Are Italians considered whites ??

Your memory ain't good and your facts are---uhm...
well...nevah mind. Anthropologists invented the
concept of the "RACES" of man------not a
valid distinction in HOMO SAPIENS which are
a very mobile species and VERY MIXED. The
"races" are, classically, Caucasian, Negroid and
Mongolian. AZTEK???? American natives are
considered "mongolian" ------Biologically---we is
all very mixed and close to monkeys. Skin color is
just about the most useless tool for determining
the origin of a group of persons

It was a long time ago. And not all schools had the same books.
Which is a huge problem in itself.

Mongoloid. Couldn't remember the term.
Jews can't agree on who is a Jew and who isn't. Before Ezra they were tribals with the ancient version of 'open enrollment', with descent following the father's line same as most cultures. The Babylonians exploited their pull with Cyrus, who wanted a client state in the region, to make themselves into a 'Master Race' type by excluding the Jews who weren't exiled from all the important religious and govt. posts. Ezra did this by excluding Jews who took non-Jewish women as wives and setting up a series of 'racial purity' laws over the next few hundred years.

The whole Temple scam wasn't even Jewish thing; the Tabernacle and the Ark were kept in tents and moved around until Ezra's scam was developed. Then came the 'Nobility', another non-Jewish fiction created in the centuries following as well. The modern Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox sects were an invention of the 2nd Century A.D., and in fact came after the Christian sects were driven out of the synagogues around 95 A.D.; Christianity is the older of the sects, but since it doesn't give two shits about racial purity laws and other rubbish and is a universalist sect, it wasn't popular with the Orthodox racists. Jews as an ethnic group are mostly secularists and not religious.

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