Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

Kaepernick is a moron. Who gives a shit what he has to say, what has he ever done for anyone but his selfish self? Oh he took a knee, wow how brave, his football career was washed up well before then.
Yes, the concern is he influences many people. Like all of the other morons starting with moron john lennon.

Yeah, Mr "no possessions" marxist idiot with his marxist anthem, was worth an estimated $800 million dollars at the time he was sent to eternity, with who knows how many properties. One of his many properties (mansion in Palm Beach along a rising ocean) just sold for about $36 million. IMAGINE that.

But but but kaepernick is a black slave worth nearly 100 million dollars and resembles che.
Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.
LOL says the guy who cashed out millions of dollars on faking racism.
Kaepernick says Rittenhouse verdict ‘validates the need to abolish’ justice system

November 20, 2021 | Chris Donaldson

The results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ignited in an ugly but predictable temper tantrum on Twitter when leftists swarmed to howl all their outrage after a jury acquitted the demonized teen for defending himself during last summer’s Kenosha, Wisconsin riots.

One of those who joined fellow members of the hateful hive in wailing that the jury’s verdict was a triumph of white supremacy was Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback turned self-styled Twitter race prophet who never fails to surface whenever the opportunity arises to stir the pot and dispense his nuggets of “wisdom” which are gobbled up by his cult-like devotees in the media.

The war is here folks. Been telling you all to prepare. It's here. Get ready. The DOJ (communist stassi of the American left) will now investigate the verdict on Rittenhouse.

I don't agree with Kaepernick however clearly justice for all is not the case in Kenosha. Justice for blacks is absent.
Dont Taz Me Bro He is the founding father of the kneel down and Obama knighted him as a new Black leader. Kaperdink is just waiting for Sharpton to kick the bucket and he will move in to take his place.
Maybe he is unaware of it but Kaepernick probably speaks for the president and the democrat party.
Kaepernick doesn't get it. Whining about "racism" doesn't make white folks say, OMG, I never knew I was a "racist" or a "white supremacist"!! People know if they are a racist or not, and if you look at Obama winning two terms, I think its safe to say that there aren't as many "racists" in the US as the democrats are whining about. Most of us are "color-blind" when it comes to race. So when the democrats push their "woke agenda" and CRT lies, and 1619 Project "fake history" all it does is make voters vote against more racism.
So "double-down on racism" democrats....2022 and 2024 are coming fast, and hell is coming with them.

Obama became President for two terms, yet somehow US is more racist???
Kapernick is just like AOC types. If they didn't play a victim card no matter the case they wouldn't exist.

I still have to double check who Rittenhouse shot. The left are playing this as though it's racism of course, yet those shot were white.

Validates what we know about these people, am I right? They're frauds, and they recognize those who like them are dumb.
Look if we abolish the justice system and revert to mob rule and mob justice, the left will flee for their lives north to Canada.
Please tell us how Black people factored into a trial involving no Black people.

The left are extremely stupid people. Their politicians are puppet masters that pull their strings, and they just dance. There need not be anything with race involved for them to make something racist that's not. They've been doing it for the past few decades.

The left are used to using the race card to get anything they want. That's why race is not a factor. The people of different races that support the party are not educated enough to figure out how they are being used as political pawns. They simply don't have the integrity to be insulted. Even the ones that are continue to support the party of lies.
The only reason we should abolish the justice system is because it allows domestic terrorists like BLM and antifa to run around for years burning, looting, attacking police and civilians, steal and cause damage with no reprocussions at all.

The justice system allows these fuckwads to openly do mass amounts of illegal stuff across multiple cities for years and the only people who get punished are the people who try to stop it.

The justice system needs to be torn down and start from scratch because it has become too political. Everybody in charge needs to lose their jobs and replaced with A-political people.

DumBama used the FBI to spy on a political opponent of the Democrat party. The FBI confiscated Hunter's laptop and refused to take action on the contents. Hunter also obtained a gun illegally by lying on a federal firearms application form which they did nothing about. More recently, the FBI ran out with warrants to search for a diary of a private citizen who was the Presidents daughter because the contents of the diary would be very embarrassing and even damaging to the President and his party. Then Director Comey got a warrant to confiscate a laptop of Hillary's aid which contained classified US information on it, and was used by her husband for him to send out disgusting picture of himself to strange women all over the world, and had it destroyed.

Our agencies have become just as much of a protection racket of the Democrat party as the MSM, except we the taxpayers are funding their payroll. It's time to tear it all down.
Nobody cares.

This cretin has had and used up his fifteen minutes of fame a very long time ago, and is way past the point where we should all be spared from ever having to hear of or from him ever again.

He knows it already. That's why he's trying to stay in the limelight.

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