Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

You do not have a clue what CG taxes are do you?

Let me double, triple and quadruple tax your earnings...

Then let me pillage your estate after you're dead...
I know it makes up the majority of their income and it's only taxed at 15%, when it should be 25%. And that should also be the same for dividends.

In addition to that, there should be a Financial Transaction Tax, for every share traded on Wall Street.
support secession
From what? The United States? No... I'm for educating the population of and through the principles that define America, which will force the Intellectually Less Fortunate to hide their disloyal, irrational 'feelings' and allowing subsequent generations to set high minimal standards regarding cognition and knowledge of the principled elements and requirements of US Civics, regarding the means to vote... that should resolve most, if not all of the problems in the United States.

There are no leftist Americans.

Define "leftist".

People who write left handed?

So you can't and choose to be 'funny'.
support secession
From what? The United States? No... I'm for educating the population of and through the principles that define America, which will force the Intellectually Less Fortunate to hide their disloyal, irrational 'feelings' and allowing subsequent generations to set high minimal standards regarding cognition and knowledge of the principled elements and requirements of US Civics, regarding the means to vote... that should resolve most, if not all of the problems in the United States.

There are no leftist Americans.

Define "leftist".

People who write left handed?

So you can't and choose to be 'funny'.

I choose to be satirical. You choose to be a prick. Big difference.

There is no definition for someone who is so far left, such as yourself. No one definition will satisfy you.
Conservatives define leftist as anyone who disagrees with their doctrine, at least the conservatives who post on this forum.

I have a question for those conservatives: Is being fiscally conservative considered fiscally responsible?
From what? The United States? No... I'm for educating the population of and through the principles that define America, which will force the Intellectually Less Fortunate to hide their disloyal, irrational 'feelings' and allowing subsequent generations to set high minimal standards regarding cognition and knowledge of the principled elements and requirements of US Civics, regarding the means to vote... that should resolve most, if not all of the problems in the United States.

There are no leftist Americans.

Define "leftist".

People who write left handed?

So you can't and choose to be 'funny'.

I choose to be satirical. You choose to be a prick. Big difference.

There is no definition for someone who is so far left, such as yourself. No one definition will satisfy you.

I'm done responding to assholes like you rationally, thus I will use language by a former Republican Conservative, "go fuck yourself". Rational? Nope, but that's all you deserve.
There are no leftist Americans.

Define "leftist".

People who write left handed?

So you can't and choose to be 'funny'.

I choose to be satirical. You choose to be a prick. Big difference.

There is no definition for someone who is so far left, such as yourself. No one definition will satisfy you.

I'm done responding ... .

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
I wonder if any self defined conservative can define "leftist"? I doubt it, it's used as a pejorative and most are too dumb to realize how stupid they appear by using words they don't understand.
There are no leftist Americans.

Define "leftist".

People who write left handed?

So you can't and choose to be 'funny'.

I choose to be satirical. You choose to be a prick. Big difference.

There is no definition for someone who is so far left, such as yourself. No one definition will satisfy you.

I'm done responding to assholes like you rationally, thus I will use language by a former Republican Conservative, "go fuck yourself". Rational? Nope, but that's all you deserve.

Hah! And you make my case! Move along. Such a violent reaction--which only goes to show I was correct about you.
Conservatives define leftist as anyone who disagrees with their doctrine ... .

That is straw reasoning... and it is straw reasoning of the hysterically false variety.

By advancing straw reasoning, you demonstrate that you have no means to contest the points at issue. And as a result you've decided to distract the discussion from those standing points... the distraction effectively yields from the point, thus concedes to the point.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
I wonder if any self defined conservative can define "leftist"?

Leftist: An adherent of "Left-think"; a form of relativism, which axiomatically rejects objectivity, thus such adherents are incapable of discerning truth, forming trust, behaving within soundly reasoned moral standards, or to serve justice,
That doesn't hold up to scrutiny and if you don't know it you're in the wrong conversation...

So are you in that top 10%?

I am willing to bet you're in the bottom 50%, want to bet?

Shove that bullshit argument up your ass!

It's not the amount, it's the rate. I've got in upwards of 35% of my income being taken from me and I'm looking at the rich with just 15% tax on capital gains. That shit has to end! The rich need to pay the same rate we all pay, because I'm sick of having to pay the difference.

90% of the population only own 6% of the assets and you want them to pay more?

The fact that you're acting like there is no corporate welfare, shows just how stupid conservatives really are.

You're responding to a misnomer which is specifically set out for the consumption of the ignorant, which holds that the rich pay less tax than you. It's nonsense... But it's not just nonsense, it is ABSURD.

15% on capital gains is perfectly reasonable. To tax gains from capital investment as income, will axiomatically reduce capital investment. Reduce capital investment and production is lowered, along with those things that are sustained by production, like jobs.

Not to mention the fact that raising capital gains rates means that Billo and other vindictive leftist losers are getting their schadenfreude jollies against the rich at the expense of taxing the shit out of retirement funds for teachers, cops, etc.
Leftist: An adherent of "Left-think"; a form of relativism, which axiomatically rejects objectivity, thus such adherents are incapable of discerning truth, forming trust, behaving within soundly reasoned moral standards, or to serve justice,

It is really hard for me to believe that any adult believes this.

All I see here is narcisissm.

The irony being that you praise objectivity - while refusing to be in any objective yourself.
I wonder if any self defined conservative can define "leftist"? I doubt it, it's used as a pejorative and most are too dumb to realize how stupid they appear by using words they don't understand.

I totally agree.

It seems to me that a good half of our right-wing posters do not understand terms like 'liberal', 'socialist', 'communist' or 'left wing', and simply use them inter-changeably.

Check out the posting of Kosh for one extreme example.
I wonder if any self defined conservative can define "leftist"? I doubt it, it's used as a pejorative and most are too dumb to realize how stupid they appear by using words they don't understand.

I totally agree.

It seems to me that a good half of our right-wing posters do not understand terms like 'liberal', 'socialist', 'communist' or 'left wing', and simply use them inter-changeably.

Check out the posting of Kosh for one extreme example.

And yet the far left shows that they can not admit when they are wrong!

The far left uses many of these terms as they are in their programming but have no idea what they are including terms like "rights"..

However since the far left Hijacked the "liberal" label and the Democrat party, many of those terms can be used interchangeably, yet you will watch these irony impaired far left drones interchange words when relating to one the believe is not of the far left religion..
Leftist: An adherent of "Left-think"; a form of relativism, which axiomatically rejects objectivity, thus such adherents are incapable of discerning truth, forming trust, behaving within soundly reasoned moral standards, or to serve justice,

It is really hard for me to believe that any adult believes this.

All I see here is narcisissm.

The irony being that you praise objectivity - while refusing to be in any objective yourself.

Oh... well that certainly has the appearance that such was offered as reasonable discourse... let's test it to see if it truly was:

Saigon, you claim that the contribution lacks objectivity. With such being so subjective as to reflect narcissism.

Please take a moment to diagram the contribution, pointing specifically to the subjective elements which you must have recognized in constructing your response and explain to the board the nature of those elements which present the narcissism which you so clearly observed.

Now, this will be the second time that you've offered such an emphatic assertion, were challenged to sustain your assertion, failed to do so, thus conceded that your points were vacuous drivel.

Do you remember the highest number of failures that you've subjected yourself to, prior to this thread?

I'd like to see if we could take a run at the title... I really feel like you've just the right amount of the specific sort of sociopathy to just embarrass the livin' crap out of yourself... and precisely the intellectual limitations to keep you from recognizing it.

Now... all the fingers are crossed. Let's see how ya DO!
Keys -

Shall we just agree that you are both more intelligent, better informed and wiser than any liberal who ever lived anywhere?

That seems to be your point. Certainly if there is another one from you on this thread, I haven't seen it.
It seems to me that a good half of our right-wing posters do not understand terms like 'liberal', 'socialist', 'communist' or 'left wing', and simply use them inter-changeably.

Check out the posting of Kosh for one extreme example.

And a case in point soon follows....

And yet the far left shows that they can not admit when they are wrong!

The far left uses many of these terms as they are in their programming but have no idea what they are including terms like "rights"..

However since the far left Hijacked the "liberal" label and the Democrat party, many of those terms can be used interchangeably, yet you will watch these irony impaired far left drones interchange words when relating to one the believe is not of the far left religion..

Admittedly Kosh is an extreme example, but he isn't the only right-wing poster on this thread who clearly struggles to understand the most basic terms - and yet still uses them in every post.
It seems to me that a good half of our right-wing posters do not understand terms like 'liberal', 'socialist', 'communist' or 'left wing', and simply use them inter-changeably.

Check out the posting of Kosh for one extreme example.

And a case in point soon follows....

And yet the far left shows that they can not admit when they are wrong!

The far left uses many of these terms as they are in their programming but have no idea what they are including terms like "rights"..

However since the far left Hijacked the "liberal" label and the Democrat party, many of those terms can be used interchangeably, yet you will watch these irony impaired far left drones interchange words when relating to one the believe is not of the far left religion..

Admittedly Kosh is an extreme example, but he isn't the only right-wing poster on this thread who clearly struggles to understand the most basic terms - and yet still uses them in every post.

Yes the far left poster from another country that hates America and can not admit when they are wrong is posting such things.

Your OP was bunk when you posted it. as you did not understand what you were posting. Other than to show that you are a far left drone from another country..

As this poster has already been exposed for a few times in this thread..
Keys -

Shall we just agree that you are both more intelligent, better informed and wiser than any liberal who ever lived anywhere?

That seems to be your point. Certainly if there is another one from you on this thread, I haven't seen it.

Keys is an idiot, But I have to say after the last three days that my impression is that the AVERAGE "left wing" poster on this board is dumber than the average "right wing" poster on this board.

And I actually am very middle of the row, quite left on social issues, but stupid is stupid.

The left here are dishonest, have no integrity, are rude, don't know how to debate, are functionally illiterate, and essentially have no business debating.

Case in point.

In this thread

Keystone XL Fails to Pass Senate 59 - 41 Page 19 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

SwimExpert cited a link as evidence that oil from the proposed Phase IV project would not go to us refineries, and labeled his link as "TransCanada is quoted as saying" clearly claiming that the company themselves said that. But when I looked at the link it was easily understandable that it was actually a cornell study and TransCanada had nothing to do with it, and hadn't provided any data nor quotes.

When I pointed that out, he claimed that he did say it was a Cornell study, but FIVE times I asked him to provide a link to the post where he said that before I pointed it out, and four times he provided a link to study, rather than a link to any post where he said it was a study and not actual comments from TransCanada.

Why? Because he was absolutely trying to mislead posters, and never cited the fact that it was a Cornell study.

Then, he had the nerve to play like I'm the stupid one, simply because I called his bluff.

That is dishonest, deceitful, and stupid.

And par for the course from the uber liberal morons who post here.

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