a shitty football player, and even a shittier person

That makes him perfect for the Dolphins. I never did like how they trotted out Csonka and Kiick every time some team was close to tying their perfect record and failed.
Sad to see someone who doesn't realize he was paid to go away.

What kind of farking stupid wacktard are you? Kaep won a lawsuit. Nobody willingly paid him but for Nike because they're from Oregon and few other libbie cos.
I don't think he really wants back....he keeps turning down offers.
I commend you for accurately describing the reason for his peaceful protest.
This peaceful protest wasn't that peaceful for the police officers that were shot and killed by activists inspired by BLM and Kaepernick's sideline demonstrations and rhetoric.

A spike in 2016 in police deaths, 171 deaths, for officers in the line of duty (List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia ) indicate Kaepernick's antics, like wearing socks that depicted the police as pigs, had an effect that was highly negative and violent.

He preached black lives matter but apparently the lives of police officers did not matter so much to him and his followers.

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