Arctic heat

Really? The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is completely destabilized and crumbling. It's bedrock is below sea level; the collapse is unstoppable and could be complete as early as 2150. By itself, irrespective of thermal expansion or eustatic changes, it will raise sea level in excess of 3 meters.

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The catastrophic collapse of the massive West Antarctic Ice Sheet is underway, researchers said today (May 12).

The biggest glaciers in West Antarctica are hemorrhaging ice without any way to stem the loss, according to two independent studies. The unstoppable retreat is the likely start of a long-feared domino effect that could cause the entire ice sheet to melt, whether or not greenhouse gas emissions decline.

"These glaciers will keep retreating for decades and even centuries to come and we can't stop it," said lead study author Eric Rignot, a glaciologist at the University of California, Irvine, and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "A large sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has passed the point of no return." [Vanishing Glaciers: See Stunning Images of Earth's Melting Ice]

Catastrophic Collapse of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Begins

You are full of bullshit, jc.
Really? The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is completely destabilized and crumbling. It's bedrock is below sea level; the collapse is unstoppable and could be complete as early as 2150. By itself, irrespective of thermal expansion or eustatic changes, it will raise sea level in excess of 3 meters.

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The catastrophic collapse of the massive West Antarctic Ice Sheet is underway, researchers said today (May 12).

The biggest glaciers in West Antarctica are hemorrhaging ice without any way to stem the loss, according to two independent studies. The unstoppable retreat is the likely start of a long-feared domino effect that could cause the entire ice sheet to melt, whether or not greenhouse gas emissions decline.

"These glaciers will keep retreating for decades and even centuries to come and we can't stop it," said lead study author Eric Rignot, a glaciologist at the University of California, Irvine, and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "A large sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has passed the point of no return." [Vanishing Glaciers: See Stunning Images of Earth's Melting Ice]

Catastrophic Collapse of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Begins

You are full of bullshit, jc.
You have shit that can prove any of that. So I'll continue to disregard any material you provide cause it's all :bsflag:
Did you not read up on the destabilitzation? It has become a mechanical process. Warm ocean waters have undermined the foundation of the ice shelf at its sill. The bedrock it sits on is below sea level. Sea water is now moving into the interface and unless you think the ocean will freeze down to a few thousand feet, it can not and will not be stopped until the entire WAIS is floating away (and sea level has risen more than 3 meters).

It no longer has anything to do with CO2 or glaciation.
Did you not read up on the destabilitzation? It has become a mechanical process. Warm ocean waters have undermined the foundation of the ice shelf at its sill. The bedrock it sits on is below sea level. Sea water is now moving into the interface and unless you think the ocean will freeze down to a few thousand feet, it can not and will not be stopped until the entire WAIS is floating away (and sea level has risen more than 3 meters).

It no longer has anything to do with CO2 or glaciation.
I read that extensive continental glaciation occurs at 750 ppm. What is our current atmospheric CO2 reading?
God, you are every bit as stupid as La Dexter! If just a little bit of Antarctica melts, we can get 10 ft of sea level rise. Current level of CO2 is 400+ ppm. At 300, in the Eemian, we have about 20 more feet of water than we have today. The last time the level was at 400 ppm, they estimate that we had 40 to 60 feet more. Even a melt of just the ice shelves dooms all the major port cities in the world.
God, you are every bit as stupid as La Dexter! If just a little bit of Antarctica melts, we can get 10 ft of sea level rise. Current level of CO2 is 400+ ppm. At 300, in the Eemian, we have about 20 more feet of water than we have today. The last time the level was at 400 ppm, they estimate that we had 40 to 60 feet more. Even a melt of just the ice shelves dooms all the major port cities in the world.
So now you are saying the sea level will rise more than 3 meters? Oy vey! Which IPCC forecast is forecasting that?
Yes, I am stating that absolutely that sea level will rise over 3 meters. What is not known is how long that will take. Three centuries? Or will we get one of those inevitable surprises that adrupt climate change brings, and see that much sooner? This years melt back of the two poles polar ice has certainly caught everyone by surprise.
Yes, I am stating that absolutely that sea level will rise over 3 meters. What is not known is how long that will take. Three centuries? Or will we get one of those inevitable surprises that adrupt climate change brings, and see that much sooner? This years melt back of the two poles polar ice has certainly caught everyone by surprise.
My goodness... now you are arguing against your own authorities.
The first detailed analysis of an extraordinary climatic and biological record from the seabed near the North Pole shows that 55 million years ago the Arctic Ocean was much warmer than scientists imagined — a Floridian year-round average of 74 degrees.

Previous computer simulations, done without the benefit of seabed sampling, did not suggest an ancient Arctic that was nearly so warm, the authors said. So the simulations must have missed elements that lead to greater warming.
Studies Portray Tropical Arctic in Distant Past

The world has been through many cycles of climate change. Leave it to some dopey libs to cry about it being something we can change. smh
God, are you really that stupid?

"The findings, published today in three papers in the journal Nature, fill in a blank spot in scientists' understanding of climate history. And while they show that much remains to be learned about climate change, they suggest that scientists have greatly underestimated the power of heat-trapping gases to warm the Arctic".

Scientist greatly underestimated the power of heat trapping gasses to warm the Arctic. The difference between continental glaciers at 180 ppm CO2, and as low as 50 ppb CH4, to the interglacial 280 ppm CO2 and 700 ppb CH4 is the difference between continental glaciers and the present interglacial period. At present, CO2 is 400+ ppm, and CH4 1800 ppb. Were it not for the thermal inertia of the oceans, it would already be much hotter. And what we are seeing right now is a forerunner of what will come.

We put that additional 120 ppm of CO2 there, and the additional 1100 ppb of CH4. Not only that, we are continuing to put more of both gases into the atmosphere, as well as other GHGs for which there is no natural analog. We have changed the climate. Right there in the article you quoted. And you seem to be too blind to see it.

So you're saying the Arctic temperature should be 74F Year round?

... some o' dat arctic heat...

... comin' this way next week...

... an' wind chills s'posed to get down inna `teens.
A point that no one has ever disputed. Unfortunately for you, that has NO bearing whatsoever on whether or not CO2 causes warming. That is does is universally accepted science. That you think it doesn't simply paints you as a complete fool.
A point that no one has ever disputed. Unfortunately for you, that has NO bearing whatsoever on whether or not CO2 causes warming. That is does is universally accepted science. That you think it doesn't simply paints you as a complete fool.
hey, dumbfuck, we are in an interglacial cycle. Stop looking at just the last 200 years.

Global Warming : Feature Articles

Wow... doesn't that look like we have a problem!!!!

Not really. It is all part of a natural cycle that has been occurring for the past 400,000 years.
A point that no one has ever disputed. Unfortunately for you, that has NO bearing whatsoever on whether or not CO2 causes warming. That is does is universally accepted science. That you think it doesn't simply paints you as a complete fool.

Can you show us the lab work on how much warming is caused by an additional 120PPM of CO2?
A point that no one has ever disputed. Unfortunately for you, that has NO bearing whatsoever on whether or not CO2 causes warming. That is does is universally accepted science. That you think it doesn't simply paints you as a complete fool.
hey, dumbfuck, we are in an interglacial cycle. Stop looking at just the last 200 years.

Global Warming : Feature Articles

Wow... doesn't that look like we have a problem!!!!

Not really. It is all part of a natural cycle that has been occurring for the past 400,000 years.
By the very charts you present, the last 1000 years we were headed slowly down in temperature as would be in keeping with where we are in the Milankovic Cycles. Then came the industrial revolution and the massive use of fossil fuels, and we see the very rapid rise in temperatures. Even by your chart, one can clearly see that is not natural, there has to be a forcing agent. And physics quite clearly tells us that forcing agent is the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere that we have created. That you refuse to accept that reality is simply a reflection of your limited intellect.

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