Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

In 2008 BOTH parties and BOTH candidates for the White House identified our health care system was broken.

In 2008, both candidates were Progressives... so it follows that both candidates were employing the fundamental elements of socialism, which as you've been informed are Deceit and Fraud as a means to influence the Ignorant.

The only thing 'broken' about the US Healthcare System, are those things which has resulted from Federal and State policy, which was implemented by the Ideological Left. Remove those policies and the US Healthcare system will heal IMMEDIATELY.

Just as where one tries to double down on the policies that BROKE the SYSTEM, one can rest assured that such will ONLY MAKE THE SYSTEM WORSE; thus the perfection which is realized as socialist policy damages a system, made worse by socialist 'fixes'... and as those who broke it harp incessantly on the unenviable results of their work to blame those who opposed them AND their policy, demanding that MORE OF THAT WHICH BROKE IT, SHOULD BE APPLIED TO 'FIX IT!', we see the system driven further into chaos.

But hey... such is the nature of evil, right? So it makes sense that you'd be here to lie and deceive as a means defraud and corrupt the ignorant.

You are delusional. In your tiny little brain insurance cartels are not out for profits, they are just a bunch of altruistic organizations that want to help people. There is ONE paramount reason health care in America is TWICE as expensive as the rest of the world. PRIVATE insurance cartels. The best health care systems in the industrialized world all have one thing in common...strong state funding of single-payer universal health care, instead of insurance based health care tied to employment

What the intellectually less fortunate is trying to say here is that "Liberalism" has no kinship with communism or fascism... because Mao declared 'liberalism a danger to the cohesion essential for state control' and Histler declared himself loyal to the tenets of Christianity... just as Gruber assured us of the transparent nature of obamacare legislation and Pelosi and Reid assured us of Gruber's integrity and how obama assured us that if we like our Doctor what can keep our doctor... NONE of which was then or is now, even REMOTELY: TRUE.

Liberalism has NO kinship to communism or fascism...NONE. Sorry pea brain, you can't accuse us of being pacifists, doves, peaceniks and peacemongers, then accuse us of being mass murderers...


No, no no scamp. You're trying to apply reasonable terms upon the limited intellect of the adherents of Left-think, who have no sense of reason.

You people are relativists... and that means that you folks are incapable of even understanding what objectivity means, let alone applying it.

Let me see if I can help you understand what I mean. Now within just the last month or so, you peacenik-pacifists were witnessed justifying the use of police powers to 'ENFORCE' what you felt was "THE LAW" that says that sexual abnormality is NORMAL and, anyone who refused to help you celebrate your special kink, should be incarcerated and ruined financially... .

What's more, when you learned that the US Federal Government was abusing its official powers to prevent their political opposition from assembling an effective contest, you CHEERED; you then denied what was otherwise obvious and found no evidence that anyone abused anyone.

Prior to that, you were disinterested in the Everest of evidence wherein it was obvious that the US Federal Government was using its official state powers to slander the innocent, hard-working, honest citizens in the US Fire-Arm Manufacturing/Sales business. This as a means to destroy their reputations, livelihood and peace of mind, through absolute fraudulence.

Now... you may 'feel' that THAT BEHAVIOR is 180 degrees apart from mass-murder through official powers, but it's just a couple of degrees from just that.

There's no difference; none, zero, nada between the most Birkenstock wearing, dope smokin' free-loader and the angriest of Asian midget fatties... the hippy lacks POWER.

Pretty funny...the folks who embrace Ayn Rand calling liberals relativists
No problem, I'm sure you're entertained. Most narcissistic assholes enjoy attention and you sure seem to be having fun.

Yet another far left irony impaired post!

Even your ad hominems are weak.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep in the far left programming..

It seems the far left Matrix is need of an over haul..

The only reason you see me as far left, is because you have been brainwashed by the far far right. Hence, you're unable to think outside the that box that Limbaugh made, and fear any and all ideas which conflict with the ditto heads dogma.

I'd bet you too believe that liberals are Fascist Communists, or the other nonsense promulgated by the conservative meme.

Fascists are communists and liberals are fascists; er uh... "Progressives".

Of course... some would argue that the fascists, which is to say those who believe in a "mixed-economy", wherein the respective history and traditions of the culture should be slowly dissected and the layers separated from it's context core, until such is rendered meaningless... only managed to murder 6-10 million innocent people... while the communists... killed well in excess of 100 million.

So in terms of pure evil... they're identical, except in the volume and where the socialists of the international variety have no desire to slowly separate a culture from it's heritage, preferring to do so immediately, through revolutionary means.

Ironic, in the late 1980's when the Soviet Union fell, they had their own 'tea party' movement...

Soviet Conservatives Try to Turn Back the Clock on Gorbachev's Policies

Published: February 27, 1989

Russian conservatives, uneasy with the liberalization of Soviet society under Mikhail S. Gorbachev, have seized on the country's experiment in more democratic elections as a chance to fight for a return to more authoritarian ways.

While many candidates and voters say they view the elections to the new Congress of Deputies as a way to further the candor and freedoms allowed by the Soviet leader, conservatives in this city and around the country were boasting last week that they had already succeeded in blocking the nomination of several prominent people regarded as liberals.

A Disparate Alliance

The conservatives are a disparate alliance, including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearn for what they see as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church.

At election rallies where speakers call out against the influence of ''Zionist forces,'' and in campaign leaflets decrying ''liberal yellow journalists,'' representatives of politically conservative organizations are trying to draft voters and candidates to establish a foothold within the Government.

I Am a Stalinist'

''We brought our case to the people, and the outcome speaks for us,'' said Mr. Zherbin, whose group regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

Prominent among the speeches and the placards at conservative political gatherings is support for Pamyat (Russian for ''memory''), which has been repeatedly criticized in the Soviet press for anti-Semitism.

Kira A. Korneyenkova was at the rally last Sunday outside the Ostankino Television Center, and she joined several hundred other people in enthusiastic cheers as speaker after speaker called for a fight against ''liberal, Zionist forces'' that seek to control Soviet society.

''I am a Stalinist,'' the 53-year-old schoolteacher said proudly, ''and I think our so-called glasnost has divided our nation. It is our duty to fight against such elements.''

Yet another far left irony impaired post!

Even your ad hominems are weak.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep in the far left programming..

It seems the far left Matrix is need of an over haul..

The only reason you see me as far left, is because you have been brainwashed by the far far right. Hence, you're unable to think outside the that box that Limbaugh made, and fear any and all ideas which conflict with the ditto heads dogma.

I'd bet you too believe that liberals are Fascist Communists, or the other nonsense promulgated by the conservative meme.

Fascists are communists and liberals are fascists; er uh... "Progressives".

Of course... some would argue that the fascists, which is to say those who believe in a "mixed-economy", wherein the respective history and traditions of the culture should be slowly dissected and the layers separated from it's context core, until such is rendered meaningless... only managed to murder 6-10 million innocent people... while the communists... killed well in excess of 100 million.

So in terms of pure evil... they're identical, except in the volume and where the socialists of the international variety have no desire to slowly separate a culture from it's heritage, preferring to do so immediately, through revolutionary means.

Ironic, in the late 1980's when the Soviet Union fell, they had their own 'tea party' movement...

Soviet Conservatives Try to Turn Back the Clock on Gorbachev's Policies

Published: February 27, 1989

Russian conservatives, uneasy with the liberalization of Soviet society under Mikhail S. Gorbachev, have seized on the country's experiment in more democratic elections as a chance to fight for a return to more authoritarian ways.

While many candidates and voters say they view the elections to the new Congress of Deputies as a way to further the candor and freedoms allowed by the Soviet leader, conservatives in this city and around the country were boasting last week that they had already succeeded in blocking the nomination of several prominent people regarded as liberals.

A Disparate Alliance

The conservatives are a disparate alliance, including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearn for what they see as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church.

At election rallies where speakers call out against the influence of ''Zionist forces,'' and in campaign leaflets decrying ''liberal yellow journalists,'' representatives of politically conservative organizations are trying to draft voters and candidates to establish a foothold within the Government.

I Am a Stalinist'

''We brought our case to the people, and the outcome speaks for us,'' said Mr. Zherbin, whose group regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

Prominent among the speeches and the placards at conservative political gatherings is support for Pamyat (Russian for ''memory''), which has been repeatedly criticized in the Soviet press for anti-Semitism.

Kira A. Korneyenkova was at the rally last Sunday outside the Ostankino Television Center, and she joined several hundred other people in enthusiastic cheers as speaker after speaker called for a fight against ''liberal, Zionist forces'' that seek to control Soviet society.

''I am a Stalinist,'' the 53-year-old schoolteacher said proudly, ''and I think our so-called glasnost has divided our nation. It is our duty to fight against such elements.''


Golly... if you had ONLY stated SOMETHING which could have lead a reasonable person to find some sort pf point to all of that... MAN! Would THAT have been nice for you.
Even your ad hominems are weak.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep in the far left programming..

It seems the far left Matrix is need of an over haul..

The only reason you see me as far left, is because you have been brainwashed by the far far right. Hence, you're unable to think outside the that box that Limbaugh made, and fear any and all ideas which conflict with the ditto heads dogma.

I'd bet you too believe that liberals are Fascist Communists, or the other nonsense promulgated by the conservative meme.

Fascists are communists and liberals are fascists; er uh... "Progressives".

Of course... some would argue that the fascists, which is to say those who believe in a "mixed-economy", wherein the respective history and traditions of the culture should be slowly dissected and the layers separated from it's context core, until such is rendered meaningless... only managed to murder 6-10 million innocent people... while the communists... killed well in excess of 100 million.

So in terms of pure evil... they're identical, except in the volume and where the socialists of the international variety have no desire to slowly separate a culture from it's heritage, preferring to do so immediately, through revolutionary means.

Ironic, in the late 1980's when the Soviet Union fell, they had their own 'tea party' movement...

Soviet Conservatives Try to Turn Back the Clock on Gorbachev's Policies

Published: February 27, 1989

Russian conservatives, uneasy with the liberalization of Soviet society under Mikhail S. Gorbachev, have seized on the country's experiment in more democratic elections as a chance to fight for a return to more authoritarian ways.

While many candidates and voters say they view the elections to the new Congress of Deputies as a way to further the candor and freedoms allowed by the Soviet leader, conservatives in this city and around the country were boasting last week that they had already succeeded in blocking the nomination of several prominent people regarded as liberals.

A Disparate Alliance

The conservatives are a disparate alliance, including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearn for what they see as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church.

At election rallies where speakers call out against the influence of ''Zionist forces,'' and in campaign leaflets decrying ''liberal yellow journalists,'' representatives of politically conservative organizations are trying to draft voters and candidates to establish a foothold within the Government.

I Am a Stalinist'

''We brought our case to the people, and the outcome speaks for us,'' said Mr. Zherbin, whose group regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

Prominent among the speeches and the placards at conservative political gatherings is support for Pamyat (Russian for ''memory''), which has been repeatedly criticized in the Soviet press for anti-Semitism.

Kira A. Korneyenkova was at the rally last Sunday outside the Ostankino Television Center, and she joined several hundred other people in enthusiastic cheers as speaker after speaker called for a fight against ''liberal, Zionist forces'' that seek to control Soviet society.

''I am a Stalinist,'' the 53-year-old schoolteacher said proudly, ''and I think our so-called glasnost has divided our nation. It is our duty to fight against such elements.''


Golly... if you had ONLY stated SOMETHING which could have lead a reasonable person to find some sort pf point to all of that... MAN! Would THAT have been nice for you.

Is there any hope you'll find the key to open the box in which you 'think'? The point is very obvious to anyone with an open mind and the willingness to see patterns.

Being that you have offered the proof that you are a bomb thrower, as well as a narcissistic arrogant asshole who offers nothing but unsupported opinions, framed in personal attacks, there is little to suggest you will ever see the light.
In 2008 BOTH parties and BOTH candidates for the White House identified our health care system was broken.

In 2008, both candidates were Progressives... so it follows that both candidates were employing the fundamental elements of socialism, which as you've been informed are Deceit and Fraud as a means to influence the Ignorant.

The only thing 'broken' about the US Healthcare System, are those things which has resulted from Federal and State policy, which was implemented by the Ideological Left. Remove those policies and the US Healthcare system will heal IMMEDIATELY.

Just as where one tries to double down on the policies that BROKE the SYSTEM, one can rest assured that such will ONLY MAKE THE SYSTEM WORSE; thus the perfection which is realized as socialist policy damages a system, made worse by socialist 'fixes'... and as those who broke it harp incessantly on the unenviable results of their work to blame those who opposed them AND their policy, demanding that MORE OF THAT WHICH BROKE IT, SHOULD BE APPLIED TO 'FIX IT!', we see the system driven further into chaos.

But hey... such is the nature of evil, right? So it makes sense that you'd be here to lie and deceive as a means defraud and corrupt the ignorant.

You are delusional. In your tiny little brain insurance cartels are not out for profits, they are just a bunch of altruistic organizations that want to help people.

Now folks, this is the same person who has SO OFTEN come to inform us of the vast distinctions between liberals and communists... and in a delightfully sweet irony, it has opted to do so here, through the lament of profit.

LOL! You can NOT make that crap up.

There is ONE paramount reason health care in America is TWICE as expensive as the rest of the world.

It's not...

You're conflating the distinctions wherein US Healthcare is paid by private parties, who report the actual costs and the socialized systems wherein the cost is hidden by the bureaucracy; what's more US Healthcare provides direct access to healthcare instead or health bureaucracy. So patients in the US go directly to directly from their doctor to MRI, CT Scans and other expensive, but effective diagnostic procedures, while Socialized Systems starkly limit access to such procedures, and as a result there are significantly fewer facilities for such, thus enormous delays, wherein patients wait, often at the cost of their lives, for the tests and procedures.

Private insurance is not a problem, the problem is where insurance is being used outside of its viable purpose.

In all circumstances, where there is high demand and third parties paying the bill, isolating the consumer from the costs of the highly demanded product or service, the market will push the cost of that service up, until the cost rises beyond the means of the market to sustain it.

Remove the third party, expose the end user to the costs, remove government obstacles which inhibit market response and the problem will correct itself, almost immediately.

These are not even debatable points... .
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... The point is very obvious to anyone with an open mind and the willingness to see patterns. ...

Yet... you chose not to state any explanation for what you claim is an obvious point.

Which means that you need to project the pretense of a point, but have no means to actually express what that point is because to DO SO would expose the pretense.

LOL! Pretty cool, huh.
Pretty funny...the folks who embrace Ayn Rand calling liberals relativists

"Calling"? No... I can't speak for everyone, but I don't 'call' any liberal a relativist. What I do, is I define the traits of relativism and identify those the specific traits of relativism, then point to the specific demonstrations of those traits by liberals, such as yourself. Establishing Liberals AS Relativists, in incontestable terms. With these feckless, would-be contests, notwithstanding.
... The point is very obvious to anyone with an open mind and the willingness to see patterns. ...

Yet... you chose not to state any explanation for what you claim is an obvious point.

Which means that you need to project the pretense of a point, but have no means to actually express what that point is because to DO SO would expose the pretense.

LOL! Pretty cool, huh.

Yawn, cool? You can't be so dumb as to not get it. The "it" being that conservatives in general fear/hate change. They support the status quo even when to do so is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Thus the USSR Conservatives comport well with you and the reactionary right wing I lovingly call the Crazy New Right.

Are you too in favor of the repeal of the PPACA, support secession, the Impeachment of President Obama, repeal of sec. I of the 14th, the entire 16th and 17th and the 24th Amendments too.
... The point is very obvious to anyone with an open mind and the willingness to see patterns. ...

Yet... you chose not to state any explanation for what you claim is an obvious point.

Which means that you need to project the pretense of a point, but have no means to actually express what that point is because to DO SO would expose the pretense.

LOL! Pretty cool, huh.

Yawn, cool? You can't be so dumb as to not get it. The "it" being that conservatives in general fear/hate change. They support the status quo even when to do so is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Thus the USSR Conservatives comport well with you and the reactionary right wing I lovingly call the Crazy New Right.

Are you too in favor of the repeal of the PPACA, support secession, the Impeachment of President Obama, repeal of sec. I of the 14th, the entire 16th and 17th and the 24th Amendments too.

You're being serious here?

Just take a moment to confirm that your point above, is stated with forethought, deliberately as a serious analysis.

That way when it falls down on and around you, you will have no means to laugh it off and pretend that you didn't mean it; that you were misunderstood and that you words were taken out of context.

Go ahead... and don't fret, I'll be there for ya. Feel free to check with your comrades before ya commit.
... The point is very obvious to anyone with an open mind and the willingness to see patterns. ...

Yet... you chose not to state any explanation for what you claim is an obvious point.

Which means that you need to project the pretense of a point, but have no means to actually express what that point is because to DO SO would expose the pretense.

LOL! Pretty cool, huh.

Yawn, cool? You can't be so dumb as to not get it. The "it" being that conservatives in general fear/hate change. They support the status quo even when to do so is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Thus the USSR Conservatives comport well with you and the reactionary right wing I lovingly call the Crazy New Right.

Are you too in favor of the repeal of the PPACA, support secession, the Impeachment of President Obama, repeal of sec. I of the 14th, the entire 16th and 17th and the 24th Amendments too.

You're being serious here?

Just take a moment to confirm that your point above, is stated with forethought, deliberately as a serious analysis.

That way when it falls down on and around you, you will have no means to laugh it off and pretend that you didn't mean it; that you were misunderstood and that you words were taken out of context.

Go ahead... and don't fret, I'll be there for ya. Feel free to check with your comrades before ya commit.

Sarcasm fits you, most arrogant assholes and narcissistic jerks avoid answering a question and try to insult the questioner. As for your question, the answer is yes;. Do you know the meaning of comport or do I need to dumb it down for you?

Now answer mine question, point by point.
Yawn, cool? You can't be so dumb as to not get it. The "it" being that conservatives in general fear/hate change.

Only where the 'change', is from soundly reasoned policy, to irrational, unsustainable, inviable, foolish policy... . So naturally, as Americans, we, the conservatives... stand steadfastly against socialism, as nature requires we should.

And it's not fair to say that we 'fear' it, as much as we dread the inevitable consequences, of chaos, calamity and catastrophe that come from it. You know... things like catastrophic failure of the financial markets, followed by prolonged stagnation and economic malaise, government corruption, endless 'scandals' and ruination of long standing industries, such as the steel, textile, electronic industries, soon to be followed by the Insurance Industry... .

Are you too in favor of the repeal of the [obamacare]?

Hell yes...

support secession
From what? The United States? No... I'm for educating the population of and through the principles that define America, which will force the Intellectually Less Fortunate to hide their disloyal, irrational 'feelings' and allowing subsequent generations to set high minimal standards regarding cognition and knowledge of the principled elements and requirements of US Civics, regarding the means to vote... that should resolve most, if not all of the problems in the United States.

the Impeachment of President Obama

Hell Yes... but I support the impeachment of all high criminals. And that's only because where one holding high office violates the law and is allowed to use their power/popularity to escape accountability, they inevitably come to be seen as being 'above the law'. And there is no potential to sustain a free people under such irrational circumstances.
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support secession
From what? The United States? No... I'm for educating the population of and through the principles that define America, which will force the Intellectually Less Fortunate to hide their disloyal, irrational 'feelings' and allowing subsequent generations to set high minimal standards regarding cognition and knowledge of the principled elements and requirements of US Civics, regarding the means to vote... that should resolve most, if not all of the problems in the United States.

There are no leftist Americans.
Shock Video 12 Year Welfare Queen Explains I don t need it a job I get a check from the government

"It is not compassionate for people to be in the welfare system for years at a time. America is about people bettering themselves and attaining dignity and self-respect through supporting themselves and achieving things.

That is why the story of Kiara, a 30-year-old woman with four children, is disturbing on multiple levels. Not only should taxpayers be upset with her blase attitude about abusing the welfare system, they should feel bad for the thousands of Americans like her who are spending their lives wasting their time, instead of living life to the fullest and achieving things.

YoungCons points out a great quote by Ronald Reagan, “Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.”

This follows a sage quote by Benjamin Franklin: “I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”

People cannot be empowered when they are on welfare. What is needed is more opportunity, and that’s where the federal and state governments can come in. Governments should stop penalizing successful businesses, eliminate burdensome and unnecessary regulations, and let people work and lead their own lives."
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

If only you knew...

Intelligence isn't measured by what party you belong to.

No, but the views you hold are a reflection of how smart, perceptive, and logical you are. Intelligent people do not espouse impossibilities as true. If one insists on believing ideologies that make no comprehensible sense in the real world, one has no one else to blame for being viewed as stupid or possibly insane.
You're too stupid to know any different...

When you can deal with the facts it will be time for you to rejoin the conversation...

That you would use CG as an example is ludicrous, didn't you learn anything in school?

Our country's founders fought double and triple taxation so you wouldn't have to, yet you're too stupid to know the truth...

Fucking idiot...

And you talk like you're 15 years old.

You do not have a clue what CG taxes are do you?

Let me double, triple and quadruple tax your earnings...

Then let me pillage your estate after you're dead...
support secession
From what? The United States? No... I'm for educating the population of and through the principles that define America, which will force the Intellectually Less Fortunate to hide their disloyal, irrational 'feelings' and allowing subsequent generations to set high minimal standards regarding cognition and knowledge of the principled elements and requirements of US Civics, regarding the means to vote... that should resolve most, if not all of the problems in the United States.

There are no leftist Americans.

Define "leftist".
No, but the views you hold are a reflection of how smart, perceptive, and logical you are.

And I agree, wholeheartedly.

Intelligent people do not espouse impossibilities as true.

Of course not.

If one insists on believing ideologies that make no comprehensible sense in the real world, one has no one else to blame for being viewed as stupid or possibly insane.

People are entitled to their own opinions, and their own stupidity. It matters not from who it comes from.
support secession
From what? The United States? No... I'm for educating the population of and through the principles that define America, which will force the Intellectually Less Fortunate to hide their disloyal, irrational 'feelings' and allowing subsequent generations to set high minimal standards regarding cognition and knowledge of the principled elements and requirements of US Civics, regarding the means to vote... that should resolve most, if not all of the problems in the United States.

There are no leftist Americans.

Define "leftist".

People who write left handed?

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