Are Republicans just plain stupid?

I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

I wouldn't use the word stupid for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is because it's a pejorative. However, in my experience, many people who describe themselves as conservative come off as woefully ignorant and uninformed when talking about the issues.

How ironic.

It's not ironic at all. If anything, it's just plain sad. For example, the successive conservative fawning love fest for conservative candidates like Alan Keyes, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson only shows that erudition is not something that the conservative base tends to admire in their candidates. They seem to want incendiary rhetoric and rhetorical nonsense from their candidates. Then they're happy. But when candidates show up with some policy chops and speak on subjects like they really know what they're talking about, conservatives seem turned off by that. Keep in mind that you're supposed to be trying to elect someone for the biggest job in the world. If your candidate doesn't have a working knowledge of complex public policy issues, America could end up with another disaster like George W. Bush. I mean, don't any of you remember how foolish Sarah Palin sounded every time she opened her mouth?
The Constitution says the President has to be a natural born American. It doesn't say anything about the vice President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

bripat screams, "HELL, YES!!!" at the top of his lungs to the OP.

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

You are correct. I searched the document for anything saying the VP had to be a natural born citizen, but apparently didn't use the correct search terms.

Take your pathetic little victory, if that salves your bruised ego.
My ego isn't the one that just got shred by a Liberal educating a conservative on the Constitution.


As I said, enjoy your pathetic victory while you can. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
If it didn't, you wouldn't be such a sore loser over it. Your snide remarks make it even better as they reveal how badly that stung.

I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?

The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

Everyone who is not ignorant knows that you are lying.

Are you ignorant?
Maybe if you could identify an actual lie, we could discuss
Putting a question mark at the end of an unsupported assertion doesn't magically transform a blatant falsehood (AKA lie) into a truthful statement. It merely accentuates your horrible punctuation skills.

And that is not the only blatant lie in your ridiculously idiotic post.
Trump responded he thought Cruz would make his best Vice President

Where is the lie?
You just repeated it.

Why do you continue to lie? Do you get off on lying?
You have yet to demonstrate a lie

Another common characteristic of conservatives
Your curious mind seems to have you wondering about many things.

NO wondering at all. Simply calling you on your homophobia.
Homophobic about what? Which one of them is gay? Why is your mind so curious about it?

You the only one asking questions about it.

Why do you care about their sex lives?
Wonders the poster with the curious mind who injected cross-dressing men into the conversation. :ack-1:

You reveal more about yourself with every post.

I was just being silly like RW.

You're the one that went and found some link about some alleged homosexuality and presented it as though that was something shameful.
Imbecile, I too was just being funny. You decided to make it personal and ended up revealing more about yourself than you likely intended.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it
You support Obama and you call others stupid? Lol

Stay on topic

Do you honestly support Trump claiming someone born outside the US can't be President and then picking someone born in Canada as VP?

There is a difference between someone born to American parents in a foreign country and someone born to a father who was not American and a mother who was under the age of majority at the time of giving birth.

Obama's Hawaii birth certificate has been studied by forensic experts and found to be very questionable. Nothing will ever come of it because the idiot will be out of office in a year.

You lefties are really desperate, and scared shitless of Trump.
Scared of Trump??
You can't hide it. Your fear is obvious. Hell, It's so obvious that a dog can smell it over a fiber-optic line buried 20 feet underground.


My neighbor's dog started howling like a fucking rabid wolf when I clicked on your post.
Everyone who is not ignorant knows that you are lying.

Are you ignorant?
Maybe if you could identify an actual lie, we could discuss
Putting a question mark at the end of an unsupported assertion doesn't magically transform a blatant falsehood (AKA lie) into a truthful statement. It merely accentuates your horrible punctuation skills.

And that is not the only blatant lie in your ridiculously idiotic post.
Trump responded he thought Cruz would make his best Vice President

Where is the lie?
You just repeated it.

Why do you continue to lie? Do you get off on lying?
You have yet to demonstrate a lie

Another common characteristic of conservatives
And now you spew another lie.

Why do you lie so much. Does telling stupid fucking lies make you feel clever or something?
Maybe if you could identify an actual lie, we could discuss
Putting a question mark at the end of an unsupported assertion doesn't magically transform a blatant falsehood (AKA lie) into a truthful statement. It merely accentuates your horrible punctuation skills.

And that is not the only blatant lie in your ridiculously idiotic post.
Trump responded he thought Cruz would make his best Vice President

Where is the lie?
You just repeated it.

Why do you continue to lie? Do you get off on lying?
You have yet to demonstrate a lie

Another common characteristic of conservatives
And now you spew another lie.

Why do you lie so much. Does telling stupid fucking lies make you feel clever or something?

You allow your hatred of conservatives and everything American to cloud your vision.

Nothing against the republicans , but it is the Tea Party that I don't care for
The Republicans turned their back on Trump because he is/was a moderate thinker

Trump leads among moderates and college-educated voters.

Perhaps Trump is trying to get the Tea Party vote. by mentioning Ted Cruz...

Flash Alert In my opinion: The right lost 2 times in a row for going to the radical side,most people do not want the extremists , we have been through enough drama in the last 15 years.

Trump will crash and burn if he jumps in with extremists on either side, he needs to stay moderate to win.

The Five Reasons Why Romney Lost
Analysis: Why Romney lost -
Putting a question mark at the end of an unsupported assertion doesn't magically transform a blatant falsehood (AKA lie) into a truthful statement. It merely accentuates your horrible punctuation skills.

And that is not the only blatant lie in your ridiculously idiotic post.
Trump responded he thought Cruz would make his best Vice President

Where is the lie?
You just repeated it.

Why do you continue to lie? Do you get off on lying?
You have yet to demonstrate a lie

Another common characteristic of conservatives
And now you spew another lie.

Why do you lie so much. Does telling stupid fucking lies make you feel clever or something?

So... are you playing stupid now?
Trump responded he thought Cruz would make his best Vice President

Where is the lie?
You just repeated it.

Why do you continue to lie? Do you get off on lying?
You have yet to demonstrate a lie

Another common characteristic of conservatives
And now you spew another lie.

Why do you lie so much. Does telling stupid fucking lies make you feel clever or something?

So... are you playing stupid now?

Playing ????
Trump responded he thought Cruz would make his best Vice President

Where is the lie?
You just repeated it.

Why do you continue to lie? Do you get off on lying?
You have yet to demonstrate a lie

Another common characteristic of conservatives
And now you spew another lie.

Why do you lie so much. Does telling stupid fucking lies make you feel clever or something?

So... are you playing stupid now?

RWer, Jake, doesn't play around.
You allow your hatred of conservatives and everything American to cloud your vision.

Nothing against the republicans , but it is the Tea Party that I don't care for
The Republicans turned their back on Trump because he is/was a moderate thinker

Trump leads among moderates and college-educated voters.

Perhaps Trump is trying to get the Tea Party vote. by mentioning Ted Cruz...

Flash Alert In my opinion: The right lost 2 times in a row for going to the radical side,most people do not want the extremists , we have been through enough drama in the last 15 years.

Trump will crash and burn if he jumps in with extremists on either side, he needs to stay moderate to win.

The Five Reasons Why Romney Lost
Analysis: Why Romney lost -

You have to be out of your freakin mind saying that first McCain and then Romney are on the radical side. Unless you mean they are so far left that they are actually near the radical left.

Obama won cause he is black and we all know that. The second time around he should have lost but the Republicans did run radicals, RINOs. McCain radical, now that is just plain hilarious.
How can Trump claim that Obama was not eligible to be President and yet Ted Cruz is?

Does he think we are stupid?

Uh... because they are two entirely different people? Man... talk about a dumb shit?

Thats your answer?

That the rules are different for Cruz than they were for Obama?
No, you didn't care about Obama not being born in the united states. His birth certificate is iffy. Like I told you before Obama has given future presidents new powers. How you smile if Trump sicks the IRS on you.
Obamas birth certificate is certified by the state of Hawaii
Cruz's birth certificate is certified by the nation of Canada

Guess who Trump thinks is eligible?
Yeah his social security number is from a different state.

Which was very common prior to 1972 when the law was changed. Someone born between 1936 and 1971 could apply (or their parents could apply for them) for a SSN at any time from birth until they went to work, in whatever state they were living in at the time.
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

You want stupid republicans? Look at the drooling knuckle draggers who want to import millions of new democrat voters by electing a feces covered pig(rubio).
I'm not trying to provoke a debate, I'm asking a serious question

Is there a level of stupidity in Republicans when it comes to supporting Donald Trump?

Trump names Cruz when asked about VP spot

Trump wants to select Ted Cruz as his running mate?
The same Trump who spent four years proclaiming the Obama was not eligible to be President due to some bogus claim that he was not born in America?
Now he wants to name someone who without question was born in Canada?

Are Republicans really this stupid or is it some reality TV show being orchestrated by Trump and mainstream Republicans just don't get it

You want stupid republicans? Look at the drooling knuckle draggers who want to import millions of new democrat voters by electing a feces covered pig(rubio).

feces covered pig?

I guess that is what passes as profound political discourse among conservatives

Outside of the last six months, when has Trump ever lifted a finger to support any of those things?

When has Trump international ever done anything for vets or the second amendment ?

Wow. YOu did NOT pretend to not be able to read those and claim that Trump had no policies.

RW, you are the second most reasonable and least asshole like liberal on this site. I know, I know that is a low bar, but I wanted to give credit where it is due.

Thank you for not dishonestly pretending to not be aware of Trumps policies and being prepared to actually discuss them.

I wonder why so many of your fellow libs are afraid to do that?
Trump is a phony

He never cared about vets till he trashed McCain

How many vets have leading roles in Trump International?

And what has Obama done for our troops? Besides getting more killed in Afghanistan, than under bush. Because of his incompetence.

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