Are Democrats actually prepared to shut down AMERICAN services to serve FOREIGNERS?

Looks like a terribly stupid strategy to me.
Placing the needs of illegals above those of actual American citizens...
Poor pseudocons. Can't see the forest for the trees.

You can't blackmail the Republicans if they DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH.

But Trump and the Republicans are HUGE spenders.

Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.

Now they need to raise the debt ceiling so they can overspend even more.

When will it occur to the Tard Herd that the Democrats would have no leverage if Trump wasn't such a big spender?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

How come liberals CONSTANTLY go out of context and avoid the subject like they're fearful of the truth? Worse you tell a story to defend nothing (e.g. Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.).................G5000 wants you to believe the GOP not the Dems. are responsible for the deficit. That's plain dishonesty all the way around.
Hey dumbshit. Which party controls Congress and therefore controls spending?

Like I said, you idiots missed the forest for the trees.

The only reason Trump agreed to extend the DACA deadline a couple months ago was so he could get the Democrats to agree to a hike in the debt ceiling due to his profligate spending.

The only reason the government is at risk of shutting down is because we ran out of money! How does that happen unless the GOP Congress is spending more than they take in?

You don't have a fucking clue dumb ass. You couldn't be more intellectually dishonest.

A. Dick says the deficit shrunk every year under Obama. That's because we hit rock bottom. The deficits improved because there WAS NO WHERE TO GO BUT UP as the economy improved.

B. Dick says it's the Republican congress who is responsible for the deficits. Dick misses the fact the Republicans controlled the house in 2012. On one hand he says Obama reduced the deficit, on another he says the Republicans increased the deficit. WTF kind of moronic shit is that? Pick a fucking BS narrative and at least be consistent.

C. We didn't see any real improvement in Obama's economy until the Republicans took the house. That includes your BS deficit rhetoric. Meanwhile your ass says the Republicans must be partially responsible for the improvement, while your mouth says "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

C. The Republicans controlled the house and senate during Clinton's last term. You know, during the so-called surplus? According to your ass the Republicans are responsible for said "surplus". According to your mouth "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

D. You call it Bush's recession, which of course is ignorant. It was a housing crash that occurred partially because of liberal policy under Clinton. Kicker is dumb shit, the Democrats had the majority in congress. According to your ass the Democrats are responsible for the problem. According your mouth "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

E. Perhaps our worse economic state since the depression was under Carter. The Democrats controlled congress and by a LARGE margin.

F. You claim "Obama is why the deficit was reduced". Meanwhile, the Republicans have controlled congress since 2015. According to your ass the Republicans deserve credit for the improvement. According your mouth "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

Just a few reasons pointing out how rock-dumb partisan you are. Educate yourself, dumb ass. I can't believe you dove into this pit of lies on the subject of IMMIGRATION.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia
Last edited:
Looks like a terribly stupid strategy to me.
Placing the needs of illegals above those of actual American citizens...
The left have always hated America.

Just call America the greatest nation and watch them explode.
Because of our liberal Constitution, not because of the allegedly conservative right wing.
You mean the Constitution written by God fearing men who put religious liberty and small limited government as their foundation?
Looks like a terribly stupid strategy to me.
Placing the needs of illegals above those of actual American citizens...
the only thing the right wing has accomplished; is helping the rich get richer.

And the brainless continue with the same BS.
Obama economy: Welfare dependency peaks as rich get richer
And, the right wing gave tax breaks to the rich instead of better infrastructure for the People.
Dufus, any tax break for the low income folks is also a break for the rich. It’s how tax brackets work.

The intellectual dishonesty of the left is all they have.
Americans open to legal status, citizenship for illegal immigrants: Poll
Most Americans think the U.S. government should deport illegal immigrants living in the country who have been convicted of other crimes, but also say the government should develop plans to allow some to gain legal status or U.S. citizenship, according to a poll released Friday.

And 90 percent said they would support a bill allowing a path to U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants who have been in the country for a number of years, hold a job, speak English, and are willing to pay back taxes.


65+14 = 79%

Poll Roundup: Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship - America's Voice




Legal status or citizenship is 59 + 19 = 78 percent.

"Deport them" = 18 percent. They are on the losing side, big time.

Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship

June-July 2013

  • 88% of Americans support allowing immigrants to become citizens
  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens
Plenty more evidence in the link.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response to the will of the American People:


Data acquisition via telephone these days is a total fucking joke...period....Particularly when polling for political data in a hostile political environment.
There are way too many variables...geography being one of the largest.
Good people support the Trump admin.
Good people have a tendency to be on the National Do Not Call List
Good people screen phone calls
Good people have better shit to do with their time
In a nutshell, this means that pollsters harvest most of their data from ignorant lowlifes. Ignorant lowlifes don’t support Trump agendas.
This is a no-brainer...Simple shit to understand for third
Hey retard. Pollsters are exempt from the Do Not Call List.

But you keep on dreaming that you bigots aren't in a tiny minority. You keep on denying reality. It's what you do best.

That's how liberals have succeeded in their incremental takeover of our lives, you know. Because tards like you keep denying reality.

You’ve made where you stand crystal clear bud.
You’re all for shitting on the Constitution, you love your filthy Southern brown cockroaches, you think men in dresses should shit next to my teenage daughter, you’re all for man on man sodomy and you believe our nations most productive deserve less of their own money....I get it, you’re totally “with it”....nope, you’re not fucked up in the head at all.
We should all follow your fucked up and confused ass....NEGATIVE.
Looks like a terribly stupid strategy to me.
Placing the needs of illegals above those of actual American citizens...
the only thing the right wing has accomplished; is helping the rich get richer.

And the brainless continue with the same BS.
Obama economy: Welfare dependency peaks as rich get richer
And, the right wing gave tax breaks to the rich instead of better infrastructure for the People.

Sorry dumbass, just about everyone will benefit from the tax break.
It amuses me that pseudocons got their panties in a bunch over Obama's trillion dollar stimulus, claiming it would destroy the economy (the stock market rose 300%). But now the pseudocons are cumming in their shorts over Trump's trillion and a half dollar stimulus, claiming it will boost the economy.

I guess that extra half a trillion dollars of debt makes all the difference!

Evidently you're easily amused. Get back to us when Trump hits $10 trillion.
Looks like a terribly stupid strategy to me.
Placing the needs of illegals above those of actual American citizens...
the only thing the right wing has accomplished; is helping the rich get richer.

And the brainless continue with the same BS.
Obama economy: Welfare dependency peaks as rich get richer
And, the right wing gave tax breaks to the rich instead of better infrastructure for the People.

Sorry dumbass, just about everyone will benefit from the tax break.
everyone paying the Debt?

Let me clarify, just about everyone that has a job...dumbass.
The government is not going to be shut down essential services will continue we go through this dog and pony show every few years and the only thing that changes is which party is claiming the shutdown will be for a noble cause.
Looks like a terribly stupid strategy to me.
Placing the needs of illegals above those of actual American citizens...
Poor pseudocons. Can't see the forest for the trees.

You can't blackmail the Republicans if they DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH.

But Trump and the Republicans are HUGE spenders.

Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.

Now they need to raise the debt ceiling so they can overspend even more.

When will it occur to the Tard Herd that the Democrats would have no leverage if Trump wasn't such a big spender?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

How come liberals CONSTANTLY go out of context and avoid the subject like they're fearful of the truth? Worse you tell a story to defend nothing (e.g. Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.).................G5000 wants you to believe the GOP not the Dems. are responsible for the deficit. That's plain dishonesty all the way around.
Hey dumbshit. Which party controls Congress and therefore controls spending?

Like I said, you idiots missed the forest for the trees.

The only reason Trump agreed to extend the DACA deadline a couple months ago was so he could get the Democrats to agree to a hike in the debt ceiling due to his profligate spending.

The only reason the government is at risk of shutting down is because we ran out of money! How does that happen unless the GOP Congress is spending more than they take in?

You don't have a fucking clue dumb ass. You couldn't be more intellectually dishonest.

A. Dick says the deficit shrunk every year under Obama. That's because we hit rock bottom. The deficits improved because there WAS NO WHERE TO GO BUT UP as the economy improved.

B. Dick says it's the Republican congress who is responsible for the deficits. Dick misses the fact the Republicans controlled the house in 2012. On one hand he says Obama reduced the deficit, on another he says the Republicans increased the deficit. WTF kind of moronic shit is that? Pick a fucking BS narrative and at least be consistent.

C. We didn't see any real improvement in Obama's economy until the Republicans took the house. That includes your BS deficit rhetoric. Meanwhile your ass says the Republicans must be partially responsible for the improvement, while your mouth says "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

C. The Republicans controlled the house and senate during Clinton's last term. You know, during the so-called surplus? Again, you're just a mouth.

D. You call it Bush's recession, which is ignorant. It was a housing crash that began partially because of liberal policy under Clinton. Kicker is dumb shit, the Democrats had the majority in congress. Again showing you're just a mouth.

E. Perhaps our worse economic state since the depression was under Carter. The Democrats controlled congress and by a LARGE margin.

F. You claim "Obama is why the deficit was reduced". Meanwhile, the Republicans have controlled congress since 2015.

Just a few reasons pointing out how rock-dumb partisan you are. Educate yourself, dumb ass. I can't believe you dove into this pit of lies on the subject of IMMIGRATION.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia
It's a fact you cannot hide from, retard.

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend so much, the Democrats would be totally locked out of any negotiations. They would have ZERO leverage.


Wake up!
The government is not going to be shut down essential services will continue we go through this dog and pony show every few years and the only thing that changes is which party is claiming the shutdown will be for a noble cause.
...and all of the temporarily laid off government employees will receive back pay. What we need is to permanently withdraw pay for all of Congress while the government is shut down. I guarantee this shit would stop happening.
Poor willfully blind monkeys.

They just can't admit to themselves they were stupid enough to fall for the most brazen and obvious hoaxes pulled on them. They can't admit how unbelievably stupid they were.
Looks like a terribly stupid strategy to me.
Placing the needs of illegals above those of actual American citizens...
Poor pseudocons. Can't see the forest for the trees.

You can't blackmail the Republicans if they DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH.

But Trump and the Republicans are HUGE spenders.

Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.

Now they need to raise the debt ceiling so they can overspend even more.

When will it occur to the Tard Herd that the Democrats would have no leverage if Trump wasn't such a big spender?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

How come liberals CONSTANTLY go out of context and avoid the subject like they're fearful of the truth? Worse you tell a story to defend nothing (e.g. Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.).................G5000 wants you to believe the GOP not the Dems. are responsible for the deficit. That's plain dishonesty all the way around.
Hey dumbshit. Which party controls Congress and therefore controls spending?

Like I said, you idiots missed the forest for the trees.

The only reason Trump agreed to extend the DACA deadline a couple months ago was so he could get the Democrats to agree to a hike in the debt ceiling due to his profligate spending.

The only reason the government is at risk of shutting down is because we ran out of money! How does that happen unless the GOP Congress is spending more than they take in?

You don't have a fucking clue dumb ass. You couldn't be more intellectually dishonest.

A. Dick says the deficit shrunk every year under Obama. That's because we hit rock bottom. The deficits improved because there WAS NO WHERE TO GO BUT UP as the economy improved.

B. Dick says it's the Republican congress who is responsible for the deficits. Dick misses the fact the Republicans controlled the house in 2012. On one hand he says Obama reduced the deficit, on another he says the Republicans increased the deficit. WTF kind of moronic shit is that? Pick a fucking BS narrative and at least be consistent.

C. We didn't see any real improvement in Obama's economy until the Republicans took the house. That includes your BS deficit rhetoric. Meanwhile your ass says the Republicans must be partially responsible for the improvement, while your mouth says "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

C. The Republicans controlled the house and senate during Clinton's last term. You know, during the so-called surplus? Again, you're just a mouth.

D. You call it Bush's recession, which is ignorant. It was a housing crash that began partially because of liberal policy under Clinton. Kicker is dumb shit, the Democrats had the majority in congress. Again showing you're just a mouth.

E. Perhaps our worse economic state since the depression was under Carter. The Democrats controlled congress and by a LARGE margin.

F. You claim "Obama is why the deficit was reduced". Meanwhile, the Republicans have controlled congress since 2015.

Just a few reasons pointing out how rock-dumb partisan you are. Educate yourself, dumb ass. I can't believe you dove into this pit of lies on the subject of IMMIGRATION.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia
It's a fact you cannot hide from, retard.

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend so much, the Democrats would be totally locked out of any negotiations. They would have ZERO leverage.


Wake up!

Your posts aren't worth a fuck dude.
The Senate negotiated a bipartisan DACA fix, more money for border security and deportation, and debt ceiling lift. Trump was for it. But unelected aids in the WH (Miller) were against it, so the aids called in Cotton and Goodalatte, which caused Trump to change his mind, and resort to vulgarity.

Whether one wants or doesn't want a DACA fix, a WH cannot function this way. A deal is a deal, or you have no credibility. Don't blame dems for not negotiating. It's back to when Trump didn't have a chief of staff, and I wonder if Kelly had just folded his flag and called it a career.

Trump derides protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries
Poor pseudocons. Can't see the forest for the trees.

You can't blackmail the Republicans if they DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH.

But Trump and the Republicans are HUGE spenders.

Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.

Now they need to raise the debt ceiling so they can overspend even more.

When will it occur to the Tard Herd that the Democrats would have no leverage if Trump wasn't such a big spender?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

How come liberals CONSTANTLY go out of context and avoid the subject like they're fearful of the truth? Worse you tell a story to defend nothing (e.g. Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.).................G5000 wants you to believe the GOP not the Dems. are responsible for the deficit. That's plain dishonesty all the way around.
Hey dumbshit. Which party controls Congress and therefore controls spending?

Like I said, you idiots missed the forest for the trees.

The only reason Trump agreed to extend the DACA deadline a couple months ago was so he could get the Democrats to agree to a hike in the debt ceiling due to his profligate spending.

The only reason the government is at risk of shutting down is because we ran out of money! How does that happen unless the GOP Congress is spending more than they take in?

You don't have a fucking clue dumb ass. You couldn't be more intellectually dishonest.

A. Dick says the deficit shrunk every year under Obama. That's because we hit rock bottom. The deficits improved because there WAS NO WHERE TO GO BUT UP as the economy improved.

B. Dick says it's the Republican congress who is responsible for the deficits. Dick misses the fact the Republicans controlled the house in 2012. On one hand he says Obama reduced the deficit, on another he says the Republicans increased the deficit. WTF kind of moronic shit is that? Pick a fucking BS narrative and at least be consistent.

C. We didn't see any real improvement in Obama's economy until the Republicans took the house. That includes your BS deficit rhetoric. Meanwhile your ass says the Republicans must be partially responsible for the improvement, while your mouth says "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

C. The Republicans controlled the house and senate during Clinton's last term. You know, during the so-called surplus? Again, you're just a mouth.

D. You call it Bush's recession, which is ignorant. It was a housing crash that began partially because of liberal policy under Clinton. Kicker is dumb shit, the Democrats had the majority in congress. Again showing you're just a mouth.

E. Perhaps our worse economic state since the depression was under Carter. The Democrats controlled congress and by a LARGE margin.

F. You claim "Obama is why the deficit was reduced". Meanwhile, the Republicans have controlled congress since 2015.

Just a few reasons pointing out how rock-dumb partisan you are. Educate yourself, dumb ass. I can't believe you dove into this pit of lies on the subject of IMMIGRATION.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia
It's a fact you cannot hide from, retard.

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend so much, the Democrats would be totally locked out of any negotiations. They would have ZERO leverage.


Wake up!

Your posts aren't worth a fuck dude.

Trump's not worth a fuck, and you're pulling his train.
Poor pseudocons. Can't see the forest for the trees.

You can't blackmail the Republicans if they DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH.

But Trump and the Republicans are HUGE spenders.

Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.

Now they need to raise the debt ceiling so they can overspend even more.

When will it occur to the Tard Herd that the Democrats would have no leverage if Trump wasn't such a big spender?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

How come liberals CONSTANTLY go out of context and avoid the subject like they're fearful of the truth? Worse you tell a story to defend nothing (e.g. Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.).................G5000 wants you to believe the GOP not the Dems. are responsible for the deficit. That's plain dishonesty all the way around.
Hey dumbshit. Which party controls Congress and therefore controls spending?

Like I said, you idiots missed the forest for the trees.

The only reason Trump agreed to extend the DACA deadline a couple months ago was so he could get the Democrats to agree to a hike in the debt ceiling due to his profligate spending.

The only reason the government is at risk of shutting down is because we ran out of money! How does that happen unless the GOP Congress is spending more than they take in?

You don't have a fucking clue dumb ass. You couldn't be more intellectually dishonest.

A. Dick says the deficit shrunk every year under Obama. That's because we hit rock bottom. The deficits improved because there WAS NO WHERE TO GO BUT UP as the economy improved.

B. Dick says it's the Republican congress who is responsible for the deficits. Dick misses the fact the Republicans controlled the house in 2012. On one hand he says Obama reduced the deficit, on another he says the Republicans increased the deficit. WTF kind of moronic shit is that? Pick a fucking BS narrative and at least be consistent.

C. We didn't see any real improvement in Obama's economy until the Republicans took the house. That includes your BS deficit rhetoric. Meanwhile your ass says the Republicans must be partially responsible for the improvement, while your mouth says "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

C. The Republicans controlled the house and senate during Clinton's last term. You know, during the so-called surplus? Again, you're just a mouth.

D. You call it Bush's recession, which is ignorant. It was a housing crash that began partially because of liberal policy under Clinton. Kicker is dumb shit, the Democrats had the majority in congress. Again showing you're just a mouth.

E. Perhaps our worse economic state since the depression was under Carter. The Democrats controlled congress and by a LARGE margin.

F. You claim "Obama is why the deficit was reduced". Meanwhile, the Republicans have controlled congress since 2015.

Just a few reasons pointing out how rock-dumb partisan you are. Educate yourself, dumb ass. I can't believe you dove into this pit of lies on the subject of IMMIGRATION.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia
It's a fact you cannot hide from, retard.

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend so much, the Democrats would be totally locked out of any negotiations. They would have ZERO leverage.


Wake up!

Your posts aren't worth a fuck dude.
Another one retreats into his willful delusions.
Our debt is going to keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

And after eight years of whining about it, the raging hypocrites will remain silent for the duration.

They don't give a flying fuck about debt.

That's one of many reasons I call them pseudocons.


Our debt is going to keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

And after eight years of whining about it, the raging hypocrites will remain silent for the duration.

They don't give a flying fuck about debt.

That's one of many reasons I call them pseudocons.


Nonsense. Cuts need to be made. Plain & simple. But the current GOP are as drunk on spending as the left. The only difference is how the money is being spent. Where it is going.

Obama gave the money to the very rich & connected (sometimes directly), our enemies and the very poor. The middle class which is the bread basket of the country got fucked.
What's all the beef about.

The Dems are going to cave and keep the government open. They have to.

Now, they're not going to agree to any long-term budget or anything like
that...just another delay with a short-term bill to keep the Government running.

But there will be no fix for DACA right now, either.

This is going to play out until either March, if The Donald doesn't want to make
fools out of the 9th circuit could play out until that unconstitutional court
order is dumped by SCOTUS.

The Dems have lost all sense but they're not that stupid enough to close
down the Government and be butchered in the Senate in November and
watch the GOP keep the House.
How come liberals CONSTANTLY go out of context and avoid the subject like they're fearful of the truth? Worse you tell a story to defend nothing (e.g. Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.).................G5000 wants you to believe the GOP not the Dems. are responsible for the deficit. That's plain dishonesty all the way around.
Hey dumbshit. Which party controls Congress and therefore controls spending?

Like I said, you idiots missed the forest for the trees.

The only reason Trump agreed to extend the DACA deadline a couple months ago was so he could get the Democrats to agree to a hike in the debt ceiling due to his profligate spending.

The only reason the government is at risk of shutting down is because we ran out of money! How does that happen unless the GOP Congress is spending more than they take in?

You don't have a fucking clue dumb ass. You couldn't be more intellectually dishonest.

A. Dick says the deficit shrunk every year under Obama. That's because we hit rock bottom. The deficits improved because there WAS NO WHERE TO GO BUT UP as the economy improved.

B. Dick says it's the Republican congress who is responsible for the deficits. Dick misses the fact the Republicans controlled the house in 2012. On one hand he says Obama reduced the deficit, on another he says the Republicans increased the deficit. WTF kind of moronic shit is that? Pick a fucking BS narrative and at least be consistent.

C. We didn't see any real improvement in Obama's economy until the Republicans took the house. That includes your BS deficit rhetoric. Meanwhile your ass says the Republicans must be partially responsible for the improvement, while your mouth says "Republican Congress is responsible for deficits".

C. The Republicans controlled the house and senate during Clinton's last term. You know, during the so-called surplus? Again, you're just a mouth.

D. You call it Bush's recession, which is ignorant. It was a housing crash that began partially because of liberal policy under Clinton. Kicker is dumb shit, the Democrats had the majority in congress. Again showing you're just a mouth.

E. Perhaps our worse economic state since the depression was under Carter. The Democrats controlled congress and by a LARGE margin.

F. You claim "Obama is why the deficit was reduced". Meanwhile, the Republicans have controlled congress since 2015.

Just a few reasons pointing out how rock-dumb partisan you are. Educate yourself, dumb ass. I can't believe you dove into this pit of lies on the subject of IMMIGRATION.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia
It's a fact you cannot hide from, retard.

If Trump and the Republicans didn't spend so much, the Democrats would be totally locked out of any negotiations. They would have ZERO leverage.


Wake up!

Your posts aren't worth a fuck dude.
Another one retreats into his willful delusions.

You lying to yourself and/or the audience?
Looks like a terribly stupid strategy to me.
Placing the needs of illegals above those of actual American citizens...

Yup, democrats are party before country, always have been.
unlike the right wing; help the rich get richer faster, at any cost.

Untrue, that only exists in your head. In fact the right attempts to lift everyone. We’ve seen it with the GOP tax plan.
cognitive dissonance and the right wing are practically synonymous.

Lying and stupidity are synonymous with the left. Your post for instance.

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