Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

There are conservatives here who think the president is 'responsible' for ebola and ISIS, who believe 'trickle down' economics is viable fiscal policy, who believe Establishment Clause jurisprudence 'violates' religious liberty, who believe that 'impeachment' removes a president from office, who believe that the president has given himself 'dictatorial powers,' and who believe that the president himself authorized a criminal conspiracy to 'cover up' Benghazi and the IRS.

So again, no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.
There are conservatives here who think the president is 'responsible' for ebola and ISIS, who believe 'trickle down' economics is viable fiscal policy, who believe Establishment Clause jurisprudence 'violates' religious liberty, who believe that 'impeachment' removes a president from office, who believe that the president has given himself 'dictatorial powers,' and who believe that the president himself authorized a criminal conspiracy to 'cover up' Benghazi and the IRS.

So again, no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp is 'responsible' for either ebola or ISIS... we KNOW that obama is responsible for bringing EBOLA to the UNITED STATES and we know that he is responsible for funding and arming ISIS... thus is responsible for most of the success of ISIS... and we also know that "Trickle Down Economics" is the economic theory which holds that government owns all production, wherein it confiscates property from those who produce such, funds its self with the bulk of it and allows a minor percentage of such to 'trickle-down' to the Intellectually Less Fortunate who are then, quite naturally, beholden to them, thus in return, illicitly 'vote' to sustain their power.

We also most definitely believe in the soundly reasoned tenets of the US Constitution wherein a Chief Executive, who is known to be guilty of High-Crimes and Misdemeanors should be removed from office... as to do otherwise sets the executive above the law... which is anathema to freedom itself.

That's also, how we KNOW that you and the balance of the cult, are imbeciles... .

See how that works?
The left lies repeatedly to the point that they cannot be trusted and trust is everything. Compromise, finding common ground, working together, you can forget it. Take gun control, the left has no intention of stopping after reaching a compromise. The left being dishonest liars fully intend to keep coming back whittling away at our rights until they get 100% of what they want. Therefore the left can just pound sand, we don't want to compromise with you we want to destroy you.

This may be a record. BluesLegend (BL) has came aboard only a bit more than a month ago and already proved himself(?) a proud and loud member of the Crazy New Right and the Echo Chamber.

This will be fun. Soon Rabbit, CrusaderFrank, Stephanie and the other Crazy New Right members will friend him and soon he will even begin to believe he has something of substance to post. Be prepared for the release of Dumb and Dumber III.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

This ^^^ response is typical, and why most of the anti liberal element posting on this forum are dumb as box of rocks. Real conservatives are not dumb, but the faux conservatives on Internet message boards clearly are.

How so?

And please, be as specific: As your intellectual limitations allow.

(Enjoy kids... )

The BORDER IS MORE SECURE. During my career, I retired at the end of 2005, arrests made of aliens were always reported to INS (now ICE). The vast majority of reports were received by voice mail and never acted upon. Many aliens arrested end up in jail and on probation and INS seemed not to care; this at a great cost to local criminal justice systems.

Keeping those out is more cost effective then detaining them in county jails or federal detention centers for months and providing court appointed attorney's (paid for by taxpayers) and due process. Real conservatives understand that turning them back at the border is cost effective, faux conservatives don't have a clue.

That is one powerful intellectual limitation ya have there...

So pitiful is it, that it represents nothing short of: D E L U SI O N: PERSONIFIED.

But nonetheless, I thank you for your contribution. Despite that there is nothing new there, but the validation it provides to your opposition, by adding to the volume of standing oppositional facts, in terms of the unreasonable nature common to the Ideological Left and that to compromise with such is foolish and that the only remedy to the infection of the culture which you represent is that you should be destroyed.

And that is always appreciated.

Although... I agree that jailing illegals is a waste of money. I prefer the soundly reasoned notion of rinsing from the US Culture all forms of social subsidy, which originate beyond the self-contribution of the citizens themselves.

The southern US border has always been open and was NEVER a PROBLEM (Exceptions of course, including war) until the mid-1960s with the passing of the GREAT SOCIETY, wherein it was determined that the hapless would be defined as helpless, thus setting them entitled to federal and state subsistence... .

End the subsidies and end THE PROBLEM. And do so OVERNIGHT!

That way, any illegal that comes here, sustains themselves, integrates into our culture and prospers is WELCOMED!

OF course, THOSE independent souls are NOT viable candidates for the Democrat Party, as they reject, through their very existence the unprincipled tenets OF Left-think.

Your thoughts?
There are conservatives here who think the president is 'responsible' for ebola and ISIS, who believe 'trickle down' economics is viable fiscal policy, who believe Establishment Clause jurisprudence 'violates' religious liberty, who believe that 'impeachment' removes a president from office, who believe that the president has given himself 'dictatorial powers,' and who believe that the president himself authorized a criminal conspiracy to 'cover up' Benghazi and the IRS.

So again, no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp is 'responsible' for either ebola or ISIS... we KNOW that obama is responsible for bringing EBOLA to the UNITED STATES and we know that he is responsible for funding and arming ISIS... thus is responsible for most of the success of ISIS... and we also know that "Trickle Down Economics" is the economic theory which holds that government owns all production, wherein it confiscates property from those who produce such, funds its self with the bulk of it and allows a minor percentage of such to 'trickle-down' to the Intellectually Less Fortunate who are then, quite naturally, beholden to them, thus in return, illicitly 'vote' to sustain their power.

We also most definitely believe in the soundly reasoned tenets of the US Constitution wherein a Chief Executive, who is known to be guilty of High-Crimes and Misdemeanors should be removed from office... as to do otherwise sets the executive above the law... which is anathema to freedom itself.

That's also, how we KNOW that you and the balance of the cult, are imbeciles... .

See how that works?

Not only are you an asshole, you're a racist too. Evidence, sure: "No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp..." The father of racism is ignorance, in your case it is not willful.
There are conservatives here who think the president is 'responsible' for ebola and ISIS, who believe 'trickle down' economics is viable fiscal policy, who believe Establishment Clause jurisprudence 'violates' religious liberty, who believe that 'impeachment' removes a president from office, who believe that the president has given himself 'dictatorial powers,' and who believe that the president himself authorized a criminal conspiracy to 'cover up' Benghazi and the IRS.

So again, no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp is 'responsible' for either ebola or ISIS... we KNOW that obama is responsible for bringing EBOLA to the UNITED STATES and we know that he is responsible for funding and arming ISIS... thus is responsible for most of the success of ISIS... and we also know that "Trickle Down Economics" is the economic theory which holds that government owns all production, wherein it confiscates property from those who produce such, funds its self with the bulk of it and allows a minor percentage of such to 'trickle-down' to the Intellectually Less Fortunate who are then, quite naturally, beholden to them, thus in return, illicitly 'vote' to sustain their power.

We also most definitely believe in the soundly reasoned tenets of the US Constitution wherein a Chief Executive, who is known to be guilty of High-Crimes and Misdemeanors should be removed from office... as to do otherwise sets the executive above the law... which is anathema to freedom itself.

That's also, how we KNOW that you and the balance of the cult, are imbeciles... .

See how that works?

Not only are you an asshole, you're a racist too. Evidence, sure: "No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp..." The father of racism is ignorance, in your case it is not willful.

... concession noted and accepted.
There are conservatives here who think the president is 'responsible' for ebola and ISIS, who believe 'trickle down' economics is viable fiscal policy, who believe Establishment Clause jurisprudence 'violates' religious liberty, who believe that 'impeachment' removes a president from office, who believe that the president has given himself 'dictatorial powers,' and who believe that the president himself authorized a criminal conspiracy to 'cover up' Benghazi and the IRS.

So again, no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp is 'responsible' for either ebola or ISIS... we KNOW that obama is responsible for bringing EBOLA to the UNITED STATES and we know that he is responsible for funding and arming ISIS... thus is responsible for most of the success of ISIS... and we also know that "Trickle Down Economics" is the economic theory which holds that government owns all production, wherein it confiscates property from those who produce such, funds its self with the bulk of it and allows a minor percentage of such to 'trickle-down' to the Intellectually Less Fortunate who are then, quite naturally, beholden to them, thus in return, illicitly 'vote' to sustain their power.

We also most definitely believe in the soundly reasoned tenets of the US Constitution wherein a Chief Executive, who is known to be guilty of High-Crimes and Misdemeanors should be removed from office... as to do otherwise sets the executive above the law... which is anathema to freedom itself.

That's also, how we KNOW that you and the balance of the cult, are imbeciles... .

See how that works?

Not only are you an asshole, you're a racist too. Evidence, sure: "No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp..." The father of racism is ignorance, in your case it is not willful.

... concession noted and accepted.
He never concedes.He just pretends he didn't get humiliated.
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And we currently have a USMB conservative exhibiting his ignorance and stupidity by 'arguing' that background checks for firearms purchases are invalid because the fee charged for the checks are the same as a poll tax, manifesting an undue burden to the Second Amendment right, when in fact the courts have held that licensing fees are Constitutional pursuant to possessing a handgun, where his comparison fails as a fallacy.

So yet again: no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.
There are conservatives here who think the president is 'responsible' for ebola and ISIS, who believe 'trickle down' economics is viable fiscal policy, who believe Establishment Clause jurisprudence 'violates' religious liberty, who believe that 'impeachment' removes a president from office, who believe that the president has given himself 'dictatorial powers,' and who believe that the president himself authorized a criminal conspiracy to 'cover up' Benghazi and the IRS.

So again, no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp is 'responsible' for either ebola or ISIS... we KNOW that obama is responsible for bringing EBOLA to the UNITED STATES and we know that he is responsible for funding and arming ISIS... thus is responsible for most of the success of ISIS... and we also know that "Trickle Down Economics" is the economic theory which holds that government owns all production, wherein it confiscates property from those who produce such, funds its self with the bulk of it and allows a minor percentage of such to 'trickle-down' to the Intellectually Less Fortunate who are then, quite naturally, beholden to them, thus in return, illicitly 'vote' to sustain their power.

We also most definitely believe in the soundly reasoned tenets of the US Constitution wherein a Chief Executive, who is known to be guilty of High-Crimes and Misdemeanors should be removed from office... as to do otherwise sets the executive above the law... which is anathema to freedom itself.

That's also, how we KNOW that you and the balance of the cult, are imbeciles... .

See how that works?

Not only are you an asshole, you're a racist too. Evidence, sure: "No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp..." The father of racism is ignorance, in your case it is not willful.

... concession noted and accepted.

Exactly why ^^^ I'm certain your ignorance is not willful.
There are conservatives here who think the president is 'responsible' for ebola and ISIS, who believe 'trickle down' economics is viable fiscal policy, who believe Establishment Clause jurisprudence 'violates' religious liberty, who believe that 'impeachment' removes a president from office, who believe that the president has given himself 'dictatorial powers,' and who believe that the president himself authorized a criminal conspiracy to 'cover up' Benghazi and the IRS.

So again, no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp is 'responsible' for either ebola or ISIS... we KNOW that obama is responsible for bringing EBOLA to the UNITED STATES and we know that he is responsible for funding and arming ISIS... thus is responsible for most of the success of ISIS... and we also know that "Trickle Down Economics" is the economic theory which holds that government owns all production, wherein it confiscates property from those who produce such, funds its self with the bulk of it and allows a minor percentage of such to 'trickle-down' to the Intellectually Less Fortunate who are then, quite naturally, beholden to them, thus in return, illicitly 'vote' to sustain their power.

We also most definitely believe in the soundly reasoned tenets of the US Constitution wherein a Chief Executive, who is known to be guilty of High-Crimes and Misdemeanors should be removed from office... as to do otherwise sets the executive above the law... which is anathema to freedom itself.

That's also, how we KNOW that you and the balance of the cult, are imbeciles... .

See how that works?

Not only are you an asshole, you're a racist too. Evidence, sure: "No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp..." The father of racism is ignorance, in your case it is not willful.

... concession noted and accepted.
He never concedes.He just pretends he didn't get humiliated.

I contend, you and the other guy have never posted anything of substance.
And we currently have a USMB conservative exhibiting his ignorance and stupidity by 'arguing' that background checks for firearms purchases are invalid because the fee charged for the checks are the same as a poll tax, manifesting an undue burden to the Second Amendment right, when in fact the courts have held that licensing fees are Constitutional pursuant to possessing a handgun, where his comparison fails as a fallacy.

So yet again: no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

ROFLMNAO! Sweet Mother... that is just bizarre.

The Second Amendment is clear... it doesn't require 'interpretation' by the high priests to inform the minions of its intent... .

I... 'we'... speaking of the Americans, do not get out rights from the US Constitution and we DO NOT seek permission from the Local, State or Federal Government to exercise those rights.

We hear the noise of your chronic collective pant wetting and we go about our daily lives, preparing for the day when we must finally '... sustain our right, through the exercising of our duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for our future security... '.
There are conservatives here who think the president is 'responsible' for ebola and ISIS, who believe 'trickle down' economics is viable fiscal policy, who believe Establishment Clause jurisprudence 'violates' religious liberty, who believe that 'impeachment' removes a president from office, who believe that the president has given himself 'dictatorial powers,' and who believe that the president himself authorized a criminal conspiracy to 'cover up' Benghazi and the IRS.

So again, no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp is 'responsible' for either ebola or ISIS... we KNOW that obama is responsible for bringing EBOLA to the UNITED STATES and we know that he is responsible for funding and arming ISIS... thus is responsible for most of the success of ISIS... and we also know that "Trickle Down Economics" is the economic theory which holds that government owns all production, wherein it confiscates property from those who produce such, funds its self with the bulk of it and allows a minor percentage of such to 'trickle-down' to the Intellectually Less Fortunate who are then, quite naturally, beholden to them, thus in return, illicitly 'vote' to sustain their power.

We also most definitely believe in the soundly reasoned tenets of the US Constitution wherein a Chief Executive, who is known to be guilty of High-Crimes and Misdemeanors should be removed from office... as to do otherwise sets the executive above the law... which is anathema to freedom itself.

That's also, how we KNOW that you and the balance of the cult, are imbeciles... .

See how that works?

Not only are you an asshole, you're a racist too. Evidence, sure: "No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp..." The father of racism is ignorance, in your case it is not willful.

... concession noted and accepted.
He never concedes.He just pretends he didn't get humiliated.

I contend, you and the other guy have never posted anything of substance.

... concession noted and summarily accepted.
No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp is 'responsible' for either ebola or ISIS... we KNOW that obama is responsible for bringing EBOLA to the UNITED STATES and we know that he is responsible for funding and arming ISIS... thus is responsible for most of the success of ISIS... and we also know that "Trickle Down Economics" is the economic theory which holds that government owns all production, wherein it confiscates property from those who produce such, funds its self with the bulk of it and allows a minor percentage of such to 'trickle-down' to the Intellectually Less Fortunate who are then, quite naturally, beholden to them, thus in return, illicitly 'vote' to sustain their power.

We also most definitely believe in the soundly reasoned tenets of the US Constitution wherein a Chief Executive, who is known to be guilty of High-Crimes and Misdemeanors should be removed from office... as to do otherwise sets the executive above the law... which is anathema to freedom itself.

That's also, how we KNOW that you and the balance of the cult, are imbeciles... .

See how that works?

Not only are you an asshole, you're a racist too. Evidence, sure: "No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp..." The father of racism is ignorance, in your case it is not willful.

... concession noted and accepted.
He never concedes.He just pretends he didn't get humiliated.

I contend, you and the other guy have never posted anything of substance.

... concession noted and summarily accepted.
He doesn't. He needs to have the last word regardless of humiliation.
Last edited:
I... 'we'... speaking of the Americans, do not get out rights from the US Constitution and we DO NOT seek permission from the Local, State or Federal Government to exercise those rights.

We hear the noise of your chronic collective pant wetting and we go about our daily lives, preparing for the day when we must finally '... sustain our right, through the exercising of our duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for our future security... '.

LMAO. OH SWEET MUDDA let this clown find his keys.

Hey dude. You quite the inspiring orator. I think YOU may be the one to lead Meathead into oblivion. I mean eternal salvation.........or whatever the fuck you are going on about.

But that part about; "we hear the noise of your chronic collective pant wetting etc etc.....that was good dude.
Did you write that entire rant? I like creative writing. And you are about as "creative" as I've seen on here. Verbose as well.

Now go on with your bad ass self and you and meathead get this revolution started. I'll be LMAO.
Not only are you an asshole, you're a racist too. Evidence, sure: "No one 'believes' that your peasantpimp..." The father of racism is ignorance, in your case it is not willful.

... concession noted and accepted.
He never concedes.He just pretends he didn't get humiliated.

I contend, you and the other guy have never posted anything of substance.

... concession noted and summarily accepted.
He doesn't. He needs to have the last word regardless of humiliation.

Only a fool would believe "... concession noted and summarily accepted" is anything but inane.
... concession noted and accepted.
He never concedes.He just pretends he didn't get humiliated.

I contend, you and the other guy have never posted anything of substance.

... concession noted and summarily accepted.
He doesn't. He needs to have the last word regardless of humiliation.

Only a fool would believe "... concession noted and summarily accepted" is anything but inane.
Absolutely, but humiliation is humiliation. If you want to avoid it, it would serve you well to stop your own inanities.
He never concedes.He just pretends he didn't get humiliated.

I contend, you and the other guy have never posted anything of substance.

... concession noted and summarily accepted.
He doesn't. He needs to have the last word regardless of humiliation.

Only a fool would believe "... concession noted and summarily accepted" is anything but inane.
Absolutely, but humiliation is humiliation. If you want to avoid it, it would serve you well to stop your own inanities.

You really are not very bright, that you think your comments are clever is childish.
Last edited:
I contend, you and the other guy have never posted anything of substance.

... concession noted and summarily accepted.
He doesn't. He needs to have the last word regardless of humiliation.

Only a fool would believe "... concession noted and summarily accepted" is anything but inane.
Absolutely, but humiliation is humiliation. If you want to avoid it, it would serve you well to stop your own inanities.

You really are not very bright, that you think your comments are clever is anything but childish.
Learn to express yourself more articulately and get back to us. Read, think and then write. It would serve you well. Putting coherent sentences together is a start, but it is content and prose that separates us.
... concession noted and summarily accepted.
He doesn't. He needs to have the last word regardless of humiliation.

Only a fool would believe "... concession noted and summarily accepted" is anything but inane.
Absolutely, but humiliation is humiliation. If you want to avoid it, it would serve you well to stop your own inanities.

You really are not very bright, that you think your comments are clever is anything but childish.
Learn to express yourself more articulately and get back to us. Read, think and then write. It would serve you well. Putting coherent sentences together is a start, but it is content and prose that separates us.

You concession is accepted.
And we currently have a USMB conservative exhibiting his ignorance and stupidity by 'arguing' that background checks for firearms purchases are invalid because the fee charged for the checks are the same as a poll tax, manifesting an undue burden to the Second Amendment right, when in fact the courts have held that licensing fees are Constitutional pursuant to possessing a handgun, where his comparison fails as a fallacy.

So yet again: no, conservatives are not smarter than liberals.

ROFLMNAO! Sweet Mother... that is just bizarre.

The Second Amendment is clear... it doesn't require 'interpretation' by the high priests to inform the minions of its intent... .

I... 'we'... speaking of the Americans, do not get out rights from the US Constitution and we DO NOT seek permission from the Local, State or Federal Government to exercise those rights.

We hear the noise of your chronic collective pant wetting and we go about our daily lives, preparing for the day when we must finally '... sustain our right, through the exercising of our duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for our future security... '.
It's counterproductive to society, and our safety, to let the mentally ill exercise 2nd amendment rights.

Irrational Tea Partier style "so called" 2nd amendment supporters give conservatism a bad name.

Having said that...I wish the NRA could work with whomever they need to work with to define exactly what "arms" means, and how that relates to a well regulated militia.

Oh!...and nobody is coming to seize your guns you crackpot.

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