Are evangelicals Jews, now-a-days?

Judaizing evangelicals is a huge trend in Latin America and other parts of the world.

Latin american evangelical leader Edir Macedo, who has 6 million followers, wearing a quippah and jewish liturgical garments preaching at his megachurch.


The first one to find out the name of his mega-church will win a matzah and a gefilte fish.

SOLOMON'S TEMPLE, NO LESS :ack-1: :ack-1: :ack-1: :ack-1:

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Judaizing evangelicals is a huge trend in Latin America and other parts of the world.

Latin american evangelical leader Edir Macedo, who has 6 million followers, wearing a quippah and jewish liturgical garments preaching at his megachurch.



He's not wearing it correctly.
I defer to your superior knowledge... and he should too.

If he wants to imitate jews so bad, he should hire some jewish advisers.
I dunno, are you Europeans nothing but fanatically Jew-hating, American-hatng Islam human-condom-whores, now-a-days?

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