Ardent Trump Supporters Jumping Ship

If Trump keeps getting dissed by his loyals, where will that leave him?
He probably had his bean counter out trying to estimate how much $$$ he will get out of the rest of his most loyal and ardent supporters' cash. Isn't it a shame how things can go South in a hurry when you are thrown under the bus.

"President Donald Trump is losing some of his most ardent supporters after Wednesday's failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol."

"There has been a substantial split tonight," Collins explained. "About half of Parler and pro-Trump Facebook is still going with the 'it was Antifa' lie. TheDonald/4chan/the other half of Parler are doubling down on storming the Capitol, since they organized it there, and are turning on Trump."

Nevermind this. This was always going to happen as Trump is an outsider. He's not part of the "cool club" of career politicians.

What GOP politicians are going to learn real fast, is that Trump supporters won't come out for them. Their passion and enthusiasm is gone and it won't return because of some career politician or two.

You didn't read the article. This isn't about politicians but his supporters who feel stabbed in the back after Trump's latest video.

You should check this out, fun read.
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Unhinged domestic terrorists. Hunt them down, kill as many as you can, throw the rest in GITMO or send them to a friendly Arab country to be softened up.

I'm not interested in killing them.
You’re no different than Isis

I'm guessing you're not playing first string for the wingnuts.
T Is the greatest leader we have had since Washington and I stand only with T supporters

How about those "heinous" acts at the capital? Trump's word, not mine.
This is a prime example of trump doing only what's best for trump. He is terrified of both the 25th or impeachment and plays the trumplicans like the fools they are. We've been saying it for years and "some" trumplicans are starting to see this. The loyalty with trump only goes one way - to trump.
If Trump keeps getting dissed by his loyals, where will that leave him?
He probably had his bean counter out trying to estimate how much $$$ he will get out of the rest of his most loyal and ardent supporters' cash. Isn't it a shame how things can go South in a hurry when you are thrown under the bus.

"President Donald Trump is losing some of his most ardent supporters after Wednesday's failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol."

"There has been a substantial split tonight," Collins explained. "About half of Parler and pro-Trump Facebook is still going with the 'it was Antifa' lie. TheDonald/4chan/the other half of Parler are doubling down on storming the Capitol, since they organized it there, and are turning on Trump."

Those "ardent supporters" are swamp dwelling RINOS.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Those pesky facts never register with trump hating trolls or facts that Rinos want to destroy America as much as the demorats do.
If Trump keeps getting dissed by his loyals, where will that leave him?
He probably had his bean counter out trying to estimate how much $$$ he will get out of the rest of his most loyal and ardent supporters' cash. Isn't it a shame how things can go South in a hurry when you are thrown under the bus.

"President Donald Trump is losing some of his most ardent supporters after Wednesday's failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol."

"There has been a substantial split tonight," Collins explained. "About half of Parler and pro-Trump Facebook is still going with the 'it was Antifa' lie. TheDonald/4chan/the other half of Parler are doubling down on storming the Capitol, since they organized it there, and are turning on Trump."

Those "ardent supporters" are swamp dwelling RINOS.

Swamp creatures and Lucifer cultists....

Trump's support just keeps growing, especially after the American take over of the capitol. The most American thing in my lifetime. And by support I mean loyal support that is actually able to get something done, not some low information morons that democracy is predicated upon.
that's just the GOP doing what they do best. Talk a big game then sell out their constituents. It's why we ended up with Trump in the first place.
If Trump keeps getting dissed by his loyals, where will that leave him?
He probably had his bean counter out trying to estimate how much $$$ he will get out of the rest of his most loyal and ardent supporters' cash. Isn't it a shame how things can go South in a hurry when you are thrown under the bus.

"President Donald Trump is losing some of his most ardent supporters after Wednesday's failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol."

"There has been a substantial split tonight," Collins explained. "About half of Parler and pro-Trump Facebook is still going with the 'it was Antifa' lie. TheDonald/4chan/the other half of Parler are doubling down on storming the Capitol, since they organized it there, and are turning on Trump."

Many Antifa members were disguised as T supporters
Funny you clown that you don’t condemn the utter violence of both Antifa and Blm
You’re a fucking liar.

If Trump keeps getting dissed by his loyals, where will that leave him?
He probably had his bean counter out trying to estimate how much $$$ he will get out of the rest of his most loyal and ardent supporters' cash. Isn't it a shame how things can go South in a hurry when you are thrown under the bus.

"President Donald Trump is losing some of his most ardent supporters after Wednesday's failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol."

"There has been a substantial split tonight," Collins explained. "About half of Parler and pro-Trump Facebook is still going with the 'it was Antifa' lie. TheDonald/4chan/the other half of Parler are doubling down on storming the Capitol, since they organized it there, and are turning on Trump."

Rats are gonna rat.
If Trump keeps getting dissed by his loyals, where will that leave him?
He probably had his bean counter out trying to estimate how much $$$ he will get out of the rest of his most loyal and ardent supporters' cash. Isn't it a shame how things can go South in a hurry when you are thrown under the bus.

"President Donald Trump is losing some of his most ardent supporters after Wednesday's failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol."

"There has been a substantial split tonight," Collins explained. "About half of Parler and pro-Trump Facebook is still going with the 'it was Antifa' lie. TheDonald/4chan/the other half of Parler are doubling down on storming the Capitol, since they organized it there, and are turning on Trump."

Many Antifa members were disguised as T supporters
Funny you clown that you don’t condemn the utter violence of both Antifa and Blm
You’re a fucking liar.

Cuckservative cucks.

Believes walking over tax payer bought for property is too unlawful as the other party and its Satanist constituents burn down cities and steal elections. These people are done for.

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