Arctic sea ice melting toward record

hey chris's sock can we see the rest of the pics in between those years now?
hey satan's diarrhea you can see all the pics you want if you're smart enough to know how to use the internet. But that's not very likely, is it?

yeah ya posted the chain before and got embarrassed by it didn't ya douchebag.... What happened? Care to explain why you cut out the rest of the pics this time?
No, you're confusing me with that uncle who molested you with a sock on his hand when you were a kid. Your delusions are getting more intense. Seek professional help.
hey chris's sock can we see the rest of the pics in between those years now?
hey satan's diarrhea you can see all the pics you want if you're smart enough to know how to use the internet. But that's not very likely, is it?

yeah ya posted the chain before and got embarrassed by it didn't ya douchebag.... What happened? Care to explain why you cut out the rest of the pics this time?
No, you're confusing me with that uncle who molested you with a sock on his hand when you were a kid. Your delusions are getting more intense. Seek professional help.


LOL you get busted and your excuse is what? Oh i see now more postulating and nonsense...:lol:
hey chris's sock can we see the rest of the pics in between those years now?
hey satan's diarrhea you can see all the pics you want if you're smart enough to know how to use the internet. But that's not very likely, is it?

yeah ya posted the chain before and got embarrassed by it didn't ya douchebag.... What happened? Care to explain why you cut out the rest of the pics this time?
No, you're confusing me with that uncle who molested you with a sock on his hand when you were a kid. Your delusions are getting more intense. Seek professional help.


LOL you get busted and your excuse is what? Oh i see now more postulating and nonsense...

"Busted"??? LOLOLOLOL. You have a strange little imaginary world you live in, gtard.
hey satan's diarrhea you can see all the pics you want if you're smart enough to know how to use the internet. But that's not very likely, is it?

No, you're confusing me with that uncle who molested you with a sock on his hand when you were a kid. Your delusions are getting more intense. Seek professional help.


LOL you get busted and your excuse is what? Oh i see now more postulating and nonsense...

"Busted"??? LOLOLOLOL. You have a strange little imaginary world you live in, gtard.

i see what your problem is now.... you are getting that aching feeling like oldsocks has these days... That feeling that you been had, and despite that feeling you keep repeating the mantra because its all you know.... Sorry man, best to let old instances of ignorance go lest they become the groundwork for the next batch of blind faith...:lol::lol:
Blunder/old fraud has come unhinged it looks like to me. He insults like a 6 year old, he posts info from known fraudsters and expects sane people to believe it. He has definately gone off the plot. It's sad to see someone lose control this way. All the negative info about the collapse of his religion has obviously negatively affected him.
Blunder/old fraud has come unhinged it looks like to me. He insults like a 6 year old, he posts info from known fraudsters and expects sane people to believe it. He has definately gone off the plot. It's sad to see someone lose control this way. All the negative info about the collapse of his religion has obviously negatively affected him.

What is really funny is watching you denier cultists spew your worthless blather and pretend that you're smarter than the entire world scientific community when actually you're obviously ignorant, moronic rightwingnut yokels with your heads up Rush's ass.
Blunder/old fraud has come unhinged it looks like to me. He insults like a 6 year old, he posts info from known fraudsters and expects sane people to believe it. He has definately gone off the plot. It's sad to see someone lose control this way. All the negative info about the collapse of his religion has obviously negatively affected him.

What is really funny is watching you denier cultists spew your worthless blather and pretend that you're smarter than the entire world scientific community when actually you're obviously ignorant, moronic rightwingnut yokels with your heads up Rush's ass.

Dude you keep calling us denier cultists...:lol:

okay tool what cult are we in? Were do we meet? We don't post alike, we don't repeat one anothers assertions, and none of posts from the same 2-3 scripted lists... But you and your sock/troll army do all of those things...

You post and when you get nailed oldsocks shows up, he gets nailed and you show up, and both of you on cue... You post from the same sources, you use the same arguments, the only difference is your a bigger idiot than he is.... oh and lets not forget you both seem to have multitudes of "new" or "newish" posters who somehow find your threads in this mass of a board right away and not only comment but attack those who oppose you right off...

If there is any cult around here you guys are in it....:lol:
Yes old fraud the NSIDC has some interesting information if you choose to read it. Of course they are still using the GISS data for Canada that is based on that single weather station based in that town so that it could maximise the Urban Island Effect, but other than that they say this

"The very late maximum ice extent, on March 31, means that the melt season started almost a month later later than normal.

As we noted in last month's post, the late growth in ice extent came largely from expansion in the southernmost Bering Sea, Barents Sea, and Sea of Okhotsk. These areas remained cool, with northeasterly and northwesterly winds, keeping the overall ice extent close to the average for the month of April."

So riddle me this batman...if the temps are so much warmer (very much in doubt based on the source of their temperature data) in the Arctic, why did the melting begin so much later than the previous year? Also if it so much warmer why is the ice near average for the month of April?

These are basic questions that should give anyone pause. The figures don't add up if you believe the GISS data. On the other hand if you ignore the GISS data (which I now firmly do based on all of their protocol violations) then the NSIDC information makes perfect sense.
More bad news for the cargo cult:


The undeath spiral

Over the last three years, Arctic Ice has gained significantly in thickness. The graph above was generated by image processing and analysis of PIPS maps, and shows the thickness histogram for June 1 of each year since 2007.

The blue line represents 2008, and the most abundant ice that year was less than 1.5 metres thick. That thin ice was famously described by NSIDC as “rotten ice.” In 2009 (red) the most common ice had increased to more than 2.0 metres, and by 2010 (orange) the most common ice had increased to in excess of 2.75 metres thick.

We have seen a steady year over year thickening of the ice since the 2007 melt season. Thinner ice is more likely to melt during the summer, so the prognosis for a big melt looks much less likely than either of the previous two summers. More than 70% of the ice this year is thicker than 2.25 metres thick. By contrast, more than half of the ice was thinner than 2.0 metres in 2008.

The undeath spiral | Watts Up With That?
Yes old fraud the NSIDC has some interesting information if you choose to read it. Of course they are still using the GISS data for Canada that is based on that single weather station based in that town so that it could maximise the Urban Island Effect, but other than that they say this

"The very late maximum ice extent, on March 31, means that the melt season started almost a month later later than normal.

As we noted in last month's post, the late growth in ice extent came largely from expansion in the southernmost Bering Sea, Barents Sea, and Sea of Okhotsk. These areas remained cool, with northeasterly and northwesterly winds, keeping the overall ice extent close to the average for the month of April."

So riddle me this batman...if the temps are so much warmer (very much in doubt based on the source of their temperature data) in the Arctic, why did the melting begin so much later than the previous year? Also if it so much warmer why is the ice near average for the month of April?

These are basic questions that should give anyone pause. The figures don't add up if you believe the GISS data. On the other hand if you ignore the GISS data (which I now firmly do based on all of their protocol violations) then the NSIDC information makes perfect sense.

It seems to me that "warmer than normal" does not necessarily translate into 'more melting'. Sub freezing is still sub freezing even if the temperature is warmer.

And though I am no scientist, it seems quite logical to me that if some of the ice doesn't melt now and then at both poles, the ice caps would continue to expand until the Earth is just one giant ice ball. And given the millions and millions of years of ebb and flow in climate change swinging back and forth between mostly tropical climates to ice ages, trying to establish a 'norm' using data from a half century of record keeping borders on the absurd.
EVERYONE knows how much hotter it feels to wear a black T-shirt, rather than a white one, on a warm day.

In the same way, the melting of sea ice in the Arctic, revealing the dark water below, has been shown by Australian scientists to be the main cause of unusually rapid warming at the top of the world.

Confirmation of this "feedback loop" means the region is likely to continue to warm strongly, with greater loss of sea ice and possible melting of the ice sheets.

James Screen and Ian Simmonds, of the University of Melbourne, said the rise in surface temperatures in the Arctic in the past 20 years had been more than double the global average.

Melting ice makes the Arctic a vicious circle

What's so unusual about the warming? That arctic ice sheet used to cover all of North America, its been melting for the last 15,000 years.
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Yes old fraud the NSIDC has some interesting information if you choose to read it. Of course they are still using the GISS data for Canada that is based on that single weather station based in that town so that it could maximise the Urban Island Effect, but other than that they say this

"The very late maximum ice extent, on March 31, means that the melt season started almost a month later later than normal.

As we noted in last month's post, the late growth in ice extent came largely from expansion in the southernmost Bering Sea, Barents Sea, and Sea of Okhotsk. These areas remained cool, with northeasterly and northwesterly winds, keeping the overall ice extent close to the average for the month of April."

So riddle me this batman...if the temps are so much warmer (very much in doubt based on the source of their temperature data) in the Arctic, why did the melting begin so much later than the previous year? Also if it so much warmer why is the ice near average for the month of April?

These are basic questions that should give anyone pause. The figures don't add up if you believe the GISS data. On the other hand if you ignore the GISS data (which I now firmly do based on all of their protocol violations) then the NSIDC information makes perfect sense.

It seems to me that "warmer than normal" does not necessarily translate into 'more melting'. Sub freezing is still sub freezing even if the temperature is warmer.

And though I am no scientist, it seems quite logical to me that if some of the ice doesn't melt now and then at both poles, the ice caps would continue to expand until the Earth is just one giant ice ball. And given the millions and millions of years of ebb and flow in climate change swinging back and forth between mostly tropical climates to ice ages, trying to establish a 'norm' using data from a half century of record keeping borders on the absurd.

Foxfyre you may not be a scientist but your observational skills are excellent. As is your logic. Everything you say is factually true.
Yes old fraud the NSIDC has some interesting information if you choose to read it. Of course they are still using the GISS data for Canada that is based on that single weather station based in that town so that it could maximise the Urban Island Effect, but other than that they say this

"The very late maximum ice extent, on March 31, means that the melt season started almost a month later later than normal.

As we noted in last month's post, the late growth in ice extent came largely from expansion in the southernmost Bering Sea, Barents Sea, and Sea of Okhotsk. These areas remained cool, with northeasterly and northwesterly winds, keeping the overall ice extent close to the average for the month of April."

So riddle me this batman...if the temps are so much warmer (very much in doubt based on the source of their temperature data) in the Arctic, why did the melting begin so much later than the previous year? Also if it so much warmer why is the ice near average for the month of April?

These are basic questions that should give anyone pause. The figures don't add up if you believe the GISS data. On the other hand if you ignore the GISS data (which I now firmly do based on all of their protocol violations) then the NSIDC information makes perfect sense.

It seems to me that "warmer than normal" does not necessarily translate into 'more melting'. Sub freezing is still sub freezing even if the temperature is warmer.

And though I am no scientist, it seems quite logical to me that if some of the ice doesn't melt now and then at both poles, the ice caps would continue to expand until the Earth is just one giant ice ball. And given the millions and millions of years of ebb and flow in climate change swinging back and forth between mostly tropical climates to ice ages, trying to establish a 'norm' using data from a half century of record keeping borders on the absurd.

Exactly. You never hear these doom and gloom libs talk about past ice ages. You'll never hear them mention the fact that our world has been much warmer, and much colder at many points in its history. They claim to embrace scientific fact, but the truth is they ignore scientific facts that don't suit their political agenda.
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Yes old fraud the NSIDC has some interesting information if you choose to read it. Of course they are still using the GISS data for Canada that is based on that single weather station based in that town so that it could maximise the Urban Island Effect, but other than that they say this

"The very late maximum ice extent, on March 31, means that the melt season started almost a month later later than normal.

As we noted in last month's post, the late growth in ice extent came largely from expansion in the southernmost Bering Sea, Barents Sea, and Sea of Okhotsk. These areas remained cool, with northeasterly and northwesterly winds, keeping the overall ice extent close to the average for the month of April."

So riddle me this batman...if the temps are so much warmer (very much in doubt based on the source of their temperature data) in the Arctic, why did the melting begin so much later than the previous year? Also if it so much warmer why is the ice near average for the month of April?

These are basic questions that should give anyone pause. The figures don't add up if you believe the GISS data. On the other hand if you ignore the GISS data (which I now firmly do based on all of their protocol violations) then the NSIDC information makes perfect sense.

It seems to me that "warmer than normal" does not necessarily translate into 'more melting'. Sub freezing is still sub freezing even if the temperature is warmer.

And though I am no scientist, it seems quite logical to me that if some of the ice doesn't melt now and then at both poles, the ice caps would continue to expand until the Earth is just one giant ice ball. And given the millions and millions of years of ebb and flow in climate change swinging back and forth between mostly tropical climates to ice ages, trying to establish a 'norm' using data from a half century of record keeping borders on the absurd.


I said a similar thing to oldsocks and his sock army before and they cried like babies over it...

1.4 degrees F rise out of a temp of - 20+ degrees F is not going to change the levels of ice... And neither will a rise of 2 or more degrees either. At least not in the time frame they are claiming. ice ages take a long time to become ice ages. just as warming periods take a long time to warm. By their logic it happens in a hundred years or less...

Massive and rapid heat or cold changes on this planet do not happen because of an increase in some trace gases... They happen the same way they always happened, the Sun... GHG's do not cause warming, they amplify existing warming. The very nature of the word Greenhouse should tell them this...

if ya have a greenhouse is it warm in winter? No of course not... Is it warm in summer? Certainly.. The greenhouse amplifies the Sun and traps the radiant heat energy inside longer than an open structure. This same principle applies to GHG's. Take away the sun and what happens? no radiant energy to trap and no heat.... And again this applies to GHG's as well.

These retards forget the simple logic in favor for the "I'm saving the planet" rhetoric. With them Its not about science, in reality its about a ideology. An Idea that they can save the planet. it gives them power. They suddenly don't feel like an insignificant spec, but a being capable of saving an entire world. The entire concept that its not in need of saving, or that its not something they can actually do anything about anyway never enters into it....

Thats why no matter how many times their scientists are wrong, the predictions fail, the data is found faulty, their leaders lie to them, and no matter how many times the planet changes what its doing opposite their claims; they will still claim its in trouble and they are the ones to save it.....

it went from global cooling to global warming. Went from global warming to climate change. That alone should be enough to wake them up, but as you see it did nothing. They just cling on to the next claim and excuse and keep on marching.. All that is just semantics, they know they are destined for greatness, and no amount of truth will dissuade them...
Arctic Sea Ice at Lowest Point in Thousands of Years

Date: 04-Jun-2010

The shrinking amount of sea ice that covers the Arctic Ocean today is the smallest it has been in the last few thousand years, a new study suggests.

The sea ice that normally covers huge swaths of the Arctic Ocean has been retreating and thinning over the last few decades, due to the amplified warming at the North Pole, which is a consequence of the buildup of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.

The most dramatic sea-ice melt in recent years came in 2007, when sea-ice extent (or the area of ocean covered by the ice) dropped to its lowest level since 1979, when satellite measurements began. This event also opened up the fabled Northwest Passage.

Arctic Sea Ice at Lowest Point in Thousands of Years | Science & Environment |
Yes old fraud the NSIDC has some interesting information if you choose to read it. Of course they are still using the GISS data for Canada that is based on that single weather station based in that town so that it could maximise the Urban Island Effect, but other than that they say this

"The very late maximum ice extent, on March 31, means that the melt season started almost a month later later than normal.

As we noted in last month's post, the late growth in ice extent came largely from expansion in the southernmost Bering Sea, Barents Sea, and Sea of Okhotsk. These areas remained cool, with northeasterly and northwesterly winds, keeping the overall ice extent close to the average for the month of April."

So riddle me this batman...if the temps are so much warmer (very much in doubt based on the source of their temperature data) in the Arctic, why did the melting begin so much later than the previous year? Also if it so much warmer why is the ice near average for the month of April?

These are basic questions that should give anyone pause. The figures don't add up if you believe the GISS data. On the other hand if you ignore the GISS data (which I now firmly do based on all of their protocol violations) then the NSIDC information makes perfect sense.

It seems to me that "warmer than normal" does not necessarily translate into 'more melting'. Sub freezing is still sub freezing even if the temperature is warmer.

And though I am no scientist, it seems quite logical to me that if some of the ice doesn't melt now and then at both poles, the ice caps would continue to expand until the Earth is just one giant ice ball. And given the millions and millions of years of ebb and flow in climate change swinging back and forth between mostly tropical climates to ice ages, trying to establish a 'norm' using data from a half century of record keeping borders on the absurd.

Exactly. You never hear these doom and gloom libs talk about past ice ages. You'll never hear them mention the fact that our world has been much warmer, and much colder at many points in its history. They claim to embrace scientific fact, but the truth is they ignore scientific facts that don't suit their political agenda.

The only one with a political agenda is you.

The fact that we have almost doubled atmospheric CO2 in the last 200 years, and that this increase in greenhouse gases is warming the earth is irrefutable.

Unless you work for Tom Colburn the Senator from Big Oil....
It seems to me that "warmer than normal" does not necessarily translate into 'more melting'. Sub freezing is still sub freezing even if the temperature is warmer.

And though I am no scientist, it seems quite logical to me that if some of the ice doesn't melt now and then at both poles, the ice caps would continue to expand until the Earth is just one giant ice ball. And given the millions and millions of years of ebb and flow in climate change swinging back and forth between mostly tropical climates to ice ages, trying to establish a 'norm' using data from a half century of record keeping borders on the absurd.

Exactly. You never hear these doom and gloom libs talk about past ice ages. You'll never hear them mention the fact that our world has been much warmer, and much colder at many points in its history. They claim to embrace scientific fact, but the truth is they ignore scientific facts that don't suit their political agenda.

The only one with a political agenda is you.

The fact that we have almost doubled atmospheric CO2 in the last 200 years, and that this increase in greenhouse gases is warming the earth is irrefutable.

Unless you work for Tom Colburn the Senator from Big Oil....

And yet the CO2 levels have been higher in the past and the mean temperatures have been warmer in the past and the Earth seemed to manage just fine. Claimed proof that humankind contributed all or even a small fraction of any increase of CO2 in the atmosphere is certainly refutable. Also any claimed proof that the anthropogenically produced CO2 is creating any significant or unmanageable 'issues' for humankind is also refutable.
Arctic Sea Ice at Lowest Point in Thousands of Years

Date: 04-Jun-2010

The shrinking amount of sea ice that covers the Arctic Ocean today is the smallest it has been in the last few thousand years, a new study suggests.

The sea ice that normally covers huge swaths of the Arctic Ocean has been retreating and thinning over the last few decades, due to the amplified warming at the North Pole, which is a consequence of the buildup of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.

The most dramatic sea-ice melt in recent years came in 2007, when sea-ice extent (or the area of ocean covered by the ice) dropped to its lowest level since 1979, when satellite measurements began. This event also opened up the fabled Northwest Passage.

Arctic Sea Ice at Lowest Point in Thousands of Years | Science & Environment |

And yet with all the hysteria we get this
Pacific Islands Growing, Not Sinking

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