Are Jews and Gypsies in the same boat?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Move'em North
Incal;7356019 said:
I'm very lax when it comes to those concepts, much more being a new worlder but... the only 2 exceptions when I'm a hardcore one-droppist is with jews and gypsies: those 2 groups have proven all over the centuries that they are unable and unwilling to integrate.

In any case I could consider Mort a second class Austrian or a metic maybe.

I dont think Jews and Gypsies are in the same boat. Maybe for muslims, and third worlders, not in Austria.
Weren't both groups blamed for Christ's death at some point? I know Jews were but I seem to recall something about Gypsies being blamed as well. Nonsense, of course. Christ GAVE His life, no one took it from Him.
Weren't both groups blamed for Christ's death at some point? I know Jews were but I seem to recall something about Gypsies being blamed as well. Nonsense, of course. Christ GAVE His life, no one took it from Him.

Yes. Gypsies were blamed to have stolen the nails after his crucifixation thats why they were condemned to roam the earth and steal. But dont get me wrong, Im not saying gypsies are better then jews, i think actually the other away around, that jews are much better integrated and much more successful and much less visible then gypsies.
Well I went to go ask the Roma...
But they had unexpectedly moved away.

(And if you aren't from that area you won't appreciate the joke)
Well I went to go ask the Roma...
But they had unexpectedly moved away.

(And if you aren't from that area you won't appreciate the joke)

They dont move around, not more then any other american. And if they once did it is because people didnt tolerate roma communities to live with them. aren't from the area.

I think that most americans are gypsies anyways, they move in mobile homes and live in shanty camps and trailer parks. Whats the difference?

This is in portland oregon

I dont think Jews and Gypsies are in the same boat. Maybe for muslims, and third worlders, not in Austria.
Could be. Does yours look like this?
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I think that most americans are gypsies anyways, they move in mobile homes and live in shanty camps and trailer parks. Whats the difference?

This is in portland oregon

You have absolutely no clue as to what I am talking about.
those 2 groups have proven all over the centuries that they are unable and unwilling to integrate.
Be that as it may, I'd be happy to be given examples of how 'Europeans' have willingly integrated.

There must have been confusion within the Nazi leadership, for it seems that many wanted all Gypsies killed, with no exceptions, even if they were categorized as Aryan. On December 3, 1942, Martin Bormann wrote in a letter to Himmler:

. . . special treatment would mean a fundamental deviation from the simultaneous measures for fighting the Gypsy menace and would not be understood at all by the population and lower leaders of the party. Also the Führer would not agree to giving one section of the Gypsies their old freedom.5

Though the Nazis did not discover a “scientific” reason to kill the ten percent of Gypsies categorized as “pure,” there were no distinctions made when Gypsies were ordered to Auschwitz or deported to the other death camps.

By the end of the war, it is estimated that 250,000 to 500,000 Gypsies were murdered in the Porajmos – killing approximately three-fourths of the German Gypsies and half of the Austrian Gypsies.

So much happened to the Gypsies during the Third Reich, I created a timeline to help outline the process from “Aryan” to annihilation.

An article which might surprise some:

American pro-Nazi movements, such as the Friends of the New Germany and the German-American Bund, played no role in Hitler’s plans for the country and received no financial or verbal support from Germany after 1935. However, certain Native American advocate groups, such as the fascist-leaning American Indian Federation, were to be used to undermine the Roosevelt administration from within using propaganda. In addition, the Nazis considered the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans, to be Aryans; a theory echoed in the sympathetic portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien.
I think that most americans are gypsies anyways, they move in mobile homes and live in shanty camps and trailer parks. Whats the difference?

This is in portland oregon


Ive always known I was a Gypsy. I'm only now admitting it to you people.
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