Are Democrats actually prepared to shut down AMERICAN services to serve FOREIGNERS?

Shutdown looms as Republicans seek short-term spending deal for government

Chances of a government shutdown grew Monday as Republicans concluded that they would be unable to reach a long-term spending accord by the Friday deadline. GOP leaders are now turning to a short-term funding measure in hopes of keeping agencies open while talks continue, but Democratic leaders say they are unlikely to support any deal that does not protect young illegal immigrants.

Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend. That's what Republicans do. Spend, spend, spend, spend.

And now the Democrats have them over a barrel because they spend so goddam much.
Stupid Left tells LEGAL AMERICANS TO FUCK OFF while shutting down the Government over an Illegal Executive Order for Illegals that is expiring, and would have already expired had President Trump not extended the deadline.


Congress had their chance to do something if they wanted to and they refused to.
Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend. That's what Republicans do. Spend, spend, spend, spend.

And now the Democrats have them over a barrel because they spend so goddam much.

Please quit smoking Crack. The Dems added $11 Trillion to the debt in 8 years.

President Trump slowed that spending, to just 1 trillion over the next 10 years, and if things go the right way, he may be able to eliminate that too.

President Trump has actually cut spending.

AND DACA costs a lot of money to house, support feed and take care of these Illegals. Let the EO expire.
Shutdown looms as Republicans seek short-term spending deal for government

Chances of a government shutdown grew Monday as Republicans concluded that they would be unable to reach a long-term spending accord by the Friday deadline. GOP leaders are now turning to a short-term funding measure in hopes of keeping agencies open while talks continue, but Democratic leaders say they are unlikely to support any deal that does not protect young illegal immigrants.

Bust the deal face the wheel
Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend. That's what Republicans do. Spend, spend, spend, spend.

And now the Democrats have them over a barrel because they spend so goddam much.

Please quit smoking Crack. The Dems added 11 Trillion to the debt in 8 years.

President Trump slowed that spending, to just 1 trillion over the next 10 years, and if things go the right way, he may be able to eliminate that too.

President Trump has actually cut spending.

AND DACA costs a lot of money to house, support feed and take care of these Illegals. Let the EO expire.
Trump added $666 billion to the debt last year.

Not to mention the $1.5 trillion stimulus he added to the debt.

I can't believe you are so retarded that you can't see the obvious fact we wouldn't be faced with a shutdown if Trump and the GOP want to spend even more than they are taking in!

Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend. That's what Republicans do. Spend, spend, spend, spend.

And now the Democrats have them over a barrel because they spend so goddam much.

Please quit smoking Crack. The Dems added 11 Trillion to the debt in 8 years.

President Trump slowed that spending, to just 1 trillion over the next 10 years, and if things go the right way, he may be able to eliminate that too.

President Trump has actually cut spending.

AND DACA costs a lot of money to house, support feed and take care of these Illegals. Let the EO expire.
Trump added $666 billion to the debt last year.

Not to mention the $1.5 trillion stimulus he added to the debt.

I can't believe you are so retarded that you can't see the obvious fact we wouldn't be faced with a shutdown if Trump and the GOP want to spend even more than they are taking in!

What they knew and when they knew it. (-: Actually, all it is about is they have to deflect from Trump's blowing up the deal. Nothing can be the Orange Orb's fault. So it's dems fault for liking "brown people" and Obama's fault for running up a deficit. Neither of which are really relevant. We had negotiations where the gop asked the dems "whatta want for a long term debt deal? Don't make it something we can't give ya." Cohen was in on it, Munchkin was in on it, McConnell was in on it, Schumer was too ... and the Donald pulled the rug out at the last minute when Miller told him the base wasn't ok.
Trump and the GOP want to continue spending more than they take from us.

Trump and the GOP want the US to be even deeper in debt to China.

Trump and the GOP want our grandchildren to be saddled with more debt and higher taxes.

Trump and the GOP want to continue spending more than they take from us.

Trump and the GOP want the US to be even deeper in debt to China.

Trump and the GOP want our grandchildren to be saddled with more debt and higher taxes.

ummmm, I think Trump just wants to survive another day and claim he won something .... anything.

The gop establishment orthodoxy is that tax cuts will create growth. That has been proven to not be the case, or at least tax cuts can create gowth or the illusion of growth by bubble markets. The results are uneven.

The dems have some limitations on economic issues too.
The Republicans had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for ObamaCare.

They repealed all or parts of ObamaCare SIXTY TIMES when they knew there wasn't a chance in hell of those repeals actually getting enacted.

When they finally got power, they seized up. They suddenly couldn't repeal ObamaCare any more.

If this isn't a clue you have been massively hoaxed, retards, what is?

The Republicans have controlled the purse strings for THREE YEARS, and they STILL have not come up with a balanced budget.

In fact, they have been INCREASING our deficits every year. The only person in American history who has created a bigger deficit than Trump is Obama.

If this isn't a clue you have been massively hoaxed, retards, what is?

You sit there like fucking morons thinking we have a Democrat problem, when in fact the problem is you gullible fucks keep getting tricked over and over and over and over by your own idols.

When the FUCK will you figure this out?
Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend. That's what Republicans do. Spend, spend, spend, spend.

And now the Democrats have them over a barrel because they spend so goddam much.

Please quit smoking Crack. The Dems added 11 Trillion to the debt in 8 years.

President Trump slowed that spending, to just 1 trillion over the next 10 years, and if things go the right way, he may be able to eliminate that too.

President Trump has actually cut spending.

AND DACA costs a lot of money to house, support feed and take care of these Illegals. Let the EO expire.
Trump added $666 billion to the debt last year.

Not to mention the $1.5 trillion stimulus he added to the debt.

I can't believe you are so retarded that you can't see the obvious fact we wouldn't be faced with a shutdown if Trump and the GOP want to spend even more than they are taking in!

What they knew and when they knew it. (-: Actually, all it is about is they have to deflect from Trump's blowing up the deal. Nothing can be the Orange Orb's fault. So it's dems fault for liking "brown people" and Obama's fault for running up a deficit. Neither of which are really relevant. We had negotiations where the gop asked the dems "whatta want for a long term debt deal? Don't make it something we can't give ya." Cohen was in on it, Munchkin was in on it, McConnell was in on it, Schumer was too ... and the Donald pulled the rug out at the last minute when Miller told him the base wasn't ok.
WTF are these Leftist Crack Heads talking about?

You mean what did Comey, Clinton, Schultz, McCabe know and when did they know it, with "pick a scandal"..
Uranium One, The Pakistani Criminal DNC Hacking Ring, The Fake Russian Dossier, The Fake FISA Warrant that allowed Obama and Clinton to spy on a rival campaign in the midst of an election?

It doesn't get any better than The FBI, DOJ Fusion GPS Conspiring with THE Democrat Party and Russia to Rig a Presidential Election and Defraud American Voters, and American Citizens so they could continue to funnel in hostile cultures, Illegals, Meth and Heroin in to our country.

That's the real goal. To weaken it from within so that they can impose global rule upon it.
If they were not born in this country, they are foreigners.

" DACA is an acronym for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy"

childhood arrivals=foreigners
With only 10% of Americans wanting to deport the DACA 'kids',

the Democrats overwhelmingly have public opinion on their side if they draw a line in the sand over DACA.
No, they don't have Public Opinion on their side, in the context of a government shutdown.

You might very well be correct (and I remain unconvinced) that a majority of Americans want to permanently admit so-called Dreamers.

For the sake of argument, let's say you're correct, for a moment.


Are those same Americans in favor of shutting down the Federal government and shutting down services to Citizens on behalf of Illegals?

Somehow, I doubt it.

Two separate issues.

The conflating of which will work to your very great detriment, if you are foolhardy enough to pursue that.

You lost in November 2016, in some large part, because you were seen to stand alongside Illegal Aliens rather than your own fellow countrymen.

I strongly suggest that you begin to distance yourselves from that perception and not reinforce it in the form of a government shutdown.

But, it is the fate of LibTards that they live in the Land of Denial, and that they do not learn from their mistakes.
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With only 10% of Americans wanting to deport the DACA 'kids',

the Democrats overwhelmingly have public opinion on their side if they draw a line in the sand over DACA.
No, they don't have Public Opinion on their side, in the context of a government shutdown.
They do have public opinion on their side. Just about everyone wants amnesty for the Dreamers. Including the Emperor!

The Republicans are holding out so they can get us in more debt to China. They are willing to cause a government shutdown in order to get us in more debt to China. That is just how much they love spending and borrowing.

Simple. As. That.

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