WATCH: Joe Scarborough 3 months ago “ Biden is better than ever”…Friday Scarborough says Joe must resign

Why would ANYBODY want to be a dimocrap scumbag?

Poor old Joe. He's done everything the dimocrap scum party has asked of him and they're ready to dump him into the nearest ditch.

Like sharks, if one gets injured and the rest smell blood, they'll tear him apart and eat him. Sharks, dimocrap scum, rats and vermin in general. All the same. Just like the criminals they are. Never trust a criminal. Even criminals know that much. Only idiots, and dimocrap scum voters (same-same) don't know that

So, if you're a Jew, how you liking the dimocrap scum party? How about Blacks? Do you think they haven't turned on you yet? Silly little girls. Hispanics? They'll butt-fuck you the first chance they get.

Who else have dimocrap scum turned on and back-stabbed? Blue Collar workers? You're known as "Deplorables" now.

I don't have all day to name all the groups dimocrap scum have back-stabbed but, trust me..... You're next

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