Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

what does the ARAB world have to do with a shiite
Ayatoilet from Iran? ----well arab shiites like your
pal NUSKHARAH-alla like him
The Shia are a minority in the Arab world and most are rational and decent. Iran is in the clutches of crackpots.
The Shia are a minority in the Arab world and most are rational and decent. Iran is in the clutches of crackpots.
uhm-----try again-----the sunnis consider them so objectionable that they
shoot them down on the streets of Pakistan in DRIVE BYS---casually.
I came to understand the "relationship"----when I saw it over and over again---
daggers shooting out of eyes-----fortunately, only figuratively
They are facts only to Christians. They are not facts to Jews and other religions.

More “my way or the highway” arrogance from another Christian.
The Jews say-Jesus received his power from demons and he was not the Messiah. Its they who are wrong and have been wrong since before Jesus came. To this day are wrong.
This sounds like God is trying to drive people away from Him, when in fact it was Jesus' purpose to draw more to God. I agree that all should listen to what Jesus said:

  • Repentance/turning away from sin and obedience to God.
  • Discerning the will of God and following it.
This tells me we should be rejoicing with those of the Jewish faith because there were always people of faith who did their best to live these two precepts. Jews should have our gratitude that so many lived God's moral Law, and also prayed as Isaiah taught so many years before Christ, we should be saying to God, "Here I am, Lord. Send me."

I very much doubt Jesus is at all pleased at how his disciples of today have been introducing him to non-Biblical era people of the Jewish faith. In fact, we should be apologizing profusely for making of him a man to dread, when he was one of the greatest heroes/man of faith in his own lifetime. We Gentiles stole a heroic figure staright out of Judaism.
The Israelite religion fell over and over through the OT to false god worship amongst other sinful activities.
Jesus is his Fathers image, he showed the loving side while on earth, yet told off the Israelite religious teachers in Matt 23. Don't forget Noahs day, done by the Father and at Rev 19:11=Armageddon, Jesus will show that side of the image.
where did you learn that the Jews hated Jesus? Where did you learn that jews thought a
mighty king was coming to get rid of the romans? What is "the flock". To what "errors"
do you refer which Jesus "told the jews"? What did book of revulsions 6.2 have to do with
There are plenty of verses showing hatred for Jesus. They had him murdered out of hatred. They said he got his power from Demons and was a blasphemer. Jesus told them they were liars and their father was the devil.
The flock are non teachers. those taught by the teachers.
Matt 23 Jesus tells the Israelite teachers off.
Rev 6:2 is the establishment of Gods kingdom in heaven=1914 according to the prophecy at Daniel 4.
what is it your sunday school lady told that Matthew 23 38-39 has to do with jews?
What are the "facts" of what which occured?
Matt 23 is Jesus telling off the Jewish teachers, telling them they are cut off of being Gods chosen unless they do verse 39. All who follow them are as well.
The Jews say-Jesus received his power from demons and he was not the Messiah. Its they who are wrong and have been wrong since before Jesus came. To this day are wrong.
Jews don’t say that! Where do you Jew-haters come up with this nonsense?
Matt 23 is Jesus telling off the Jewish teachers, telling them they are cut off of being Gods chosen unless they do verse 39. All who follow them are as well.
So that’s the anti-semitic crap the NT writers claim Jesus said? Now I know where you get this stuff.
Jews don’t say that! Where do you Jew-haters come up with this nonsense?
Matthew 12:24--the Jewish teachers said Jesus cast out demons by the power from satan.) They reject him as their Messiah to this day and have not changed those views about him. They may not speak of it.
So that’s the anti-semitic crap the NT writers claim Jesus said? Now I know where you get this stuff.
The NT writers were inspired by Gods words just as the OT was. It was very loving of Jesus to leave the door open to them in verse 39, even though he knew the torture and death he was facing by them sending him to the romans to be killed. Sending him to be killed because they hated him.
After Jesus died ,Paul a Pharisee was leading groups of Jews around to pull followers of Christ out of their homes and beating them, arresting them, etc. Jesus turned him in a vision and he became Paul. He was beheaded eventually by the orders of the Jewish leaders. Some apostles were stoned to death. Peter was hung upside down and tortured like Jesus was. =Hatred.
There are plenty of verses showing hatred for Jesus. They had him murdered out of hatred. They said he got his power from Demons and was a blasphemer. Jesus told them they were liars and their father was the devil.
The flock are non teachers. those taught by the teachers.
Matt 23 Jesus tells the Israelite teachers off.
Rev 6:2 is the establishment of Gods kingdom in heaven=1914 according to the prophecy at Daniel 4.
right-----and the easter bunny brings you jelly beans during the night before Easter
morning. Do you have ANY idea how many people jews crucified or for what people
were crucified? hint---it wasn't for refusing to wash ones hands before eating---for
that mother mary would have something to say
The NT writers were inspired by Gods words just as the OT was. It was very loving of Jesus to leave the door open to them in verse 39, even though he knew the torture and death he was facing by them sending him to the romans to be killed. Sending him to be killed because they hated him.
why didn't they kill him themselves-----they didn't know HOW?
right-----and the easter bunny brings you jelly beans during the night before Easter
morning. Do you have ANY idea how many people jews crucified or for what people
were crucified? hint---it wasn't for refusing to wash ones hands before eating---for
that mother mary would have something to say
No Jesus exposed them and told them they were liars and their father was the devil.
why didn't they kill him themselves-----they didn't know HOW?
They feared what the people would do. They were sticklers to Gods laws, yet the night Jesus was arrested, they hated him so much, they tried him that night. Gods Jewish law was for a man to have 7 days to build a defense. Many were stoned to death under Jewish law on orders of those teachers.
Matthew 12:24--the Jewish teachers said Jesus cast out demons by the power from satan.) They reject him as their Messiah to this day and have not changed those views about him. They may not speak of it.
Quoting the NT to a Jew is not only meaningless, it’s a slap in the face. You KNOW Jews don’t believe it.
No Jesus exposed them and told them they were liars and their father was the devil.
Oh, right……Jesus told them their father was the devil.

Did you go to Catholic School or something?
Matthew 12:24--the Jewish teachers said Jesus cast out demons by the power from satan.) They reject him as their Messiah to this day and have not changed those views about him. They may not speak of it.
So you are trying to tell Jews what they think based on the words of a book that Jews don't see as real or accurate? And we are allowed to talk about it. Telling us otherwise is ridiculous.
No Jesus exposed them and told them they were liars and their father was the devil.
you did not address my question----do you know how many people jews
executed by crucifixion? Did he also tell them that they have smelly feet?
What was stopping all those jews who HATED Jesus from killing him?
Surveillance cameras? What was the penalty for a jew who killed a jew
in Judea back then in Roman governed Judea?

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