Are Democrat voters prepared to let a billionaire buy the nomination?

The democrats would gobble bowls of ape shit everyday for a year if it meant they'd win.

I hope President Bloomberg has a billionaire as his Vice-President too!
Given that most Democrats would rather all life on earth be wiped out by a meteor strike than Donald Trump be re-elected again, it shouldn't come as a surprise they'd let a billionaire buy them off if they thought he could win.
Former Bernie supporters:

"But it's not Socialism. It's Plutocratic-Socialism..."

They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?

Are Democrat voters prepared to let a billionaire buy the nomination?

No one can "buy" the nomination, dope.
Who do you imagine is granting the nomination in exchange for cash?
They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?
And the Dems are supposed to stop Bloomberg from running how? This ain't Russia yet, pal.
Are Democrat voters prepared to let a billionaire buy the nomination?
Would this be exceptional for either party?
Surprising there are ANY Democrat candidates since they fully understand that President Trump will be re-elected by both popular vote and electoral college landslides.

Are they all so stupid they want to be the sacrificial lamb?

OK, Nutty Old Uncle Bernie surely understands it's his last shot before the reaper does his/her/its thing. But the others? Yeah, stupidity certainly is a prime factor.
Some points to think about:

  1. Nothing admits desperation of a failing campaign like locking in a running mate long before it's necessary. None of the campaigns in my life who have done so have ever gone on to win the White House.
  2. Doing so extends Bloomberg’s belief that the grassroots movements of Trump and Sanders, while at the opposite ends of the spectrum, still aren’t truly populist in nature. Such under-estimation proved all pollsters wrong in 2016.
  3. It most likely drives the final wedge between leftists and diminishes turnout in the general election. Sanders’ supporters have made it clear that they will not accept an “old guard” nominee—especially if it appears (as it already does after only two states) that forces are trying to thwart Sanders by any means other than by his actually losing the bid via popular votes. Additionally, traditional leftists in the “moderate” lane will be unable to hold their nose and vote for the socialist. This divide is deepened by the appearance of “Hillary as savior.”
  4. Though Trump’s support is hotter than it was at this point in the 2016 cycle, the amount of fun the president would have at branding Bloomberg/Hillary would increase fervor among the base." Go Ahead Bloomberg, Name Hillary As Your Running Mate. We Dare You!
They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?

The talk the Left made about getting big money out of politics was always just bullshit. In 2016, Mrs. Clinton outspent Trump 3 to 1, and this year with Bloomberg in the running, that ratio will go up a lot more, even with Trump's record setting fund raising.

IMHO, Bloomberg needs to adopt entrance music for his appearances. Trump uses "Proud to be an American", Bloomberg could use this

They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?

Are Democrat voters prepared to let a billionaire buy the nomination?

No one can "buy" the nomination, dope.
Who do you imagine is granting the nomination in exchange for cash?
He already has.
They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?

A billionaire that is much more likely to sign campaign finance reform bills and raise taxes on the wealthy, yes.
They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?
When all is said and done, the party will temporarily suspend its absurd commitment to PC & Identity Politics if it means beating Trump.

Especially if Bloomberg puts a PC-friendly Veep on the ticket, like Tulsi or Abrams.
Bloomberg is not going to win the nomination. But he is going to throw his money behind the eventual candidate.
Funny how buying an election is suddenly fine, as long as it's a Democrat trying to do it. Bloomberg has too many skeletons in his closet, he's not going anywhere. Let him waste his money...
They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?

A billionaire that is much more likely to sign campaign finance reform bills and raise taxes on the wealthy, yes.
He can't sign that which never gets to his desk. You thinking you'll get a majority dem government to send that to his desk just proves how completely delusional you are.

What a joke
They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?
Just because Bloomberg is in the race it doesn’t somehow mean the majority likes him. Obviously his polling is shit and I hope it stays that way.
They've spent years decrying the wealthy yet seem ok letting one of the wealthiest men on the planet buy his way in. An OLD WHITE MAN to boot.
In a few short months Bloomberg has already spent nearly a half a billion dollars and at this rate could easily surpass a billion dollars trying to buy his way in.

The lefts duplicity is baffling.
Cry about racism then boot out those of color.
Bitch about the wealthy then change the rules to allow in a billionaire.
Bitch about low wages while approving of the low educated illegals that flood the nation and saturate low wage markets.
Cry endlessly about gloBULL warming while all their candidates take private jets from DC to the same destination(iowa) at the same time. (Hello rideshare anyone?!)

I'd the Democrat part so fractured that it is beyond repair?
Just because Bloomberg is in the race it doesn’t somehow mean the majority likes him. Obviously his polling is shit and I hope it stays that way.
Yet the DNC is shoving him right up to the front.
How does it feel to be CHEATED by your own party.

And by the way he is now polling around 3rd with roughly 15%

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