Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

You can flippantly dismiss my criticism as the irrational rantings of an angry, pathetic, and sad goy, but that doesn't render anything I said wrong and that's exactly your problem. It's not a "certain measure" of the world to come, you're misrepresenting what most Orthodox Jews, especially the Ultra-Orthodox believe about who rises from the dead. They believe all Jewish souls will eventually have a part in the world to come, and very few gentiles, will rise from the dead. The gentiles are going to be the servants of Jews forever.

A Jewish Christian perspective:

Much better than what the "rabbinics" are offering.

You're not fooling this sabbath goy. I know too much. You can't lie to me, as you do the other goyim.

Except that you are wrong in what you say. If Judaism teaches that in the messianic era, non Jews will choose to hang around with Jews you prefer to characterize it as "The gentiles are going to be the servants of Jews forever". It is your choice to see it because of the paranoid lens through which you view the world. Your obsession with the eschatological teachings which, in Judaism are both subject to intense debate and not a subject of daily concern shows a multi level ignorance of Judaism.
1) As Surada said, Jesus did not fulfill the Messianic prophesis:

a) All Jews will be gathered in Israel - hasn’t happened yet
b) The Messiah will build (or accomplish) the 3rd Temple - nope, still waiting
c) There will be worldwide peace: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall man learn war anymore.” (From Isiah)

Hi Lisa. Can you please give me the specific verses you are referencing here? I think I know, but I just want to be sure before replying.

2) Jesus did not fulfill the personal attributes of the Messiah:

As Jews do not believe in Demi-gods or any Supreme Being other than the one and only G-d, the Messiah will be born of human parents - with a father descended from David. Since Christians say Jesus’ father was G-d, a concept foreign to Judaism, he of course does not fulfill this.

Thanks for writing this list.

First - you said that the Messiah would be born of human parents. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying Jews believe the Messiah would be a regular human being? If so, can you provide scriptural support for that belief?

Because there are a number of Messianic prophecies that say something different. There are Messianic prophecies that portray the Messiah with both human and divine attributes.

Secondly, correct me if I'm wrong, but you said the Messiah will be a descendent of David on the father’s side. Can you provide scriptural support for that claim? We know that the Messiah is a physical descendent of David… but which scriptures state that the physical lineage can ONLY be from the father's side?

As a matter of fact, even as early as Genesis (Genesis 3:15) there is a prophecy that indicates the Messiah would be from the “seed” of a woman…. which fits perfectly with Jesus.

3) The Messiah will obey the Law, and lead the people to full Torah observance - as all commandments are binding forever. Jesus did not do this, and changed the law. He told Jews that kashrut was no longer necessary, and he violated the Sabbath.

Jesus did obey the law. The problem is, over the years, Jewish religious leaders added man-made traditions which eventually made the Sabbath burdensome, which was never God’s intent.

As for ‘kashrut' - are you talking about Jewish dietary laws? Other Christians might disagree with me on this, but I don’t believe Jesus “declared all foods clean”, if that's what you were talking about. I believe that is a huge misunderstanding on the part of most Christians.

That said, my view is that God’s original design and true intent is more important than any temporary laws that came about later. I know I'm in a tiny minority on this, but in my view, God’s perfect will as stated in Genesis 1:29-30 and in the prophetic scriptures like Isaiah 11:6-9 should be honored, because that is what God wants - peace and harmony among all creation. No needless killing and exploitation. But I'm getting off topic here now. :)

4) Christians have mistranslated the “Suffering Servant” alluded to in the OT as Jesus, when it refers to Israel.

There’s more, but this is a start.

NOTE: I would like to have a respectful debate, and remind posters that this is Zone 1. Thank you.

Respectfully, I think it is as clear as can be that Isaiah 53 is about a person, not a nation. There are SO many reasons why Israel does not fit… and in fact, is often in direct opposition to what is stated in Isaiah 53.

If you want, I can elaborate, but it would take time to write out all the reasons… so for now I just want to say one thing. There are SO many Jewish people who have become followers of Christ based on Isaiah 53. I mean, tons!

However, with all due respect, if one believes everything their rabbi says, and one's mind is already made up, then when you read Isaiah 53, you’re most likely going to be closed off to anything other than what you were taught.

But you know what? There are Jewish people who had never read Isaiah 53, and then someone read it to them, without telling them where it was located in the Bible... and those Jews said, “Why are you reading to me about Jesus, that’s not in our bible, that must be in the Christian New Testament.” Then when they were told it was in the JEWISH bible, those people were floored, because they had immediately recognized Isaiah 53 to be about Jesus.

I hope we can agree that TRUTH should always come first, before all else, including any religion, tradition, culture, or loyalty to any people group. I'm not singling you out, I think that applies to everyone. Truth should always be paramount. I know this is not a new thread, but thanks for starting this discussion!
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We atone through repentance, prayer and acts of charity.
Those alone do not atone for sins.

You seem to be forgetting a rather important one, that the blood of life atones for sins.

Lev 17:11
For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I have therefore given it to you [to be placed] upon the altar, to atone for your souls. For it is the blood that atones for the soul.
Except that you are wrong in what you say. If Judaism teaches that in the messianic era, non Jews will choose to hang around with Jews you prefer to characterize it as "The gentiles are going to be the servants of Jews forever". It is your choice to see it because of the paranoid lens through which you view the world. Your obsession with the eschatological teachings which, in Judaism are both subject to intense debate and not a subject of daily concern shows a multi level ignorance of Judaism.

Except that you are wrong in what you say. If Judaism teaches that in the messianic era, non-Jews will choose to hang around with Jews...

Judaism doesn't teach that the goyim/gentiles are just going to want to "hang out" with the superior Jews, but rather that they will be serving the Jews. You're being disingenuous at best with your crafty definitions. Anyone can watch the video for themselves and see how practically all of the religious Jews, except for the old man sitting in the park (perhaps the only kind-hearted religious Jew in the mix), identified the goyim as servants of the Jews. According to these religious Jews, the Gentiles that make it to paradise will be housekeepers, tending the garden..etc:

Just like the RAMCHAL and many other rabbis have said throughout the centuries.

Even when a goy makes the stupid decision to convert to your Jewish, xenophobic tribal religion, they're not really considered 100% Jewish, even though legally, they are. Your religious community (your pedigree-focused religion) insists on calling them "geir" or "strangers", even though according to Halacha (Jewish Law) they're 100% Jewish. You know, even though you'll never admit it, that many born religious Jews (those of pure Jewish pedigree, good Jewish "stock"), don't really see converts as 100% Jews or real Jews, as evidenced by what they say among themselves about these converts and what they do (how they treat them). They won't marry their son or daughter to a convert: prefer to characterize it

I don't prefer, I'm simply stating a fact, You can pretend that it's me who is "preferring", but it's you religious Jews who are saying this. You can play this game and pretend it's just me, but people are simply going to check for themselves and discover the truth. To all of you non-Jews reading this, just do some research. You'll see that what I'm saying is true. Gentiles who are lucky enough to make it into the Jewish heaven will be servants of the superior Jews. Their Jewish masters. "The gentiles are going to be the servants of Jews forever". It is your choice to see it because of the paranoid lens through which you view the world.

Your gaslighting of me, won't work. Many of the goyim who are reading this are going to do their own research.

Your obsession with the eschatological teachings which, in Judaism are both subject to intense debate and not a subject of daily concern shows a multi-level ignorance of Judaism.

It's more trickery on your part, pretending everything that I've pointed out is "hotly debated", no actually it's not. There's a well-established consensus on this issue of the goyim being servants of the Jews in your Jewish paradise ("world to come").

You religious Jews, are unable, to be honest, and come to terms with the fact that your religion is a bigoted, elitist, tribal religion that invites hatred and persecution from non-Jews. You're stuck in a self-perpetuating pattern and closed circuit of religious lunacy and self-destruction. A neverending vicious cycle of victimhood and "us vs them".

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Those alone do not atone for sins.

You seem to be forgetting a rather important one, that the blood of life atones for sins.

Lev 17:11
For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I have therefore given it to you [to be placed] upon the altar, to atone for your souls. For it is the blood that atones for the soul.
You say they don't, but they do. Then you quote a passage about eating blood which tangentially says that in the situations where an animal sacrifice can be used, it is efficacious because of blood. You really don't know much about biblical atonement, do you?
Except that you are wrong in what you say. If Judaism teaches that in the messianic era, non-Jews will choose to hang around with Jews...

Judaism doesn't teach that the goyim/gentiles are just going to want to "hang out" with the superior Jews, but rather that they will be serving the Jews. You're being disingenuous at best with your crafty definitions. Anyone can watch the video for themselves and see how practically all of the religious Jews, except for the old man sitting in the park (perhaps the only kind-hearted religious Jew in the mix), identified the goyim as servants of the Jews. According to these religious Jews, the Gentiles that make it to paradise will be housekeepers, tending the garden..etc:

Just like the RAMCHAL and many other rabbis have said throughout the centuries.

Even when a goy makes the stupid decision to convert to your Jewish, xenophobic tribal religion, they're not really considered 100% Jewish, even though legally, they are. Your religious community (your pedigree-focused religion) insists on calling them "geir" or "strangers", even though according to Halacha (Jewish Law) they're 100% Jewish. You know, even though you'll never admit it, that many born religious Jews (those of pure Jewish pedigree, good Jewish "stock"), don't really see converts as 100% Jews or real Jews, as evidenced by what they say among themselves about these converts and what they do (how they treat them). They won't marry their son or daughter to a convert: prefer to characterize it

I don't prefer, I'm simply stating a fact, You can pretend that it's me who is "preferring", but it's you religious Jews who are saying this. You can play this game and pretend it's just me, but people are simply going to check for themselves and discover the truth. To all of you non-Jews reading this, just do some research. You'll see that what I'm saying is true. Gentiles who are lucky enough to make it into the Jewish heaven will be servants of the superior Jews. Their Jewish masters. "The gentiles are going to be the servants of Jews forever". It is your choice to see it because of the paranoid lens through which you view the world.

Your gaslighting of me, won't work. Many of the goyim who are reading this are going to do their own research.

Your obsession with the eschatological teachings which, in Judaism are both subject to intense debate and not a subject of daily concern shows a multi-level ignorance of Judaism.

It's more trickery on your part, pretending everything that I've pointed out is "hotly debated", no actually it's not. There's a well-established consensus on this issue of the goyim being servants of the Jews in your Jewish paradise ("world to come").

You religious Jews, are unable, to be honest, and come to terms with the fact that your religion is a bigoted, elitist, tribal religion that invites hatred and persecution from non-Jews. You're stuck in a self-perpetuating pattern and closed circuit of religious lunacy and self-destruction. A neverending vicious cycle of victimhood and "us vs them".

It is amazing how you generate so many errors and unsubstantiated claims in a single post. Good for you! First, non-Jews are going to want to hang out with Jews. In fact, IIRC the text says that they will want to hold on to the clothing of the Jews and ask to spend time with them. But hey, you have your selective bits and pieces and I just live the life, so what do I know? Then you make claims about how converts are viewed in Judaism. Again, wrong. But any attempt to tell you that you are wrong you dismiss by saying everyone is wrong and you are right and everyone is lying to you. That's your paranoia again, thinking you are important enough for a cabal to conspire to lie to you. And then you sum it all up by dismissing serious debates about the nature of the afterlife because you want to think that the evil, evil Jews have it all worked out to make you feel sad.

You have no ability to realize that we don't care about you (not non-Jews, but haters like you). You simply don't rate, what with your errors, your lies and your incessant whining based on your willful ignorance. You really are sad and anyone who reads this, and does any modicum of serious research will see that.
Hi Lisa. Can you please give me the specific verses you are referencing here? I think I know, but I just want to be sure before replying.

Thanks for writing this list.

First - you said that the Messiah would be born of human parents. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying Jews believe the Messiah would be a regular human being? If so, can you provide scriptural support for that belief?

Because there are a number of Messianic prophecies that say something different. There are Messianic prophecies that portray the Messiah with both human and divine attributes.

Secondly, correct me if I'm wrong, but you said the Messiah will be a descendent of David on the father’s side. Can you provide scriptural support for that claim? We know that the Messiah is a physical descendent of David… but which scriptures state that the physical lineage can ONLY be from the father's side?

As a matter of fact, even as early as Genesis (Genesis 3:15) there is a prophecy that indicates the Messiah would be from the “seed” of a woman…. which fits perfectly with Jesus.

Jesus did obey the law. The problem is, over the years, Jewish religious leaders added man-made traditions which eventually made the Sabbath burdensome, which was never God’s intent.

As for ‘kashrut' - are you talking about Jewish dietary laws? Other Christians might disagree with me on this, but I don’t believe Jesus “declared all foods clean”, if that's what you were talking about. I believe that is a huge misunderstanding on the part of most Christians.

That said, my view is that God’s original design and true intent is more important than any temporary laws that came about later. I know I'm in a tiny minority on this, but in my view, God’s perfect will as stated in Genesis 1:29-30 and in the prophetic scriptures like Isaiah 11:6-9 should be honored, because that is what God wants - peace and harmony among all creation. No needless killing and exploitation. But I'm getting off topic here now. :)

Respectfully, I think it is as clear as can be that Isaiah 53 is about a person, not a nation. There are SO many reasons why Israel does not fit… and in fact, is often in direct opposition to what is stated in Isaiah 53.

If you want, I can elaborate, but it would take time to write out all the reasons… so for now I just want to say one thing. There are SO many Jewish people who have become followers of Christ based on Isaiah 53. I mean, tons!

However, with all due respect, if one believes everything their rabbi says, and one's mind is already made up, then when you read Isaiah 53, you’re most likely going to be closed off to anything other than what you were taught.

But you know what? There are Jewish people who had never read Isaiah 53, and then someone read it to them, without telling them where it was located in the Bible... and those Jews said, “Why are you reading to me about Jesus, that’s not in our bible, that must be in the Christian New Testament.” Then when they were told it was in the JEWISH bible, those people were floored, because they had immediately recognized Isaiah 53 to be about Jesus.

I hope we can agree that TRUTH should always come first, before all else, including any religion, tradition, culture, or loyalty to any people group. I'm not singling you out, I think that applies to everyone. Truth should always be paramount. I know this is not a new thread, but thanks for starting this discussion!

The suffering servant is Israel. God refers to Israel being his servant many times

Read Isaiah 53 in context.
It is amazing how you generate so many errors and unsubstantiated claims in a single post. Good for you! First, non-Jews are going to want to hang out with Jews. In fact, IIRC the text says that they will want to hold on to the clothing of the Jews and ask to spend time with them. But hey, you have your selective bits and pieces and I just live the life, so what do I know? Then you make claims about how converts are viewed in Judaism. Again, wrong. But any attempt to tell you that you are wrong you dismiss by saying everyone is wrong and you are right and everyone is lying to you. That's your paranoia again, thinking you are important enough for a cabal to conspire to lie to you. And then you sum it all up by dismissing serious debates about the nature of the afterlife because you want to think that the evil, evil Jews have it all worked out to make you feel sad.

You have no ability to realize that we don't care about you (not non-Jews, but haters like you). You simply don't rate, what with your errors, your lies and your incessant whining based on your willful ignorance. You really are sad and anyone who reads this, and does any modicum of serious research will see that.

It is amazing how you generate so many errors and unsubstantiated claims in a single post. Good for you!

It's the Jews themselves making the statements that support what I'm saying.

All of your tapdancing and sophistry isn't going to change that.​

First, non-Jews are going to want to hang out with Jews. In fact, IIRC the text says that they will want to hold on to the clothing of the Jews and ask to spend time with them. But hey, you have your selective bits and pieces and I just live the life, so what do I know?

Sure, non-Jews are going to want to be your slaves. That's the final outcome and destiny of mankind, to be your housekeeper and tend to your gardens.

Then you make claims about how converts are viewed in Judaism. Again, wrong. But any attempt to tell you that you are wrong you dismiss by saying everyone is wrong and you are right and everyone is lying to you.

You're in denial. That's your problem and by being in that state of mind, you perpetuate the same patterns of thought and behavior that creates anti-Jewish sentiments among the goyim and more persecution for Jews. Anyone today in the 21st century, can go to YouTube and watch videos of religious Jews saying that they don't consider converts "real Jews", because they were once goyim. Saying that they won't marry their son or daughter to a convert and that converts should marry other converts. Converts themselves speak of the discrimination and bad behavior of born Jews towards them in Orthodox communities.

That's your paranoia again, thinking you are important enough for a cabal to conspire to lie to you.

You gaslighting me doesn't help your dishonest denials of reality. You're projecting your own "paranoia" on me.

And then you sum it all up by dismissing serious debates about the nature of the afterlife because you want to think that the evil, evil Jews have it all worked out to make you feel sad.

The Jews themselves admit that the goyim will be the slaves of the Jews and that's not a fringe position, it's the majority opinion.

You have no ability to realize that we don't care about you (not non-Jews, but haters like you).

You don't hate the nice goyim that will do your laundry for all eternity? The non-Jews that will mow your lawn forever?

You simply don't rate, what with your errors, your lies and your incessant whining based on your willful ignorance. You really are sad and anyone who reads this, and does any modicum of serious research will see that.

It's not me saying this, look at these other Jews saying the same thing, as the ones in the above videos:

I don't have to lie, I just let you Jews talk and you convict yourselves. If you would admit that this is wrong, I would consider you a good Jewish human being, worthy if my respect and kindness. But you are one of these Jews, defending this trash or pretending that it doesn't exist. This is a very common opinion among religious Orthodox Jews. You're in denial. Become a good Jewish person, and that will reduce if not eliminate the anti-semiticism.

You create antisemitism, like someone who takes a stroll at midnight in the worse neighborhood in the city, wearing a million dollars worth of gold jewelry. Then you wonder why you got mugged. Did they have a right to mug you? To assault you and take your jewelry? No. They should go to prison. They are wrong. But you are heedless for taking a stroll at night wearing a million dollars worth of jewelry. That was stupid. You create the conditions for antisemitism, with these beliefs and practices. You're part of the problem.
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Hi Lisa. Can you please give me the specific verses you are referencing here? I think I know, but I just want to be sure before replying.

Thanks for writing this list.

First - you said that the Messiah would be born of human parents. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you saying Jews believe the Messiah would be a regular human being? If so, can you provide scriptural support for that belief?

Because there are a number of Messianic prophecies that say something different. There are Messianic prophecies that portray the Messiah with both human and divine attributes.

Secondly, correct me if I'm wrong, but you said the Messiah will be a descendent of David on the father’s side. Can you provide scriptural support for that claim? We know that the Messiah is a physical descendent of David… but which scriptures state that the physical lineage can ONLY be from the father's side?

As a matter of fact, even as early as Genesis (Genesis 3:15) there is a prophecy that indicates the Messiah would be from the “seed” of a woman…. which fits perfectly with Jesus.

Jesus did obey the law. The problem is, over the years, Jewish religious leaders added man-made traditions which eventually made the Sabbath burdensome, which was never God’s intent.

As for ‘kashrut' - are you talking about Jewish dietary laws? Other Christians might disagree with me on this, but I don’t believe Jesus “declared all foods clean”, if that's what you were talking about. I believe that is a huge misunderstanding on the part of most Christians.

That said, my view is that God’s original design and true intent is more important than any temporary laws that came about later. I know I'm in a tiny minority on this, but in my view, God’s perfect will as stated in Genesis 1:29-30 and in the prophetic scriptures like Isaiah 11:6-9 should be honored, because that is what God wants - peace and harmony among all creation. No needless killing and exploitation. But I'm getting off topic here now. :)

Respectfully, I think it is as clear as can be that Isaiah 53 is about a person, not a nation. There are SO many reasons why Israel does not fit… and in fact, is often in direct opposition to what is stated in Isaiah 53.

If you want, I can elaborate, but it would take time to write out all the reasons… so for now I just want to say one thing. There are SO many Jewish people who have become followers of Christ based on Isaiah 53. I mean, tons!

However, with all due respect, if one believes everything their rabbi says, and one's mind is already made up, then when you read Isaiah 53, you’re most likely going to be closed off to anything other than what you were taught.

But you know what? There are Jewish people who had never read Isaiah 53, and then someone read it to them, without telling them where it was located in the Bible... and those Jews said, “Why are you reading to me about Jesus, that’s not in our bible, that must be in the Christian New Testament.” Then when they were told it was in the JEWISH bible, those people were floored, because they had immediately recognized Isaiah 53 to be about Jesus.

I hope we can agree that TRUTH should always come first, before all else, including any religion, tradition, culture, or loyalty to any people group. I'm not singling you out, I think that applies to everyone. Truth should always be paramount. I know this is not a new thread, but thanks for starting this discussion!
First, I appreciate your respectful tone.

Second, as far as Jews becoming followers of Jesus, it is really a very relative few. Campaigns such as Jews for Jesus fail miserably, converting only a small minority. I have been on the receiving end of this effort, often started very subtly, and once I realize it’s a campaign to get me to abandon Judaism, it is NOT appreciated.

Third, it would be tremendous work to go lien by line quoting actual OT verses, and other historical sources, so I’ve linked another article that shows where they are. I do want to point out that the verse in Isiah refers to Israel.

Fourth, the entire concept of Masiach is different than the Christian concept of Messiah. He is not a deity of course, but the word itself does not mean “savior” - it means anointed one.

Fifth, you were doing really well until the end, when you said “the truth is paramount.” To that I respond, “who’s truth”? The ones that Christians say? Or the ones that Jews say? To insist the Christian “truth” supercedes fhe truth taught by other religions is off-putting.

Finally, you made reference to people (Jews who follow Jewish teachings) whose “mind is made up,” but could that not apply to you as well, and other Christians, from the opposite side? You clearly have your mind made up that a man who lived 2000 years ago was a savior, and a deity.

In closing, i and other Jews do not go around trying to convince Christians of OUR truth. We recognize that different religions have different belief systems, and Gd is perfectly fine with that. That is why He will welcome all righteous and good people into the World to Come, regardless of their religion.

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It's the Jews themselves making the statements that support what I'm saying.

You really should watch more of the video and try to understand it instead of isolating a sentence a person says which doesn't even convey what you are claiming.

Sure, non-Jews are going to want to be your slaves. That's the final outcome and destiny of mankind, to be your housekeeper and tend your garden.
See? This is exactly your problem. I never said that and in fact referenced something different but you have already decided your truth so you replace anything I say with your erroneous conclusion. Sad.
You gaslighting me doesn't help your dishonest denials of reality. You're projecting your own "paranoia" on me.
Except I'm not the one convinced that an entire religion is out to get me. You are. Now you can see why you have no friends.

The Jews themselves admit that the goyim will be the slaves of the Jews and that's not a fringe position, it's the majority opinion.
No, it isn't. Your ignorance of Judaism is staggering but is nothing compared to your arrogance in insisting you know the normative positions of Judaism when you don't.
It's not me saying this, look at these other Jews saying the same thing, as the ones in the above videos:
Again, if you had watched all of the videos, you would have seen people saying things that directly contradict your claims. It is sad that you aren't even familiar with your own videos.
You create antisemitism, like someone who takes a stroll at midnight in the worse neighborhood in the city, wearing a million dollars worth of gold jewelry. Then you wonder why you got mugged. Did they have a right to mug you? To assault you and take your jewelry? No. They should go to prison. They are wrong. But you are heedless for taking a stroll at night wearing a million dollars worth of jewelry. That was stupid. You create the conditions for antisemitism, with these beliefs and practices. You're part of the problem.
you like blaming everyone else because it supposedly takes the focus off your problems. You want to be loved by the world that sees you for the hateful and foolish person you are. You play the victim just not very well. Everyone else is wrong and lying and you are persecuted for telling the truth. You have a Jesus complex. So keep blaming victims, inventing conspiracies and misquoting people because that seems to define your existence.
You really should watch more of the video and try to understand it instead of isolating a sentence a person says which doesn't even convey what you are claiming.

See? This is exactly your problem. I never said that and in fact referenced something different but you have already decided your truth so you replace anything I say with your erroneous conclusion. Sad.

Except I'm not the one convinced that an entire religion is out to get me. You are. Now you can see why you have no friends.

No, it isn't. Your ignorance of Judaism is staggering but is nothing compared to your arrogance in insisting you know the normative positions of Judaism when you don't.

Again, if you had watched all of the videos, you would have seen people saying things that directly contradict your claims. It is sad that you aren't even familiar with your own videos.

you like blaming everyone else because it supposedly takes the focus off your problems. You want to be loved by the world that sees you for the hateful and foolish person you are. You play the victim just not very well. Everyone else is wrong and lying and you are persecuted for telling the truth. You have a Jesus complex. So keep blaming victims, inventing conspiracies and misquoting people because that seems to define your existence.
That guy is a MASSIVE, hateful antisemite. I’ve given up trying to debate him. I wonder if he’s a product of Catholic Schools, though. In my experience, starting in elementary school and going all the way through high school, the worst antisemites came from that environment.
You really should watch more of the video and try to understand it instead of isolating a sentence a person says which doesn't even convey what you are claiming.

They're saying that non-Jews can look forward to being the slaves of Jews. You can continue denying it, but anyone who watches those videos will see that.

You're in denial.

See? This is exactly your problem. I never said that and in fact referenced something different but you have already decided your truth so you replace anything I say with your erroneous conclusion. Sad.

Your flippant dismissal of the fact that your religion is a xenophobic, ethnocentric tribal religion, doesn't make it not so. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

Except I'm not the one convinced that an entire religion is out to get me. You are. Now you can see why you have no friends.

Except you're the one in denial that your religion is a self-centered, ethnocentric, Jew-supremacist religion.

No, it isn't. Your ignorance of Judaism is staggering but is nothing compared to your arrogance in insisting you know the normative positions of Judaism when you don't.

You're just a liar.
Again, if you had watched all of the videos, you would have seen people saying things that directly contradict your claims. It is sad that you aren't even familiar with your own videos.

I already admitted to the fact that the non-religious Jews in the videos and one religious Jew, was against the idea of Gentiles becoming slaves. Can't you comprehend what you read? Practically all of the religious Jews, admitted that the goyim, will be slaves of the Jews. No one has to believe me, they just have to watch the video for themselves. You can deny it, but people are going to see religious Jews admitting that non-Jews will be serving them forever.

There is also the video showing how many religious Jews consider converts to be second-status Jews. Not 100% Jews. They won't marry their sons and daughters to the converts and state that converts should marry converts. One of them admits that the convert isn't really a Jew, because he was once a Gentile. Not a born Jew. There's also the testimony of more than one convert to Judaism, including a rabbi that recognizes the many problems that converts have in the Orthodox Jewish community. You can deny it, and pretend there's no issue, but non-Jews who watch those videos are going to see the truth.

you like blaming everyone else because it supposedly takes the focus off your problems. You want to be loved by the world that sees you for the hateful and foolish person you are. You play the victim just not very well. Everyone else is wrong and lying and you are persecuted for telling the truth. You have a Jesus complex. So keep blaming victims, inventing conspiracies and misquoting people because that seems to define your existence.

Oh boohoo, you're the eternal victims of the goyim. You're all so innocent. The reality is that if Jews were keeping Torah as it should be kept, they wouldn't have all of these problems. Read the blessings that YHWH proclaims for those who actually keep Torah:

If you follow my statutes and keep my commandments and observe them faithfully, I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit... I will grant peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and no one shall make you afraid; I will remove dangerous animals from the land, and no sword shall go through your land." (Leviticus 26:3-6)

"If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out." (Deuteronomy 28:1-6)

If you obey, if you keep the Torah, if you do what you're supposed to do. It has nothing to do with you having a Jewish mother or a "Jewish soul" that is supposedly superior to the goy soul. According to Torah, you shouldn't even be in a state of suffering, or persecution, under the heel of the nations that don't keep the Torah. Living on welfare from the US, receiving your 4 billion dollars a year from Uncle Sam. Without peace in the land. Something is going wrong, with you, and that is your delusion that you are God's people without keeping YHWH's actual commandments.
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That guy is a MASSIVE, hateful antisemite. I’ve given up trying to debate him. I wonder if he’s a product of Catholic Schools, though. In my experience, starting in elementary school and going all the way through high school, the worst antisemites came from that environment.
You're anti-human.
We atone through repentance, prayer and acts of charity.
I think this is a much better way than simply saying that someone else atones for our sins. It requires personal responsibility.

And you can see what happens when people think they can be hateful and obnoxious because Jesus will “save“ them. ChristianMan above, for some inexplicable reason, just said I’m anti-human. And why? Because I refuse to submit to his version of “the truth” and abandon the values taught by Judaism - one of which is that we are responsible for atoning for our own sins. But he thinks that because he believes in Jesus, he can be as nasty and despicable to Jews because he’s going to heaven regardless.
We atone through repentance, prayer and acts of charity.

- meaningless till the act of sinning, subjection to evil is permanently terminated till such time the previous acts are expunged without which the grieving party was not inalterably affected. to free their spirit for judgement.

the gravity of which is the goal for generational evolution - for all beings on planet earth.

I started Sunday School at age 5, learning about Jewish history and traditions, and have continued to this day - more than 60 years later. I never ONCE heard this stuff about Gentiles being the slaves of Jews. All we were ever taught is that all people, Jew or Gentile, have a share in the World to Come if they are good, righteous people.
In fact, IIRC the text says that they will want to hold on to the clothing of the Jews and ask to spend time with them.
You have no ability to realize that we don't care about you (not non-Jews, but haters like you).

their clothing ...


want to hang onto a jew - spend time with them - howabout their hat ... such are the loving people of the desert.

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