Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

He doesn't. He needs to have the last word regardless of humiliation.

Only a fool would believe "... concession noted and summarily accepted" is anything but inane.
Absolutely, but humiliation is humiliation. If you want to avoid it, it would serve you well to stop your own inanities.

You really are not very bright, that you think your comments are clever is anything but childish.
Learn to express yourself more articulately and get back to us. Read, think and then write. It would serve you well. Putting coherent sentences together is a start, but it is content and prose that separates us.

You concession is accepted.
That's just what you say when you realize people stop caring what you think, and realize getting through to you is futile.
You concession is accepted.
Rather feeble. but here's where articulation and prose must kick in, Ask yourself why! Why in fact have I conceded! Then with articulation and appropriate prose throw down the gantlet! Otherwise, the whole exersize becomes meaningless, not to mention vacuous. Man up in a way that you have never been able to do before, as an intellect and a man!

Then we can talk.
The boarder is more secure under the current administration than under the former President

Riiiiight he's not luring 10's of thousands of illegals across the border with his partial amnesty and promise not to deport them. I mean its laughable, good luck selling that.

FY 2013 ICE Immigration Removals ICE

Now BL can post something from Lou Dobbs (who? LOL) or Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh and call me a troll.

Typical lib, lets try this again in a way you can't worm out Obama luring 10's of thousands of illegals to the US with this executive orders on immigration Yes or No? Go on the record if you have the guts.
The boarder is more secure under the current administration than under the former President

Riiiiight he's not luring 10's of thousands of illegals across the border with his partial amnesty and promise not to deport them. I mean its laughable, good luck selling that.

FY 2013 ICE Immigration Removals ICE

Now BL can post something from Lou Dobbs (who? LOL) or Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh and call me a troll.


Those stats have been THOROUGHLY REFUTED... in truth, the obama cult counts 'arrests' of illegals as 'RETURNS'/'Removal'. Thus the hysterically inflated (FRAUDULENT) numbers which deceitfully attempt to influence the ignorant by fooling them into BELIEVING that obama is deporting more illegals than Bush did.

The facts show otherwise, with Bush having sent ORDERS of MAGNITUDE more illegals BACK across the border... by adding 'arrests' into the equation, THEN fraudulently combining "RETURNS" AND "REMOVALS"... the numbers skew deceitfully to make it APPEAR as tho' obama is a deporter in chief. In truth obama has sent home a minor percentage of the number of illegals sent packing by his predecessors.

In other words the left LIES!
There's no point of a Leftist making promises... as there's no potential for credibility behind the assertion.

Another poster proves the point of the thread. Really...what adult would say anything like that?

The left lies repeatedly to the point that they cannot be trusted and trust is everything. Compromise, finding common ground, working together, you can forget it. Take gun control, the left has no intention of stopping after reaching a compromise. The left being dishonest liars fully intend to keep coming back whittling away at our rights until they get 100% of what they want. Therefore the left can just pound sand, we don't want to compromise with you we want to destroy you.

This may be a record. BluesLegend (BL) has came aboard only a bit more than a month ago and already proved himself(?) a proud and loud member of the Crazy New Right and the Echo Chamber.

This will be fun. Soon Rabbit, CrusaderFrank, Stephanie and the other Crazy New Right members will friend him and soon he will even begin to believe he has something of substance to post. Be prepared for the release of Dumb and Dumber III.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

This ^^^ response is typical, and why most of the anti liberal element posting on this forum are dumb as box of rocks. Real conservatives are not dumb, but the faux conservatives on Internet message boards clearly are.

Liberal play book page 1, claim your opponents are dumb and uneducated even if they have a degree from an ivy league school and an MBA from Harvard and can fly an military fighter jet. You can't win an argument so you do this. Pathetic really.
It depends on which conservatives you're referring to.

Let's take the subject of what's commonly referred to as supply side economics as an example.

If you're a wealthy conservative and you embrace that concept, you almost certainly will end up getting richer if those kind of policies are adopted. However, you would arguably bet even richer under a traditional Keynesian economic model even if your tax rate was higher and competition was more likely to thrive.

However, if you're a middle class conservative and you embrace supply side economics, you're arguably a fool.

Liberals don't fall for it. Never have.
You concession is accepted.
Rather feeble. but here's where articulation and prose must kick in, Ask yourself why! Why in fact have I conceded! Then with articulation and appropriate prose throw down the gantlet! Otherwise, the whole exersize becomes meaningless, not to mention vacuous. Man up in a way that you have never been able to do before, as an intellect and a man!

Then we can talk.

I have zero interest in talking with an obnoxious an arrogant asshole who has yet to post anything close to sagacious. You and the other jerk seek pother and post falderal.
It depends on which conservatives you're referring to.

Let's take the subject of what's commonly referred to as supply side economics as an example.

If you're a wealthy conservative and you embrace that concept, you almost certainly will end up getting richer if those kind of policies are adopted. However, you would arguably bet even richer under a traditional Keynesian economic model even if your tax rate was higher and competition was more likely to thrive.

However, if you're a middle class conservative and you embrace supply side economics, you're arguably a fool.

Liberals don't fall for it. Never have.


Now I for one would LOVE the see the math behind that assertion.

Of course there is no potential for a sound argument to rests underneath that drivel... which the contributor who stated will now PROVE through their failure to provide such.

LOL! I never seem to tire of reading that nonsense and watching the "progressive" that offered pretend that all challenges to it, never materialize.

Funny stuff.
You concession is accepted.
Rather feeble. but here's where articulation and prose must kick in, Ask yourself why! Why in fact have I conceded! Then with articulation and appropriate prose throw down the gantlet! Otherwise, the whole exersize becomes meaningless, not to mention vacuous. Man up in a way that you have never been able to do before, as an intellect and a man!

Then we can talk.

I have zero interest in talking with an obnoxious an arrogant asshole who has yet to post anything close to sagacious. You and the other jerk seek pother and post falderal.



Look who's suddenly too good for 'bull shit'.
It depends on which conservatives you're referring to.

Let's take the subject of what's commonly referred to as supply side economics as an example.

If you're a wealthy conservative and you embrace that concept, you almost certainly will end up getting richer if those kind of policies are adopted. However, you would arguably bet even richer under a traditional Keynesian economic model even if your tax rate was higher and competition was more likely to thrive.

However, if you're a middle class conservative and you embrace supply side economics, you're arguably a fool.

Liberals don't fall for it. Never have.


Now I for one would LOVE the see the math behind that assertion.

Of course there is no potential for a sound argument to rests underneath that drivel... which the contributor who stated will now PROVE through their failure to provide such.

LOL! I never seem to tire of reading that nonsense and watching the "progressive" that offered pretend that all challenges to it, never materialize.

Funny stuff.

There is NO economic modeling (I repeat, NONE) that supports the theory of supply side economics. Unlike other theories that have real world results to point to, supply side theory is a theory without supporting evidence.
It depends on which conservatives you're referring to.

Let's take the subject of what's commonly referred to as supply side economics as an example.

If you're a wealthy conservative and you embrace that concept, you almost certainly will end up getting richer if those kind of policies are adopted. However, you would arguably bet even richer under a traditional Keynesian economic model even if your tax rate was higher and competition was more likely to thrive.

However, if you're a middle class conservative and you embrace supply side economics, you're arguably a fool.

Liberals don't fall for it. Never have.


Now I for one would LOVE the see the math behind that assertion.

Of course there is no potential for a sound argument to rests underneath that drivel... which the contributor who stated will now PROVE through their failure to provide such.

LOL! I never seem to tire of reading that nonsense and watching the "progressive" that offered pretend that all challenges to it, never materialize.

Funny stuff.

There is NO economic modeling (I repeat, NONE) that supports the theory of supply side economics. Unlike other theories that have real world results to point to, supply side theory is a theory without supporting evidence.

Actually, what you refer to as 'supply side' economics is little more than the natural order of economics. That those who need to believe otherwise, believe that the natural order of economics doesn't exist or is otherwise irrelevant, only serves reason. Such is the nature of relativism and one should expect nothing else from the adherents to such.

Ya see scamp, the reason that those in the upper-middle class do well is because that is their station, having earned their place, in general terms, through the investment of 30 years or better in the market place, thus they are positioned in places which provide for them to exploit opportunity; through their access to capital, the contacts essential to making things happen; working in their own interests, both in terms of that which is subjective to themselves and more importantly, that which serves their OBJECTIVE interest; which is to say their reputation as someone who looks out for the interests of others, because they tell the truth, and live by a soundly reasoned moral code, thus are worthy of trust.

Supply side economics is merely economic policy that promotes the means of individual to freely exchange goods and services, to the profit of all parties. Such policy has no means to fail, thus explaining its 100% efficacy rate.
When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

Post the lies!

Ahahaha denial ^^^ :laugh:

No, it was a challenge. If you're going to post an allegation, you need to post probative evidence. Your response suggests you are a troll; be very careful, the society of trolls has standards, low, but higher than the tripe you've posted.

Tell me, how many times do I have to post the lefts LIES 100,000 times? I post them with regularity. If you like your plan and doctor you can keep your plan and doctor, period, does that ring a freaking bell? HELLO earth to libs. It amazes me how you libs have the stones to even ask after 6 years of the Obama administration.
Another one who proves the point of the OP.
Liberals fall into these categories.....stupid, lazy, insane and evil.

I would say only the evil and maybe some lazy ones show some intelligence. The evil ones are the ones that end up in DC running the other liberals from their elitist goobermint jobs.

You know they go to conferences and laugh about how they duped the "stupid American people." Laugh about how they funded Romneycare in MA by stealing $400M a year from the Feds' funds.

Most liberals as seen on these kind of boards fall into the stupid and insane categories.

Obama I would say is evil with a bit of stupid, lazy and insane in him too, but evil overrides them all.
Another one who proves the point of the OP and makes it clear that the conservatives on this board, many of them, are not interested at all in intelligent debate, are not intellectually honest, and base their thinking on pure political partisanship and negative name calling, an elemental fail of logic.
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When liberals have to LIE to trick their own base into supporting their policies, well there you have it.

Post the lies!

Ahahaha denial ^^^ :laugh:

No, it was a challenge. If you're going to post an allegation, you need to post probative evidence. Your response suggests you are a troll; be very careful, the society of trolls has standards, low, but higher than the tripe you've posted.

Tell me, how many times do I have to post the lefts LIES 100,000 times? I post them with regularity. If you like your plan and doctor you can keep your plan and doctor, period, does that ring a freaking bell? HELLO earth to libs. It amazes me how you libs have the stones to even ask after 6 years of the Obama administration.
Another one who proves the point of the OP.

Yes... you truly are and I for one want to thank you for taking the time to demonstrate your profound limitations. It was a given, but it's always nice where one reaches out ... . You're a peach!
Liberals fall into these categories.....stupid, lazy, insane and evil.

I would say only the evil and maybe some lazy ones show some intelligence. The evil ones are the ones that end up in DC running the other liberals from their elitist goobermint jobs.

You know they go to conferences and laugh about how they duped the "stupid American people." Laugh about how they funded Romneycare in MA by stealing $400M a year from the Feds' funds.

Most liberals as seen on these kind of boards fall into the stupid and insane categories.

Obama I would say is evil with a bit of stupid, lazy and insane in him too, but evil overrides them all.
Another one who proves the point of the OP and makes it clear that the conservatives on this board, many of them, are not interested at all in intelligent debate, are not intellectually honest, and base their thinking on pure political partanship and negative name calling, an elemental fail of logic.

Oh now that's interesting... you're basing this on what, precisely?
In theory, if I was smarter, I'd probably not let on, so I can neither confirm nor deny this claim.
Post the lies!

Ahahaha denial ^^^ :laugh:

No, it was a challenge. If you're going to post an allegation, you need to post probative evidence. Your response suggests you are a troll; be very careful, the society of trolls has standards, low, but higher than the tripe you've posted.

Tell me, how many times do I have to post the lefts LIES 100,000 times? I post them with regularity. If you like your plan and doctor you can keep your plan and doctor, period, does that ring a freaking bell? HELLO earth to libs. It amazes me how you libs have the stones to even ask after 6 years of the Obama administration.
Another one who proves the point of the OP.

Yes... you truly are and I for one want to thank you for taking the time to demonstrate your profound limitations. It was a given, but it's always nice where one reaches out ... . You're a peach!
This doesn't even make any sense. You are proving not only the OP's point but mine as well.
Liberals fall into these categories.....stupid, lazy, insane and evil.

I would say only the evil and maybe some lazy ones show some intelligence. The evil ones are the ones that end up in DC running the other liberals from their elitist goobermint jobs.

You know they go to conferences and laugh about how they duped the "stupid American people." Laugh about how they funded Romneycare in MA by stealing $400M a year from the Feds' funds.

Most liberals as seen on these kind of boards fall into the stupid and insane categories.

Obama I would say is evil with a bit of stupid, lazy and insane in him too, but evil overrides them all.
Another one who proves the point of the OP and makes it clear that the conservatives on this board, many of them, are not interested at all in intelligent debate, are not intellectually honest, and base their thinking on pure political partanship and negative name calling, an elemental fail of logic.

Oh now that's interesting... you're basing this on what, precisely?

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