are North Koreans and South Koreans the same ethnic people?


Jul 23, 2019
I am wondering why the great divide between them. If they are the same ethnic background then there is some historical and/or political reason for their being divided.
Are you serious? Yes they are both Koreans. Looks like you've got a lot of reading to catch up on.
they are the same ethnic background

there is some historical and/or political reason for their being divided.

True on both counts.

A bit like East and West Germany before they were reunited on October 4, 1990.

That was the date when it was announced on television at the time in the United States, but if you look it up now on Google, the date was changed to the 3rd.
Ethnically, they are exactly the same people. They are also ethnically the same as the Japanese although not exactly. But they are their closest Asian Relatives.

The reason South Koreans look different today is really quite simple --

North Koreans are socialist scum, thanks to the Russians.

And, as anybody with a room-temperature IQ knows, socialists are monumentally stupid.

So stupid, they can't even feed their own people.

The average South Korean is three (3) inches taller than the average Nork.
The difference is that South Korea is a prosperous, free country with elections.

North Korea is ruled by a fat troll and is a communist country.

No one there is free and the only elections they will have are the ones that keep the troll in power.

There is no ethnic difference between North and South.
I am wondering why the great divide between them. If they are the same ethnic background then there is some historical and/or political reason for their being divided.

This is what communism / socialism does.
I am wondering why the great divide between them. If they are the same ethnic background then there is some historical and/or political reason for their being divided.
A little study of the tribal peoples of Northern China with an emphasis on the Manchu subsets of the last five millennia or so will improve your understanding.

Pay extra attention to how the US involvement between the fall of the Joseon Dynasty in 1897 to around 1920 aided in the events leading to the rise of Communism on the peninsula and that conflict with the Joseon patriots.

That history is fascinating and enlightening!
The difference is that South Korea is a prosperous, free country with elections.

North Korea is ruled by a fat troll and is a communist country.

No one there is free and the only elections they will have are the ones that keep the troll in power.

There is no ethnic difference between North and South.

Regardless of what they may call themselves, they are technically socialists. They probably even call themselves socialist

communism is the absence of all government. socialism is the presence of a government that owns the means of production while they await the transition to communism.

It's complicated. And stupid.

But so was Marx. Seriously stupid. And I don't mean that with any sarcasm. He just wasn't a bright individual.

Engels was brilliant but demented. Marx was a dumbass
I am wondering why the great divide between them. If they are the same ethnic background then there is some historical and/or political reason for their being divided.
A little study of the tribal peoples of Northern China with an emphasis on the Manchu subsets of the last five millennia or so will improve your understanding.

Pay extra attention to how the US involvement between the fall of the Joseon Dynasty in 1897 to around 1920 aided in the events leading to the rise of Communism on the peninsula and that conflict with the Joseon patriots.

That history is fascinating and enlightening!

North Korea is socialist for one very simple reason.

It was awarded to Russia for their late entry into the Pacific Theater of WWII.

As was North Vietnam.

In fact, both places became a haven for Japanese War Criminals after the War.

The difference is that South Korea is a prosperous, free country with elections.

North Korea is ruled by a fat troll and is a communist country.

No one there is free and the only elections they will have are the ones that keep the troll in power.

There is no ethnic difference between North and South.

Regardless of what they may call themselves, they are technically socialists. They probably even call themselves socialist

communism is the absence of all government. socialism is the presence of a government that owns the means of production while they await the transition to communism.

It's complicated. And stupid.

But so was Marx. Seriously stupid. And I don't mean that with any sarcasm. He just wasn't a bright individual.

Engels was brilliant but demented. Marx was a dumbass

I believe the proper term for whatever they do in North Korea is "Juche" which roughly translates to self-reliance.

To me NK is basically a feudal hereditary State with Kim as the King, The Party/Military as the nobles, and everyone else as the serfs.
Communism (or totalitarian socialism as it actually plays out) has an enervating effect on people that manifests in many observable ways.
I am wondering why the great divide between them. If they are the same ethnic background then there is some historical and/or political reason for their being divided.
A little study of the tribal peoples of Northern China with an emphasis on the Manchu subsets of the last five millennia or so will improve your understanding.

Pay extra attention to how the US involvement between the fall of the Joseon Dynasty in 1897 to around 1920 aided in the events leading to the rise of Communism on the peninsula and that conflict with the Joseon patriots.

That history is fascinating and enlightening!

North Korea is socialist for one very simple reason.

It was awarded to Russia for their late entry into the Pacific Theater of WWII.

As was North Vietnam.

In fact, both places became a haven for Japanese War Criminals after the War.

North Korea is socialist for one very simple reason.

It was awarded to Russia for their late entry into the Pacific Theater of WWII.

As was North Vietnam.
Do you have a tree in your yard fertilized with your bullshit from which to pluck your gems of stupidity? Communism and socialism DO NOT fit into just two separate and discrete compartments, fool! They comprise a rainbow of alternatives!

Your shuffle of historical fact is fucking amusing in its lack actual facts! Russia was tasked with the OCCUPATION of N. Korea upon wars end at the Potsdam Conference in mid 1945 while the US was tasked with occupation of South Korea, with the demarcation of US/Soviet responsibilities at the 38th parallel.

The initial origins of Communism on the Korean peninsula (or Joseon) sprang initially from mid 1918 formation of Korean People's Socialist Party by a Leninist Bolshevik, a true communist of the Marx-Lenin strain. In fact, the Soviets subsumed the existing Communist cadres in the North and drew upon those more numerous cadres in the South, building upon what already existed and then likely "adjusted" to some tolerable degree acceptable to the locals! The Soviets certainly DID NOT instill Communism on the peninsula after their occupation, given Communism had existed in Korea (Joseon) over 20 years before the end of WWII; your sophistry notwithstanding!!!!

Further, Vietnam was not partitioned, North & South, until mid 1954. Going back to the end of WWII, the French reclaimed their colony which they abandoned in 1954 after losing the Indochina war against the Viet-Minn. So when did the Soviets get a chance to get control of the country, as you claim, and inculcate the precepts of Soviet brand Communism overcoming the blend of Nationalism and Marx-Lenin Communism learned and practiced as taught by the Hero of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minn?
I am wondering why the great divide between them. If they are the same ethnic background then there is some historical and/or political reason for their being divided.
A little study of the tribal peoples of Northern China with an emphasis on the Manchu subsets of the last five millennia or so will improve your understanding.

Pay extra attention to how the US involvement between the fall of the Joseon Dynasty in 1897 to around 1920 aided in the events leading to the rise of Communism on the peninsula and that conflict with the Joseon patriots.

That history is fascinating and enlightening!

North Korea is socialist for one very simple reason.

It was awarded to Russia for their late entry into the Pacific Theater of WWII.

As was North Vietnam.

In fact, both places became a haven for Japanese War Criminals after the War.

North Korea is socialist for one very simple reason.

It was awarded to Russia for their late entry into the Pacific Theater of WWII.

As was North Vietnam.
Do you have a tree in your yard fertilized with your bullshit from which to pluck your gems of stupidity? Communism and socialism DO NOT fit into just two separate and discrete compartments, fool! They comprise a rainbow of alternatives!

Your shuffle of historical fact is fucking amusing in its lack actual facts! Russia was tasked with the OCCUPATION of N. Korea upon wars end at the Potsdam Conference in mid 1945 while the US was tasked with occupation of South Korea, with the demarcation of US/Soviet responsibilities at the 38th parallel.

The initial origins of Communism on the Korean peninsula (or Joseon) sprang initially from mid 1918 formation of Korean People's Socialist Party by a Leninist Bolshevik, a true communist of the Marx-Lenin strain. In fact, the Soviets subsumed the existing Communist cadres in the North and drew upon those more numerous cadres in the South, building upon what already existed and then likely "adjusted" to some tolerable degree acceptable to the locals! The Soviets certainly DID NOT instill Communism on the peninsula after their occupation, given Communism had existed in Korea (Joseon) over 20 years before the end of WWII; your sophistry notwithstanding!!!!

Further, Vietnam was not partitioned, North & South, until mid 1954. Going back to the end of WWII, the French reclaimed their colony which they abandoned in 1954 after losing the Indochina war against the Viet-Minn. So when did the Soviets get a chance to get control of the country, as you claim, and inculcate the precepts of Soviet brand Communism overcoming the blend of Nationalism and Marx-Lenin Communism learned and practiced as taught by the Hero of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minn?
NoKo and SoKo will both eat a dog without batting an eye. Poor Spot. Viva Trump. Making America safe for dogs too.

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