Are Dems attempting to undermine Trump by talking to a hostile regime behind his back?

Is this at least collusion with an attempt to derail any Iran deal in the works?
A possible violation of the Logan Act?
It certainly was, according to Dems, with Flynn and Russia.

You mean like Mike Flynn calling the Russian Amabassador and promising to life sanctions once Trump is in the White House? Like that?

Iran refuses to negotiate with Trump. Period. There is no foreign policy to undermine, there is just Trump trying to deflect from his impeachment by starting a war. That not policy, that's deperation.

Trump can't even articulate what he wants in the deal. Just that Iran can't ever get nukes. The deal he tore up did that, even if he denies it did.

What Impeachment?

The trial has been over and society has moved on...

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