Are liberals better off than a year ago ?

Lets see:

1) I never have to see a Tweet from Donald Trump again
2) His insurrection failed and Democracy is still intact
3) My candidate won
4) NATO is being strengthened, instead of thrown in the gutter by Trump
5) We are out of 20 year quagmire of Afghanistan
6) Getting a liberal SCOTUS justice nominated
7) Keystone pipeline from Canada to Mexico shut down
8) Protestors are not being gassed and shot at for President to hold up a Bible upside down
9) 20% unemployment way, way down to great numbers

Yes, I am better off than a year or two ago.

1) I never have to see a Tweet from Donald Trump again - Great accomplishment.
2) His insurrection failed and Democracy is still intact - There was no insurrection, moron.
3) My candidate won - We are all lamenting that.
4) NATO is being strengthened, instead of thrown in the gutter by Trump - fantasy. Trump strengthened NATO, not Biden
5) We are out of 20 year quagmire of Afghanistan - All you imbecile progs blame Trump for that.
6) Getting a liberal SCOTUS justice nominated - nothing good about that. Affirmative Action Hire.
7) Keystone pipeline from Canada to Mexico shut down - There's nothing good about that.
8) Protestors are not being gassed and shot at for President to hold up a Bible upside down - that's a prog fantasy.
9) 20% unemployment way, way down to great numbers - Prog are the ones who shut the economy down, moron.
Sigh, just look at that mess you typed and then look at the one I referenced.

Poor formatting/structuring/spelling makes your argument hard to follow.....Just sayin'. 😐
Thanks 4 the hall monitor stuff justsayin... i don't choose to engage with an expert.

This isn't a college thesis
No grades here sort of..

Let your hair down have a little fun ...
No one is better off with senile Xiden in the WH and democrats in charge of congress.
We need to fix that in November.
Amen brother.

The dem voters aren't in bed w/fake media..

Just their leaders are.
I don't care what they say about me as long as it isn't true..

biden teflon joe

People aren't happy with a stolen election becoming this...

Any honest biden voters want to chime in ? Cause you can't unring the nightmare political bell...

Any transvoters in the closet ?

Amdromica should have 4 or 5 major parties to choose from..

wouldn't it be funny if Russia and the United States use 25th amendment the same time

If you were honest, you would have proven a stolen election. You didn't. That makes you a piece of shit liar. Is that chime enough for you?
They feel “better off” ruins the planet.
Campaign slogan ?

Way better than "lets just give it a month or 2..

Shotgun joe is finishing the destruction of USA (obama)

And just like Putin's Caravan to Communism the Democrats for sale with socialism for the United States of America
Thanks 4 the hall monitor stuff justsayin... i don't choose to engage with an expert.

This isn't a college thesis
No grades here sort of..

Let your hair down have a little fun ...
Lies are fun for you? To me they are a sign of weakness.
I don't care what they say about me as long as it isn't true..

biden teflon joe

People aren't happy with a stolen election becoming this...

Any honest biden voters want to chime in ? Cause you can't unring the nightmare political bell...

Any transvoters in the closet ?

Amdromica should have 4 or 5 major parties to choose from..

wouldn't it be funny if Russia and the United States use 25th amendment the same time

I am......even better tax-wise.
  • Thanks
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Campaign slogan ?

Way better than "lets just give it a month or 2..

Shotgun joe is finishing the destruction of USA (obama)

And just like Putin's Caravan to Communism the Democrats for sale with socialism for the United States of America
Do you even know what Socialism is?
If you were honest, you would have proven a stolen election. You didn't. That makes you a piece of shit liar. Is that chime enough for you?
If you are honest you will still look at the evidence.
If you were honest, you would have proven a stolen election. You didn't. That makes you a piece of shit liar. Is that chime enough for you?
You premise is a lie, so your entire post is a lie.
It's a huge con.
Really? The military, schools, police, fire, sports socialism, the farm bill, roads, bridges, etc. It's all Socialism, and yet, you use it everyday. Are you willing to get rid of all that Socialism?

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