Arctic ice thins dramatically

Oh my, USGS, NOAA, Dr. Roy Spencer, AIP, all dispensers of pseudoscience.

In the meantime, your real dispensers of science, a drugged out obese radio jock with barely a high school education, and an ex-tv weatherman are the real dispensers of scientific knowledge.

But what else to expect from ol' G-string.

National bodies receiving political money and a proven BS artist.. yeah thx socks..:lol:

LOL. Why don't you send Dr. Spencer a letter of protest concerning his support of the Global Warming Conspriracy.:lol:

Why bother he is the BS artists I talked about.. And you one of his faithful...:lol:
National bodies receiving political money and a proven BS artist.. yeah thx socks..:lol:

LOL. Why don't you send Dr. Spencer a letter of protest concerning his support of the Global Warming Conspriracy.:lol:

Why bother he is the BS artists I talked about.. And you one of his faithful...:lol:

hahaha. could someone give gslack a dollar so he can buy a clue.

and Old Rocks is no better for confusing Watts and his science information blog for the actual papers and news stories he writes about. it must piss Old Rocks off that Anthony Watts actually has peer reviewed papers published and referenced to.
LOL. Why don't you send Dr. Spencer a letter of protest concerning his support of the Global Warming Conspriracy.:lol:

Why bother he is the BS artists I talked about.. And you one of his faithful...:lol:

hahaha. could someone give gslack a dollar so he can buy a clue.

and Old Rocks is no better for confusing Watts and his science information blog for the actual papers and news stories he writes about. it must piss Old Rocks off that Anthony Watts actually has peer reviewed papers published and referenced to.

Ian you going to pout across multiple threads now? I am sorry someone knew something you didn't wasn't my fault.

Dr. Roy Spencer is a tool according to oldsocks not even a worthy scientist. He was being an idiot I gave it back using his logic.

Now why don't you go and prove wires math wrong for a change instead of just calling him wrong and stomping your foot?
Northwest Passage open as sea ice falls to lowest cover ever recorded

September 12, 2011

Arctic sea ice cover fell to its lowest level on record, report researchers from the University of Bremen.

Analyzing data from NASA's Aqua satellite, Georg Heygster and colleagues found that Arctic sea ice fell to a record low of 4.24 million square kilometers on September 8, about 27,000 square kilometers than the previous record set roughly four years ago.

Northwest Passage open as sea ice falls to lowest cover ever recorded

Dark green represents sea ice that was present on September 26,2011 that wasn't there on the same date in 2007. Red represents sea ice that was present on September 26, 2007 that was not present yesterday. Somehow your incessant charts simply don't inspire fear. What is it about them that you find so frightening?

ScreenHunter_12-Sep.-28-04.51.jpg<?php echo time() ?

MENSA boy, you screwed up your link.. And aww look its an anomalies graph...:lol:

Oldsocks tell us what an anomaly is... IN your own words explain it<?php echo time()?

OK, the volume in cubic kilometers.
does anyone besides me think it is odd that the ice loss reported in newspapers and such for the 20's isnt reflected in the official records? I am not saying that there was less ice then than now but just that it should be a noticeable dip. ice has been retreating since the end of the Little Ice Age for natural reasons. Why do the CAGWers act like it is all attributed to CO2?
does anyone besides me think it is odd that the ice loss reported in newspapers and such for the 20's isnt reflected in the official records? I am not saying that there was less ice then than now but just that it should be a noticeable dip. Ice has been retreating since the end of the little ice age for natural reasons. Why do the cagwers act like it is all attributed to co2?

fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear!!!!
Two ice shelves that existed before Canada was settled by Europeans diminished significantly this summer, one nearly disappearing altogether, Canadian scientists say in new research.

The loss is important as a marker of global warming, returning the Canadian Arctic to conditions that date back thousands of years, scientists say. Floating icebergs that have broken free as a result pose a risk to offshore oil facilities and potentially to shipping lanes. The breaking apart of the ice shelves also reduces the environment that supports microbial life and changes the look of Canada's coastline.

Luke Copland is an associate professor in the geography department at the University of Ottawa who co-authored the research. He said the Serson Ice Shelf shrank from 79.15 square miles (205 square kilometers) to two remnant sections three years ago, and was further diminished this past summer.

Canadian Arctic Nearly Loses Entire Ice Shelf - ABC News

interesting that the Navy site is now offline. it certainly doesnt agree with PIOMAS. especially on age of ice and total ice volume. prehaps it will come back on line with a 'corrected' version like what happened with UCAR's sea level site
Researchers say ice shelves in the Canadian Arctic are breaking up and changing at an unexpectedly fast rate.

They say the region lost almost half its ice shelf extent in the last six years. This summer alone saw the Serson ice shelf almost completely disappear and the Ward Hunt shelf split in half. The ice loss equals about three billion tonnes, or about 500 times the mass of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

&#8220;This is our coastline changing,&#8221; says Derek Mueller, from Carleton University&#8217;s department of geography and environmental studies. &#8220;These unique and massive geographical features that we consider to be a part of the map of Canada are disappearing and they won&#8217;t come back.&#8221;

The researchers say the reason for the change is a combination of warmer temperatures and open water. The ice shelves were formed and sustained in a colder climate. The researchers say their disappearance suggests a possible return to conditions unseen in the Arctic for thousands of years.

Arctic ice shelves are old and relatively rare. They are much different from sea ice, which is typically only a few metres thick. Ice shelves can measure anywhere from 40 to 100 metres in thickness. They formed over thousands of years as a result of snow and sea ice build-up, along with glacier inflow in certain spots.

Canadian ice shelves breaking up at record speed - North - CBC News
Interesting graph. Note how the ice area is moving downward stepwise in five year increments since 1990.

Sure but can we see the animated one he used to put up again? LOL

Why did he stopped posting that one? You remember the one with all the pics of each years all in order... LOL

I remember why he isn't posting those anymore. Because it didn't show continued consecutive ice loss year after year like his drawn on lines of averages give the impression of.. I remember pointing that out and then never seeing them again.

Funny how that works huh...:lol:

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