Are humans better at creation or destruction?

Are humans better at creation or destruction?

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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
I could bet most people are going to say destruction. We humans are destroying the planet at an alarming rate, and if we don't start doing something about it, it is only going to get worse.
We humans are pretty good at creation also to say the least. Our minds are a very powerful thing. Take a look at the technology humans created!
Destroying something is much faster then creating something. More can be destroyed before one thing is created.

I think we humans may be better at destruction, but not by much.

What do you think?
If that were true, we would no longer exist. It's a stupid question.
If what was true? Its a question to get people thinking, how is it a stupid question? The question is not only referring to the planet, it can refer to anything. So by creating a house and destroying it, we wouldn't exist? Expand your thought process and think outside the box. No question is a stupid question. I take it you are not a creative thinker?
Just used our planet as an example. Think outside the box. There is a lot ore we destroy and a lot more we create.
I could bet most people are going to say destruction. We humans are destroying the planet at an alarming rate, and if we don't start doing something about it, it is only going to get worse.
We humans are pretty good at creation also to say the least. Our minds are a very powerful thing. Take a look at the technology humans created!
Destroying something is much faster then creating something. More can be destroyed before one thing is created.

I think we humans may be better at destruction, but not by much.

What do you think?

The overwhelming majority of human beings are very talented at destruction. There are very, very few people who are adept at building. As far as your claim that we are destroying the planet, that is an unfounded assertion. Mankind is certainly harming small sections of the planet in very meaningful ways, but the claim of mass destruction is false.
But we are destroying the planet to an extent by deforestation and draining the earth of its oil and gases. The Question is not only referring to our planet, its referring to everything.
This question is asking what are humans better at creation or destruction in general?
If that were true, we would no longer exist. It's a stupid question.
If what was true? Its a question to get people thinking, how is it a stupid question? The question is not only referring to the planet, it can refer to anything. So by creating a house and destroying it, we wouldn't exist? Expand your thought process and think outside the box. No question is a stupid question. I take it you are not a creative thinker?
Look around your house or hut. Take a walk to the corner or the next village and tell me what you see. It doesn't matter if you are in deepest Africa or in Silicon Valley. Look at your computer screen it make it as easy as possible for yourself. Answer the question for yourself and get back to me.
Can't we do both?

Most humans have a desire to create.

The smaller minority of pathetic pukes who only seek to destroy because they're consumed with hate and envy get more attention than they should.

But we are destroying the planet to an extent by deforestation and draining the earth of its oil and gases. The Question is not only referring to our planet, its referring to everything.

No, we are not. We put out fires that once wiped out entire states. The earth is constantly producing oil and gas. It takes a while, but the sun will expand and boil the oceans before we run out of resources.

Some humans have a much more accomplished record of creation than others...
But we are destroying the planet to an extent by deforestation and draining the earth of its oil and gases. The Question is not only referring to our planet, its referring to everything.

Deforestation is certainly an issue, but it is also easily rectified. Take a look at the picture below, 100 years ago that entire area was a moonscape. Every tree within the view of the camera was gone. Cut and shaped and used in the Comstock mines. Forests grow back. The oil and gas is a interesting issue. Since i was born the mantra has been "Peak Oil is coming", and, we now have more proven oil reserves than when we started. Dr. Gold presented a theory that oil is abiotic and the more I look into it, the more I am inclined to agree with him.

As a general question humans are better at doing nothing. Laziness, and apathy seem to be the most common trait among humans.
But we are destroying the planet to an extent by deforestation and draining the earth of its oil and gases. The Question is not only referring to our planet, its referring to everything.

The planet will continue to exist just fine thank you. In time forests will grow back, climates will change, and the various life forms will adapt or go extinct. All of this has been going on for a few billion years and it'll go on for a long time until and unless some major catastrophe from a huge meteor hit occurs. All this GW scare talk is nonsense, I think by the end of this century we will have developed several alternative energy sources that are far less costly and also far less damaging to the environment. Fossil fuels may not disappear entirely but I think it's use will be dramatically reduced as a source of energy.
Humans are not destroying the planet. Those destroying the planet are huge corporations/companies.

1. They dump tons of chemicals into the water supply as well as toxins etc. is that the act of humans yes but those politicians allow it and do it by covering up what's really going on. Including the EPA. FDA...

they are all a fraud to your health and our planet's health and why because by keeping their sheep stupid they make billions off everything they tell you will save the planet.
If that were true, we would no longer exist. It's a stupid question.
If what was true? Its a question to get people thinking, how is it a stupid question? The question is not only referring to the planet, it can refer to anything. So by creating a house and destroying it, we wouldn't exist? Expand your thought process and think outside the box. No question is a stupid question. I take it you are not a creative thinker?
Look around your house or hut. Take a walk to the corner or the next village and tell me what you see. It doesn't matter if you are in deepest Africa or in Silicon Valley. Look at your computer screen it make it as easy as possible for yourself. Answer the question for yourself and get back to me.
I look around my house and see beautiful creations made by man. I take a walk down to my corner I see history, and couple houses falling down, a lot where a house once stood but was burnt down by a person. I see a park being built, I see a community garden/farm being created by locals, I see a young family moving in with a newborn child, I see people tearing down trees and destroying the home of the species that inhabit that area to build a strip mall. I look at my computer screen and see people killing each other and destroying families and lives. I see people destroying and creating all over all the time.
If that were true, we would no longer exist. It's a stupid question.
If what was true? Its a question to get people thinking, how is it a stupid question? The question is not only referring to the planet, it can refer to anything. So by creating a house and destroying it, we wouldn't exist? Expand your thought process and think outside the box. No question is a stupid question. I take it you are not a creative thinker?
Look around your house or hut. Take a walk to the corner or the next village and tell me what you see. It doesn't matter if you are in deepest Africa or in Silicon Valley. Look at your computer screen it make it as easy as possible for yourself. Answer the question for yourself and get back to me.
I look around my house and see beautiful creations made by man. I take a walk down to my corner I see history, and couple houses falling down, a lot where a house once stood but was burnt down by a person. I see a park being built, I see a community garden/farm being created by locals, I see a young family moving in with a newborn child, I see people tearing down trees and destroying the home of the species that inhabit that area to build a strip mall. I look at my computer screen and see people killing each other and destroying families and lives. I see people destroying and creating all over all the time.
It all started with creation. Humans have always destroyed creations since we came to exist. I think your statement makes no sense. Your response to my question, "if that were true, we would no longer exist." If what were true? How does the question " Are humans better at creation or destruction?" indicate if it were true we would no longer exist?

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