Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

They feared what the people would do. They were sticklers to Gods laws, yet the night Jesus was arrested, they hated him so much, they tried him that night. Gods Jewish law was for a man to have 7 days to build a defense. Many were stoned to death under Jewish law on orders of those teachers.
They feared what WHAT people would do----all those jews who hated Jesus? Who were
the "THEY" that tried Jesus----Do you know the name Caiaphas----even jews today know
that name and who he was----but your sunday school lady did not want to tell you. Who
was stoned to death on orders from what teachers?-----the local IMAMS? or QADIS?
--all those jews who hated Jesus? Who were
the "THEY" that tried Jesus
----Do you know the name Caiaphas---

you are very disingenuous ...

... many passages predict the beginning of the new church.

try reality, for a change -

jesus repudiated judaism, their failed apartheid religion from the very beginning and the liar moses ...

liberation theology, self determination as motivation than their self serving hereditary idolatry was the core reason the jews chose to crucify their advisory - not because they were right but because jesus was himself insufficient to handle the forces against him and was overwhelmed by their duplicity ... ir-91
uhm-----try again-----the sunnis consider them so objectionable that they
shoot them down on the streets of Pakistan in DRIVE BYS---casually.
I came to understand the "relationship"----when I saw it over and over again---
daggers shooting out of eyes-----fortunately, only figuratively
Too bad you have only been to Pakistan.. oh that's right.
your statement makes no sense. I have been very closely acquainted with far more
Pakistanis than have you and on a far more confidential level than you could
So you are trying to tell Jews what they think based on the words of a book that Jews don't see as real or accurate? And we are allowed to talk about it. Telling us otherwise is ridiculous.
God inspired his whole bible.
you did not address my question----do you know how many people jews
executed by crucifixion? Did he also tell them that they have smelly feet?
What was stopping all those jews who HATED Jesus from killing him?
Surveillance cameras? What was the penalty for a jew who killed a jew
in Judea back then in Roman governed Judea?
The Jews stoned people to death. They sent others to the romans for blasphemy and those got crucified.
They feared what WHAT people would do----all those jews who hated Jesus? Who were
the "THEY" that tried Jesus----Do you know the name Caiaphas----even jews today know
that name and who he was----but your sunday school lady did not want to tell you. Who
was stoned to death on orders from what teachers?-----the local IMAMS? or QADIS?
The bible mentions certain followers of Jesus were stoned to death Stephen WAS stoned to death. They as well stoned Paul but he lived. Eventually his head was cut off.
I read the bible- John 8:44
I read the Bible also. But not the Christian Bible. It’s quite disturbing how anti-Jew it is, and as a result, we have arrogant, insulting Christians like you.

Thank Gd that Judaism teaches Gd is welcoming to all good people.
I read the Bible also. But not the Christian Bible. It’s quite disturbing how anti-Jew it is, and as a result, we have arrogant, insulting Christians like you.

Thank Gd that Judaism teaches Gd is welcoming to all good people.
He only welcomes those who obey his son.
The Jews stoned people to death. They sent others to the romans for blasphemy and those got crucified.
what jews stoned people and to what Romans did they send people-----the POPES and the
nuns and the "fathers" in the back rooms with the "altar boys:"?
what jews stoned people and to what Romans did they send people-----the POPES and the
nuns and the "fathers" in the back rooms with the "altar boys:"?
There was no Catholicism back in those days. That religion popped up out of Rome later, It did not belong to Jesus. They were the foretold great apostasy-2 Thess 2:3 and all her branches. Her own translating exposes her as false.
Yeah, and that’s how we know Jesus wasn’t the Messiah.
Why is it that a common thread amongst organized religion is to wait for someone who isn’t coming, for him to do something that can’t possibly be done, all while being promised we will get our reward *after* we’re dead so long as we follow orders and maintain the status quo while alive?

Oh wait, I think I just answered my own question.
He only welcomes those who obey his son.
to what disgusting creep do you refer?
There was no Catholicism back in those days. That religion popped up out of Rome later, It did not belong to Jesus. They were the foretold great apostasy-2 Thess 2:3 and all her branches. Her own translating exposes her as false.
right-----Saint Pilate and Saint Caiaphas were Episcopalians and Saint Caligula was
a Calvinist
Why is it that a common thread amongst organized religion is to wait for someone who isn’t coming, for him to do something that can’t possibly be done, all while being promised we will get our reward *after* we’re dead so long as we follow orders and maintain the status quo while alive?

Oh wait, I think I just answered my own question.

If you want an answer, I’ll give it. If you’re being rhetorical, I won’t asre my time.
If you want an answer, I’ll give it. If you’re being rhetorical, I won’t asre my time.
No, I’m being serious.

Any honest, objective look at all organized religion reveals that it exists primarily to keep the impoverished masses complacent in the hope they will be “rewarded” after they die.

Its no coincidence that poverty and religiosity go hand in hand when you look at the demographics

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