Are liberals guardians of evil?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
With their unholy attack on Christianity,Christian values,prayer in public schools,displaying the 10 commandments,One nation under god in the pledge ect.... they defend these beliefs as upholding the separation church of and state as outlined in the constitution.If this is true why do they not attack Islamic beliefs?Why do they support building a mosque near the 911 site?Why do they insist that we be sensitive to Muslim beliefs and sensibilities ie...the use of the word terrorist,Islam is a peace loving religion ect....but at the same time take every opportunity to attack the Christian faith at every opportunity that arises?[they cling to their guns or religion and antipathy for those who are not like them] given these facts are we not justified to assume that liberal beliefs and policy are enabler's of what Christian's would consider EVIL???
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Jews are the ones that also do not want the pledge. Nobody has stop prayer n schools, you may pray as you like, what you can't do s force people to pray. Jesus taught us that you should pray in private.
Where I live the religious do have their guns and bibles they have killed each other in disputes over their Christian religion.
There is already a mosque near the Twin Towers spot, what they wanted to build was a community center.
Christians have every ability to practice their faith anywhere thay are allowed to, We just don't want the christians to control society at large like they used to.
With their unholy attack on Christianity,Christian values,prayer in public schools,displaying the 10 commandments,One nation under god in the pledge ect.... they defend these beliefs as upholding the separation church and state as outlined in the constitution.If this is true why do they not attack Islamic beliefs?Why do they support building a mosque near the 911 site?Why do they insist that we be sensitive to Muslim beliefs and sensibilities ie...the use of the word terrorist,Islam is a piece loving religion ect....but at the same time take every opportunity to attack the Christian faith at every opportunity that arises?[they cling to their guns or religion and antipathy for those who are not like them] given these facts are we not justified to assume that liberal beliefs and policy are enabler's of what Christian's would consider EVIL???

Christians are crazy bastards, so it is hard telling what they will say or think. I'll call their god on the phone and ask him.

This is Shintao. Hey dude if a christian judges me, is that a sin?
Well we got this asshole here saying we are evil.
Yes, he has sinned. But you son are my favorite for asking me, instead of accusing others. You will come to Heaven, and he is on his way to hell.
Jews are the ones that also do not want the pledge. Nobody has stop prayer n schools, you may pray as you like, what you can't do s force people to pray. Jesus taught us that you should pray in private.
Where I live the religious do have their guns and bibles they have killed each other in disputes over their Christian religion.
There is already a mosque near the Twin Towers spot, what they wanted to build was a community center.
Christians have every ability to practice their faith anywhere thay are allowed to, We just don't want the christians to control society at large like they used to.
once again you prove my point.what about Islam?Don't Muslims oppress people?If you had to choose would you be Muslim or Christian?
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With their unholy attack on Christianity,Christian values,prayer in public schools,displaying the 10 commandments,One nation under god in the pledge ect.... they defend these beliefs as upholding the separation church and state as outlined in the constitution.If this is true why do they not attack Islamic beliefs?Why do they support building a mosque near the 911 site?Why do they insist that we be sensitive to Muslim beliefs and sensibilities ie...the use of the word terrorist,Islam is a piece loving religion ect....but at the same time take every opportunity to attack the Christian faith at every opportunity that arises?[they cling to their guns or religion and antipathy for those who are not like them] given these facts are we not justified to assume that liberal beliefs and policy are enabler's of what Christian's would consider EVIL???

Christians are crazy bastards, so it is hard telling what they will say or think. I'll call their god on the phone and ask him.You answered my question by attacking Christianity and not Islam.This proves that libbs hate Christianity and are willing to tolerate Islamic radicals!!:cuckoo:

This is Shintao. Hey dude if a christian judges me, is that a sin?
Well we got this asshole here saying we are evil.
Yes, he has sinned. But you son are my favorite for asking me, instead of accusing others. You will come to Heaven, and he is on his way to hell.
you answered my question by calling Christians crazy bastards and not saying any thing derogatory about Islam.this proves that you hate Christianity and are willing to tolerate Islamic animals!!
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With their unholy attack on Christianity,Christian values,prayer in public schools,displaying the 10 commandments,

What on Earth are you talking about? I've never attacked any of those things and I resent your baseless accusations.

One nation under god in the pledge
Is it too much to ask that the Pledge be restored to its original form? Sorry, I thought the Pledge was good the way it was.

.but at the same time take every opportunity to attack the Christian faith at every opportunity that arises?

No one is "attacking" your religion. You're just a whiny ****, that's all.
You can build a mosque near the 9/11 site and you can have the biggest church in all of Christendom but you may not force people to adhere to your religious beliefs. Liberals apparently appreciate the Constitution...?
With their unholy attack on Christianity,Christian values,prayer in public schools,displaying the 10 commandments,One nation under god in the pledge ect.... they defend these beliefs as upholding the separation church of and state as outlined in the constitution.If this is true why do they not attack Islamic beliefs?Why do they support building a mosque near the 911 site?Why do they insist that we be sensitive to Muslim beliefs and sensibilities ie...the use of the word terrorist,Islam is a piece loving religion ect....but at the same time take every opportunity to attack the Christian faith at every opportunity that arises?[they cling to their guns or religion and antipathy for those who are not like them] given these facts are we not justified to assume that liberal beliefs and policy are enabler's of what Christian's would consider EVIL???

As to the leftwingers tender feelings toward muslims, that has to do with libs' traditional alliance with america's enemies, because they hate this country and everything it stands for. Their attempt to erase christianity from american life has two more subtle reasons:

- They want to erase Christianity from american life for the same reason the marxists wanted to in the soviet union - they want people to be obedient only to the government and not have any competitors in that regard.

- Destroying religious expression fits in with their decades long campaign to destroy every institution of value in america (at which they've been highly successful): besides religion, the schools, the universities, the news media, the military, the nuclear family, the economic system, the rule of law, the constitution, etc etc.

Note: there's no "separation of church and state" anywhere in the constitution.
not one damn libbtard has said anything derogatory about Islam.AMAZING!!! well if you are afraid to say it I'm not!!! Their is no such thing as a peaceful tolerant Muslim.It is a violent cult designed by and for violent animals!!:clap2::clap2:
As to the leftwingers tender feelings toward muslims, that has to do with libs' traditional alliance with america's enemies, because they hate this country and everything it stands for.
Their is no such thing as a peaceful tolerant Muslim.It is a violent cult designed by and for violent animals!!:clap2::clap2:

Only violent animals sue to protect the life of the ignorant white supremacists doucebag who shot them.

Mark Stroman was pronounced dead at 8:53 p.m. Wednesday.

The lethal injection was briefly delayed as the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals considered a final appeal. The U.S. Supreme Court rejected appeals earlier Wednesday.

The 41-year-old Stroman claimed the shooting spree that killed two men and injured a third targeted people of Middle Eastern descent,
though all three victims were from South Asia. It was the death of 49-year-old Vasudev Patel that put Stroman on death row.

The lone survivor, Rais Bhuiyan, unsuccessfully sued to stop the execution, saying his Muslim beliefs told him to forgive

Mark Stroman executed for post-9/11 shooting spree |
As to the leftwingers tender feelings toward muslims, that has to do with libs' traditional alliance with america's enemies, because they hate this country and everything it stands for.

Ah yesssssssssss, the inevitable Saddam-Rumsfeld photo, inlieu of an actual debate. :D

That was a standard formal diplomatic handshake, given when the US made the decision to help the iraqis when things had turned against them in iran-iraq war. They didn't deserve any help for the war they started, but them being overrun would have resulted in the creation of an islamofascist superstate, which would have rolled over saudi arabia in a couple days, making the persian gulf sort of an iranian lake.

To try to equate that with leftwingers apologetics for, eg, 9/11 is just plain STUPID.
As to the leftwingers tender feelings toward muslims, that has to do with libs' traditional alliance with america's enemies, because they hate this country and everything it stands for.

Ah yesssssssssss, the inevitable Saddam-Rumsfeld photo, inlieu of an actual debate. :D

??? Sorry, but you seem to be confused as to what a "debate" is. When you start off with
As to the leftwingers tender feelings toward muslims, that has to do with libs' traditional alliance with america's enemies, because they hate this country and everything it stands for.

no one with any intelligence is going to think you're interested in doing anything but slinging mud.
That was a standard formal diplomatic handshake, given when the US made the decision to help the iraqis when things had turned against them in iran-iraq war.

You mean Ronald Reagan made the decision to help a man who was busy gassing thousands upon thousands of Kurds - and that was the handshake. Got it.
They didn't deserve any help for the war they started, but them being overrun would have resulted in the creation of an islamofascist superstate, which would have rolled over saudi arabia in a couple days, making the persian gulf sort of an iranian lake.
Oh right, a domino theory, got it.

I've got one question. when you ally yourself with a man who is killing thousands of his own civilians with poison gas - and then 10 years or so later invade his country - would you claim that you were invading, in part, to help the poor innocent citizens there - and then expect a serious person to believe you?
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Ah yesssssssssss, the inevitable Saddam-Rumsfeld photo, inlieu of an actual debate. :D

??? Sorry, but you seem to be confused as to what a "debate" is. When you start off with

no one with any intelligence is going to think you're interested in doing anything but slinging mud.
That was a standard formal diplomatic handshake, given when the US made the decision to help the iraqis when things had turned against them in iran-iraq war.

You mean Ronald Reagan made the decision to help a man who was busy gassing thousands upon thousands of Kurds - and that was the handshake. Got it.
They didn't deserve any help for the war they started, but them being overrun would have resulted in the creation of an islamofascist superstate, which would have rolled over saudi arabia in a couple days, making the persian gulf sort of an iranian lake.
Oh right, a domino theory, got it.

I've got one question. when you ally yourself with a man who is killing thousands of his own civilians with poison gas - and then 10 years or so later invade his country - would you claim that you were invading, in part, to help the poor innocent citizens there - and then expect a serious person to believe you?
that is a whole different debate.would you care to take a swipe at Islam???:eusa_whistle:

Ah yesssssssssss, the inevitable Saddam-Rumsfeld photo, inlieu of an actual debate. :D

??? Sorry, but you seem to be confused as to what a "debate" is. When you start off with

no one with any intelligence is going to think you're interested in doing anything but slinging mud.
That was a standard formal diplomatic handshake, given when the US made the decision to help the iraqis when things had turned against them in iran-iraq war.

You mean Ronald Reagan made the decision to help a man who was busy gassing thousands upon thousands of Kurds - and that was the handshake. Got it.
They didn't deserve any help for the war they started, but them being overrun would have resulted in the creation of an islamofascist superstate, which would have rolled over saudi arabia in a couple days, making the persian gulf sort of an iranian lake.
Oh right, a domino theory, got it.

I've got one question. when you ally yourself with a man who is killing thousands of his own civilians with poison gas - and then 10 years or so later invade his country - would you claim that you were invading, in part, to help the poor innocent citizens there - and then expect a serious person to believe you?

Ah yesssssssssss, the inevitable Saddam-Rumsfeld photo, inlieu of an actual debate. :D

??? Sorry, but you seem to be confused as to what a "debate" is. When you start off with

no one with any intelligence is going to think you're interested in doing anything but slinging mud.
That was a standard formal diplomatic handshake, given when the US made the decision to help the iraqis when things had turned against them in iran-iraq war.

You mean Ronald Reagan made the decision to help a man who was busy gassing thousands upon thousands of Kurds - and that was the handshake. Got it.
They didn't deserve any help for the war they started, but them being overrun would have resulted in the creation of an islamofascist superstate, which would have rolled over saudi arabia in a couple days, making the persian gulf sort of an iranian lake.
Oh right, a domino theory, got it.

I've got one question. when you ally yourself with a man who is killing thousands of his own civilians with poison gas - and then 10 years or so later invade his country - would you claim that you were invading, in part, to help the poor innocent citizens there - and then expect a serious person to believe you?

When the US was in vietnam, what did leftwingers say? When the US got in a decades long cold war with the soviet union, what was the leftwing position? Who was it who have spent decades schmoozing with and apologizing for Castro? Who criticized the invasion of Grenada and Panama? Who applauded dumping our old ally the Republic of China over the side in favor of the PRC which had fought us in the Korean War? Who apologized for Saddam when he annexed kuwait? Who said it was our fault for 9-11. I don';t blame you for ducking THAT debate. :D

The kurd gassing was AFTER the US assistance agreement - nice history distortion there.

Re your "domino theory" wisecrack - what do you mean by that? Do you think what I say wouldn't happen? Why don't you debate that issue, instead of spurting a meaningless snotty remark and then running away?

The problem with this site remains: leftwingers are too gutless to debate.
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Jews are the ones that also do not want the pledge. Nobody has stop prayer n schools, you may pray as you like, what you can't do s force people to pray. Jesus taught us that you should pray in private.
Where I live the religious do have their guns and bibles they have killed each other in disputes over their Christian religion.
There is already a mosque near the Twin Towers spot, what they wanted to build was a community center.
Christians have every ability to practice their faith anywhere thay are allowed to, We just don't want the christians to control society at large like they used to.
once again you prove my point.what about Islam?Don't Muslims oppress people?If you had to choose would you be Muslim or Christian?

I do not understand this "victimhood" of my fellow Christians.... What? Because ALL the rules aren't specifically designed for us, then we are being persecuted? When the day comes that Muslims are allowed to do their daily prayers on Public School Property and Christians aren't allowed to say the Lord's Prayer... get back to me... we'll hire a lawyer together.
With their unholy attack on Christianity,Christian values,prayer in public schools,displaying the 10 commandments,One nation under god in the pledge ect.... they defend these beliefs as upholding the separation church of and state as outlined in the constitution.If this is true why do they not attack Islamic beliefs?Why do they support building a mosque near the 911 site?Why do they insist that we be sensitive to Muslim beliefs and sensibilities ie...the use of the word terrorist,Islam is a piece loving religion ect....but at the same time take every opportunity to attack the Christian faith at every opportunity that arises?[they cling to their guns or religion and antipathy for those who are not like them] given these facts are we not justified to assume that liberal beliefs and policy are enabler's of what Christian's would consider EVIL???


You mean THESE KKKristian values, Lad?​
not one damn libbtard has said anything derogatory about Islam.AMAZING!!! well if you are afraid to say it I'm not!!! Their is no such thing as a peaceful tolerant Muslim.It is a violent cult designed by and for violent animals!!:clap2::clap2:

Maybe because real Christians respect people. You should try reading the Bible sometime.

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