Are Proponents of $15 Min Wage Naive or Intentional Liars?

Dems are giving prisoners, in prison, for murder, $1,400 :eusa_think:
Right wingers are only brave enough to go maskless during a pandemic but not brave enough to abolish their useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror which only create more refugees for y'all to whine about.

Stop deflecting and respond to the point, Dems are giving murderers in prison $1,400 AND voted against an amendment to stop this. Scumbags.
I think right wing tax cut economics has more to do with that agency not upgrading their system for modern economic times. Right wingers have less of a problem with fraud it seems.

Obviously I kicked you right in the groin with this one. Dems giving $1,400 to murderers in prison explain it! Dems giving $1,400 to murderers on DEATH ROW explain why your lowlife scumbag Dem reps are doing this.
They were "right wing fraudsters"?

You have been bitch slapped libtard. Go give $1,400 to convicted rapists why don't you, oh wait you are already doing that.
Just right wingers being hypocrites like usual. It is what y'all do best.

We don't need to raise the wage for jobs that don't really need done.
View attachment 465035
I have applied for a Chic Fil A, franchise. If i get it, i will only take high school kids part time and those elderly who want to work because they just want to. I will not have a full time employee other than the manager and assistant manager. Minimum wage was never supposed to be a full time job.
We don't need to raise the wage for jobs that don't really need done.
View attachment 465035
I have applied for a Chic Fil A, franchise. If i get it, i will only take high school kids part time and those elderly who want to work because they just want to. I will not have a full time employee other than the manager and assistant manager. Minimum wage was never supposed to be a full time job.
Not even if a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is mandated?
Dems are giving prisoners, in prison, for murder, $1,400 :eusa_think:
Right wingers are only brave enough to go maskless during a pandemic but not brave enough to abolish their useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror which only create more refugees for y'all to whine about.

Stop deflecting and respond to the point, Dems are giving murderers in prison $1,400 AND voted against an amendment to stop this. Scumbags.
I think right wing tax cut economics has more to do with that agency not upgrading their system for modern economic times. Right wingers have less of a problem with fraud it seems.

Obviously I kicked you right in the groin with this one. Dems giving $1,400 to murderers in prison explain it! Dems giving $1,400 to murderers on DEATH ROW explain why your lowlife scumbag Dem reps are doing this.
They were "right wing fraudsters"?

You have been bitch slapped libtard. Go give $1,400 to convicted rapists why don't you, oh wait you are already doing that.
Just right wingers being hypocrites like usual. It is what y'all do best.

Why are Dems giving rapists and murderers in prison $1,400? Now run and hide lib you have been owned.

A good portion of the folks, both on the left and the right don't understand Macro, or believe their stake holder position makes them immune from basic economic principles.
Dems are giving prisoners, in prison, for murder, $1,400 :eusa_think:
Right wingers are only brave enough to go maskless during a pandemic but not brave enough to abolish their useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror which only create more refugees for y'all to whine about.

Stop deflecting and respond to the point, Dems are giving murderers in prison $1,400 AND voted against an amendment to stop this. Scumbags.
I think right wing tax cut economics has more to do with that agency not upgrading their system for modern economic times. Right wingers have less of a problem with fraud it seems.

Obviously I kicked you right in the groin with this one. Dems giving $1,400 to murderers in prison explain it! Dems giving $1,400 to murderers on DEATH ROW explain why your lowlife scumbag Dem reps are doing this.
They were "right wing fraudsters"?

You have been bitch slapped libtard. Go give $1,400 to convicted rapists why don't you, oh wait you are already doing that.
Just right wingers being hypocrites like usual. It is what y'all do best.

Why are Dems giving rapists and murderers in prison $1,400? Now run and hide lib you have been owned.
Red States have the same problem not just blue States. All you have is the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy; but you have no shame.
Dems are giving prisoners, in prison, for murder, $1,400 :eusa_think:
Right wingers are only brave enough to go maskless during a pandemic but not brave enough to abolish their useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror which only create more refugees for y'all to whine about.

Stop deflecting and respond to the point, Dems are giving murderers in prison $1,400 AND voted against an amendment to stop this. Scumbags.
I think right wing tax cut economics has more to do with that agency not upgrading their system for modern economic times. Right wingers have less of a problem with fraud it seems.

Obviously I kicked you right in the groin with this one. Dems giving $1,400 to murderers in prison explain it! Dems giving $1,400 to murderers on DEATH ROW explain why your lowlife scumbag Dem reps are doing this.
They were "right wing fraudsters"?

You have been bitch slapped libtard. Go give $1,400 to convicted rapists why don't you, oh wait you are already doing that.
Just right wingers being hypocrites like usual. It is what y'all do best.

Why are Dems giving rapists and murderers in prison $1,400? Now run and hide lib you have been owned.
Red States have the same problem not just blue States. All you have is the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy; but you have no shame.
Well, let’s see. $50,000 a month rent in San Fran for a 900 sq ft apartment or for $120,000 you can buy a 1900 sq ft home on at least 1/2 acre in half of America.
A mandated min wage is stupidity on steroids.
Dems are giving prisoners, in prison, for murder, $1,400 :eusa_think:
Right wingers are only brave enough to go maskless during a pandemic but not brave enough to abolish their useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror which only create more refugees for y'all to whine about.

Stop deflecting and respond to the point, Dems are giving murderers in prison $1,400 AND voted against an amendment to stop this. Scumbags.
I think right wing tax cut economics has more to do with that agency not upgrading their system for modern economic times. Right wingers have less of a problem with fraud it seems.

Obviously I kicked you right in the groin with this one. Dems giving $1,400 to murderers in prison explain it! Dems giving $1,400 to murderers on DEATH ROW explain why your lowlife scumbag Dem reps are doing this.
They were "right wing fraudsters"?

You have been bitch slapped libtard. Go give $1,400 to convicted rapists why don't you, oh wait you are already doing that.
Just right wingers being hypocrites like usual. It is what y'all do best.

Why are Dems giving rapists and murderers in prison $1,400? Now run and hide lib you have been owned.
Red States have the same problem not just blue States. All you have is the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy; but you have no shame.
Well, let’s see. $50,000 a month rent in San Fran for a 900 sq ft apartment or for $120,000 you can buy a 1900 sq ft home on at least 1/2 acre in half of America.
A mandated min wage is stupidity on steroids.
How many people on the minimum wage can afford to buy homes? And, red States are cheaper for the same reason less developed economies are less expensive.
Dems are giving prisoners, in prison, for murder, $1,400 :eusa_think:
Right wingers are only brave enough to go maskless during a pandemic but not brave enough to abolish their useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror which only create more refugees for y'all to whine about.

Stop deflecting and respond to the point, Dems are giving murderers in prison $1,400 AND voted against an amendment to stop this. Scumbags.
I think right wing tax cut economics has more to do with that agency not upgrading their system for modern economic times. Right wingers have less of a problem with fraud it seems.

Obviously I kicked you right in the groin with this one. Dems giving $1,400 to murderers in prison explain it! Dems giving $1,400 to murderers on DEATH ROW explain why your lowlife scumbag Dem reps are doing this.
They were "right wing fraudsters"?

You have been bitch slapped libtard. Go give $1,400 to convicted rapists why don't you, oh wait you are already doing that.
Just right wingers being hypocrites like usual. It is what y'all do best.

Why are Dems giving rapists and murderers in prison $1,400? Now run and hide lib you have been owned.
Red States have the same problem not just blue States. All you have is the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy; but you have no shame.
Well, let’s see. $50,000 a month rent in San Fran for a 900 sq ft apartment or for $120,000 you can buy a 1900 sq ft home on at least 1/2 acre in half of America.
A mandated min wage is stupidity on steroids.
How many people on the minimum wage can afford to buy homes? And, red States are cheaper for the same reason less developed economies are less expensive.
That’s why people work hard so they earn more money.
You’re talking to someone who grew up in poverty and is now very well off.
Dems are giving prisoners, in prison, for murder, $1,400 :eusa_think:
Right wingers are only brave enough to go maskless during a pandemic but not brave enough to abolish their useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror which only create more refugees for y'all to whine about.

Stop deflecting and respond to the point, Dems are giving murderers in prison $1,400 AND voted against an amendment to stop this. Scumbags.
I think right wing tax cut economics has more to do with that agency not upgrading their system for modern economic times. Right wingers have less of a problem with fraud it seems.

Obviously I kicked you right in the groin with this one. Dems giving $1,400 to murderers in prison explain it! Dems giving $1,400 to murderers on DEATH ROW explain why your lowlife scumbag Dem reps are doing this.
They were "right wing fraudsters"?

You have been bitch slapped libtard. Go give $1,400 to convicted rapists why don't you, oh wait you are already doing that.
Just right wingers being hypocrites like usual. It is what y'all do best.

Why are Dems giving rapists and murderers in prison $1,400? Now run and hide lib you have been owned.
Red States have the same problem not just blue States. All you have is the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy; but you have no shame.
Well, let’s see. $50,000 a month rent in San Fran for a 900 sq ft apartment or for $120,000 you can buy a 1900 sq ft home on at least 1/2 acre in half of America.
A mandated min wage is stupidity on steroids.
How many people on the minimum wage can afford to buy homes? And, red States are cheaper for the same reason less developed economies are less expensive.
That’s why people work hard so they earn more money.
You’re talking to someone who grew up in poverty and is now very well off.
Are you implying people working for the minimum wage don't work hard? And, if it is so easy to earn more money, why do right wingers complain about taxes when they could simply work hard and earn more than the minimum wage?
Dems are giving prisoners, in prison, for murder, $1,400 :eusa_think:
Right wingers are only brave enough to go maskless during a pandemic but not brave enough to abolish their useless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror which only create more refugees for y'all to whine about.

Stop deflecting and respond to the point, Dems are giving murderers in prison $1,400 AND voted against an amendment to stop this. Scumbags.
I think right wing tax cut economics has more to do with that agency not upgrading their system for modern economic times. Right wingers have less of a problem with fraud it seems.

Obviously I kicked you right in the groin with this one. Dems giving $1,400 to murderers in prison explain it! Dems giving $1,400 to murderers on DEATH ROW explain why your lowlife scumbag Dem reps are doing this.
They were "right wing fraudsters"?

You have been bitch slapped libtard. Go give $1,400 to convicted rapists why don't you, oh wait you are already doing that.
Just right wingers being hypocrites like usual. It is what y'all do best.

Why are Dems giving rapists and murderers in prison $1,400? Now run and hide lib you have been owned.
Red States have the same problem not just blue States. All you have is the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy; but you have no shame.
Well, let’s see. $50,000 a month rent in San Fran for a 900 sq ft apartment or for $120,000 you can buy a 1900 sq ft home on at least 1/2 acre in half of America.
A mandated min wage is stupidity on steroids.
How many people on the minimum wage can afford to buy homes? And, red States are cheaper for the same reason less developed economies are less expensive.
That’s why people work hard so they earn more money.
You’re talking to someone who grew up in poverty and is now very well off.
Are you implying people working for the minimum wage don't work hard? And, if it is so easy to earn more money, why do right wingers complain about taxes when they could simply work hard and earn more than the minimum wage?
Say what? Are you really that stupid?
Are proponents of $15/hr minimum wage really that naive?

Whenever it comes to raising the minimum wage to $15 or $20 or more, I ask such proponents, “Would you be in favor of raising it to $100 or $1,000 per hour?” I usually get a confused look, as if I’m asking a trick question. For they are confronted with an economics question that goes beyond the parroting they’ve been programmed to carry out.

It’s not by random chance that rents in San Francisco are so high. It’s because the collective wages across the SF Bay Area are high. Landlords know this, so the invisible hand of free markets has driven rents up to these levels.

When the minimum wage is artificially raised by government policy then everything else will go up too, including other people’s wages, the cost of goods & services, rents, home prices, virtually everything. This is a fact that politicians either don’t understand or refuse to explain to citizens.

But in the end, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Just remember this: AOC is the leading cheerleader for higher and higher minimum wage.

Hey, maybe you need to research your comments before posting them. For example:


Now I know the cost of property in SF is high, because it is built out. And all around the Bay Area the land is being purchased as public lands. The same can be said about rents and property values in Marin, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. Thus, Public Transportation is necessary to bring lower middle class workers into the San Jose, Silicon Valley, San Francisco & Oakland in counties to the south and the north. Light rail from Mendocino and Sonoma County is established and will connect with the Ferry System in the near future.

BART needs to be extended into San Jose, and heavy rail needs to be funded to create hubs to connect in transportation hubs with light rail in cities from Sacramento to the south, connecting with light rail in southern parts of the state. Ferry's move many workers from Solano Co., Alameda County and Marin Co. in the SF; Old ferry terminals existed inot the early 60's in Contra Costa Co and can be reestablished today.

This is the future, it's so unfortunate that the Republican Party is living in the late 18th century.
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In re Minimum Wage Laws:


A good portion of the folks, both on the left and the right don't understand Macro, or believe their stake holder position makes them immune from basic economic principles.

Of course they do, everyone understands Macro and Cheese...LOL.
A great work ethic will only get one so far. The vast majority of working americans have good work ethics and most earn under six figures. They are scraping by.
The problem isn’t raising the minimum wage per se. The issue is whether it can be implemented on the federal level.

What may work for Illinois may not work for Arkansas...
Why wouldn't Standards for the Union not work anywhere in the Union? There is a simple economic reason why red States are cheaper. It is the same reason less developed economies are less expensive.

I understand that, but the people of those states should be lobbying their elected reps to raise the minimum wage first and foremost.

Or maybe it's that if we aren't, it's because we don't want to, and people in other states should mind their own fucking business.
A great work ethic will only get one so far. The vast majority of working americans have good work ethics and most earn under six figures. They are scraping by.

There's a lot of territory between "under six figures" and "scraping by".
Not really. Used to be. Right now 75 grand will get one close to middle class but not quite
Inflation will kill the Middle Class. Democrats want the Middle Class dead and gone and will do everything to enable inflation that they can.

Exactly. The whole point of this minimum wage ruse is to get low-wage workers off employment and onto welfare, where they will be easier for the Democrats to oppress and control.

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