Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

You're desperate...

The Conservative donates their money...

The Liberal donates the Taxpayers money...

That is not true.
Cons and Libs equally give donations. Just to different types of charities.
When it's a big natural disaster both give.

Oh that is no where NEAR true... it's not even a debatable point. This has been studied to death and the Ideological Left is amongst the most stingy organism on earth.

To even try and suggest otherwise is ludicrous, to the point of presenting delusion.

One doesn't become second only to DISEASE as the most lethal threat to humanity, having murdered 100 million people IN PEACETIME in JUST THE LAST CENTURY ALONE, as the Ideological Left has did AND be known for one's financial generosity... .

Your Ideology rests ENTIRELY upon the premise that YOU DESERVE EQUAL POSSESSIONS< WEALTH< AND HEALTH WITH EVERYONE ELSE... and this without regard to ANY SENSE of responsibility for your having FAILED TO EARN ANY OF IT.

That is sociopathy on a grand scale and there one glaring trait of the sociopath is its disregard for the well being of anything else, other than itself.

You don't know what you are talking about. Trying to bolster it with hyperbole and bluster makes you look foolish.

And the 100 million murdered must be from believing morons like Jonah Goldberg.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

Well, if the history of the Ideological Left was not one born from "The Terror"... and which carried through the Russian purge, the Stalinist purge, the Fascist Purge, the Maoist purge, the communist purges in SE Asia, the bulk of which all took place in periods of PEACE... MAN WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN A GREAT POINT!

Sadly, Left-think is second only to disease in terms of human lethality.

But... in this discussion of the intellectual limitations of the Ideological Left... I wantcha to know that I REALLY appreciate your demonstration of such, through your denial of the undeniable.


What Mao Zedong said about liberalism

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads"
Combat Liberalism

THIS Hitler??


"Today Christians stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.


What the intellectually less fortunate is trying to say here is that "Liberalism" has no kinship with communism or fascism... because Mao declared 'liberalism a danger to the cohesion essential for state control' and Histler declared himself loyal to the tenets of Christianity... just as Gruber assured us of the transparent nature of obamacare legislation and Pelosi and Reid assured us of Gruber's integrity and how obama assured us that if we like our Doctor what can keep our doctor... NONE of which was then or is now, even REMOTELY: TRUE.
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I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

If you think the Left has anything to do with the Chinese Government and their perspectives you need to do 1 hours research to prove yourself ignorant.

The Left Wing media today is applauding the Chinese people for fighting for their individual rights to protect them from a Government using them as profit drones.

Riiiiight, Obama has repeatedly held up China as an example of good vs America as an example of bad but there's nothing to see, move along, we get it that's why we kicked the living shit out of the Dem's in this election.

The Chinese people are fed up with a Government that is making them pollute their own atmosphere and work for nothing. China has "smog days" in school similar to our "snow days"

No they're not. I spent time doing business in China.

Another liberal talking out their ass.

See post 2 and post 3 and figure out why this applies to you......

Then do an internet search before responding
Hong Kong Occupy Movement Loses Public Support CUHK Poll - Bloomberg

They are sick of their Government not letting them make the decisions. We should be sick of the Government acting like we are making the decisions when they server the Corporations over the People.

But your brainy debate "Nuh Uh, a Liberal talking out of ass" is a hard one to debate. Maybe if I wrote it on a cave wall in pictures you would understand it?
... when they server the Corporations over the People.
... Maybe if I wrote it on a cave wall in pictures you would understand it?

ROFLMNAO! Maybe, but I can't see how that would help it become understandable.

I see you ^ just jumped into a conversation not knowing what it was about and took the side of the Conservative........brainy :) and THANK YOU.

The debate was about people protesting Government in China occupying the streets wanting to get a vote in the Government. This "Conservative" said "I was there, didn't happen, you are stupid". I post a link and even THEN you respond with this.......
... when they server the Corporations over the People.
... Maybe if I wrote it on a cave wall in pictures you would understand it?

ROFLMNAO! Maybe, but I can't see how that would help it become understandable.

I see you ^ just jumped into a conversation not knowing what it was about and took the side of the Conservative........brainy :) and THANK YOU.

The debate was about people protesting Government in China occupying the streets wanting to get a vote in the Government. This "Conservative" said "I was there, didn't happen, you are stupid". I post a link and even THEN you respond with this.......

So what?
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

Thanks for that post. I'm so tired of these idiots and their "means justifies the ends corruption."

What you are seeing is the last desperate gasps of the Democratic party, the liberal wing of their party has destroyed them, the moderate Dem's are dropping like flies and they are flailing about in all directions in desperation. Lies are all they have left and the lies are no longer working. Look at Gruber he's one of the elitist liberal insiders, look at the blatant contempt he has for their own base. He calls them a bunch of stupid morons then he and the elitist audience laugh at them.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

I think this posts says a lot about what I am talking about - neither party has a monopoly on honesty, not even a particularly strong record of honesty.

And yet here we see posters who scream about one party every day, but are simply incapable of screaming about the other. I don't see that as being particularly intelligent.

Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

All I can say is I'm glad their STUPID asses got kicked on election day.

As for Saigon, I'm sure he's a nice dude but a typical LIBERAL journalist who's too stupid to know he's liberal instead of objective.

This is my problem with you stupid liberal fuckers. There's a real dearth of critical thinkers in this country anymore. It's because you liberals messed up our educational system, and you've controlled the press and Hollywood. There used to be a time when people questioned lying presidents in BOTH parties. What you liberal fuckers did by censoring bad news under Obama angers me to no end.

And it angered enough people to cause a political typhoon.

And you can expect the anger to keep growing till we really kick you corrupt fuckers in the balls. And I wanna thank you for your Gruber gift to us. That's a gift that's not going to stop giving.....

Kharma's a bitch.

You the way Harry Reid played the nuclear option. What? None of you Dems stood up and said it was myopic? Just like you didn't question Gruber?

I'm enjoying the hell out of your demise, you corrupt idiots.
This post is yet more evidence that conservatives are in no way smarter than liberals.

I wasn't born hating liberals I learned to hate them.
Oh please, not another 'the other side does it to' excuse. Look the left's lying has spiraled completely out of control, its like comparing a camp fire to a forest fire.

If you think the Left has anything to do with the Chinese Government and their perspectives you need to do 1 hours research to prove yourself ignorant.

The Left Wing media today is applauding the Chinese people for fighting for their individual rights to protect them from a Government using them as profit drones.

Riiiiight, Obama has repeatedly held up China as an example of good vs America as an example of bad but there's nothing to see, move along, we get it that's why we kicked the living shit out of the Dem's in this election.

The Chinese people are fed up with a Government that is making them pollute their own atmosphere and work for nothing. China has "smog days" in school similar to our "snow days"

No they're not. I spent time doing business in China.

Another liberal talking out their ass.

See post 2 and post 3 and figure out why this applies to you......

Then do an internet search before responding
Hong Kong Occupy Movement Loses Public Support CUHK Poll - Bloomberg

They are sick of their Government not letting them make the decisions. We should be sick of the Government acting like we are making the decisions when they server the Corporations over the People.

But your brainy debate "Nuh Uh, a Liberal talking out of ass" is a hard one to debate. Maybe if I wrote it on a cave wall in pictures you would understand it?

OH THE IRONY, the lying liberals in this country are the biggest control freaks on the planet.
That is not true.
Cons and Libs equally give donations. Just to different types of charities.
When it's a big natural disaster both give.

Oh that is no where NEAR true... it's not even a debatable point. This has been studied to death and the Ideological Left is amongst the most stingy organism on earth.

To even try and suggest otherwise is ludicrous, to the point of presenting delusion.

One doesn't become second only to DISEASE as the most lethal threat to humanity, having murdered 100 million people IN PEACETIME in JUST THE LAST CENTURY ALONE, as the Ideological Left has did AND be known for one's financial generosity... .

Your Ideology rests ENTIRELY upon the premise that YOU DESERVE EQUAL POSSESSIONS< WEALTH< AND HEALTH WITH EVERYONE ELSE... and this without regard to ANY SENSE of responsibility for your having FAILED TO EARN ANY OF IT.

That is sociopathy on a grand scale and there one glaring trait of the sociopath is its disregard for the well being of anything else, other than itself.

You don't know what you are talking about. Trying to bolster it with hyperbole and bluster makes you look foolish.

And the 100 million murdered must be from believing morons like Jonah Goldberg.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

Well, if the history of the Ideological Left was not one born from "The Terror"... and which carried through the Russian purge, the Stalinist purge, the Fascist Purge, the Maoist purge, the communist purges in SE Asia, the bulk of which all took place in periods of PEACE... MAN WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN A GREAT POINT!

Sadly, Left-think is second only to disease in terms of human lethality.

But... in this discussion of the intellectual limitations of the Ideological Left... I wantcha to know that I REALLY appreciate your demonstration of such, through your denial of the undeniable.


What Mao Zedong said about liberalism

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads"
Combat Liberalism

THIS Hitler??


"Today Christians stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.


What the intellectually less fortunate is trying to say here is that "Liberalism" has no kinship with communism or fascism... because Mao declared 'liberalism a danger to the cohesion essential for state control' and Histler declared himself loyal to the tenets of Christianity... just as Gruber assured us of the transparent nature of obamacare legislation and Pelosi and Reid assured us of Gruber's integrity and how obama assured us that if we like our Doctor what can keep our doctor... NONE of which was then or is now, even REMOTELY: TRUE.

Liberalism has NO kinship to communism or fascism...NONE. Sorry pea brain, you can't accuse us of being pacifists, doves, peaceniks and peacemongers, then accuse us of being mass murderers...
liberals never use their brain- they use emotion.

So that's how you "feel" eh? LMAO.

Another far left irony post!

Were you smart enough to understand the "irony" of my post? Somehow I doubt it. Look up the word on Webster and get back.

And now the one showing that they do not understand words is posting and proving that they do not understand what irony is. However that is par for the course for the far left programmed drones..
And now the one showing that they do not understand words is posting and proving that they do not understand what irony is. However that is par for the course for the far left programmed drones..

Damn you are stupid. I mean really stupid. Now come on back with some more of your "far left drone blah blah blah. That's all you've got. Blah blah blah.
And now the one showing that they do not understand words is posting and proving that they do not understand what irony is. However that is par for the course for the far left programmed drones..

Damn you are stupid. I mean really stupid. Now come on back with some more of your "far left drone blah blah blah. That's all you've got. Blah blah blah.

Yes I know by nature the far left programming makes you irony impaired..
Yes I know by nature the far left programming makes you irony impaired..

You are the gift of stupid that just keeps on giving up more and more stupid. Even Mac has figured that out. And he can be pretty slow.

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