Are conservatives smarter than liberals?


What Mao Zedong said about liberalism

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads"
Combat Liberalism

THIS Hitler??


"Today Christians stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.

The above post needs to be bumped and bumped every time one of the Crazy Right Wing wants to comport Liberalism with Communism, Marxism, Fascism and each and every despot who committed mass murder.

Gee what a surprise a far left poster that does not know what the words in the post they quoted means except as it is defined by their far left programming!

Well golly gee, all those Poli Sci Courses and yet I do not know anything but leftist propaganda. Maybe Kosh will take the time to educate me by:

Comparing and contrasting Nazi Fascism with the Fascism which developed in South America. Mao's brand of Communism with that of Lenin and each with the horrors of Idi Amin and the Khmer rouge. In particular, point out the commonalities of each and comport them to the current Obama Administration.

Since President Obama is commonly characterized as tyrannical by the Crazy New Right (of which you are a member) you should have no problem educating me and others that my opinion (that the New Right is Crazy) is wrong.


I guess I will never tire of watching Leftists grope for validation through the attempt to show VAST distinctions in their various 'movements', of which there is not a scintilla of difference.

Liberalism is to progressivism, what progressivism is to fascism and fascism is to socialism what socialism is to communism... they are all the result of the respective culture's lowest common denominators, the least capable intellects, the least able producers, who need to blame others for their own, self-induced deficiencies pursuing power through illicit, dishonorable means; it is precisely what reason requires the Relativist MUST DO!

Down is up, Right is Wrong, Truth is False, black is white and wet is dry... .

It is evil and it always does the same dam' thing!

Now, allow me to demonstrate:

When obama spoke publicly for the first time since Gruber's video wherein he professed to the treachery that was used to construct and pass obamacare; Gruber, who the record CLEARLY establishes was well known to obama and who worked closely with obama on this... these facts are undeniable... did obama speak honestly and did his response in any way reflect the truth? Or did he d as he always does and set one lie on top of the next, to merely establish a story line set to the OBVIOUS deceit intrinsic to the rationalization which seeks to exploit: THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, BY THE LEAST CAPABLE, LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATORS?

Simple stuff...

You're funny, yes in both meanings of the word. Had you spoken the words written above one might perceive you as scitzophrenic, lucky you have a track record and most will see them as perfidious

OH! Now THAT is a lovely deflection ... and a classic demonstration of a distraction from the point... thus a means of yielding from the point, thus a concession TO THE POINT.

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy this is, kids? They're truly helpless. Now just IMAGINE if this old fashion 'common sense' were to EVER be used on the campaign trail... Just IMAGINE IT! In just a very few campaign cycles there would be NO Leftists of ANY variation, found anywhere in local, state or federal office. But only because darkness cannot contest light... It simply can't be done.)
Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

If you think the Left has anything to do with the Chinese Government and their perspectives you need to do 1 hours research to prove yourself ignorant.

The Left Wing media today is applauding the Chinese people for fighting for their individual rights to protect them from a Government using them as profit drones.

Riiiiight, Obama has repeatedly held up China as an example of good vs America as an example of bad but there's nothing to see, move along, we get it that's why we kicked the living shit out of the Dem's in this election.

The Chinese people are fed up with a Government that is making them pollute their own atmosphere and work for nothing. China has "smog days" in school similar to our "snow days"

No they're not. I spent time doing business in China.

Another liberal talking out their ass.

See post 2 and post 3 and figure out why this applies to you......

Then do an internet search before responding
Hong Kong Occupy Movement Loses Public Support CUHK Poll - Bloomberg

They are sick of their Government not letting them make the decisions. We should be sick of the Government acting like we are making the decisions when they server the Corporations over the People.

But your brainy debate "Nuh Uh, a Liberal talking out of ass" is a hard one to debate. Maybe if I wrote it on a cave wall in pictures you would understand it?

Have you ever been to China? You ever done business there? You know much about the culture. I have. I do.

Do you really think that speaks for 100% of the Chinese? And I'm talking about mainland China, not talking about Hong Kong. Two completely different planets.
Oh that is no where NEAR true... it's not even a debatable point. This has been studied to death and the Ideological Left is amongst the most stingy organism on earth.

To even try and suggest otherwise is ludicrous, to the point of presenting delusion.

One doesn't become second only to DISEASE as the most lethal threat to humanity, having murdered 100 million people IN PEACETIME in JUST THE LAST CENTURY ALONE, as the Ideological Left has did AND be known for one's financial generosity... .

Your Ideology rests ENTIRELY upon the premise that YOU DESERVE EQUAL POSSESSIONS< WEALTH< AND HEALTH WITH EVERYONE ELSE... and this without regard to ANY SENSE of responsibility for your having FAILED TO EARN ANY OF IT.

That is sociopathy on a grand scale and there one glaring trait of the sociopath is its disregard for the well being of anything else, other than itself.

You don't know what you are talking about. Trying to bolster it with hyperbole and bluster makes you look foolish.

And the 100 million murdered must be from believing morons like Jonah Goldberg.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

Well, if the history of the Ideological Left was not one born from "The Terror"... and which carried through the Russian purge, the Stalinist purge, the Fascist Purge, the Maoist purge, the communist purges in SE Asia, the bulk of which all took place in periods of PEACE... MAN WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN A GREAT POINT!

Sadly, Left-think is second only to disease in terms of human lethality.

But... in this discussion of the intellectual limitations of the Ideological Left... I wantcha to know that I REALLY appreciate your demonstration of such, through your denial of the undeniable.


What Mao Zedong said about liberalism

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads"
Combat Liberalism

THIS Hitler??


"Today Christians stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.


What the intellectually less fortunate is trying to say here is that "Liberalism" has no kinship with communism or fascism... because Mao declared 'liberalism a danger to the cohesion essential for state control' and Histler declared himself loyal to the tenets of Christianity... just as Gruber assured us of the transparent nature of obamacare legislation and Pelosi and Reid assured us of Gruber's integrity and how obama assured us that if we like our Doctor what can keep our doctor... NONE of which was then or is now, even REMOTELY: TRUE.

Liberalism has NO kinship to communism or fascism...NONE. Sorry pea brain, you can't accuse us of being pacifists, doves, peaceniks and peacemongers, then accuse us of being mass murderers...

It does in the economic realm, twinkle toes. Centralized versus decentralized.

In fact if you libs would grasp what I just said, it would solve most of the ills in this country.
The above post needs to be bumped and bumped every time one of the Crazy Right Wing wants to comport Liberalism with Communism, Marxism, Fascism and each and every despot who committed mass murder.

Gee what a surprise a far left poster that does not know what the words in the post they quoted means except as it is defined by their far left programming!

Well golly gee, all those Poli Sci Courses and yet I do not know anything but leftist propaganda. Maybe Kosh will take the time to educate me by:

Comparing and contrasting Nazi Fascism with the Fascism which developed in South America. Mao's brand of Communism with that of Lenin and each with the horrors of Idi Amin and the Khmer rouge. In particular, point out the commonalities of each and comport them to the current Obama Administration.

Since President Obama is commonly characterized as tyrannical by the Crazy New Right (of which you are a member) you should have no problem educating me and others that my opinion (that the New Right is Crazy) is wrong.


I guess I will never tire of watching Leftists grope for validation through the attempt to show VAST distinctions in their various 'movements', of which there is not a scintilla of difference.

Liberalism is to progressivism, what progressivism is to fascism and fascism is to socialism what socialism is to communism... they are all the result of the respective culture's lowest common denominators, the least capable intellects, the least able producers, who need to blame others for their own, self-induced deficiencies pursuing power through illicit, dishonorable means; it is precisely what reason requires the Relativist MUST DO!

Down is up, Right is Wrong, Truth is False, black is white and wet is dry... .

It is evil and it always does the same dam' thing!

Now, allow me to demonstrate:

When obama spoke publicly for the first time since Gruber's video wherein he professed to the treachery that was used to construct and pass obamacare; Gruber, who the record CLEARLY establishes was well known to obama and who worked closely with obama on this... these facts are undeniable... did obama speak honestly and did his response in any way reflect the truth? Or did he d as he always does and set one lie on top of the next, to merely establish a story line set to the OBVIOUS deceit intrinsic to the rationalization which seeks to exploit: THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, BY THE LEAST CAPABLE, LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATORS?

Simple stuff...

You're funny, yes in both meanings of the word. Had you spoken the words written above one might perceive you as scitzophrenic, lucky you have a track record and most will see them as perfidious

OH! Now THAT is a lovely deflection ... and a classic demonstration of a distraction from the point... thus a means of yielding from the point, thus a concession TO THE POINT.

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy this is, kids? They're truly helpless. Now just IMAGINE if this old fashion 'common sense' were to EVER be used on the campaign trail... Just IMAGINE IT! In just a very few campaign cycles there would be NO Leftists of ANY variation, found anywhere in local, state or federal office. But only because darkness cannot contest light... It simply can't be done.)

Let's agree that you're an arrogant asshole, and I'v been patient enough up to now, not to comment on that and your other character flaws.

What the intellectually less fortunate is trying to say here is that "Liberalism" has no kinship with communism or fascism... because Mao declared 'liberalism a danger to the cohesion essential for state control' and Histler declared himself loyal to the tenets of Christianity... just as Gruber assured us of the transparent nature of obamacare legislation and Pelosi and Reid assured us of Gruber's integrity and how obama assured us that if we like our Doctor what can keep our doctor... NONE of which was then or is now, even REMOTELY: TRUE.

Liberalism has NO kinship to communism or fascism...NONE. Sorry pea brain, you can't accuse us of being pacifists, doves, peaceniks and peacemongers, then accuse us of being mass murderers...


No, no no scamp. You're trying to apply reasonable terms upon the limited intellect of the adherents of Left-think, who have no sense of reason.

You people are relativists... and that means that you folks are incapable of even understanding what objectivity means, let alone applying it.

Let me see if I can help you understand what I mean. Now within just the last month or so, you peacenik-pacifists were witnessed justifying the use of police powers to 'ENFORCE' what you felt was "THE LAW" that says that sexual abnormality is NORMAL and, anyone who refused to help you celebrate your special kink, should be incarcerated and ruined financially... .

What's more, when you learned that the US Federal Government was abusing its official powers to prevent their political opposition from assembling an effective contest, you CHEERED; you then denied what was otherwise obvious and found no evidence that anyone abused anyone.

Prior to that, you were disinterested in the Everest of evidence wherein it was obvious that the US Federal Government was using its official state powers to slander the innocent, hard-working, honest citizens in the US Fire-Arm Manufacturing/Sales business. This as a means to destroy their reputations, livelihood and peace of mind, through absolute fraudulence.

Now... you may 'feel' that THAT BEHAVIOR is 180 degrees apart from mass-murder through official powers, but it's just a couple of degrees from just that.

There's no difference; none, zero, nada between the most Birkenstock wearing, dope smokin' free-loader and the angriest of Asian midget fatties... the hippy lacks POWER.
Gee what a surprise a far left poster that does not know what the words in the post they quoted means except as it is defined by their far left programming!

Well golly gee, all those Poli Sci Courses and yet I do not know anything but leftist propaganda. Maybe Kosh will take the time to educate me by:

Comparing and contrasting Nazi Fascism with the Fascism which developed in South America. Mao's brand of Communism with that of Lenin and each with the horrors of Idi Amin and the Khmer rouge. In particular, point out the commonalities of each and comport them to the current Obama Administration.

Since President Obama is commonly characterized as tyrannical by the Crazy New Right (of which you are a member) you should have no problem educating me and others that my opinion (that the New Right is Crazy) is wrong.


I guess I will never tire of watching Leftists grope for validation through the attempt to show VAST distinctions in their various 'movements', of which there is not a scintilla of difference.

Liberalism is to progressivism, what progressivism is to fascism and fascism is to socialism what socialism is to communism... they are all the result of the respective culture's lowest common denominators, the least capable intellects, the least able producers, who need to blame others for their own, self-induced deficiencies pursuing power through illicit, dishonorable means; it is precisely what reason requires the Relativist MUST DO!

Down is up, Right is Wrong, Truth is False, black is white and wet is dry... .

It is evil and it always does the same dam' thing!

Now, allow me to demonstrate:

When obama spoke publicly for the first time since Gruber's video wherein he professed to the treachery that was used to construct and pass obamacare; Gruber, who the record CLEARLY establishes was well known to obama and who worked closely with obama on this... these facts are undeniable... did obama speak honestly and did his response in any way reflect the truth? Or did he d as he always does and set one lie on top of the next, to merely establish a story line set to the OBVIOUS deceit intrinsic to the rationalization which seeks to exploit: THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, BY THE LEAST CAPABLE, LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATORS?

Simple stuff...

You're funny, yes in both meanings of the word. Had you spoken the words written above one might perceive you as scitzophrenic, lucky you have a track record and most will see them as perfidious

OH! Now THAT is a lovely deflection ... and a classic demonstration of a distraction from the point... thus a means of yielding from the point, thus a concession TO THE POINT.

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy this is, kids? They're truly helpless. Now just IMAGINE if this old fashion 'common sense' were to EVER be used on the campaign trail... Just IMAGINE IT! In just a very few campaign cycles there would be NO Leftists of ANY variation, found anywhere in local, state or federal office. But only because darkness cannot contest light... It simply can't be done.)

Let's agree that you're an arrogant asshole, and I'v been patient enough up to now, not to comment on that and your other character flaws.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Well golly gee, all those Poli Sci Courses and yet I do not know anything but leftist propaganda. Maybe Kosh will take the time to educate me by:

Comparing and contrasting Nazi Fascism with the Fascism which developed in South America. Mao's brand of Communism with that of Lenin and each with the horrors of Idi Amin and the Khmer rouge. In particular, point out the commonalities of each and comport them to the current Obama Administration.

Since President Obama is commonly characterized as tyrannical by the Crazy New Right (of which you are a member) you should have no problem educating me and others that my opinion (that the New Right is Crazy) is wrong.


I guess I will never tire of watching Leftists grope for validation through the attempt to show VAST distinctions in their various 'movements', of which there is not a scintilla of difference.

Liberalism is to progressivism, what progressivism is to fascism and fascism is to socialism what socialism is to communism... they are all the result of the respective culture's lowest common denominators, the least capable intellects, the least able producers, who need to blame others for their own, self-induced deficiencies pursuing power through illicit, dishonorable means; it is precisely what reason requires the Relativist MUST DO!

Down is up, Right is Wrong, Truth is False, black is white and wet is dry... .

It is evil and it always does the same dam' thing!

Now, allow me to demonstrate:

When obama spoke publicly for the first time since Gruber's video wherein he professed to the treachery that was used to construct and pass obamacare; Gruber, who the record CLEARLY establishes was well known to obama and who worked closely with obama on this... these facts are undeniable... did obama speak honestly and did his response in any way reflect the truth? Or did he d as he always does and set one lie on top of the next, to merely establish a story line set to the OBVIOUS deceit intrinsic to the rationalization which seeks to exploit: THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, BY THE LEAST CAPABLE, LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATORS?

Simple stuff...

You're funny, yes in both meanings of the word. Had you spoken the words written above one might perceive you as scitzophrenic, lucky you have a track record and most will see them as perfidious

OH! Now THAT is a lovely deflection ... and a classic demonstration of a distraction from the point... thus a means of yielding from the point, thus a concession TO THE POINT.

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy this is, kids? They're truly helpless. Now just IMAGINE if this old fashion 'common sense' were to EVER be used on the campaign trail... Just IMAGINE IT! In just a very few campaign cycles there would be NO Leftists of ANY variation, found anywhere in local, state or federal office. But only because darkness cannot contest light... It simply can't be done.)

Let's agree that you're an arrogant asshole, and I'v been patient enough up to now, not to comment on that and your other character flaws.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

An arrogant asshole and insipid. Keep on being the stooge and I'll keep on posting your character flaws.

I guess I will never tire of watching Leftists grope for validation through the attempt to show VAST distinctions in their various 'movements', of which there is not a scintilla of difference.

Liberalism is to progressivism, what progressivism is to fascism and fascism is to socialism what socialism is to communism... they are all the result of the respective culture's lowest common denominators, the least capable intellects, the least able producers, who need to blame others for their own, self-induced deficiencies pursuing power through illicit, dishonorable means; it is precisely what reason requires the Relativist MUST DO!

Down is up, Right is Wrong, Truth is False, black is white and wet is dry... .

It is evil and it always does the same dam' thing!

Now, allow me to demonstrate:

When obama spoke publicly for the first time since Gruber's video wherein he professed to the treachery that was used to construct and pass obamacare; Gruber, who the record CLEARLY establishes was well known to obama and who worked closely with obama on this... these facts are undeniable... did obama speak honestly and did his response in any way reflect the truth? Or did he d as he always does and set one lie on top of the next, to merely establish a story line set to the OBVIOUS deceit intrinsic to the rationalization which seeks to exploit: THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, BY THE LEAST CAPABLE, LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATORS?

Simple stuff...

You're funny, yes in both meanings of the word. Had you spoken the words written above one might perceive you as scitzophrenic, lucky you have a track record and most will see them as perfidious

OH! Now THAT is a lovely deflection ... and a classic demonstration of a distraction from the point... thus a means of yielding from the point, thus a concession TO THE POINT.

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy this is, kids? They're truly helpless. Now just IMAGINE if this old fashion 'common sense' were to EVER be used on the campaign trail... Just IMAGINE IT! In just a very few campaign cycles there would be NO Leftists of ANY variation, found anywhere in local, state or federal office. But only because darkness cannot contest light... It simply can't be done.)

Let's agree that you're an arrogant asshole, and I'v been patient enough up to now, not to comment on that and your other character flaws.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

An arrogant asshole and insipid. Keep on being the stooge and I'll keep on posting your character flaws.


Your third concession on the same issue is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(You do realize that one concession is all you're obligated to register, right? I mean, I have no problem noting however many you feel compelled to provide, I'm just sayin' ya don't HAVE to do it. But don't think that I don't appreciate it.)
You're funny, yes in both meanings of the word. Had you spoken the words written above one might perceive you as scitzophrenic, lucky you have a track record and most will see them as perfidious

OH! Now THAT is a lovely deflection ... and a classic demonstration of a distraction from the point... thus a means of yielding from the point, thus a concession TO THE POINT.

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy this is, kids? They're truly helpless. Now just IMAGINE if this old fashion 'common sense' were to EVER be used on the campaign trail... Just IMAGINE IT! In just a very few campaign cycles there would be NO Leftists of ANY variation, found anywhere in local, state or federal office. But only because darkness cannot contest light... It simply can't be done.)

Let's agree that you're an arrogant asshole, and I'v been patient enough up to now, not to comment on that and your other character flaws.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

An arrogant asshole and insipid. Keep on being the stooge and I'll keep on posting your character flaws.


Your third concession on the same issue is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(You do realize that one concession is all you're obligated to register, right? I mean, I have no problem noting however many you feel compelled to provide, I'm just sayin' ya don't HAVE to do it. But don't think that I don't appreciate it.)

No problem, I'm sure you're entertained. Most narcissistic assholes enjoy attention and you sure seem to be having fun.
OH! Now THAT is a lovely deflection ... and a classic demonstration of a distraction from the point... thus a means of yielding from the point, thus a concession TO THE POINT.

And with that said, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(See how easy this is, kids? They're truly helpless. Now just IMAGINE if this old fashion 'common sense' were to EVER be used on the campaign trail... Just IMAGINE IT! In just a very few campaign cycles there would be NO Leftists of ANY variation, found anywhere in local, state or federal office. But only because darkness cannot contest light... It simply can't be done.)

Let's agree that you're an arrogant asshole, and I'v been patient enough up to now, not to comment on that and your other character flaws.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

An arrogant asshole and insipid. Keep on being the stooge and I'll keep on posting your character flaws.


Your third concession on the same issue is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(You do realize that one concession is all you're obligated to register, right? I mean, I have no problem noting however many you feel compelled to provide, I'm just sayin' ya don't HAVE to do it. But don't think that I don't appreciate it.)

No problem, I'm sure you're entertained. Most narcissistic assholes enjoy attention and you sure seem to be having fun.

Yet another far left irony impaired post!
Let's agree that you're an arrogant asshole, and I'v been patient enough up to now, not to comment on that and your other character flaws.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

An arrogant asshole and insipid. Keep on being the stooge and I'll keep on posting your character flaws.


Your third concession on the same issue is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(You do realize that one concession is all you're obligated to register, right? I mean, I have no problem noting however many you feel compelled to provide, I'm just sayin' ya don't HAVE to do it. But don't think that I don't appreciate it.)

No problem, I'm sure you're entertained. Most narcissistic assholes enjoy attention and you sure seem to be having fun.

Yet another far left irony impaired post!

Even your ad hominems are weak.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

An arrogant asshole and insipid. Keep on being the stooge and I'll keep on posting your character flaws.


Your third concession on the same issue is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(You do realize that one concession is all you're obligated to register, right? I mean, I have no problem noting however many you feel compelled to provide, I'm just sayin' ya don't HAVE to do it. But don't think that I don't appreciate it.)

No problem, I'm sure you're entertained. Most narcissistic assholes enjoy attention and you sure seem to be having fun.

Yet another far left irony impaired post!

Even your ad hominems are weak.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep in the far left programming..

It seems the far left Matrix is need of an over haul..
An arrogant asshole and insipid. Keep on being the stooge and I'll keep on posting your character flaws.


Your third concession on the same issue is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(You do realize that one concession is all you're obligated to register, right? I mean, I have no problem noting however many you feel compelled to provide, I'm just sayin' ya don't HAVE to do it. But don't think that I don't appreciate it.)

No problem, I'm sure you're entertained. Most narcissistic assholes enjoy attention and you sure seem to be having fun.

Yet another far left irony impaired post!

Even your ad hominems are weak.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep in the far left programming..

It seems the far left Matrix is need of an over haul..

The only reason you see me as far left, is because you have been brainwashed by the far far right. Hence, you're unable to think outside the that box that Limbaugh made, and fear any and all ideas which conflict with the ditto heads dogma.

I'd bet you too believe that liberals are Fascist Communists, or the other nonsense promulgated by the conservative meme.

Your third concession on the same issue is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(You do realize that one concession is all you're obligated to register, right? I mean, I have no problem noting however many you feel compelled to provide, I'm just sayin' ya don't HAVE to do it. But don't think that I don't appreciate it.)

No problem, I'm sure you're entertained. Most narcissistic assholes enjoy attention and you sure seem to be having fun.

Yet another far left irony impaired post!

Even your ad hominems are weak.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep in the far left programming..

It seems the far left Matrix is need of an over haul..

The only reason you see me as far left, is because you have been brainwashed by the far far right. Hence, you're unable to think outside the that box that Limbaugh made, and fear any and all ideas which conflict with the ditto heads dogma.

I'd bet you too believe that liberals are Fascist Communists, or the other nonsense promulgated by the conservative meme.

Fascists are communists and liberals are fascists; er uh... "Progressives".

Of course... some would argue that the fascists, which is to say those who believe in a "mixed-economy", wherein the respective history and traditions of the culture should be slowly dissected and the layers separated from it's context core, until such is rendered meaningless... only managed to murder 6-10 million innocent people... while the communists... killed well in excess of 100 million.

So in terms of pure evil... they're identical, except in the volume and where the socialists of the international variety have no desire to slowly separate a culture from it's heritage, preferring to do so immediately, through revolutionary means.
No problem, I'm sure you're entertained. Most narcissistic assholes enjoy attention and you sure seem to be having fun.

Yet another far left irony impaired post!

Even your ad hominems are weak.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep in the far left programming..

It seems the far left Matrix is need of an over haul..

The only reason you see me as far left, is because you have been brainwashed by the far far right. Hence, you're unable to think outside the that box that Limbaugh made, and fear any and all ideas which conflict with the ditto heads dogma.

I'd bet you too believe that liberals are Fascist Communists, or the other nonsense promulgated by the conservative meme.

Fascists are communists and liberals are fascists; er uh... "Progressives".

Of course... some would argue that the fascists, which is to say those who believe in a "mixed-economy", wherein the respective history and traditions of the culture should be slowly dissected and the layers separated from it's context core, until such is rendered meaningless... only managed to murder 6-10 million innocent people... while the communists... killed well in excess of 100 million.

So in terms of pure evil... they're identical, except in the volume and where the socialists of the international variety have no desire to slowly separate a culture from it's heritage, preferring to do so immediately, through revolutionary means.

I'm beginning to think paranoid schizophrenic needs to be ruled out.
Yet another far left irony impaired post!

Even your ad hominems are weak.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep in the far left programming..

It seems the far left Matrix is need of an over haul..

The only reason you see me as far left, is because you have been brainwashed by the far far right. Hence, you're unable to think outside the that box that Limbaugh made, and fear any and all ideas which conflict with the ditto heads dogma.

I'd bet you too believe that liberals are Fascist Communists, or the other nonsense promulgated by the conservative meme.

Fascists are communists and liberals are fascists; er uh... "Progressives".

Of course... some would argue that the fascists, which is to say those who believe in a "mixed-economy", wherein the respective history and traditions of the culture should be slowly dissected and the layers separated from it's context core, until such is rendered meaningless... only managed to murder 6-10 million innocent people... while the communists... killed well in excess of 100 million.

So in terms of pure evil... they're identical, except in the volume and where the socialists of the international variety have no desire to slowly separate a culture from it's heritage, preferring to do so immediately, through revolutionary means.

I'm beginning to think paranoid schizophrenic needs to be ruled out.

So because you nor anyone else can show a tangible distinction between any of the innumerable facets of Left-think, this... in your 'mind', determines that I must be mentally ill? Your deficiency is therefore not a sign of your own perversion of reason, it is the result of the defect in another... .

LOL! Adorable...

And you say you're not a communist...
Never, I never said I was one. Only arrogant, asshole, narissistic liars say that I'm a Communist. Of course I've been called other things by the Crazy Right Wing, but who gives a damn other than assholes who have nothing to offer but second grade name calling.

I'm retired Law Enforcement. Thus my job was to put criminals away. Child molesters and Bankers, Brokers and assholes. Most of the assholes, bankers and brokers are narssistic liars, of course so are child molesters. Some people are saying you spend your afternoons smelling the bike seats at the elementary school. As an asshole, you are a subject of interest.
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

I think your hypersensitivity, coupled with your inherent prejudices, ensure you don't see the reality of the posts on this site.

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