Arctic Wetlands: The Doomsday Bomb?

Jan 4, 2018
I asked the Danish Meteorological Institute Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut if they were keeping track of the 10C isotherm boundary for the Arctic circle.

They were not. And they are the foremost temperature data on the Arctic in that regards.

The reason this matters is Methane production by wetlands behaves like the Arctic about 5C and below, but behaves like the Tropics about 10C and above.

The evidence for that behavior is in research papers I can try and find but don't have at the time of this writing.

Basically, very little Methane produced by wetlands under 5C, and a lot of Methane produced by wetlands above 10C, with the optimum being somewhere around 32C.

That being said, the Arctic Wetlands, which are currently in a "phase" change from permafrost to arctic wetland, will be crossing the 10C isotherm boundary soon.

It's currently happening, and I think it is the greatest over looked source of Methane today.

And the total area of possible wetlands in the Arctic is GREATER than the current naturally occurring wetlands on Earth today. So the balance of Methane will permanently shift even higher as the Arctic becomes "activated".

I don't think the Earth can currently survive its +4w/m^2 GHG concentration, let alone a full doubling of the Methane component (which accounts for about 1.5 of those watts.).

One Solar Maximum will add another full 1 watt to that input, and the Earth will be pushed over a limit then. That will probably be the straw to break the camel's back, a Solar maximum to push the Arctic fully into a 10C isotherm during summers.
The Arctic is going to 10C? Really?

Is this latest prediction from the same people who told us that, "snow is a thing of the past"?
Study measures methane release from Arctic permafrost
August 22, 2016, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Read more at: Study measures methane release from Arctic permafrost

A University of Alaska Fairbanks-led research project has provided the first modern evidence of a landscape-level permafrost carbon feedback, in which thawing permafrost releases ancient carbon as climate-warming greenhouse gases.

The study was published today in the journal Nature Geoscience.

The project, led by UAF researcher Katey Walter Anthony, studied lakes in Alaska, Canada, Sweden and Siberia where permafrost thaw surrounding lakes led to lake shoreline expansion during the past 60 years. Using historical aerial photo analysis, soil and methane sampling, and radiocarbon dating, the project quantified for the first time the strength of the present-day permafrost carbon feedback to climate warming. Although a large permafrost carbon emission is expected to occur imminently, the results of this study show nearly no sign that it has begun.

The study used radiocarbon dating to determine the age of methane emitted from expansion zones, where Arctic lakes have recently grown to consume and thaw terrestrial permafrost. The age of that methane mirrors that of the ancient permafrost soil thawing alongside and beneath the lakes, and provides the largest known dataset of radiocarbon dated methane emissions.

The data is important for climate change models, since the emissions released by thawing permafrost could significantly affect levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Old carbon isn't part of that equation if it remains trapped in frozen soil, but it's released as methane and carbon dioxide when permafrost soils thaw and decompose.

Walter Anthony said the billions of tons of carbon stored in permafrost are about twice the amount that is currently in the atmosphere. Many researchers are concerned that if old carbon begins to cycle it could create a feedback loop—its emissions contribute to warming, which again contributes to the thawing of more permafrost

Read more at: Study measures methane release from Arctic permafrost

Methane, on a decadal basis, is about 100 times as effective of a GHG as CO2. Prior to the industrial revolution, the CH4 level was about 700 ppb. It is presently at about 1850 ppb. That is the same as adding another 100 ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere. That is the equivalent of over 500 ppm of CO2 when added to the present 400+ level of CO2. Dangerously close to a doubling of the CO2 level. We are not going to make the goal of limiting the temperature rise to 2 C. In fact, I expect to see that surpassed in my lifetime. We will be lucky to hold the temperature increase in this century to 4 C.
I'm not talking about the releasing of Methane and CO2 in permafrost. I'm talking about the actual production of methane, Methanogenesis, during temperature conditions in wetlands.

The Arctic currently is not producing much methane at all.

But when it warms past 5C, and certainly past 10C, it produces as much as the Tropics (maybe 10-15% less, but that's splitting hairs).

Fucking envirocultist nuttards.
The reason this matters is Methane production by wetlands behaves like the Arctic about 5C and below, but behaves like the Tropics about 10C and above.

Butbut, methane is GOOD! It makes me think of cows farts and that always makes me think of Snowflake Liberals who are one big loud cow fart.

I don't think the Earth can currently survive its +4w/m^2 GHG concentration, let alone a full doubling of the Methane component (which accounts for about 1.5 of those watts.). One Solar Maximum will add another full 1 watt to that input, and the Earth will be pushed over a limit then. That will probably be the straw to break the camel's back, a Solar maximum to push the Arctic fully into a 10C isotherm during summers.

Let's note that. Thanks for letting us know the end is near. I guess you also think the oceans are running dry from evaporation? Just as you fail to recognize the mechanisms of rainfall returning water to the Sea, the Earth is self-balancing taking the excess methane and returning it back in the form of storage in rock and organic matter. The Earth knows what she's doing even if you do not. But Liberals cannot understand that as they think they PERSONALLY must micromanage the Climate just as they think it is their mission to micromanage other people's lives.
The reason this matters is Methane production by wetlands behaves like the Arctic about 5C and below, but behaves like the Tropics about 10C and above.

Butbut, methane is GOOD! It makes me think of cows farts and that always makes me think of Snowflake Liberals who are one big loud cow fart.

I don't think the Earth can currently survive its +4w/m^2 GHG concentration, let alone a full doubling of the Methane component (which accounts for about 1.5 of those watts.). One Solar Maximum will add another full 1 watt to that input, and the Earth will be pushed over a limit then. That will probably be the straw to break the camel's back, a Solar maximum to push the Arctic fully into a 10C isotherm during summers.

Let's note that. Thanks for letting us know the end is near. I guess you also think the oceans are running dry from evaporation? Just as you fail to recognize the mechanisms of rainfall returning water to the Sea, the Earth is self-balancing taking the excess methane and returning it back in the form of storage in rock and organic matter. The Earth knows what she's doing even if you do not. But Liberals cannot understand that as they think they PERSONALLY must micromanage the Climate just as they think it is their mission to micromanage other people's lives.

So our hope of reducing dangerous levels of Methane is to wait 1 billion years for it to be sequestered in Rock formations?

The OH- reaction that balances Methane back into CO2 (then into Rocks) is breaking down which is why Methane has increased by 2.5x in the last 200 years.

Meanwhile we don't have that long to wait, due to the massive amount of energy Methane adds to the system.
I asked the Danish Meteorological Institute Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut if they were keeping track of the 10C isotherm boundary for the Arctic circle.

They were not. And they are the foremost temperature data on the Arctic in that regards.

The reason this matters is Methane production by wetlands behaves like the Arctic about 5C and below, but behaves like the Tropics about 10C and above.

The evidence for that behavior is in research papers I can try and find but don't have at the time of this writing.

Basically, very little Methane produced by wetlands under 5C, and a lot of Methane produced by wetlands above 10C, with the optimum being somewhere around 32C.

That being said, the Arctic Wetlands, which are currently in a "phase" change from permafrost to arctic wetland, will be crossing the 10C isotherm boundary soon.

It's currently happening, and I think it is the greatest over looked source of Methane today.

And the total area of possible wetlands in the Arctic is GREATER than the current naturally occurring wetlands on Earth today. So the balance of Methane will permanently shift even higher as the Arctic becomes "activated".

I don't think the Earth can currently survive its +4w/m^2 GHG concentration, let alone a full doubling of the Methane component (which accounts for about 1.5 of those watts.).

One Solar Maximum will add another full 1 watt to that input, and the Earth will be pushed over a limit then. That will probably be the straw to break the camel's back, a Solar maximum to push the Arctic fully into a 10C isotherm during summers.

The last time this happened, we all died!!!!!
I asked the Danish Meteorological Institute Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut if they were keeping track of the 10C isotherm boundary for the Arctic circle.

They were not. And they are the foremost temperature data on the Arctic in that regards.

The reason this matters is Methane production by wetlands behaves like the Arctic about 5C and below, but behaves like the Tropics about 10C and above.

The evidence for that behavior is in research papers I can try and find but don't have at the time of this writing.

Basically, very little Methane produced by wetlands under 5C, and a lot of Methane produced by wetlands above 10C, with the optimum being somewhere around 32C.

That being said, the Arctic Wetlands, which are currently in a "phase" change from permafrost to arctic wetland, will be crossing the 10C isotherm boundary soon.

It's currently happening, and I think it is the greatest over looked source of Methane today.

And the total area of possible wetlands in the Arctic is GREATER than the current naturally occurring wetlands on Earth today. So the balance of Methane will permanently shift even higher as the Arctic becomes "activated".

I don't think the Earth can currently survive its +4w/m^2 GHG concentration, let alone a full doubling of the Methane component (which accounts for about 1.5 of those watts.).

One Solar Maximum will add another full 1 watt to that input, and the Earth will be pushed over a limit then. That will probably be the straw to break the camel's back, a Solar maximum to push the Arctic fully into a 10C isotherm during summers.

The last time this happened, we all died!!!!!
The last time this happened, most of the Earth died and the Earth became "Hot House Earth" where a new biome grew in the place of a massive extinction.

That biome was mostly Tropical even up to the Arctic Circle, where Tropical plants and Crocodillian fossils are still found.

Because Snakes are temperature dependent on their growth, the largest snakes were 2,000+ pounds and as long as busses. The Titanoboa.
...we have lab work that shows we can only prevent summer in the Arctic by gettign CO2 back to 280PPM, er, or something. All human activity must stop, for the sake of the Arctic Summer

Oh, and don't you eat that yellow snow
The Arctic is going to 10C? Really?

Is this latest prediction from the same people who told us that, "snow is a thing of the past"?
I guess you're a fucking retard who needs his hemorrhoids kicked out of his anus:

Arctic Isotherm

So, you're calling summer in the Arctic a tipping point? 10C? What?

Yes, because previously most of the Sub-Arctic and none of the Arctic reaches the 10C isotherm for more than a couple days.

The more days the Arctic reaches 10C, the more days it acts like the tropics and less like the Arctic.
Er, wait, according to IPCC5 90% of the excess heat is trapped -- like a rat! -- in the oceans, so what's "warming" the Arctic in summer?

Fucking envirocultist nuttards.
Stupid redneck bitch that knows nothing of science. Tens of thousands of home in the US damaged or destroyed by extreme weather events this year, yet turds like you deny anything is changing. LOL
Er, wait, according to IPCC5 90% of the excess heat is trapped -- like a rat! -- in the oceans, so what's "warming" the Arctic in summer?

The other 10%. What takes more energy? To boil water? Or to heat air to 100C. Your disbelief comes from your kindergarten understanding of basic physics.

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