Arctic sea ice melting toward record

Lots more arctic ice than you boys have been reporting. Data courtesy of the US Navy and collated by Watts up with that. Of course if he touched it it must be bad but the Navy HAS to know how thick the ice is for its boomers.....unlike the AGW folks who go up and freeze their toucases off in an effort to show the ice is gone...not!

Arctic Ice Volume Has Increased 25% Since May, 2008 | Watts Up With That?

So who are we to trust. The people at the University of Washington, or an undegreeded ex-weatherman that has been caught repeatedly lying?
Start over. From scratch. All new untainted scientists, universities and organizations. Test the tools to make sure they are not out of calibration from misleading environmental effects like what's found on most surface stations in the US.

Till they produce proof of global warming that is repeatable and testable by independent sources from them, it does not exist and no legislation or policy need be drafted or discussed.

That's all you have to do. Open, transparent, repeatable, and all new.
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Lots more arctic ice than you boys have been reporting. Data courtesy of the US Navy and collated by Watts up with that. Of course if he touched it it must be bad but the Navy HAS to know how thick the ice is for its boomers.....unlike the AGW folks who go up and freeze their toucases off in an effort to show the ice is gone...not!

Arctic Ice Volume Has Increased 25% Since May, 2008 | Watts Up With That?

So who are we to trust. The people at the University of Washington, or an undegreeded ex-weatherman that has been caught repeatedly lying?
Start over. From scratch. All new untainted scientists, universities and organizations. Test the tools to make sure they are not out of calibration from misleading environmental effects like what's found on most surface stations in the US.

I see. Just do nothing for at least another decade or two. And when the inevitable disaster is upon us, blame it on whatever liberal happens to be around at the moment.

Just as in the catastrophe that we see in the Gulf now, follow the lead of the same people and put off doing anything about the warming that is already in the pipeline, and the amount that is will increase from the failure to address it for a couple of decades.

Till they produce proof of global warming that is repeatable and testable by independent sources from them, it does not exist and no legislation or policy need be drafted or discussed.

The proof has been presented repeatedly. Proof that dates back 150 years. Unfortunetly there are people like youself that are so scientifically illiterate that you cannot understand the meaning of the proof. And there are others to ideologically driven that they will deny the reality of the proof.

That's all you have to do. Open, transparent, repeatable, and all new.

The science is open right now. There are a great many sources that have the same data for the increase in the CO2. The absorbtion spectra of CO2 and the other GHGs has been known for 150 years.

And why does it have to be all new? Are you suggesting that we repeat all the drilling in Greenland, Antarctica, and the alpine glaciers? Are you suggesting that we throw out all the data on the Arctic Ice decline for the last 30 years?

No, we are not going to play that game. The data and observations stand.
So who are we to trust. The people at the University of Washington, or an undegreeded ex-weatherman that has been caught repeatedly lying?
Start over. From scratch. All new untainted scientists, universities and organizations. Test the tools to make sure they are not out of calibration from misleading environmental effects like what's found on most surface stations in the US.

I see. Just do nothing for at least another decade or two. And when the inevitable disaster is upon us, blame it on whatever liberal happens to be around at the moment.

Just as in the catastrophe that we see in the Gulf now, follow the lead of the same people and put off doing anything about the warming that is already in the pipeline, and the amount that is will increase from the failure to address it for a couple of decades.

Till they produce proof of global warming that is repeatable and testable by independent sources from them, it does not exist and no legislation or policy need be drafted or discussed.

The proof has been presented repeatedly. Proof that dates back 150 years. Unfortunetly there are people like youself that are so scientifically illiterate that you cannot understand the meaning of the proof. And there are others to ideologically driven that they will deny the reality of the proof.

That's all you have to do. Open, transparent, repeatable, and all new.

The science is open right now. There are a great many sources that have the same data for the increase in the CO2. The absorbtion spectra of CO2 and the other GHGs has been known for 150 years.

And why does it have to be all new? Are you suggesting that we repeat all the drilling in Greenland, Antarctica, and the alpine glaciers? Are you suggesting that we throw out all the data on the Arctic Ice decline for the last 30 years?

No, we are not going to play that game. The data and observations stand.

Virtually none of this is true. The warmists have completely corrupted the peer review methodology and have destroyed whatever credibility they may have had. None of the current crop of "climatology scientists" has a whiff of credibility and more to the point they will never get it again. They screwed the pooch in a big way and the best thing they could do to help the science of climatology, and all science for that matter, is to resign and creep off to a homeless shelter where they could volunteer their services.

Keep the raw data and throw out the rest. Keep the core samples (obviously, we're not talking scorched earth have some sense about it) but redo the interpretations that were done by the disgraced scientists...heck do them all over again.
I see. Just do nothing for at least another decade or two. And when the inevitable disaster is upon us, blame it on whatever liberal happens to be around at the moment.

There is no current proof of an imminent disaster. There are only your liars and fearmongers trying to push through fascism saying there is. This is not science, this is bullying.
I see. Just do nothing for at least another decade or two. And when the inevitable disaster is upon us, blame it on whatever liberal happens to be around at the moment.

There is no current proof of an imminent disaster. There are only your liars and fearmongers trying to push through fascism saying there is. This is not science, this is bullying.

I sincerely hope that in all aspects of your life you wait for 100% proof of imminent disaster before taking any action to prevent it.
I see. Just do nothing for at least another decade or two. And when the inevitable disaster is upon us, blame it on whatever liberal happens to be around at the moment.

There is no current proof of an imminent disaster. There are only your liars and fearmongers trying to push through fascism saying there is. This is not science, this is bullying.

I sincerely hope that in all aspects of your life you wait for 100% proof of imminent disaster before taking any action to prevent it.


Even the most draconian of the warmists plans would lower the temperature by half a degree in 100 years time. Statistically that is insignificant. More to the point they agree with that figure. And that is assuming that the CO2 theory is correct (which currently it ain't lookin to good regardless of how vehemently konradv supports it) and all of that for the priviledge of filling the Gorites pockets with our cash and greatly affecting our standard of living...but not the Goreites mind you, they will be living high on the hog with your money.

Being an adult means that sometimes you have to wait and gather more evidence because sometimes (MTBE as an example) the cure is worse than the disease.
I see. Just do nothing for at least another decade or two. And when the inevitable disaster is upon us, blame it on whatever liberal happens to be around at the moment.

There is no current proof of an imminent disaster. There are only your liars and fearmongers trying to push through fascism saying there is. This is not science, this is bullying.

I sincerely hope that in all aspects of your life you wait for 100% proof of imminent disaster before taking any action to prevent it.
Show me the proof. Allow it to be retested and checked by an independent agency that is not involved in your precious 'peer review' club of cargo cultists and make sure your math is right. Present all the raw data.

I'm not going to be willing to go off on some half-assed abdication of my civil and human rights just so you can stop wearing your tinfoil hat spuddytumor.
Even the most draconian of the warmists plans would lower the temperature by half a degree in 100 years time. Statistically that is insignificant. More to the point they agree with that figure. And that is assuming that the CO2 theory is correct (which currently it ain't lookin to good regardless of how vehemently konradv supports it) and all of that for the priviledge of filling the Gorites pockets with our cash and greatly affecting our standard of living...but not the Goreites mind you, they will be living high on the hog with your money.

Being an adult means that sometimes you have to wait and gather more evidence because sometimes (MTBE as an example) the cure is worse than the disease.

You have no understanding of this subject at all so these figures you pull out of your ass are inevitably just raw bullshit. You're just another kooky cultist trying to deny the reality that the rest of the world recognizes. You have no scientific backing for your position because all of your arguments are politically based.
Even the most draconian of the warmists plans would lower the temperature by half a degree in 100 years time. Statistically that is insignificant. More to the point they agree with that figure. And that is assuming that the CO2 theory is correct (which currently it ain't lookin to good regardless of how vehemently konradv supports it) and all of that for the priviledge of filling the Gorites pockets with our cash and greatly affecting our standard of living...but not the Goreites mind you, they will be living high on the hog with your money.

Being an adult means that sometimes you have to wait and gather more evidence because sometimes (MTBE as an example) the cure is worse than the disease.

You have no understanding of this subject at all so these figures you pull out of your ass are inevitably just raw bullshit. You're just another kooky cultist trying to deny the reality that the rest of the world recognizes. You have no scientific backing for your position because all of your arguments are politically based.
Here's a dose of reality: The state of the science does not allow for any reasonable conclusion about the magnitude of impact and significance of anthropogenic CO2 on the Earth's temperature and ancillary effects.
Even the most draconian of the warmists plans would lower the temperature by half a degree in 100 years time. Statistically that is insignificant. More to the point they agree with that figure. And that is assuming that the CO2 theory is correct (which currently it ain't lookin to good regardless of how vehemently konradv supports it) and all of that for the priviledge of filling the Gorites pockets with our cash and greatly affecting our standard of living...but not the Goreites mind you, they will be living high on the hog with your money.

Being an adult means that sometimes you have to wait and gather more evidence because sometimes (MTBE as an example) the cure is worse than the disease.

You have no understanding of this subject at all so these figures you pull out of your ass are inevitably just raw bullshit. You're just another kooky cultist trying to deny the reality that the rest of the world recognizes. You have no scientific backing for your position because all of your arguments are politically based.
Here's a dose of reality: The state of the science does not allow for any reasonable conclusion about the magnitude of impact and significance of anthropogenic CO2 on the Earth's temperature and ancillary effects.

Only if we accept your concept of reasonableness. The fact that you say we can't make conclusions about what would happen if CO2 and the other greenhouse gases keep going up, despite the fact that we emit more in a day than the earth's volcanoes do in a year, flies in the face of any sort of reasonable scientific inquiry that I know of. Are you planning to get the Laws of Chemistry and Physics repealed?!?! That's the only way.
Even the most draconian of the warmists plans would lower the temperature by half a degree in 100 years time. Statistically that is insignificant. More to the point they agree with that figure. And that is assuming that the CO2 theory is correct (which currently it ain't lookin to good regardless of how vehemently konradv supports it) and all of that for the priviledge of filling the Gorites pockets with our cash and greatly affecting our standard of living...but not the Goreites mind you, they will be living high on the hog with your money.

Being an adult means that sometimes you have to wait and gather more evidence because sometimes (MTBE as an example) the cure is worse than the disease.

You have no understanding of this subject at all so these figures you pull out of your ass are inevitably just raw bullshit. You're just another kooky cultist trying to deny the reality that the rest of the world recognizes. You have no scientific backing for your position because all of your arguments are politically based.

Here's a dose of reality: The state of the science does not allow for any reasonable conclusion about the magnitude of impact and significance of anthropogenic CO2 on the Earth's temperature and ancillary effects.

Interesting point that you have there. We have consistantly underestimated the impact in the last two decades. The melt of the North Polar Cap, the wasting of the Alpine Glaciers, and the melting observed in the Greenland and Anartic Ice Caps all exceed what were thought to be alarmist projections only ten years ago.

The outgassing of the Arctic Ocean Clathrates have been a very unpleasant surprise, as has the extent of the production of CO2 and CH4 by the permafrost.


You are correct. The state of the science is such that we still are underestimating the speed and magnitude of the effects of AGW.
You have no understanding of this subject at all so these figures you pull out of your ass are inevitably just raw bullshit. You're just another kooky cultist trying to deny the reality that the rest of the world recognizes. You have no scientific backing for your position because all of your arguments are politically based.

Here's a dose of reality: The state of the science does not allow for any reasonable conclusion about the magnitude of impact and significance of anthropogenic CO2 on the Earth's temperature and ancillary effects.

You are correct. The state of the science is such that we still are underestimating the speed and magnitude of the effects of AGW.
Only, I said that the state of the science does not allow for any reasonable conclusion about the magnitude of impact and significance of anthropogenic CO2 on the Earth's temperature and ancillary effects.

It's called reading comprehension. Give it a try sometime.
Your first, old gal. You are stateing that the people at the AGU convention know nothing about which they speak. In fact, all you ever do is try to create doubt about other real scientists.
Your first, old gal. You are stateing that the people at the AGU convention know nothing about which they speak. ....
Really? Surely you can show where I have said that. Go for it.

.... In fact, all you ever do is try to create doubt about other real scientists.
Nah. I just tell it like it is. The state of the science does not allow for any conclusion about the magnitude of effect and significance of anthropogenic CO2 on global temperatures and any ancillary effects.

I would apologize for not being a true believer as you are, but when talking science I prefer applying the logic of scientific discovery.
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And, of course, no one at the National Academy of Sciences is capable of doing that, correct?

ACC Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change

Advancing the Science of Climate Change

A strong, credible body of scientific evidence shows that climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems, concludes this panel report from the America's Climate Choices suite of studies. As decision makers respond to these risks, the nation's scientific enterprise can contribute both by continuing to improve understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change, and by improving and expanding the options available to limit the magnitude of climate change and adapt to its impacts. To make this possible, the nation needs a comprehensive, integrated, and flexible climate change research enterprise that is closely linked with action-oriented programs at all levels.
And, of course, no one at the National Academy of Sciences is capable of doing that, correct?

ACC Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change

Advancing the Science of Climate Change

A strong, credible body of scientific evidence shows that climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems, concludes this panel report from the America's Climate Choices suite of studies. As decision makers respond to these risks, the nation's scientific enterprise can contribute both by continuing to improve understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change, and by improving and expanding the options available to limit the magnitude of climate change and adapt to its impacts. To make this possible, the nation needs a comprehensive, integrated, and flexible climate change research enterprise that is closely linked with action-oriented programs at all levels.

And, apparently, you think the panel is composed of nothing but scientists, right?


You also seem to think that is peer-reviewed work.

See, there is a reason we use peer-review in science. This way, we prevent science from being soiled by politics as much as is reasonably possible.

Wanna play some more at science, Rocks? You soil it. You, and those like you, are its enemies.
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Dr. Hansen and 97% of the climatologists in the world also soil the science, right? The scientists of that are members of the AGU and GSA also soil science?

Old gal, you are a real fruitcake.
Dr. Hansen and 97% of the climatologists in the world also soil the science, right? The scientists of that are members of the AGU and GSA also soil science?

Old gal, you are a real fruitcake.
What part of peer-review has you so confused, exactly?

Again, peer-review keeps politics out of science asmuch as is possible.

You keep bringing it in.

You soil the science by doing so.

You are an enemy of science.
And, of course, no one at the National Academy of Sciences is capable of doing that, correct?

ACC Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change

Advancing the Science of Climate Change

A strong, credible body of scientific evidence shows that climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems, concludes this panel report from the America's Climate Choices suite of studies. As decision makers respond to these risks, the nation's scientific enterprise can contribute both by continuing to improve understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change, and by improving and expanding the options available to limit the magnitude of climate change and adapt to its impacts. To make this possible, the nation needs a comprehensive, integrated, and flexible climate change research enterprise that is closely linked with action-oriented programs at all levels.


"A strong, credible body of scientific evidence shows that climate change is occurring,

no shit climate is always changing tool....

is caused largely by human activities,

BUlLSHIT!!! Prove it.....

and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems, concludes this panel report from the America's Climate Choices suite of studies."

Really? prove that too then.....

You are a tool and a proven and documented lar and shameless propagandist.... So anything you claim is suspect....:lol:

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