Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

Never, I never said I was one.

That's the thing... if you were not a communist (Relativist) you'd know that your actions; which in this forum are limited to your professions, statements, assertions, advocacies, as well as those advanced by others to which you adhere or oppose... these are what determine who and what you are. What you say you are, is only relevant when whatever that is, is in sync with your behavior.

That you claim to be something else except a person who advocates for collective adherence to perverse, irrational ideas, while behaving as a person who advocates for collective adherence to perverse irrational ideas, this literally presents as delusion; which is the say you exhibit symptoms common to holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are firmly maintained despite being contradicted by reality and rational, intellectually sound, logically valid argument. Such is a symptom of mental disorder.

See how THAT works?
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

If only you knew...

Intelligence isn't measured by what party you belong to.
That doesn't hold up to scrutiny and if you don't know it you're in the wrong conversation...

So are you in that top 10%?

I am willing to bet you're in the bottom 50%, want to bet?

Shove that bullshit argument up your ass!

It's not the amount, it's the rate. I've got in upwards of 35% of my income being taken from me and I'm looking at the rich with just 15% tax on capital gains. That shit has to end! The rich need to pay the same rate we all pay, because I'm sick of having to pay the difference.

90% of the population only own 6% of the assets and you want them to pay more?

The fact that you're acting like there is no corporate welfare, shows just how stupid conservatives really are.
Never, I never said I was one.

That's the thing... if you were not a communist (Relativist) you'd know that your actions; which in this forum are limited to your professions, statements, assertions, advocacies, as well as those advanced by others to which you adhere or oppose... these are what determine who and what you are. What you say you are, is only relevant when whatever that is, is in sync with your behavior.

That you claim to be something else except a person who advocates for collective adherence to perverse, irrational ideas, while behaving as a person who advocates for collective adherence to perverse irrational ideas, this literally presents as delusion; which is the say you exhibit symptoms common to holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are firmly maintained despite being contradicted by reality and rational, intellectually sound, logically valid argument. Such is a symptom of mental disorder.

See how THAT works?

That doesn't hold up to scrutiny and if you don't know it you're in the wrong conversation...

So are you in that top 10%?

I am willing to bet you're in the bottom 50%, want to bet?

Shove that bullshit argument up your ass!

It's not the amount, it's the rate. I've got in upwards of 35% of my income being taken from me and I'm looking at the rich with just 15% tax on capital gains. That shit has to end! The rich need to pay the same rate we all pay, because I'm sick of having to pay the difference.

90% of the population only own 6% of the assets and you want them to pay more?

The fact that you're acting like there is no corporate welfare, shows just how stupid conservatives really are.

You're responding to a misnomer which is specifically set out for the consumption of the ignorant, which holds that the rich pay less tax than you. It's nonsense... But it's not just nonsense, it is ABSURD.

15% on capital gains is perfectly reasonable. To tax gains from capital investment as income, will axiomatically reduce capital investment. Reduce capital investment and production is lowered, along with those things that are sustained by production, like jobs.
Never, I never said I was one.

That's the thing... if you were not a communist (Relativist) you'd know that your actions; which in this forum are limited to your professions, statements, assertions, advocacies, as well as those advanced by others to which you adhere or oppose... these are what determine who and what you are. What you say you are, is only relevant when whatever that is, is in sync with your behavior.

That you claim to be something else except a person who advocates for collective adherence to perverse, irrational ideas, while behaving as a person who advocates for collective adherence to perverse irrational ideas, this literally presents as delusion; which is the say you exhibit symptoms common to holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are firmly maintained despite being contradicted by reality and rational, intellectually sound, logically valid argument. Such is a symptom of mental disorder.

See how THAT works?


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Spare change -

Making an observation isn't the same thing as hypersertivity. People can say what they like.

I'd be curious what "reality" you see on this site, given you are apparently the only one of us immune to prejudice.
Shove that bullshit argument up your ass!

It's not the amount, it's the rate. I've got in upwards of 35% of my income being taken from me and I'm looking at the rich with just 15% tax on capital gains. That shit has to end! The rich need to pay the same rate we all pay, because I'm sick of having to pay the difference.

90% of the population only own 6% of the assets and you want them to pay more?

The fact that you're acting like there is no corporate welfare, shows just how stupid conservatives really are.

You're too stupid to know any different...

When you can deal with the facts it will be time for you to rejoin the conversation...

That you would use CG as an example is ludicrous, didn't you learn anything in school?

Our country's founders fought double and triple taxation so you wouldn't have to, yet you're too stupid to know the truth...

Fucking idiot...
Fascists are communists and liberals are fascists; er uh... "Progressives".

Oh dear God....

Are there no dictionaries in your part of the world?

If you don't know what a word means - check. Dont simply making something up that fits your own prejudices.


So the dictionary explains the distinctions between fascists, liberals and communists? And ... you know these distinctions, yet you passed on the perfect opportunity to educate your opposition. Must be some pretty deep stuff... huh?

In truth, those are simply three facets of the same foolish stone. And you need to 'feel' that they're distinct, but if your life depended upon it, you could not show us what those distinctions are, beyond the academic prattle which is designed to elicit the illusion of distinction, as a means to justify the multiplicity of the terms, which otherwise describe the same dam' thing.

And that is because they all describe: Left-think... which exists only through deceit, fraud and ignorance and without exception those elements can only serve the darkness. Thus, we can readily see that it (Left-think) is little more than the perversion of human reason OKA: EVIL!

If you actually understood what you 'feel' you understand, you'd have no problem explaining it and, through the explanation you'd be serving the light... .

But again, ya can't... and instead, ya advance the pretense of some understanding, appealing to the authority of a text reference you can't even find the strength of character to cite. Pushing a deceitful, fallacious line of reasoning; which is fraudulent reasoning... and ya do so purely as a means to prop up your feeble understanding in what serves as your own mind, but more critically, as a means to influence the ignorant; which is to say others who may happen along and who will likely recognize the fragility common to that intellectual house of cards you're so desperately defending.

In truth, in just the last few years, we've watched "Liberals" elect "Progressives", who appointed individuals who have long histories defining themselves as communists. Those communists, when questioned about their self-descriptions, all explained that these days they prefer to avoid labels... which is understandable, given that the nature of labels is to account for the contents and LEFTISTS, of every stripe, are not the sort of people who tolerate accountability.

And that too is understandable given the nature of Left-think and the unenviable, but inevitable consequences of such.

So without regard to the 'label de jour', from Liberal through Communist, to "No-Name", the net result is always the same: Death and Destruction which always comes as a direct result of the only three potential products of Left-think, which are: Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe.

But hey... such is the nature of evil, now isn't it?
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Keys -

It is deep stuff, actually.

I've worked with fascist theory as a topic for 20 years now, and it takes years of study and work in the field to peel through the layers of meaning. It's not something one spends 10 minutes on a discussion forum and is suddenly magically enlightened on. One needs to read over many years, and I think it's also important to spend time in places like Babi Yar, Kazimierz, Salaspils and so forth in order to understand the context within which fascism thrived. I've also worked a lot in places like Belarus and Transnistria to understand the differences between post-Communist states and those closer to fascism, such as Antonescu's Romania.

I have done that work, and you have not - hence this is never going to be a very balanced conversation.

If you'd like to know more I don't mind at all explaining details and answering questions and, in particular, explaining exactly how and why history records fascism as right wing. Dictionaries do help here, because they at least provide a starting point.

However, I expect you'd prefer to lecture me, in which case you can go right ahead. You have no obligation to understand political theory.

btw. I am also very happy to cite half-dozen books that I would consider the most authoritive and noted on the topic. However, there is little point if you'd prefer not to read anything, as I suspect is the case here.
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You're responding to a misnomer which is specifically set out for the consumption of the ignorant, which holds that the rich pay less tax than you. It's nonsense... But it's not just nonsense, it is ABSURD.
Not less tax, less tax rate.

They pay a less tax rate.

15% on capital gains is perfectly reasonable. To tax gains from capital investment as income, will axiomatically reduce capital investment. Reduce capital investment and production is lowered, along with those things that are sustained by production, like jobs.
That's bullshit! The rich are sitting on $6 trillion in record profits, so where is all the investment?

70% of the economy is from demand. If there is demand, there will be investment in that area. If there is no demand, there will be no investment. No company is going to spend capital in something that won't produce a return for that investment.

What's stupid is, conservatives thinking the rest of the country can't see that.
You're too stupid to know any different...

When you can deal with the facts it will be time for you to rejoin the conversation...

That you would use CG as an example is ludicrous, didn't you learn anything in school?

Our country's founders fought double and triple taxation so you wouldn't have to, yet you're too stupid to know the truth...

Fucking idiot...
And you talk like you're 15 years old.
Keys -

It is deep stuff, actually.

I've worked with fascist theory as a topic for 20 years now, and it takes years of study and work in the field to peel through the layers of meaning. It's not something one spends 10 minutes on a discussion forum and is suddenly magically enlightened on. One needs to read over many years, and I think it's also important to spend time in places like Babi Yar, Kazimierz, Salaspils and so forth in order to understand the context within which fascism thrived. I've also worked a lot in places like Belarus and Transnistria to understand the differences between post-Communist states and those closer to fascism, such as Antonescu's Romania.

I have done that work, and you have not - hence this is never going to be a very balanced conversation.

If you'd like to know more I don't mind at all explaining details and answering questions and, in particular, explaining exactly how and why history records fascism as right wing. Dictionaries do help here, because they at least provide a starting point.

However, I expect you'd prefer to lecture me, in which case you can go right ahead. You have no obligation to understand political theory.

btw. I am also very happy to cite half-dozen books that I would consider the most authoritive and noted on the topic. However, there is little point if you'd prefer not to read anything, as I suspect is the case here.
So says someone that doesn't live in America but for some reason think they know what is good for America. YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT.
Keys -

It is deep stuff, actually.

I've worked with fascist theory as a topic for 20 years now, and it takes years of study and work in the field to peel through the layers of meaning. It's not something one spends 10 minutes on a discussion forum and is suddenly magically enlightened on. One needs to read over many years, and I think it's also important to spend time in places like Babi Yar, Kazimierz, Salaspils and so forth in order to understand the context within which fascism thrived. I've also worked a lot in places like Belarus and Transnistria to understand the differences between post-Communist states and those closer to fascism, such as Antonescu's Romania.

I have done that work, and you have not - hence this is never going to be a very balanced conversation.

If you'd like to know more I don't mind at all explaining details and answering questions and, in particular, explaining exactly how and why history records fascism as right wing. Dictionaries do help here, because they at least provide a starting point.

However, I expect you'd prefer to lecture me, in which case you can go right ahead. You have no obligation to understand political theory.

btw. I am also very happy to cite half-dozen books that I would consider the most authoritive and noted on the topic. However, there is little point if you'd prefer not to read anything, as I suspect is the case here.
And consequently the ignorance and stupidity of most conservatives remains.
Keys -

It is deep stuff, actually.

I've worked with fascist theory as a topic for 20 years now, and it takes years of study and work in the field to peel through the layers of meaning. It's not something one spends 10 minutes on a discussion forum and is suddenly magically enlightened on. One needs to read over many years, and I think it's also important to spend time in places like Babi Yar, Kazimierz, Salaspils and so forth in order to understand the context within which fascism thrived. I've also worked a lot in places like Belarus and Transnistria to understand the differences between post-Communist states and those closer to fascism, such as Antonescu's Romania.

I have done that work, and you have not - hence this is never going to be a very balanced conversation.

If you'd like to know more I don't mind at all explaining details and answering questions and, in particular, explaining exactly how and why history records fascism as right wing. Dictionaries do help here, because they at least provide a starting point.

However, I expect you'd prefer to lecture me, in which case you can go right ahead. You have no obligation to understand political theory.

btw. I am also very happy to cite half-dozen books that I would consider the most authoritive and noted on the topic. However, there is little point if you'd prefer not to read anything, as I suspect is the case here.
And consequently the ignorance and stupidity of most conservatives remains.
Talk about ignorance YOU support obama and everything obama
YOU are as ignorant as they come.
Keys -

It is deep stuff, actually.

I've worked with fascist theory as a topic for 20 years now, and it takes years of study and work in the field to peel through the layers of meaning. It's not something one spends 10 minutes on a discussion forum and is suddenly magically enlightened on. One needs to read over many years, and I think it's also important to spend time in places like Babi Yar, Kazimierz, Salaspils and so forth in order to understand the context within which fascism thrived. I've also worked a lot in places like Belarus and Transnistria to understand the differences between post-Communist states and those closer to fascism, such as Antonescu's Romania.

I have done that work, and you have not - hence this is never going to be a very balanced conversation.

If you'd like to know more I don't mind at all explaining details and answering questions and, in particular, explaining exactly how and why history records fascism as right wing. Dictionaries do help here, because they at least provide a starting point.

However, I expect you'd prefer to lecture me, in which case you can go right ahead. You have no obligation to understand political theory.

btw. I am also very happy to cite half-dozen books that I would consider the most authoritive and noted on the topic. However, there is little point if you'd prefer not to read anything, as I suspect is the case here.
Do you have any idea what a pretentious prick you come off as?
Big Reb -

Do you understand the difference between someone holding an opposing opinion to your own - and the person being stupid?

I can't imagine how arrogant someone has to be to think they know more than Everyone who disagrees with them. It's bizarre.

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