Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

Say, since the Kap says white supremacy cannot be reformed, when can we expect the riots to start?
Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.
Oh look....you managed to work in Kaepernick and Rittenhouse on the same thread.

Add Arberry and the racists can have an orgasm
Maybe it's a good idea Kaepernick had. Let's do abolish the justice system!!

Then we whites won't be so afraid to fight back. No arrest, no trial, no prison --- we can carry guns freely, just like the blacks do in the inner cities, shoot anyone they want to --- think about it, this isn't a bad idea.
Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.
i feel so bad for gassbag kapernick
In a true socialist utopia, multi billion dollar stadiums would not be built. Massive multi million dollar contracts would not be given out to players. So the multi purpose stadiums built by cities fifty years ago were the peak of sports played by those who cared for the game. Perhaps two separate stadiums for baseball and football could have been built in austere but comfortable ways for fans. But how could you do that if the players are making tens of millions of dollars a year instead of say one million dollars a year? If parking was free as it was promised by the political class instead of what we see today. In what insane world does someone who never does a thing playing get paid millions of dollars?
you watch to much sports
Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.
Good we should rob loot and burn his house to the ground!!!!
Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.
The United States' justice system will be overhauled after the trumpublican congressional majority, (elected by landslides next November) finish impeaching the Democrats' presidential line of succession, and reinstating the cheeto-in-chief.

That overhaul will be possible due to the ceremonial burning of the Constitution. This ceremony will also be the official kickoff for the trump Nazis', fascist regime, elevating their cheeto-in-chief to beloved führer.

The jury system will be scrapped in favor of three or five-member tribunals. The number of judges on the panel will depend on the seriousness of the crime(s) and the race of the soon-to-be-convicted individual(s).

All major crimes will be capital offenses, with the firing squads standing ready to carry out sentences immediately following pronouncement of the verdict. All other felonies and serious misdemeanors will be life sentences.

So, you trump Nasis, use care when drawing your firearms, be certain it can be proven as self-defense. Innocent until proven guilty will no longer be the standard. Guilty until proven innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt among two out of three or four out of five jurists.

The right to a speedy trial will remain, in fact, the defendant may find himself (or herself) standing before the tribunal while the fingerprint ink is still wet on his (or her) hands. And, hear the firing squad warming up before opening statements.

Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.
Most blacks are a damn plague on this country
The United States' justice system will be overhauled after the trumpublican congressional majority, (elected by landslides next November) finish impeaching the Democrats' presidential line of succession, and reinstating the cheeto-in-chief.

That overhaul will be possible due to the ceremonial burning of the Constitution. This ceremony will also be the official kickoff for the trump Nazis', fascist regime, elevating their cheeto-in-chief to beloved führer.

The jury system will be scrapped in favor of three or five-member tribunals. The number of judges on the panel will depend on the seriousness of the crime(s) and the race of the soon-to-be-convicted individual(s).

All major crimes will be capital offenses, with the firing squads standing ready to carry out sentences immediately following pronouncement of the verdict. All other felonies and serious misdemeanors will be life sentences.

So, you trump Nasis, use care when drawing your firearms, be certain it can be proven as self-defense. Innocent until proven guilty will no longer be the standard. Guilty until proven innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt among two out of three or four out of five jurists.

The right to a speedy trial will remain, in fact, the defendant may find himself (or herself) standing before the tribunal while the fingerprint ink is still wet on his (or her) hands. And, hear the firing squad warming up before opening statements.


My suggestion is you contact your doctor and have your medication adjusted............... seriously.
Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.
Why would any reasonable person give a shit about the opinions of a scumbag racist idiot former jock like Kaepernick?
Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.
The only thing that would satisfy Colin Kaepernick is if a law is passed that states white men have no right to defend themselves from attackers who intend to put them in the hospital for an extended stay or six feet under.

Of course I couldn’t care less what Colin Kaepernick thinks about anything.
I don't agree with Kaepernick however clearly justice for all is not the case in Kenosha. Justice for blacks is absent.
Do you understand what legitimate self defense that involves the use of lethal force is.

Do you realize Rittenhouse did not shoot any blacks?

Do you have any idea of how your wonderful liberal media fed you lies about RIttenhouse?

Why would any reasonable person give a shit about the opinions of a scumbag racist idiot former jock like Kaepernick?
I might have some interest in his opinions about the tactics involved in being an NFL quarterback although I would be far more interested in what Tom Brady thinks about that subject.

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